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<br />ISpKe Above ThIs une For Recordlnc DI")
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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Security Instrument") is made on ....,.~~..}!?"...........,.,."...........".......".............."...,
<br />19..13.6..." The trustor is ...CM.lft.JU:W..X".M.w...l>l;1UlA..h...!M1.'l: .IJ.US~,Mro.. .fl" W.UX;"""" "........, ......."... ....." .............
<br />
<br />......,,,.................................................... .............. ("Borrower"). The truslee is ,... .....""..",....."......,......."......"...".......""..
<br />~IORliESI"BANK.. NEBRASKA....NAIIONAL...ASS.QCIA'II9.N..".....,"" ,.....'",..,..""""".... ("Trustee"). The beneficiary is
<br />.NO.ll.WES'J:..nANK. . NE.aRA.SKA.....NA.'J:IONAL. , .ASSOCIATION...................... ,....,...., .......... w!Jich is organized and exisling
<br />under the law. of ....!!iILSXAIJLOF...NEliRA.SKA.......................... and whose address is ...................................................
<br />
<br />.l~ 1;;" .WiiGL.AS.. STIU:EI.....OHAHA. p" &EBBASKA..............,..........,........,...................."............,...""."..,.",., ("Lender").
<br />Borrower owes lender the principal slim of .FU~ILnlDllSAmLF.aUB...HUNDR.ED...TWO..DOUAB.S..&...E'O.RTY:::SIX..CENTS
<br />"fJ.~.lI1J^M~M~M~.M~.lI1\~;.r"lt~t;lt... Dollars (U.S. U5...402...46:~1I........), This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated the !iaJl1- dale 115 Ihis Security Inslrument ("Nole"), which proVides for monthly paymenl~. with the full debt. if nOI
<br />paid earlier. due Dnd paYllble on ..MA.'L2b.....19.!U............................."..... '" ..',.."".."......,....'"",,,,......................................
<br />This Securit), Instrument secures 10 Lender: (a) the repayment of Ihe deb I evidenced by the Note. wilh interest. and all
<br />.::newlIls, eJitemions and modillcations; (b) the payment of all other sums. wilh interest. advanced under paragraph 7 to
<br />protect Ihe security of this Security Instrument; and (e) the performance of Borrower's covenanls and agreemenls. For Ihis
<br />purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee. in trust. with power of sale, the following described propeny
<br />located III, ,....HALL,..... .......,.. ,.... .........".....,.".."........'.."....".."..."................... County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />which has the address of ..........60.5...E...BlSMARK..................................
<br />IStrw1)
<br />Ncbr.uk.'l .......6B,80.1.................................... ("Property Address");
<br />IZ;p Code]
<br />
<br />......'..'... ........~M~P....I.S.TAl'm......,......
<br />(CIty!
<br />
<br />'TOGETHE.R W:TH all the improvements now Of hereafler erected on the property, and all easements, rigilts,
<br />appurtenances. rents, royalties, mineral. oil and ps rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or
<br />hC"reafter II part of the property, AI: replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Sei:urily Inslrumenl. All of the
<br />foregoing i... referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Pmperty."
<br />
<br />BoRROWER CO"'EN"~'TS that BoI'f'l)WCf is la'll1fully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and ha.s the fig'" 10 gram
<br />and .convey the Propeny and flut the Property 1:; unencumbered. except for encumbrnnces of ~ord. Borrower warrants
<br />llnd will ddend genernlly the mle to the Proplrr1y apinst ail cl.8ims and demands, 1iubjectlO any encumbrances of record,
<br />
<br />Ttll\ StCUII.Jn' ISSTlittiME:o.,' combines uniform covenant" for national use and non-uniform coven:mts "'nh
<br />IImlled ":wa!ions h)' JurildiC1ion .0 constitute '<1 uniform J.ecuril)' instrument covering re3l property
<br />
<br />NEBnASKA-~,", F~"',;.,.-""..AlFlIUIlC U""OIIM PlSnwMt:HT
<br />NC GC3J3lNO
<br />
<br />for'" 30:18 1:1/83
<br />