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<br />~8~._AO_2B_4_a ..
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<br />II
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<br />, herein called the grantor whether one or more,; I
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<br />'1
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<br />TIMOTHY A. JAKUBOWSKI, a single man
<br />
<br />in conaideration of THIRTY-NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/lOO--------------------------- ($39,900. 00) DOLLARS ;
<br />
<br />received from grantees, doea grant, bargain, sell eonvey and confinn unto
<br />
<br />!
<br />
<br />II
<br />as joint tenants with right of sur,'i,'orship, and not as tenants in common, the following deseribed real property in, !'
<br />HALL County, NEBRASKA.
<br />
<br />
<br />.i
<br />i
<br />
<br />The Southerly Four feet (54.0') of Lot One {ll, Block Twenty Five (25), in Packer and Barr's Second
<br />A~dition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska together with the Northerly Fifty and Five
<br />Tenths feet (N50.5') of vacat~d Blake Street, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br />particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of Lot One (ll, Block Twenty five (25~
<br />in Packer & Barr's Second Addition and running Easterly along the Southerly line of said Lot One (II a
<br />Distance of One Hundred Eleven feet (lll.O'J to th~ Westerly line of Custer Avenue; thence running Southerly Ii
<br />along and upon the Westerly line of Custer Avenue a distance of Fifty and five tenths feet (50.5'); thence Ii
<br />running westerly and parallel to the Southerly line of said Lot One (1), Block Twenty Five [251, Packer and, 'i
<br />Barr's Second Addition a distance oC One Hundred Eleven feet (111.0'); thence running Northerly along and :1
<br />upon the Westerly line oC Packer and Barr's Second Addition a distance of Fifty and Five tenths feet il
<br />[50.5') to the point of beginning. i!
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<br />ii
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<br />"
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<br />"
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<br />that grantor has ~ood ri~ht. and law ful authority to COIl\'t'y the same; and that g-rantor warrants and will defend
<br />the title to sa.id premi!l~H a!;f1inst the lawful ,'laims of all pl'rsOns ,,-homsl)('ver.
<br />It is the intl~ntion uf nil purtil's her..to that III th.> event of the death of either of th!> gTantees, the entire
<br />fee simple title to the real est.ate shllll ",'st in the surviv in~ g-rantee.
<br />
<br />Dated f-.c- I, 19,f.Y
<br />
<br />1 ~
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<br />To have and to hold the libovI' d,'scrib,>d premises 10~dher with all tenements, hereditaments and appur-
<br />ten&l1CCII thereto belonging unto till! grantees and to thl'ir ussigns, or to t.he heirs and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them forever.
<br />And grantor docs hereby covenant with the ~rantel's and wit h tlll.ir assigns und with the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survivor of them that graJltor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from encumbrance
<br />excepting easements an~ restrictions of r~or~
<br />
<br />--- H_ 1"9' L!~
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<br />State of .~~IHI........,........,.
<br />
<br />11
<br />'i
<br />
<br />.E,--_.........
<br />HALL ........ ...-
<br />County of ..........................
<br />
<br />The forelOina instrument was acknowledged before me on ~.l.J./..1'dr..................
<br />by.... ..n~qrr}!'J!: .~~~~~!<;I.~.:,. .~~!l.~~':. ~~..................... 7J...... ..:..... "'T'i' 'f')"....... .~...,. .......
<br />.,~~...,A.!~~..........
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<br />;1
<br />;1
<br />:i
<br />'i
<br />
<br />County
<br />
<br />jss.
<br />
<br />STATE OF..............
<br />
<br />Entered on numerical index and filed for record III
<br />
<br />. . .. . day of.. . .. , . .. . . . , .. . .. .. ., 19. . .. . ., at. . . . . .
<br />
<br />and recorded in Book. . . . . . . . . . . of. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .
<br />
<br />the R~gist.er of Deeds Office o~ said County the
<br />, .0 'clock and..... .,... minutn ........... M.,
<br />
<br />. . . at page. . . . . . . . . , . . _ . . ..
<br />
<br />j
<br />:1
<br />Ji
<br />q
<br />
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />
<br />i}
<br />!
<br />
<br />~AMPTAX
<br />
<br />By,........., .
<br />
<br />. Deputy
<br />
<br />JUH 21988
<br />,c,c; ~ N
<br />
<br />