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<br />~~....- 102830 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25,058 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESEPRESENTS: That Douglas Ray Hann, an unmarried person <br /> <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more. in consideration of the IlIDI of <br />Forty Thousan~ and no/IDa -----------------------.--------------------------------~LLARS <br /> <br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Associalion of Grand bland, Nebraska. Mo~, upon 400 sIwes of IlOdl: of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificale No. L 25,058 ,do hereby gmnt, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClATION the folJowial <br />desa:ibed real estate, situated in nan County, Nebraska: <br /> <br />Lot Ten (10), in Ra::nbow Lake Subdivision, Hall Connty, Nebraska <br /> <br />t"Flber wilh an the tenements, hen:ditalllenu and appultenance. Iheleunlu belonging, including anad1ed I100r cmeriop, aD window screms. <br />window shades, blinds. storm windows, awnings. healing, ail conditioning, and plumbin", and water equipment and KCICSIDrics thereto.ptIIIIpI,stowa, <br />refrir:craton, and other fixtulcs and equipment now or hereafter allached to or used in connection with said real estate. <br /> <br />And when:as lhe said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree Ihal the mortgagor shall and will pay aD taxelllDd _IS Je'IiaJ or <br />UESXd upon Wd premises and upon this morlgage and the hond ..,oJ/ed thereby before the same slWJ become delinquent: to fumilh lIJIIIIOIIIl! <br />insurance upon the bw1dinp on said premise. IIilualed in lhe .um of$40, 000 .uO payable 10 said ASSOCIATION and to deliP.:r to uil! <br />ASSOCIA nON the policies for said in5llrancc; and not to commit or permil any waste on or aboul said premiJes; <br /> <br />In cue of default in the pelfolI1Wlce of any uf Ihe lerm. and conditions of this mortpge or the bond scarred hereby. the mortppe 1iIall. <br />00 demand, be colilled 10 immediate po_won uf Ihe rnort!;a&Cd premises and lhe moltgagor hereby assi&Ds. transfers and ICIS - to the <br />IllOItpIee an the rent., revenues and income tu be derived from Ihe mortg3ged premiJes dUling such time u the tIIOIlpp illdeblcdDcs IiIall ~ <br />unpaid; and the morlpp shall have the powel 10 appoint any :agenl or agents il lIIay desire for the purpose of rcpairiDc said pmniIcs ad taIIiiaB <br />the wne and coUec:tinB the renlS. .....colIC. alld income, and it may pay oul of said income aD expemes of repairinc said premiIcI ad ~ <br />c:ommisIions and expenaes inamcd in rentin& and managing the same and of colleclillll rentals therefrom: tbe baIuoe remUIiIJ&. if ally. 10 be <br />Ippiicd tonrd the disdw~ of said mortg.agc indebledness; thesr. rights of the morlpgcc may be exercised at any Iimc durin& the exiltcDcc nC IIICh <br />defaull. inapeclive of any lelllJlOlary waiver of the same, <br /> <br />These Presenl., howcYer, are upon the Cundiliun, llurl if the said Mortgagor shaU repay said loan on or before thc maturity of said ~ by <br />payment; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum specified in the Bund ""cured hereby as inleresl and principal on said Ioan,onorbefon: <br />tbe Twentieth day of each and eycry month, until said lu.n is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessment. levied against said pn:mises and on this MOftJIF <br /> <br />and the Bond secured thereby. before drlinqucnL'}'; furnish approved insulance upon the buildinp thereon in the sum on 40.000.00 payable <br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by il paid for such laxes, assessment. and insuraDoe with interest at <br />lhe JMXimum Ieplrate lhereon from date of plymcnl all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees 10 pay; permil 110 wille on said prcmiles;kcep an4mmp1y <br /> <br />with all the ageemenls and condilions of the Bund for S 40,00:1. 00 this day given by the said Mortpaor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all the requirelllCnl. of the Constitution and By.Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then Ihese prete/lts shaU become null and void, otbawilc they <br />shan remain in fuD force and may be foreclosed al the option of the said ASSOCI" nON after failure for three months to make aJI)' of aid <br />payments or be: three monlhs in an"r. in making said monthly paymenls, or to keep and comply wilh the agreemenl. and alndilionsofsaidBond; <br />and MOltp&or l&fces ro have a receiver appoinled forthwith in such foreclosure proccedin!\ll. <br /> <br />If lhere is any chanJ!e in ownership of the real estate mortpged berein, by sa1c 0' otherwise, then the enlire l'CDIlliniDI: indcbtedDCa hereby <br />sec:ured shall, at tbe: option of The Equilable Building and Loan Associalion of Grand Island,Nebruka,be:come immediately dllC and payable....thout <br />further notice, and the amount remainin& due undcI said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances IIlIIdc thereunder, ahaIl, from the <br />daIc of exercise of said option, beu interest al the maxlmum legal rale ,and this mortgage may then be forecloted 10 satisfy the lltJIOUlIt due on Illid <br />bond,lIId any other bond for Iddilionaladvanccs, logether with all sums paid by said The Equilable Building and Loan Asaoc:iationofGrand bland, <br />Ncbrasb for insurance, taxes and aucsamenls, and abstracting extenllion ch::rges, with interest thereon, from dale of paymenl II the maximum <br />IcpI rate. <br /> <br />Asprovidcd in the Bund secured hcreby, while Ihis mort8ll.c remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional sums 10 the <br />malten of said Bond, their assigns or successors in inleresl, which sums shall be wilhin the llCCurily of lhis mortgage the same as the funds oJilinaUy <br />lICCllfed thereby, the lotal amounl of principal debl nol 10 cllceed al any lime Ihe original amount of this mortgage. <br /> <br />v.tcd this ~l t day of June A, D" 1988 <br /> <br />~--" ~ ra.. 'R.. -\\-ot...Nvv- <br /> <br />Douglas Ray arm <br /> <br />STATEOI'NEBRASKA,l !IS. <br />COUNTY 01' HALL , <br /> <br />On this <br /> <br />1st <br /> <br />day of June <br /> <br />IcPa <br /> <br />, bo:fore me, <br /> <br />Ihe undersigned, a Notary I'ublic in and for said Count)', penonally came <br /> <br />Douglas Ray Hann, an unmarried person, <br /> <br />who <br /> <br />is <br /> <br />~ to be the idrnticalllCflOn whose name is affixcd to Ihe above illSIIWIfCriii mortgagor <br />adtnowJcdaed the llllid inJlrumenllo be his volunlary act and deed. <br />WlTNI'SS my hand and Notulal Swlhc dale .forelSllld, / ! ' _' " . <br />My CnmmlWoll ellpire. C; - / ,- f r k=::::=-)/I/,I '- /)'} ../::y'/. Ji:', <br />_ .............. C::7-://'"1'-- .L _. /. L,._::.( >N;~-ruiilk-- <br />MI'I M.IlAZLIY <br />..-....... .. <br /> <br />Ind <br /> <br />penonally known to <br /> <br />he IICl'l'raUy <br />) <br /> <br />..1&ZlIt III <br />