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<br />88- 10')8"'(" <br />~ au <br /> <br />MOR'roAGf. <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25059 <br /> <br />KNOWALLMENBYTIlESEPRE.'iENTS:Tbat Thomas D. Roebuck and Laura F. Roebuck, each in <br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other, <br /> <br />M~ , one or morn, in coDJi.<lcration of Ihc I1IID of <br />Twenty ~ight Thousand Eight Hundred and no/IUO------------------------ <br />. DOL/...ARS <br />lDlUled to said morlwor by The Equitable BIlildin8 and Loan Aaociation of Grand Island, Nebraska, MOrl~. upon 2 8 8 sIwa of stoc:k of <br />said ASSOCIA'nON, CertUll2te No. l 25059 ,do hereby gunt, con"-'Y and mortp&e unto !he said ASSOCIATION Ihc foBowiaa <br />de=ibed real mate, siluated in IhU County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Seven (7), Block Four (4), Morris Second Addition to the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> <br />t"Flhc. with ai. the I"""menll. hcredil.amcnts md appurten.anco U"'r~unl.. belonl!ing, indudi~ altached floor anoerinp. aJ window II:reeIIS, <br />window shadn, blinds. ltorm windnwl, awnin8s, '-ting, air condJllonm~, .nd plumbing and ....Ier equipment and acceuories Ihcreto, pump&, Slo\IU, <br />refriFnton. and o!he. nalures and equipment now or nereafler allachrd 10 UJ used in connection with said rcaI estale. <br /> <br />And whe.eas lhe gid ,oo.tpllor has agreed ami don he",by au"" lhal the mortgal:or Iltall and will pay an IDa and _Is Ieried or <br />IIS1eSIIed upon said rn:mdies and upon Ihis mortgage Ind I"" bond ",cu.ed Ihereby before lhe ",me shall become delinquent; 10 fumiJb aPl""ft'd <br />insunnee upon t.Iu: build;"fIS on said prenu.... silUl,ed in t"" sum of S 28, 800 . 00 I"'yable to said ASSOCIATION and to deli'ft:r to Aid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for a,d insurance; anti nol 10 commll or permll any wasle on or abouI said praniles; <br /> <br />In cue of default in lhe penorman"" of any of the lerms and conditioll3 of this mortgage or lhe bond ItCUJed hereby, Ihc mortppc 1baIl. <br />on demand, be entitled 10 immediate po=ssion of tl>< murlgaged premur. and II>< mortwor hereby usi8ns, transfen und lets 0_ to Ihc <br />~ all the renll. r.,..,nues and il1Cl.lme 10 be dctived from I"" mortgaged premisl::l dwi"" wch time as the mortPF iDdcblcdnea shall rcunin <br />unpaid; and Ihc mortPIt<' shall h.aoe !he power 10 appoint aoy agent or 1gems II may desire for the purpollC of n:paiIinf: aid pmniIes and rattq <br />the t:IIIJI! IDlI wlIedinB the leOls. rew!nUfi and income, and ;1 may I"'Y OUI of SlIiII income aU ellpewes of reJlUriill aid pmniacs and '*"'-'Y <br />oommisIions and eapen!leS mcuned in "'nlin!; and ~ lhe same and of colledinr, 'enlats Ihcrefrum; Ihc balance remairlins-, if any. to be <br />IlfIplied loward lhe di!ldwgt of said mortCOl\l< indebtedness; t""",,, rights uf lhe mortpgee may be exercded at any time durinB the e:UstcDcc ollUCb <br />defaull, ine!pective of any lemporuy wai..". of the oamr:, <br /> <br />1"tIe3e Prl:3mh, howe..". me upon II>< Conditinn. That oj Ih" "",d Mortgagor >hall repay aid loan on or before the matwily of said shares by <br />paymenl; pay monthly 10 ssl ASSOCIATION of the wm specified m the Bond ..,cured hereby.. mterest and principal on said "-. on or befom <br />lhe Twentieth day of each ond CYery month, until said Joan is iully ",lid; p"y alltues and assemnents levied lIpinst said prcntiJes and 00 this Mort.. <br /> <br />and tbe Bond se.;ur-ed thereby, bc:fon- delinquency; furnish approved .osurllO"" upon the buildin8s the.eon in !he sum of S 2 8 , 800 . 00 payable <br />10 said ASSOCIATION; r"pay 10 said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such lues. useumcots and insurance with interest at <br />the muimom Icp.I rate !herron from date of I"'y,,><nl all 01 which Mortgagor hereb) agmes to pay; permit no waste OIl said premises;t.eep and comply <br /> <br />with all the ~nls and conditions of lbe Bond for S 2 8 . 800. Ih.. day given by t"" MortJ!2EOr 10 said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all the requin:ments of tlte Conslitulion and By-Laws of llld ASSOCIATION; Ihen these presents sha11 become null and tIOid.o!hetwise they <br />sha1l remain in fuU force and may be roreclosed at the opllon or the wd ASSOCIA 110N after railure for three monlhs 10 make my of aid <br />pIyii1enlJl or be three months ,n arrelUs in making said moolhly paymenls, or to keep and comply with lhe agreements and conditions of said Bood; <br />and MortWOr apee< In hne a re"",ve. appointed rorthwllh 10 such foredosure proceedings. <br /> <br />If !he", IS any cIwIgl: in ownership of the .eal estale mortpgd herein, by saIc or otherwise, Ihco !he entire remaitting inde~ hereby <br />llCQIred shall. It the opti<m of The Equitable Buildin!: and Loan As5ociation of Grand Island, Nebtmb,bc:comc immediately due and payable without <br />further 1Hltia:, and the amount Irl1Rinin!: due unlk, gid bond, and any other bond for any adrlitional adYllDOCS made Ihc~, aIWI. from the <br />date of nercde of aid oplion, bur interest at the muimum lepI lIte, and this mortgage may then he forec!oled 10 utisf)'1he amouat due 01\ Mid <br />bood..and ..,. other bond for adqnces, tor;ether wllb all sum> paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan J\Jmdation of Grud IsImd. <br />Nebnsb fIX ~, lUl:S and auessments. and abstractinlt extension chargrr:s, ...ilb interest thereon. from ute of payment a' Ihc muimum <br />IepI rate_ <br /> <br />As provided in the Bond ,.,cured hereby. while 11m mortgage renWns m effect the mortgll8ee may herr:after ad\llnce additional _ 10 the <br />rmken of said Bond. their assigns or sura"",& 10 mle,.,.., which surm shaI1 be wilhio the =wily of thi.s mortgage !he same ..!he funds otiBinaUY <br />lIeaUed tIte1eby, the toUl amount ..f principal debt nol 10 eueed .1 any lime the "'igilUll amouol of thi.s mortgage. <br /> <br />Do~"_~__~~ <br />~o. ~-- ..~ <br /> <br />Laura F. Roebuck <br /> <br />,\. D.. 19 88 <br /> <br />Sf ATE OF NEDRASKA,l ... <br />COUNTY OF UALL ~ <br /> <br />On III.. <br /> <br />2nd <br /> <br /><by of June <br /> <br />!988 <br /> <br />, bc:fOnlIl1ll, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Ihe unden;ipled' I Notary Public in and for said County. per-..na1l)'ClII'1I.l <br /> <br />Thomas o. Roebuck and Laura F. Roebuck. each in his and...ho arc penona11ykl'W1m10 <br />her own right. and as spouse of each other <br />me to be the idmtical pe...n S ...1K1>ie n.a..... s are 10 the ab..w ins~ mortpgnr S and t h l' Y -..J1y <br /> <br />dnowle<lp!d tho: aid IlUlrumenlto be the 1 r ."Iun'n. ACI and d""d. "} ~ <br /> <br />WlTNI~'iS my h.tnd ond NOI,",ial Sot.l tt", dale ~f"'''llld. //. I A, ',' ,',.~ <br /> <br /> <br />""o~_mn"'iEE"":;:1 ~7 77) L~~ <br /> <br />""'111 _.J <br />