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<br />08-01-1988 <br />Lop.n No 5571 <br /> <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />(Continued) <br /> <br />88- <br /> <br />102842 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />Duty to Maintain. Grantor shall maintain tho Proporty In tenantable condItion and prompUy perform all repairs and maintenance necessary to <br />",reserve Its valUG. <br /> <br />HlIzardoua Substancea. Granlor reprosents and warrants that the Property never has been, and never will be 90 long as this Deed of Trust <br />remains a lien on the Property, used for the generation, manulacture, storlgO, treltment, disposal, release Or threatened release of any hlZarclous <br />subslance, 89 those teIm9 are defined In the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Uablllty Act of 1980, as amended, 42 <br />U.S.C. Secllon 9601, fit ooq. ("CERClA"), the SUperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act C'SARAj, applicable state laws, or regulAtions <br />adopted pul'Btlant to any 01 the foregoing. Grantor authorizes Lender and Its agents to enter upon the Real Property to make such Inspections <br />and tests as Lender may deem appropriate to determine compliance ollhe Proper1y with IhIs peragrllph. Any Insp9C1ions or te8tIllTlllCle b'f Lender <br />shall be lor Lender's purposes only and shall not be construed to create any reeponslblllty or liability on the part 01 Lender to Grantor Or to any <br />other person. Grantor agrees to indemnify and hold Lender harmaes against any and all claims and losses resulting from I breaCh of this <br />paragn:ph 01 the Deed 01 Trust. Thls obligation to Indemnity shall survive the payment of the Indeb.edness and the 8IIlIsIaciIon ollhls Deed of <br />Trust <br /> <br />Nulaa,... Waa'" Grantor shall not cause, conduct or permit any nuisance nor commit or suiter any strip or wasto on or to the Property or any <br />portion lhereof 01 the Prtlperty. Spectflcally withoutlimitllllon, Grantor win not remove, or grant to any other party the right to remove, any limber, <br />mlnerllls (including 011 and gas), soli, gravel or rock products without the prior written consant of Lender. <br /> <br />Removal 0' Improvements. Grantor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements trom the Real Proper1y without the prior wril'.en consent 01 <br />Lender. As a oondltlon to the removal 01 any Ill1)rovements, Lender may require Granlor to make arrangements sa1istactory to Lender to replace <br />such Ill1)rovements with Improvements of at least equal value. <br /> <br />l.ender'a Right to Enter. Lender and lis agents and representatives may enter upon lhe Real Property at l1li r88lllOnable times to attend to <br />Lender'lIlnterests and 10 Inspect lhe Property lor purposes 01 Grantor's compliance with the terms and r.ondillons 01 thIlI Deed of Trust <br /> <br />CompUan~ with Governmental Requirements. Grantor shall prompUy comply with l1li laws, ordlnancee. and regulations 01 all governmental <br />authorltlos applicable to the use or occupancy 01 the Property. Grantor may conlest In good laith any such law, ordinance, or regulation and <br />withhold coll1)lIanoo during any proceeding, Includlng appropriate appeals, so long as Grantor has notilled Lender In wr1tIng prior to doing so and <br />80 long as Lender's Interests in lhe Property !1m nol jeopardized. Lender may require Grantor to post adequate security or . 9UrB!y bond. <br />reasonably satlsfactory to lender, to protect lender's interest. <br /> <br />Duty to Protec:t. Grantor shaH do all other acts, In addition to those acts sol forth above In this sectlon, which from the character and use of the <br />Property 1118 roa.oonably necessary 10 prolect and preserve lhe Property. <br /> <br />DUE ON SALE - CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may at its option, declare IlTVTledlalely due and payable all sums secured by this Deed of Trust upon <br />the sale or transfer, without the Lender's prior written consenl, of &II or any part ollhe Real Proper1y, or any Interest in the Real Property. A "sale or <br />transfer" means lhe conveyanco tll real property or any right, title or Interest lhereln; whelher legal or equitable; whether voluntary or involum.y; <br />whether by outlight lillie, deed, Installmenl sale contracl, land contract, contract lor deed, leasehold Intorest with . term greater than three )'NI'S, <br />leaoo-option oontract. or by sale, assignment. or transfer 01 any benellclallnterest In or 10 any land trusl holding title to the Real Property, or by any <br />other method 01 conveyance 01 real property Interest. II any Grantor Is a corporation or partnership. transler aI90 includes any change in ownership 01 <br />more Ihan twenty-five percent (25%) 01 the voUng stock or partnership InteroslS, as the ceo may be. 01 Grantor. However, this option shal not be <br />exercised by Lender If exerclse Is prohlblled by loderallaw or by Nebraskllaw. <br /> <br />TAXES AND UEN5. The IoIoWlng provlslona relating to the w8flllIld liens on the Property 819 a part 01 thla Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />P~ent. Grantor shal pay when due before they become delinquent .. tD8ll, special tn.., a..lI.m8n!S. ch8rg8S (Inclucing w" and __). <br />fines and ~sItlons levied lIQalnst or on account 01 the Property. and shall pay when due all claims tor wort< done on or for servIoIIII rendered or <br />matorllllurnlsh&d 10 the Proporty. Grantor sh.., maintain the Property tree 01 all IIen9 having priority over or equllto the Interest of Lender under <br />thl9 Deed of Trust, excecJl for tho lion of taxes and Il58OSSm8nts not due except.. olherwll8 provided In this Deed of Trust <br /> <br />Evidence or PaymenL Grantor shall ,upon demand furnish 10 l.ender ovlool'Ce 01 paymenl 01 the taxes or assessments and shall authorize the <br />approprlllte governmental olllclalto deliver to Lender at any lime a Mlnon stalOl1l8nt 01 tho taxes and ISSOSSIllOnts agllinst the Property. <br /> <br />PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. Tho lollowing provisions rolllllng 10 Insuring lhe Proper1y are a paf1 ollhls Deed of Trust <br /> <br />MAIntenance of Inaul1lnc.. Grantor shall procuro and maintain policies 01 IIro Insurance with slandll/'d OlltOnded coverage endorsements on a <br />replacement basis lor the lull Insurable value covering aIllmprovomonts on lhe Real Property In an amoUllt sulficlont to avoid eppllcalion of any <br />coinsurance claul8, and with a standard mortgagoo clauso In lavor 01 londoi', Pollcles llhd be wrItton In form, amounts. covtngle and basis <br />r88lllO"ably IICCBPtable to Lender and issued by II company or compAl'llM r8l!lOn.bIy acceptable 10 Lender. Granl!)/', upon requMl: of LenGiIt, wiI <br />deliver to Lender from time to lime the polk:los or certificates 01 Insurance In form sallslllCtory to lender, Inclucing stipulations thai cover~ will <br />nol be cancelled or diminished wilhout lit least ten (101 daVS prior wrlnen notice to Lendor. <br /> <br />AppllcaUon 0' Pf'OC*lda. Granlor shall prompdy notily Lender 01 any loss or damage to lho Proper1y. Lender may make prool of loss " Grantor <br />fails to do so wilhin fifteen (15) days ollhe casually, Whelher or nol Lender's security Is impaired, Lencle: may, at Its election, apply the proooeds <br />10 the reduction 01 the Indebtedness. payment ollny tien .fIeetlng the P!'Qpe!1y, or the restoralkln and repair of the Property. "Lender elects 10 <br />IIppIy the procoods to restoration and repair, Grantor shall replir or replllC8 the damaged or destroyed Improvements In a manner satisfacklfY to <br />Lender. Lender shall, upon saUslactoIY proof 01 such expendllure, payor reimburse Grantor from the procoocls for the reuonable cost of ~air <br />or restoration If Grantor Is not In defauh under this Deed 01 Trust Any procoeds which have nol boon disbursed WIthin 180 days dlrthelr receipt <br />and which lenOOr h85 not commined to lhe repair or rostoralion 01 the Properly shall be used tlrstlo pay any amount owing to Lender under this <br />Deed of Trust, then to prepay accrued interest, and the remainder, II any, shall be appllod to lhe prlnctpal balance of the Indebtedness. If Lender <br />holds any proceecls after payment In lull af the Indebtedness. such procoods sh811 be paid 10 Grantor as Grantor's Interests may 1Ipp4W'. <br /> <br />Unoplred Insurance at Sal.. Any unexpired Insurance shall Inure 10 lhe bonolil ai, and pass to, lhe purchaser of the Property covered by this <br />Deed 01 Trust at any trustee's sale or olher solo held under lhe provisions ollhls Dood 01 TruSI. or III any foreclosure sale 01 such Property. <br /> <br />Gl1Ifttor'. Report on Insurance. Upon request of Lender, however not moro thin onco I yoar, Grllntor shall furnish 10 Lender a report on each <br />exlsUng poHcy of Insurance showing: (s) the name 01 the insurer; (b) tho rl9lcs Insured; (c) the amount of lhe polley; (d) the property insured, lhe <br />thon current replacement villus of such property, and the manner 01 ootormnlng Ihat vllluo; and (0) tho expiration date 01 lhe policy. Grantor <br />shd, upon request 01 Lender, have an Independent appraiser saUsfactory 10 Lender detormlne tho cash value replacement co~ of the Property. <br /> <br />EXPEHDI1URES BY LENDER. If Grantor lalls to comply willi any provision 01 this Dood of Trusl, or II any action or proceeding Is conTl1llflCed that <br />would malerlally affect Lerv.ler'a Interests In the Property, Lender on GUlntor's behatl mlY, bul shIll nol be required to, lake any IICtion thai Lender <br />doems appropriate. Any amount that Lender exponds In 90 doing WIN bear Inloresl althe rlto charged under lhe Note trom the dale Incurred or paid <br />by Londer to the date of repayment by Grantor. All such expenses, at Lendor'r! option, wtH (al be pllyable on demand, (b) be Idded to lhe balance 01 <br />tho Note and be appor1loned among Bnd be payable with any Installmenl paymon19 to become due during mttlor (I) lho term of any applicable <br />Insurllnco polley or 01) lhe remaining torm 01 tho Noto, or (e) be treatod as a balloon payment which will be due IInd payable at lhe Note's malurity. <br />This Deed of ", rust also will B9C\Jre paymenl 01 thooo amounts, The righ19 provided lor In this paragrllph shall be In addition to any other rights or any <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br />