<br />
<br />88.... 102818
<br />
<br />'n11s Mortgage Is entered into between Bradley L. Brush and Maureen K. Brush.
<br />....husband and wife.. (herein "Mm":Ii.lgor") and
<br />
<br />" '
<br />_five Points Bank~Grand lal!lli!... Nebraska
<br />
<br />(herein "Mortgqee").
<br />, evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />
<br />Mortgagor' is indebted to'Mortlagee lnthe principal sum of $ 7.900.00
<br />
<br />dated ~ay 26. 1988
<br />
<br />(herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and Interest, wilh the balance oUhe
<br />
<br />indebtedness,lf not sooner Plld, due and payable on May 26 1993--_.
<br />
<br />, .'. TOsecllIll the payment of the Note, with interest AS provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />.IId,~ced by Mortpgee to pro~~t the secllrit-y ,of this Morteage, and the performance of the covenants and aueementl of
<br />th, Mortpsor containedhereln:'ttiortpgor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />- ,", ' 'f
<br />
<br />property located in Hall
<br />
<br />County, Nebnska:
<br />
<br />Lot Nine (9).. in B'loc:k Five (5), in Wallichs' Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska
<br />
<br />Tocether with all buildin(t'l. improvements, fixtures. stn.'t!ts, alh'ys, passageways, "llS<'ments. rigllL'. privilpCeS and
<br />appurtenances locatl.'d lht'reon or in an)'wise ~rtainlng Lh..reto, IllIO the renl!! issues and profits. reVt'rsiolUand remainders
<br />the\'l'of: including, bUl notllmltl'd W, healing and cooHng equipment and such prn;onal property thlt i. attached to the
<br />improYCnK'nts 60 " to comtltute D nxture; all of which. including replacrml'nu and addition., therew, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real ('Stall' $ecu\'l'd by thl' lif.'n of Ihi~ Mortpg.. and aU of the fOll'going bf'ing refem'd to herein as thl'
<br />.. Propprty".
<br />
<br />;;tortlllor further ronYl'nanu md a~', with. Mor1gIr", 1-' fQilol&'f.:
<br />
<br />1. P&yme!IL To pay the lndebu-dneu and th" inll'fI'_lth..reon It! pro"dl'd in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />
<br />2. Title. Mortgagor is the own..r of the Propl'rl)l, has thl' right Bnd Buthonty 10 mortgage the Property, and
<br />warrants that the Iil'n crealed hl'fi'by is II fil'!lt and plioI' Ii.." on till' ProperlY, """'Pi :IS ma)' otberwiM' be liet forth herein.
<br />
<br />o The Property i6 liUb~tto a t.'Ortg3!lP ...hen,jo_,.._
<br />
<br />is the Moftpget', record~-d at llook__._, Pag.' _______, or Ihe Mortgag.. ill'Cords of --,
<br />NebtaSka, wbld1 Mortpg.! is a lien prior 10 th" lien creat,'d hen-by,
<br />
<br />o Othrr prior liens or encumbran......: __,_____.__
<br />
<br />County .
<br />
<br />3. 'Taus. "-nil!. To pay wbl'n dul' alllaxl's. 5pt'CialllS5l'5Sml'nts and all oiher chlrges against the Proprrt}'
<br />and. upon writtt'n demand. by MortgagPe, to add to tbe payml'nu required under th.. Noh' ~ured hereby. such amouni as
<br />my bP wflielent to enable the Mortgagee to pay such taxes, II11SI'fiSmenU or oiher charges as they become dul'.
<br />
<br />.t. IDSlU'allttl. 1'0 ke-ep thl' impro,,'m,'nts nO\ll or hereafter locall'd on the n>s1 estall' described h"rein insul'Pd
<br />,....' dam. by fire.lnd such other hazards lIS Mortglgee may require, in amounts snd with compani..s ac....ptable 10 the
<br />~;,aiid 'liiithlOSl' payable to thl' MortgageI'. In cas!! of loss under such polick'$ Ihe Mortgagee is authorized to
<br />Ildjut. Collect. and compromiSl1. in lis discreUon, all cllims thl'reunder at its sole option, authorized to ~ithl'npply the
<br />~:tolbllrest.Omion of UlI.'Propert}' or upon Ihl' Indebtednl'SS secu\'l'd hereby. but payment:ibreundenhall con.
<br />. t1~~ lUjUl the iumS 5ecilred heft'by are paid ill full.
<br />
<br />", 5. ,Cl.Eai:ro1ll' ForTlIXft and 1ll1Ul1II'Ite. Notwil.hsiandlng anything ('ontalned in puapaphs3 and 4 hereof to thl'
<br />';"CII*UlrYiMoriPlorllha3 pay to the Morlptl'!/ at thl< time of paying the mOllthly Installmentt of prindpallnd int1!rest,
<br />'OI!e-:fWelflb. urthe yearly tun._lnl'nt.s, hlzard InsufIDct> premiums, and ground \'t!nts (if Iny) 'll'hich ma)' Ittain I
<br />priority offlrth\) MortPIt'. all II reMOnlbl>, Htlmllu.d from Ume to timli' by the MorttlCl'e. The Imounl, 50 plid shall be
<br />Mtd by the: MQrt~ without interest and applied to th~ pa)'ment of the Items in l't'Spt'ct io which such amounts we",
<br />.,.dtpioQl41il. nielurns 111.41 10 MortlllOO hl'l'Punder are p1l'dglld as additional security for the indebtedness secul'Pd b)' thl5
<br />'M~~!itortl8.or$htt1l p.y to Mbrt....... UII' amount of Iny del'iclency bet\llf'l'n the actual tUell, 1IS.~..ssmenb, insul1lnce
<br />. . p:mnl\l'llU andpaundnonl$ and the dl'pClllltshllreundl'r 'Nlthin 10 day~ an..r d..mand is mid.. upon Mortgllgor requesting
<br />pa)'m..nt thffll{)f. " , ,
<br />
<br />6. Repalr"Millnt4>nllllce and U.. 1"0 prompUy repsir, tl"slore or rebuild allY buildlnflS or ;mpnm,menls now or
<br />bp.relf~r t,m die l'roperty: to bf'p thl' !'toperly In good condition and repair, without w~t~, and fR'l' rrom ml'<:hanic'. or
<br />olhl'rlll'm ll<:;tuprMaoly',ubOn\lnat...d to th~ lien h("I't~lr: mlt to makr,lufr4!r or permit an)' !lulsance to flCi,1, nor to dlmin.
<br />WI (If Imp"lr th~ ....Iu~ of th.. 1'l~IJlI'rly by 111~' lIcl or omlaslon 10 ad; and to cilmply with ..11 n>quln'ml'nb of 18.... with
<br />!'<'Ip"f11(j Ill~ l'n1J'fTt)'.
<br />