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<br />I: <br /> <br />State of N~...ial <br /> <br />88- 102809 <br />Deed of Trust <br /> <br />0933277-1 <br /> <br />PH" CMe He. <br />321-1247928-703 <br /> <br /> <br />1'IWI Deed of Trust. ("Security ~JIItnlIIIeirt") Isma on Hay 31 s t <br />III 88. The trostar 10 Leo N.Rliyburn and Rana G. Rayburn. <br />. . .' ("BorroweT"). The lrUItee II <br />Co.~reial Fea~ral Savings and Loan Association <br />Co..ercial Federal Mortgage Corporation <br />uader the laws of . Nebrasu' . aDd wh_ address Is <br />2120 South 72nd Street Oaaha Nebraska <br /> <br />husband and wife <br /> <br />("TnutCo"). The bmoflcla:y Is <br />, wblch Is olllanlzed and ..mUng <br /> <br />68124 <br /> <br />("Lender"). <br /> <br />Wilnaleth: Thlt the BoJ:1'OWn In consideration of the debt Ind triist bet'1!lnafter described ai1d crelted. and tbe sum of One DoUar ($1), to <br />b!r.J In band paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which Is h<reby acknowledged, does by th.... pr....nts grant, blrgaln and 51'11. convey and con- <br />fmn, unto the Trustee. forever, all of the following described real estate. situated lying and helng in the County of <br />Hall ' and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> <br />Lot Three (3). Calvary Subdivision, in the City of <br />Grand Island, Hall County, tfilbraska. <br /> <br />wblch has the Address of 1403 N. Howard Place <br />Nebraska 68801 <br /> <br />Grand Island <br /> <br />jdl'l <br /> <br />rPropert)' Addr"",'): <br /> <br />.l.tpCaWI <br /> <br />To Have and To Hold the prentiJes above dacribed, with all tb. appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all beating, plumbing and <br />lighting fi.tureli and equlpm<:nt now or hereafter attached to OJ' used in connection with wd real ..tate unto the Trustee, and to its sucoesson: <br />and MSSigm, forever. we Bc.u:rower repl~Uu. to" .11J \,.'OHmilUlu ",nb. the Trustt:.-e. that the bai ~ood rid1t tc ::;cll.;.nd w,t:';,',::y ::;.:.i:! <br />pnmlJes; that tbe)' are free from encumbrance; and that the Barrow", will ",,'arnot and deiend the same against the lawful cWms <If all per- <br />00I!li wbomsoe\-er; and the >aid 8om>wer bereby rellnquW1I5 all ri~hts of homestead, and all marital rights. either in law a, in equity, and aU <br />other ClIlItingent Inten&b of the Borrower in and to the above-decribed premae.. the intention heing to convey hereby an aboolute title. in fee <br />simple, Including all rights of homo:stead. and other rightJ and Interests as afar..aid, <br /> <br />Provided Always. and these presents are .."""ted and delivered unto tlle Trustee. in trust. how",'''' for the fallowing purposes: <br /> <br />Whereu. the Borrower on the 31st . day of May ,19 815. borrowed from the Lend", <br />the IU1tt 01 FIFTY TWO THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED and 00/100 <br />. Dollars (' 52.700.00 ). lor which <br />""'" the Borrow.. haI.eucuted and dell........ l1i the Lend", 8om>we.. promissor)' note of .....n day. bearing Interest at the rale of <br />TI1.N .nd )(0/1000 per oentwn ( 10.000 9'.) per annum on the unpaid balance untU paid, <br />Thuald princIpial iildlntaat sha1J he pllYabIe.t the office of Co_ercial Federal Mortgage Corporation <br /> <br />In Oallba . Be b r aaka ' or at such other place '" the holder of the note <br />msy clsipte hi wrIt1rlc. in J1lOOthly Inota1lmesttJ of FOUR H\J!IlDRED SIXTY TWO and 48/100 <br />DoUars I' 462.48 ), commencing on the first day of July <br />19 88. and oa the fino day ol eac::!. month thereafter untillhe principal and Inl1:rC:5l a'" flllly paid, """Pt thot the final parm.ot of prln- <br />ctpal and Inlet15t, If no! _ pald, o.ha1J he due and payable on the first day of J <br />:I'D is, une <br /> <br />This !ami ~ ....., in connec:ion witll mon;.qn Insured tmder 1M on.. to lour-family programs of the National Housing Act which provide tor <br />~ YorI~ inaurance Premium plrmltlltS, <br /> <br />;:l'IlIIC8 . ot.:. <br /> <br />f:Qf'r.'l HUD 92'.0 or P0-81 EC!:t!O"l <br />Z..tCFR ~OJ l :"'{:1l <br />'l'l'lC-229 (qc) <br />NE'I_ 4/88 <br />