<br />88- 102867
<br />
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25031
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESFNTS: That Ronald L. Johansen and Pamela M. Johansen. each in h i.s
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor, whcthcr onc or morc, in consideration of !he sum of
<br />~~rty Five Thousand and no/IOO -----------------------------------------------------00LLARS
<br />
<br />loaned 10 ~~id morlgagor by The Equilable Building and Loan Assodallon of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 450 shares of stock of
<br />saJd ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 25031 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION !he following
<br />described real eSlate, situated in Uall Counly. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eleven (II). Eaglewood Acres Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />logelkr WHh .11 lhe tenemonn. heredllaments .nd .ppurten.nces Ihereun,o bclollllmg. including attached Ooor co'ermgs. all window screens,
<br />wmdow shalle.. bhnll.. .Iorm WIndow.. .wninl!', "eatrns. all condlllonUlg. and plumhmg and water equipment and accessories thereto. pumps. Slaves,
<br />refngelOlOrs. and olhe. f1xl11res and e'luipment now I>r here.fter attached to or used 10 connectIon WIth said real estate.
<br />
<br />And where.. the gid mortgagor has agleed .nd do.. hereby agree thai the U1<HIS"gor shall and wlll pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br />.....""d upon ...id premi",' and upon lh.. mortgage and the bond >ccur.d thereb[ h.f<". the illJTle shall become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />m.urance upon the bUIldings on saul prcmiws sltualed in lhe .um or $ 45.000.00 p.yabl. to $!lid ASSOCIATION and to deliver \0 said
<br />i\.'iSOCIATION rhe policies for SIlid lnsorance, and nollO CO!l1mll m p.rmu an)' waste nn or about laid premiscs;
<br />
<br />fn Ca1o<' 01 debull III lhe pc,fnrnunce o( any of the term, .nd c('n<hlion, of rhlS mmlgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be enlill.d to Immediatepos.\Ci1ion nf the mortgaged prej","" aflll Ihe morl!ll8or h.reby assigns, transfers and iets over 10 the
<br />mortgagee all the r.nt., r.venues and meome w be d.rive~ from lh. mOrl!lllg.d pr.mlse, dwing .uch time as lhe mortgage indebttdness shall remain
<br />unpard: and the mortg.gee shall have the po....er 1<) app<.irll any agenr or agen,. It llIay d.aue for the purpose of repairing said premlses and renling
<br />the same .nd con.cling the r.nlS, revenue. and In. 'Ollie . and i! may pay nul 01 sa,d income aU expenses of repairing said premiscs and neccssuy
<br />connuiniuJl$ and e'xpcnses lncuffed .11 renllng ~f1d lU.i&nOlging .he 'SoJlne ,UlJ uf colleclmg rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />.pplied loward th. discha.ge of >aid morlgag' mdebtedne..; the.. "gill' of lh. lllortgage. llIay be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br />defaulr, irrespective 01 any temp<1f1J1Y waivcl of lhe !;Ime.
<br />
<br />These Pr.sent" howev.r. are upon Ihe ConditIon. That II Ihe >:1,,1 Morlgagor ,han lepa) said loan on or before the maturil}" of said shares by
<br />paymenl. pay monthly 10 saId ASSOCI A nON of the ,urn 'pcClned Ul Ihe Bond ..cured hereby as lntere.t and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />Ihe Tw.m"lh day of eacb ."d <very munth, unlil 'laid loan IS fully pa.d; pay allt.... and .'Slmmenu levied .gainst said premiscs and on this MOrlgage
<br />
<br />and Ihe Bond secur.d Ihereby, before dchnqu.llC}', t..",,,h approved msuranee upon th. bUIlding. Ih.leon in the .um of S 45.000.00 payabl.
<br />to >:lid ASSOCIATION; ..pay 10 said ASSOCIATION up"" demallll all money by It pa.d for such raxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the mall.1fllUm legal rate Ihercon from dal. of p.yment all ul willet! Mortgagor heleby agree. 10 pay: perrni! no waste on said premires; keep and comply
<br />
<br />wilh olllhe agre.menls .nd cond'llllm "I' the Bond fm S 45.000.00 th.. day gIven by Ih. SlIld Mortgagur to gid ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />wlrh all the requiremenlS of II~ Cunstitut,un and By.Laws of ,.,d ASSOCIA TrON; then these present. .hall become null and void, otherwise lhey
<br />!!h.1I remain 'll full (ulCe and may be foreclosed al Ihe opllon of lhe >aId ASSOCIATION afler failure for three months to make any of said
<br />paymenlS o. be lhree month. 10 arre..rs m making "lid monlhly paymenl., or to k.ep .ml comply with Ihe agreements and conwtions of sa;d Dond;
<br />.nd Mortgagor agr<<. tu ha'" . re""",,, 'PpolOl.d forthwilh m ,uch f",eelusul' proceedinl!'.
<br />
<br />If there IS .ny ehange in o....n.rship of Ihe real estale mortgag.d herein. by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />secured shall, al Ihe option of The Equitable Building and loan !\ssoel3tion of Grand bland, Nebraska, become Immediately due and payable without
<br />further notice. and the amounl rermining due \loder sa,d b..lIId. and any other bond for .ny addilional advances made thereunder, shall, from lhe
<br />dale of ellerdle of 53id option. bear inlere.1 at th. maximum legalral.. and thIS murtgage may then be (oreclosed to satisfy the .mount due on Qid
<br />bond, and any other bond fOl additiolllll ad,,"nce.. together ....ith .UIUIfIS pail! by said The Equitable Builwng and Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebra~ka for In,urance. Ia...es and assessmenl., and ab.tractmg extension charge~. wilh intere.t thereon. from date of paynl<!nl at the maximum
<br />legal rale.
<br />
<br />An flovided in lh. Bond !Ccured he.eb)'. while tillS rnortgzge remarns III effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additic;nal ,um~ to the
<br />ma'-"fI 0 '$lid Bond. their assigns or successors 10 intere.t, whICh sum. .hall be wlthm Ihe !>Ccmity of thi, morlgage th. same as the fund. originall)'
<br />",cured Ihereby, the 10t.1 amount of principal debt "nllO eH...d at any lime the o"ginal .mount of thi. mortgage.
<br />
<br />~~;~"f
<br />~- a;:i G .1){jP~ ~.=-'
<br />Pamela M. Joha sen
<br />s:rAn~ OF NEBRASKA. t
<br />L\.
<br />CmJT>;TY OF IlAlL
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />AD,1988.
<br />
<br />;:~>
<br />
<br />0" this
<br />
<br />6th
<br />
<br />d.y (If
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />1988
<br />
<br />. before me,
<br />
<br />Ronald l. Johansen and I'omela M. Johansen,
<br />right, and as apouse of each other
<br />me hJ tte tht 1~,rnH{'"JIjI pe'ftOt1 9 who&/: n:unc fl are .1ffh.ed Co lhe lIl1-lwe in!itrUl1wmt IS mortgagor S
<br />;d:.o(f'",lt-J~F.d tilt \.ita !.o.lliuttenC lu be the i r voluntary Irt tiIlU d!:'eu .....~
<br />'MTNI:SS m, hand and Nut.rl.l Se.1 the dat. .foresaid . //
<br />~h Cn01l111.:"'" e~pll" // ;::. i':!"- "'-'/'I'? . _~d'~;';)'.n .. ".i
<br />
<br />lhe undersigned. a Not.ry I'ublle in and for ..id County, persoually came
<br />
<br />
<br />each in his and her own who are (,ersouallykllown10
<br />
<br />.."I they
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<br />
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<br />
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