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<br />06-01-1988 <br />Loan No 5571 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />102842 <br /> <br />Page 5 <br /> <br />remedy In this 0eelJ of Trust or by law provided or permitted, but eoch shall be curoolatlve and shaH be In addition to wary other remedy given In <br />this Deed 01 Trust or now or hereafter exlstlng at law or In equity or by statute. Every power or remedy given by the Note or A"I of the Related <br />Documents to Trustee or Lender or to which either of them may be otherWIse entitled. may be exorcised, concurrently or lndepend8nl1y, from time <br />to tlma and as oft9n III may be doomed expedient by Trustee or Lender, and either of thEim may pursue inconsistent ror....edl8s. Nothing In this <br />Deed of Trust shall be construed as prohibiting Lender from seeking . dellciency judgment against the Grantor to the extent such action is <br />permitted by law. <br /> <br />Requu1 For No~ Grantor. 0:1 behalf of Grantor and Lender. hereby requests that a copy c.1 any Notice of Defaun and a copy of any Notice of <br />Sale under this Deed of Trust be mailed to tt.em at the addr9S98!l set forth In the first paragrlph 01 this Dead 01 Trust. <br /> <br />Waiver: Eiec:tIon of RMMdu. A waiver by any party 01 a breach c:.f a provision of this Deed of Trust shall not constitute a waiver of or prejudice <br />lhe party's rights othecWfs8 to c:lem8nd stJic1 cofl1lllanc8 with that provision or any other provi8lon. EJectIon by Lender to pUl8Ue A"I remedy <br />provldedln this Deed of Trust, the Note, in any Related Document. or provided by law shall not exclude pursun of A"I other remedy, and an <br />election to make expendltur8ll or to take ac!Ion to perform an obligation 01 Grantor under this Deed 01 Trust after failure of Gran10r to perform shall <br />not affect Lendor'a right to declare a delaun and to exorcise any 01 it3 remedies. In the event ol~sure of thIs.Deed of Trust. Lender Ihlll be <br />entitled to recover from Grantor Lender's actual dlsburnoments necessavlly Incurred by Lender In pursuing such foreclosure. <br /> <br />RIghta of TIU8tM. Trustee shall have all 01 the rights and duties 01 Lender Ill! aellol1h In this IMJCtiOn. <br /> <br />POWER AND OBUGATIONS OF TRUSTEE. The lollowing provisions reladng to the power! and obligltlons 01 Trustee...e part of tI1Is Deed 01T1US\. <br /> <br />Power of Trustee. In adcfltlon to all POWOf1l of Trustee arlsing as a matter 01 law. Trustee shall have the power to take the following KIens with <br />rospoct to the Property upon the request of Lender and Grantor: (a) join In prep8l'Ing and filing a map or plat 01 the Real Property. Including the <br />dedIcatlOn of streelS or other rights to the public; (b) /Oln In grantlng any easement or creallng any restrlcllon on the Real Property; and (c) join In <br />any subordination or other agreement affecting this Deed 01 Trust or the interest of Lender under this Peed of Trust. <br /> <br />Trua1M. Trustae shall meet all quallllcallons roqulred for Trustee under applicable state law. In addition to the rights and remecIielI set forth <br />above. with rcspecl to ell or any part of the Proptll1y. the Trusloo shall have the right to foreclOse by notice and sale. and Lender shall haVe the <br />right to for0c\088 by judlclalloreolosure, In either case in accordance with and to the fuR extant provided by applicable law. <br /> <br />Slacc..8Or TruatM. Lender, at Lender's option, may from tlme to tlmo appoint a successor Trustee &0 A"I TruS168 appointed hereUnder by an <br />Instrument executed and ecknowlodged by Lender and recorded In the olfice 01 the recorder of Hili! County, Nebr_.. The Instrument shall <br />contain, In addition to all other maltlWa required by state law, the names 01 the original Lender. Trustee. and Gran&or. the book and p~ (or <br />cofl1lutGr system refGr9noo) where this Deed of Trust is recorded, Ind the nlfTlll and address of the successor 1f\lSIGII. and the instrument shall be <br />executed and acknowledged by ItlI the benellclarles under the D'.MKI 01 Trust or their lllICC8lI9OIS in IntenlSl The 3UCC888OI' tru_. without <br />conveyance 01 the Property, shal succoed 10 l1li the tltle. power, and dutl98 conferred upon the Trustee In this DeecI of Trust and by IppIicabIe <br />law. Thls procedure lor substItutIOn 01 trustee shall govern to the excllJaion of .. other provisions lor aubstltution. <br /> <br />N011CES TO GRANTOR AND OTHER PARTIES. Any notice under thi!l Deed of Trust, Including wlthoUtlirT1tatlon any notice of detaJlland A"I notice <br />of sale to Gramor, shllll be In wr1Ung and shall be otIectJve when actually dellYered or, " mailed. shan be deemed effectlvu when depotitec:I in the United <br />States mil first dass, regl&1ered mail. postage prepaid, directed to the addf86ses shown at the top 01 page one (1). Any party may change lis address <br />lor notlc8a under this Deed 01 Truet by giving formal written r.o\lce to the ol.her par1les, specifylng that the purpose of the notic81s 10 change the pwty's <br />address. All coplos of notlooa olloroclclltlre from the holder 01 any lion which h88 priority over this Deed of Trust shllll be sent to LendlI"s ~. as <br />shown near the top 01 the first page 01 this Deed 01 Trust. For nollce purposes. Grantor agrees to keep Lender and Trustee Informed at .. times 01 <br />Grantor's current addre53. <br /> <br />MISCEUANEOUS PROVISIONS. Tho following ITiscollaneous provlslol1ll 111'8 . part of this Deed of Trust <br /> <br />ArMndmenl No alteratIOn or MlOndmonl ot this Deed 01 Trust shall be efIectlvo unless glvon in wrlllng and 8/gned by the p8l1y or parties sought <br />to be charged or bound by the alteration or amondmonl. <br /> <br />Annual Reports. II the Property ill used lor purposes olher than Grantor'a residence. Grantor ahllll furnish to Lender. upon request. a statement 01 <br />neI cash profit roceIved from the Property durtng Grantor's previous fiscal YO. In such d8tIliI as Lender atllll require. "Net cash profit" stili mean <br />aH cash recelpts trom the Property loss l\ll eMh cxpendltums made In connoctlon with the optll"allon of the Proper1y. <br /> <br />AppiIcIIbIe Law. This Dood ot Trust has boon delivered to Lender and accepted by Lender in the State ot Nebraska. ThIs Deed 01 Trust shal be <br />governed by and construed In accordance with lhe lawn 01 the State 01 Nebraska. <br /> <br />Clpilon Hudlnga. Caption heading!lln Ihls Oeod 01 Trust are lor convenience purposes only and are nol to be used to interpret or define the <br />provisions 01 this Deed 01 Trust. <br /> <br />Mergar. Thoro shall be no lllefgoi 01 too inlerost or estate created by this Deed 01 Trust with any other Interest or estate in the Property at any <br />time held by or lor the benefit 01 Lender In any capacity, without the WTinen consent 01 Lender. <br /> <br />SevWIbUIty. "a court 01 cof11)6tenl Jurlsdictlon finds any provision of this Deed of Trust to be invalid or unenforceable 8810 any pInOn or <br />ci<<:umstanoo. such finding sh.n not render that provl~n Invalid or unenforceable as to any other persons or circumstances, and IlII provisions of <br />It1Is Deed 01 Trust In .. otherr respects shaH remain valid and enlorceable. <br /> <br />AcknoWI.cIgrnent. Prior to tho eKocutlon herool Grantor executed an acknowledgment stating that Grantor understands that (a) this Deed 01 <br />Trust ill a trust deed and not a mortgage and (b) the power of sale provided tor In this Deed 01 Trust provides substantially diIIerent righ19 and <br />obllgallons 2.0 Grantor than a mortgage In tl10 ovent 01 delaun or breach 01 obligation. <br /> <br />Succeuo... and APlgna.. Subject to the limitations stated In this Oetid 01 Trust on transler of Grantor's IntelllSt. this Deed 01 Trust shaD be <br />binding upon and Inure to the benellt of the partlos, tholr successors and assigns. II ownership 01 \he Property becon'I8S vested In a per9()O other <br />than Grantor, Lender, without notice to Grantor, may deal with Grantor's successors with releronce to this Deed 01 Trust and lhe Indebtedness by <br />wlri 01 lorbearance or eKtens/On without releasing Grantor lrom lhe obligations olth!e Deed 01 Trust or liability under the Indebtedness. <br /> <br />nme I. of the Euence. Time Is 01 the essence In tho performance 01 this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />Waiver Qf Homntud EJcempUon. Grantor heroby releases and waives all rights and benefits 01 the homestead eXOfl1llion laws ot the S1al8 ot <br />Nebraska as 10 a!Ilndebtedness secured by this Deed 01 Trust. <br />