<br />
<br />."iJ~""='--=C. ,...~ '''.'C7.' ..,
<br />
<br />- 10'>8....1:":
<br />. ... ...~. .il.'-I.
<br />
<br />Hullman and Felton & Wolt, Wallon, Ne 68461
<br />
<br />'C:FC:O"~:""
<br />
<br />" .
<br />
<br />
<br />Edna C. Smith, An Unmarried Person
<br />
<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />in consideration of Thirty-Six Thousand and no/100 Irollars ($36,000.00)
<br />
<br />. received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm \Into
<br />
<br />Thomas D. Roebuck and Laura F. Roebuck
<br />
<br />as joint tenanta with right of survivorship, and nOI 8li tenllnt.~ in common, the following described real property in
<br />Hall Connty, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7), Block Four (4), Morris Second Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />~,:m1lR'i
<br />
<br />St~~~
<br />
<br />JUN 21988
<br />, .5)I.:ac:v~
<br />
<br />To havt!' and to hold the Ilbl)\'e d('''<Tib~d pTl'mi...." togo.ther with all t..n..men1.&. hereditaments and appnr-
<br />tell&l1cee thereto belonging untl) th,' !:rllntel'S and to tb"IT a...~igns, or to the heirs and llJiSigns of \hl" survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor does h"T"by co\'..nant wilh th,. ~Talll..". Bnd with their lU;signs and with the ul"irs and Il.WgI15
<br />of th.. lurvivor of them lhat ~ant(Jr .s 111\\"full}' sel~Pli of MlId premise.; lhal tbe}' are fr~,. from l"ncumbrance
<br />
<br />except easements and restrictions of record
<br />
<br />that grantor hll5 good right and la\vflll 811thllril}" to COIl\"l'}" tI... 'Iun". Dlld that j:"rantor warrants aDd wiU defend
<br />thl" title to Did prl"miaes agaillllt the lawful claims of 111I1"'T~(Jn9 whom5oe,-er.
<br />It ill the intention of nil paTties tll'relo thllt III tl". """lIt "f th.. ol"lllh ..f "llh..r ..f ,h.. !:rantees, the entin-
<br />fee Bimple titlt' to t.ht' rl"all'IlUlll' ..hall \'0'51 III tlH' 8Iln'I"1Il~ jtrllllleo'
<br />
<br />Dated S -) 7 - W
<br />
<br />I!l 88
<br />
<br />';;::, ." . /7.. ,t
<br />"'- ..(,-~ j:ot: ..- ~/ C--" i __J..
<br />... ......... ~.~"........~. .~j..~;
<br />Edna C. Smith
<br />
<br />.. - .......OFflClAI.SEAI. ....
<br />. 'Nola'r~~~b~~~f .. "I' . ' .
<br />~ tJ ,.... -........b'OtT'Iia
<br />State of . C;:" ,~~.~. .. .. . .. .... ,
<br />/. Uy CaT>m E.Jl ApI 9. 't9. t
<br />County of .t:..~.J...IJn..f~.{;'?J... ....
<br />/J'J.,l r 2 7 1988
<br />The fore,oint inltrument wu acknowledjed bdOTl" me on .................................................
<br />
<br />by ........MI\'l. .C.... ?IJlMh... fl.IJ, .\-'r!l)l,l!f.r: f,€!f1.. P.~.r:!>,'?!"l................................. ...................... ....... .....
<br />
<br />0"'""7
<br />,';:;:"''''' oC A:;'.......... <
<br />... .... ......-'11................. ...................... .............................
<br />
<br />'I
<br />
<br />I
<br />I
<br />,
<br />I
<br />Ii
<br />'1
<br />
<br />STATE OF. .<::::..(.6'({f\ I~\"... .,}
<br />/ L? . . ss.
<br />County . kJ-.... . /.~ f'/t';~'.. . . . . . .
<br />
<br />Entert'd 00 numerical ind,.x and filed for rccord III Ih,. Register of De,.dl Office of aaid Countv the
<br />""? /l? - (7 / /J';;- '1 .
<br />,.. Fr'?'I:I.,.d&l of.,.., .'.~.7-."......, 19. .15.Q" at..I ".,{.o\"..o'clock and.,.,.'. /c.. minut~1 ....... ...eM.,
<br />
<br />and recorded in Book.. " .. .... .. of "at page. .. .. .. .. .. ..
<br />
<br />!I
<br />Ii
<br />
<br />,
<br />i
<br />I
<br />
<br />~I" of D~ed.
<br />
<br />
<br />By". '....
<br />
<br />. . Deputy
<br />
<br />DM~ ROOKE
<br />Notar" pub!.c .(;allfo/"'Ia
<br />LOS I<NG(Ll5 COUNrv
<br />
<br />Yy Comm ('t' lj)1 9.100'
<br />--':.....~~
<br />
<br />:;
<br />