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<br />_._--- .- <br />. ... . --- <br /> <br />::=t-JJ.- <br />- 88~~i9 _2~~6 6~ -- .'='CH~~f~-B~~~ ~:;: ~:O~;. ~~~~~::-~e~;~-'-'- -Ir' <br /> <br />fl.3 <br /> <br />REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br /> <br />Open-end, to secure preeent and future obligations and advanoos <br /> <br />Donald D. Moeller and Connie L. Moeller, husband and wife, <br /> <br />berell called the "Mortgagor" whether one or more. in consideration of the advance oHhe recited in the <br />note deRCribed and in consideration of any future advancee made by Mortgagee to Mortgagor C3 <br />hereinafter providerl, hereby mortgagell and conveys to <br /> <br />First National Bank and Trust Company In Aurora <br /> <br />herein called the "Mortgagee", the following dCllC1'ibed real estate together with all the right, title and interest <br />of the Mortgagor therein or hereafter acquired incllldi",~ nil buildings nnd improvementa now on 01' hereafter plnced <br />oOllum real estate: <br /> <br />Lot 14, Western Heights Subdivision, City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, <br />< (. ~ '! <br /> <br />Thill mortgage ill given to lleCum: <br /> <br />,A. Pl'c!(IIiMOrynotedated June 1st, 1988 given by Mortgagor to Mortgagee in the principnlsum of <br />$10 , 200 . AU payable with interetlt necoming to lhe tennl of such note and any inlltnJment taken in connection with <br />refinancinar, extending 01' renewing the indebtednesll evidenced by sUell note or any part thereof; <br /> <br />D. Any future advance(II), with inb!reit, which may be made from time to time by Mortgngeentita option in any <br />. amount(II), provided, however,lII1ch future advancellllhnll be 80 limited that the total principal amounts outatandinlF <br />. at any onettme shall not exceed lhelum of $15,000.00 dollal'll, to be repaid in aecomancewith thetel'lDllofa <br />, proIiUAory note(s) evidencing any lIuch advance(.). Any lIuch advance(lI) llhall be additional to any advance(s) <br />hereinan. authorized to be made by Mortgagee for the pmtection of t..'te security or Mortgagee'lI interest therein. <br /> <br />Mortgqor hereby covenanta with Mortgagee and ita IIUcce8llOrll nnd 08l1igne thatMorll'all'or is lawfully .eleed of <br />such n!llJ state and ill the fee owner thereof, that Mortgagor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, <br />that Mortgagor hereby -:elinquiBhell 011 righta ofhomelltead therein, nnd that Mortgagor warranta and will defend the <br />title to such real elltate apinet the lawful c1aime of all pereonll whom!lOever. Additionally, Mortgagor covenantlland <br />agtee8 with MOI'ttrape 88 followlI: <br /> <br />L Mortgagor Bholl pay all tnxell and l1118_menta in rl!llpeCt of or levied upon such renl elltate before the I!IBlne <br />become deliquent and shall pay when due any lien or judgment on such reol estate. <br /> <br />2. Mortgagor IIhall procure and maintain fire, windstorm and extended coverage insurance on all bui Idingll or <br />other improvementa now on or hereafter placed upon such real estnte in an olnoun t satisfactory to Mortgagee,lIuch <br />insurance to have a mortl{age clause, 10118 thereunder to be payable to Mortgagee as ita interest may appear. <br /> <br />3. Mortgagor shall not commit nor permit any w08te on such real estate, shall kel!p all buildings and <br />improvementa in good repair and sholl not impair 01' permit the impairment of Mortgagee's security in any WilY. <br /> <br />4. Mortgagor hei'eby allBigns to Mortgagee. all renta in connection with such real estate. <br />In the event Mortgagor failll to pay such taxee and 88se88ments or fnils to procure such insurance or fnils 1.0 <br />cause the rernovol of any lien on such real estate, Mortgagee may at its option pay such taxes and allSe88menLs or <br />procure lIuch inllurance or pay an amount n_ory to satillfy such lien, and 011 amounta advnnced therefore shall <br />become a ,.m of the indeb!.ednellllllecured hereby ,lIhall be due and payable immedintely and shall bear interellt nt Lhe <br />maximum rate allowed by the laws of the State of Nebr88kn at the time of such advancement. <br /> <br />In the event Mortgagor defllulb (0) in the payment when due of such principall!lum or any installment thereof <br />or any int.eren thenon. (b) in the repayment when due of any adv8cel1 made 8S provided hereIn or Bny interellt <br />thereon. or (c)withr.pect to IlllY covenant or condition contamed in lhill mortgBKC. Murtgal(l!e Inay, lit ita option <br />without notke and at lUly time during the continuance of lIuch default, declare theentire indl!btednell8 tlflCllred by thill <br />mcn.a(tl to be immediately due nnd payable with interetlt at the mnximum rate then allowed by N ebrtlllk 1\ In W Rnd <br />may immecU.t.eIy forecloee Uti. mort&qe or pUnJUe :any other available legnl remedy. (II the eventnf !lilY nctinll b~' <br />Mortwqee to enf~ eollection of indebtednetlll.lMICUred hereby, Mortgllgor agreell that /lny t'llpt'nllll incurrl'd in <br />'connection therewith including costs and nBlIOnl'ible attorney feellllhall become 0 part of the indebtednl:'lIS11t'C'IIN.d h~' <br />this mortgage. <br /> <br />In the evrnl of nny d~ault sel forth in the fOre(Joing paragraph, Mort~ngec llhnlllM' flntiUl'llln inlllll'dint.. <br />pDlWll!Mion of BUch real estate and nil the rmta, revenue nnd income derivl'd t1l1'rt'f",m dllrillR IIIll'h 111111' nil thl' <br />indllbtmnl!8lI1lOCUJll(1 hl'l1!by rt'l1lRinll unpnid "hnll he nlllllil'd h.v Lht' M"rt..:nlt",.tnth" I'"Y""'1l1 ..h....h ill.ll'hll'lhll'"'' <br />includlnf( nm'.lUlllll dl!f! to Ill! n Imrt U'l:'rl'of nil 1'('1 f..rlh hereinnho\'f'. <br /> <br />...~-,~-_.- ,.~_.-., .~_.~._-,..-,_.,..... .~...._<_. <br />_'."_'. _.-.~..._,...._.,_.." ,.po ..~.,,__ _ <br /> <br />^~.-.'--"--- -_.->------- .., <br />~ ~ .<. _ .__.-.-._--' . .. <br />