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<br />J.Ysr/\' {'( Tif ) .Y.) <br />, I) 11' tlze /iel1 I.\" ddlll:l>d J,.\ ,/ firHl or (ortoralio1l, sllll,' Ilt'1'c that aDitlllt i" II H!,'JlI!" I (Ii thl' jinH {.r his <br />official CardCII.\' iu (Ill' lll/ 1'{"ll/IIIII. <br />/2) ."'Ia[(' here ':l'lzl'lftt'l' 7'(1'/'111 0,. 7\TiltnJ r(l~Jtract. If 71.'rittt'll, attach cory, ",. liCH is ..',iid. <br />f 3.1 "!:rt'(I;oll," "t 'onJJrlldif'H," , ,-lIllTntioll," or "Retair," as tlte case JIIay he. <br />r 1/ 111'1'1' t1HITt (llrrt't'/ l"rlal dl',\"llftioN of lawi, <br />t 5) If tht' lahul' IInd mat,'rial ~,'O'l' Junlislll'c/ fire cOIl/rodor alld not th,. u..i.'}Icr dirt'ct, stule "llra/. <br />'i('tlS the COlltrdrtor till .rold "ltildillY alld octill[t 1m- the n<:l'llcr." <br />I ()) If 1Wlc hilS bl'cII !lIL'.'Il. .\'eJy .\Ilid OJHOIPlf is flirt hI''' t"'L'idt'llrcd fly a t7'~)1Iliss{),.y HUIt', a (oty of .wid Hutl' <br />'1/'i11!} htl't'fo atfarht'd tIllt! Ill,lrkcd 'f:'xhihit Jf," <br /> <br />A tract of land in the Southe~~t Quarter (SE~) of sect16n Fifteen <br />(15); in TownshfpE1even (11) North, Range N1ne.(g), West. of the <br />'Sixth. P.M, .1n Hj!11 Co.unty, -Nebraska, more particularly' descr.ibed <br />as follows: Beginning at a point 33,0 Feet North and 460,0 Feet <br />West o~ th~ Southeast corner ofsatd Section 15; th~n~e r~nning <br />N~rtherly and 'parallel to the East line of said-Southeast Quarter <br />. (SE~)'a distance of 820.0 Feet; thence running Westerly a dis'" <br />tance of 1,101.5 Feet plus or minus to a point on the East line <br />-of Cberry Street, being also the corporate limits of the City of <br />Grand Island,' ~ebraskaj thence running Southeasterly along said <br />East line of Cherry Street a distance of 935.5 .reet toa point <br />33.0, Feet North of th~ South line of said Southeast Quarter (SE~); <br />thence ru~ning Easterly and parallel to the South line of said <br />Southeast Quarter (SE1.) a distance of 365.3 Feet; thence running <br />Northerly and parallel to the East line of said Southeast Quarter <br />(SE~) a. distance of 226.0 Feet; thence running Easterly and parallel <br />to the -South line of said Southeast Quarter (SEI..i)a distance,of <br />2 1 0 . 5 Fe e tj the nee run n t n g Sou the r 1 r an d par all e 1 to t h'e E a s t <br />line of said Southeast Qua~ter (SE~) a distance of 226.0 Feet to <br />a pOint 33.0 Feet North of the South line of said Southeast <br />Quarter (SE~); thence running Easterly and parallel to the South <br />line of said Southeast Quarter (SE'.,) a distance of 80.0 Feet to <br />the point of beginning and containing 15:45 acr~s more' or less. <br /> <br />ci <br />Z "-l <br />C c- I rS ''-' <br />w 1- ..... <br />"- <br />::I r,: _ <br />u <br />0 <br />0 h ~~ <br />'" - L <br />III L , <br />11 I G'':; .;;. <br />a; <br />c 00 <br />..... 00 <br />