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<br />
<br />88- 102824
<br />
<br />88- 102720
<br />
<br />-
<br />
<br />UORTGAGE WAN Nu. _ ~~
<br />
<br />XNOWALLMENBVnIF,SEPRFSENTS:ThaI Harry W. Bullerdiek and Elizabeth C. Katt, each in his
<br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />MoJtpf;or, whether one or more, in aIIIJidentiIlIl of !he IIIID of
<br />Twenty Four Thousand Four Hundred and no/IOO --------------------------------------OOLLARS
<br />
<br />~ to said mortJllllllY. by The F.quilabJe Buildin8 and Loan AlISOCiation of Grand hland, Nebmka, Mortgap, upon 244 sIwa of Itock of
<br />IIid ASSOCIATION, Certil1cale No. l ,do hereby gRnt, con\'e)' and mortpgc unto the said ASSOCIATION !he followin&
<br />deIcribed real esta1r., situated in llaD CouDly, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />The Southerly Sixty Six and Five Tenths (66,5) Feet of Lot five (5), in Block One Hundred
<br />Four (104), in Koenig and Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska,
<br />
<br />IoIftI.hn with aD the tcnemenll, hereditamenl. and 'Pf1ullenanU'. Ihereunlo bekm~I:, incIudinB .Iuched floor cmoerirJp. aD window saa:m,
<br />window aIuldn, blinds, oIorm win4ows, ,wmngs. """....". all cund.lsomng, and plumbing and water equipmenl and ac:cesmrieIlhereto. puD1IS.saowes,
<br />rd'riFnton, and other Hatum IUId equipmenl oow nr h.r.ofte, allaclled 10 or used in cunnution wilh said real estate,
<br />
<br />, And where.. the said mortPJUr Iw ajU......J IUId d"". hereby .ve. lhal the mortP&<'f dWJ IUId wiD pay aD lUes and ..--..'~ Iewied ..
<br />.......s upoI1 said preR1~ and up'm this nlOrl~ and the bond ",cUJed UKr."" before lhe same shaJ1 become cIe1inquent; to fumilb 'lJllll'Owed
<br />imufaJKIe upon thr buildinp on said premuetI alua.ed In IlK sum of S 24 ,400.00 payable 10 said ASSOCIATION and to ddiwer to "lid
<br />ASSOCIATION Ibc poIicie5 for said in:suran",,~ and no' 10 oomn:it Of ""rrrul any _. on 01 aboul said prenm.:s;
<br />
<br />I. CIK of default in tic ".nom....,. of any of Ih. Irrms and conditiom of lhis mnrtpt;C or the bond oecwed hereby, tire ...n...., .....
<br />011 .se-d, be entitled 10 imrneoliale ~ 01 the mmlr,ap:d prrmiJe. and !he mnrt~r hereby 1IJIipts, lramfm .... lib _ CD tire
<br />DX1JIIIle: aD lhe rem., marlin and iDCDlDO 10 be daiwd from lhe mort~ prrrniJes durinr; mch lime as the morIPF ~.... tn.ia
<br />...,us; _ the motlPlli""' IlhaIJ ......, the pllWCl to .Pf1llint an~ ..nl m 1p:en11 it may ~ for the PUJI"OI" of repairiDc aid pmIIiiIII ad reatiItI
<br />!he _ and wllrctirr<< the fmb. rtWnutJ and inmtm ,.nd it IIllIY pay OUI of Aid income aD tllpemn of repairiIlB said prftlIiIn - -,-
<br />~ and n:prmrl im:urred in rentinS and manA~nlt lhe ...me .nd of cr>lledlRll rentals Ibcrefrom; lbc balaMe reJrIIiaIII&. if 8)', to be
<br />applied loward the di.1dulJt< I.f ..ill .0000pee mdebt.dneu~ the.. ,~b of I he mollg;agee ""'y be ellerciJed al arty time durinr; the exillalce or such
<br />defalillt, inapocti>e of any I.mpo,.ry waiwr of the same
<br />
<br />1'hr:s: Praenla. ........,,_, I,r upon the Condihon. ThaI If 110. gld MortpEOI shall repay said loan on or hefog., lbc maturity of laid oharu by
<br />plymarl; ply monthly 10 ..... ASSOCI A 110N of lhe ""rn opecifjed on Ihr Bond JeCUfed her.b)' as intereJI and priPcipeI on said "-.011 or before
<br />the Twenlieth day of eadl and OYery mooth, unlil wd loan IS fuUy paid. pay aU tut'1lU1d uoeuments Jefled apinst Slid pmniIr:I ao4oa tIUs MCIItpIe
<br />
<br />_ the Bond oecured ther.by. belo.e delmquency. fur"",, appro...d InsUla"U' upon lhe huildin!:5 Ihereon IR the: sum cf S 2~ I ~ 00 . 00 lW)'abIe
<br />to aid ASSOCIATION; /.pay ", gid ASS()('IATION up'm d.mand aU money by II paId for wcntaJU:', Issessments and iDIurarIc:e withintereslat
<br />the muimum JepI ratr the,ron from dal. of JlIIymellt all of wh,ch Morl&agor hereb)' agree. 10 pay; permit no waste on said premiaes;keop lISId a>mpIy
<br />
<br />wdb .u th.lIIIeemenu and oond.llOn. of the Bond for S 24,400.00 IhlS day p...n by the gid Molll!&&or 10 ..ud ASSOCIATION,.me! comply
<br />with aD the reqwr.menlS of the COmlilut.un and By-uWI of wd ASSOCI A nON ~ tMn th..... present. ilWl beoome null and wid. othawDe they
<br />IIaII remain in full fou;. and IlllIY he fmedoted II 110. oplson of lhe said ASSOCIATION afler flilur. for tIuee months to mK.e aD)' of aid
<br />paymmll or he Ihrec moDlm in arrearl in makinl\ IIald month I)' paymen.., Of 10 keep and comply with the apumenu and ~ of aid Boad;
<br />and.......... a;n:es 10 hi"" a 1I,<<;""r .pp.nnted forthwith IR such fmeclosut. p.-occediop,
<br />
<br />If there i1 aoy chanF in ownenhip of the real estate mo,lpFi herein, by sale or olhefWiJe, then !he entire ~ ...,..".~ herdIy
<br />~ WI, 1\llhe opliort of The F.qwlable Bw1din8 and Loan Aur.x:Dtion of Grand Island, Nebrub,bealme imrneoliatdy due ud~ without
<br />furthe. DOIice, and the amount remaining due wadel said bond, and lUIy other bond for any additiolW adftllCleS made Ibcreuader.1IbaR. from the
<br />date of e:&ercile of said option, hear illleresl at II", muimwn IepJ ral., and thili mortP!:" may Ibcn be forecloled to .tidy!he __t due 01\ aid
<br />bond,and aD)' other bond for additional ad\'lIn=, 1C)j!elher with a1lm"", pai.:l by said The F.quitable Buildinl and loan AuociIlion of Grand Island.
<br />Nebrub for im:utancr. tues and uaemnrnts, and abslracting uI.nsmn charges. will, interest thereon. from date of paymenl It the maximum
<br />~nle,
<br />
<br />, As ..orided in the Bond ""cured Mreby. while: Iho mortPJt< '.mam. 10 .If.et th. mortgagee may hereafler advance addilionallUlllS to the
<br />mMen of aid IIond. th.ir .~. or rotce....1'I in ont.re$l. which \'UllJ1I.....lI be within th. ..cur;ty of lhi. mortpge 1M same as the funda 0fi&inaDy
<br />lIOCUrtd lhi:relly, II.- 101.1 .mounl of principal debl Rollo .....d allUlY trme 110. original amount of thili mortpge,
<br />
<br />A 1),,19
<br />
<br />
<br />STAllWf N'I:'BitASKA, (
<br />M,
<br />COl.1N1Y 01' JlAU
<br />
<br />On this
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />, hefore me,
<br />
<br />the undertigned, aNality PubU. in and for said Counly, penonaUy came
<br />
<br />Harry W. Bullcrdiek and Elizabeth C. Katt, each in his and __~ler wbo are penonaIIykDOWllIO
<br />own ri&ht, and as spouse of each other. .//~ 'J
<br />_ to be It. i<knliC:ll peraon Il ..no.. IlJ\nle S are affixed tu the abow inslpllneot.. +pgOl S and they ~y
<br />
<br />rlM~ the raid ttmrunwmt 10 be the i r YO!ulIlIry leI and deed, ;' - /
<br />W1TNI's.r; my hand and NOl&lial St.1 lhe /lair If",..,,,d (_
<br />
<br />ltycomrnLmn':'~~~_~:.... >;-;~""l:~! __/,': -7
<br />ir'::"~
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<br />
<br />....
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<br />