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<br />~ <br />.. lLt6\aL\ <br /> <br />( ~ <br />88;.4 02 752 <br /> <br />ASSIGNNEIH OF nURTG^GE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNOl~ ALl. 1'lIm UY THESE pnESEtlTS, Tho t SuperJ.or l'lort[\oge, rile. 8 <br />Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of <br />ONE Dollars <br />lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand pDid by <br />OOLONI~L CENTR~L SAVINGS B~NK, FSB <br />A COl'porntlon, the porty of the second port, Ilt or before the ensenUng {Jlld <br />delivery of these pl'C'sents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Ims <br />gronted, '-1Or-goined, solll, ns~jgne(l, transferred, on,1 set ove_r, oml, by these <br />'p,:<,scnts. does r,nlllt, I,"rgntn, sell, ossign, tronsler, transferred, /lnd set <br />dver, unto the snid pnrty of the Rccond port, its successors and assigns, 8 <br />certain JlIIJErITURE OF NORTGAGE, Uenring dote 31st of 0:td:H' 19 8? , <br />Recorded as 85-<X1i463 of the Hortgage Records of Hall 0:uI!:y <br />NetrasKa aod made by OBrles A. Ma::be!ty aD JCI'E! Ma::be!ty, ElB:BrD aD Wife <br /> <br />to Superior, Inc. and nil its right, title Dnd interest to the <br />premises therein described, DS follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />[d: Sixty ale (61.), af W:l1fe's atrlivi.sia1 in t:tI2 City of Q:;nJ IBli.n], <br />Hall O:uI!:y, NeI:I:aska. . <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />Together ,<ith the note th...l.eln des!:ll bel', nn,1 th~ money clue or to become due <br />therelll1<lr.r, inc1udinr, flllclC'st thereon, TO "^VI~ ^IlIJ TO 1101.11 the smne unto the <br />said pnrty of the second I'nrt. its SIH:ceS"OIS nnd nmdp.ns forever, subject <br />only to the provisions of said IilVENIURE Of tlORTG^GE therein contained. <br /> <br />^nd the I'nrty of the fltst part docs hen..hy nm1:e, constitute and npl'01l1t the <br />said pnrty of'the! spcond port, 1t9 true! Dill' lrw!ul ottorll!?Y, irrevocable, in <br />its IIn11l(' , or othendr:e, hll t n t thel I' o....n proper costs ond chnrr.e!l, to Im,,'e. <br />use, ntlll tnke nIl 1",<fIl1 WOj!'! nnd n.eons [or the recovery of the said money ond <br />intere!1t, C1Iul, in cnse of j1l1YIIl...nt, to dJ.!1chor-ge the some ns the part of the <br />fIrst port mir,ht, or could tlo, if these presents W!lre not maue. <br /> <br />IN W lTNESS IYIIEHEllF, SI1I',=,rlor lIar tang!!, lllc. n corpora tion of the Stnte of <br />Ilebraslw hns cnll!1e!rl tld s Asst[\lIment of t-'ortgngt:! to be executed by its <br />rrt:!sident nnd attested by Its Secretary Dnd its Corporate Seal to be hereunto <br />affixed the 19th day of M:rj in the year 19 8B . <br /> <br />.~:i , <br /> <br />t ;.,. ~l~~{tr ;:~ ~.ic~~ <br /> <br />.;~ ~f>'~:"(\;';':~~~L <br />:.'/r,,;:~'~ Ti:~~,;\:- Jl ,_ <br />Stii~e or':' l3 f;ktJ ) <br />~ -. ::;":;.4i~ ~(~~': ,~t~,!-:';~"', ) ss. <br />CUulit!'8,~II!i,~,1" ) <br /> <br />SUPERIOR rlORTGhGE, lUC. <br /> <br />By: ~4/&J_.J <br /> <br />KENT <br /> <br /> <br />VICE PRESIDENT <br /> <br />Atte' . <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />EN G. BEILKE, ASST: SECRETARY <br /> <br />On thts lln}' of , 19 ,ll(..[ore "'0:, n Nota[y Puhlic, <br />dilly cornml :;slmH,,1 and '1l1nlifted In ond Cor soid COllnty nnd Stote, Persorml1y <br />(3me the nhove nnlllcrl KENT 1l0LSTEN, VICE PRF.SJDENT l\ND Kl\REN G. BEILKE, ~SST~ SECRETARY <br />-of- Super! or Hort, I IIC. ....110 tHC persOlln 11 y knol<1I to lIle to hI" the identicn 1 <br />perSOIl!; who!;!~, nnrnt:!!; nrf' afCixcd' l!o the nhove Bsslp,11I11(,llt of IItlrlgnee n!l the <br />l'r=csidel1t oml Secr('tnr y 0 C sa id Corpornt! on, nn!l tht'), nckno";' edged the <br />Inslrumellt to hp. the II' voluntary act Dnd deed, and the voluntary ac t Dnd deed <br />of the said Corporation. <br /> <br />WITNESS my hond nnd of ficial seol, in Grand Isloml, In soid County, the dnte <br />IIforesaid. <br /> <br />RE1URN ro: <br /> <br />~BIIIIt ID!ARr-Sllll DllI!JliSb <br />RE8EccA K_ ANOERSOII <br />Illy . ,f "'" 1 <br />eEt~ 1 ~ __. <br />F' . (I. [lIJX :I fl!1 -; <br />m~^JlII 15U\IJI_', r~E 61100:;' <br /> <br />I : <br />_ / '. I"" /'1. I.." -1,.7 <br />_:..~J-('I' 1 _.:. ~~ I ,1/ ,,,0, / ._ <br />Notory I'lIhtlc <br /> <br />RCOECCA K. ^NDER.."O~ <br />