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<br />1520031558; <br />;' ~~3'1l.r <br /> <br />88-102751 <br /> <br />^SSlGIUlElIT OF HURTGhlm - ~orllOrDt1on <br /> <br />KIIUI~ ^,,1. mm DY TlllmE I'RESElITS. Tho t SII JI!! I' lor Hortgnge. Inc. a <br />Corporntion. the pnrtyof the first port, in considerntion of the sum of <br />ONF. Vollars <br />IDwful money of the UnHcd Stoles of ^mericn. to it in hand .paid by <br />COLONI1\L oCENTRJ\r~ S1\VlHGS B1\NK, FSB . ~ <br />^ COl'(1orntJ on; t.he JIll I' t Y 0 [ the !1ccond I'n I' t, Ilt or he rare the I1m,cn ling ond <br />delivery of I:hc!1c pn':;ent_!;, rec:r?ipl: whereor in hen-lhy ocknol'tedr,cd, Ims <br />grontell, !mrgtJinml, sold, IH1!1J.nncll, trnns[cl'.oetl, nnrl sct over, olld, by these <br />'p~~sentr;, doe!1 g.-Ollt, horenln, sell, ossi,~n, trons!er, trfllls[err-ed, nnd set <br />dVcl', \Into thc m1id porly 0 [ the r;ccond pn r t, its sllccessors nnd nssi !lns, n <br />certain J!lIllmTUIlE OF NUllTG^GE, Uenrillp' dnte 26th of June 1987 <br />Recorded a3 87-103886 of the Ilortgoge Records of Hall County <br />Nebraska nnd mode by . <br />J:avi.d P. R::krard: and Ja:r1 C. R::ttcni:, ElEi:slD aD Wife <br /> <br />to Supcrior Ilortr.nge, Inc. nlld nil its right. title Dnd interest to the <br />premises therein described. ns follows. to-wit: <br /> <br />Lot Nineteen (19), Capital Heights Seventh Subdivision, Hall County, <br />Nebraska.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Togelher Idth the note thtH'eln dcm:rJ.hed, nll.1 the mOllc}' .Iue or to become due <br />thcrellllrlr.r. _i ncI uding ill tr.rC!lt lhl:!f l:!Oll, TO IIh VI\ ^llU TO IIllr.11 till:! smnl:! unto the <br />soid I'n r ty of l.he second I'll r I:, its flUCC:CS"OI" D nd 11!:" I PoliS r Ol'l:!Vl:!r, subject <br />only to the provisions of soid IIWmrrUIlE Of IIUHTG^GE thcI'ein contained. <br /> <br />hnt! the porty or the fJrat pnrt lloes herehy llt:l!:C, cOJlrllltllle nllll n!,poInt the <br />soid I'nrly of' thl:! !1("collll pnrt, :11:11 trtlc 01111 .1 n1'[ul nl.torlley, irrevocnhle, in <br />its nome, or othen'inr., hilt nt theIr 0\"" proper C05tl1 01111 chnrr.e!l, to hove. <br />use, nlld to!:r. 01 t Inwfu1 woyn nlld meons {or the recnvcI}' of the snid money nnd <br />intere!1l:, (lillI, in cn5e of /111YII1"nt. to dischnr r,c the r;nllie ns the part of the <br />first P,Ht might, or could do. :I_f ther-e presenlr- were not. moue. <br /> <br />III WlTllESS HIIEIn:Of. SUI'~liol- IJortflnr,e, <br />!lehrasko tms cnllsed thls hss lflllmellt <br />President nnd attested by its Secretory <br />affixed the 19th day of May <br /> <br />).. ",'." <br /> <br />Inc. n corpornUolJ of the Stole of <br />of N(lllp,Hp,e lo be r.xec:utf'd hy its <br />ond its Corporol.e Senl to be hereunto <br />in lhe yenr 1988 <br /> <br />~J' ~; ~:.;: i;&, ,. <br />, "" <br />,--':0;- ;) ,:..; 1(;:E;r:, <br /> <br />SUPERIOR IIORTGhGE, lIle. <br /> <br />L,~' ',:? '~(: . ~. <br />Stl1~~,~,~effe~~f1sf~ ) <br /> <br />".'.()~"J(\" . ) se. <br />Cuunty o,f'lIa11 ) <br /> <br /> <br />Dy: <br />KENT <br /> <br />AR8N G. BEILKE, 1\SST. SECRETARY <br /> <br />On thl.:; 20th .lny of ~ I 1988 , herore 1IIl', 0 !lalory "uhlle. <br />d\,ly l:ommln:1:1.OIlI"II nmi qunlHicl1 1n oml for saj,1 ClJlIllty nud Stnte, rersolmlly <br />cnme lhe nhovr. 1J'llllnd KErn 1I01.,S'l'Efl, VICE: PRP:SID811'r I\tlD I(,N~EN G. nr::IT,lm, 1\"'ST~ .sr::CRETlIRY <br />o[..,SIII'l'rior f.lortr,:1r,e, Inc. who ore pct"!;ollnlly kllOl'1l 1.0 lilt! to l.lf' tile identJcnl <br />'lI!~slJnr; whOrl!! ,nnllle5 nrt! of[ixc"'~o l:he ohove IlSSIp,lllllt'1l1: of IlnrlIF'[\o:' n!'l lhe <br />I'residelll: oml Sec:r("l:nr}' of snJd CorpornUon. ntHI lhr.)' n<:!:nowledg(".1 lhe <br />. instrumenl to he tlmit" voluntary !lct and deed, and th" voluntDry Det Dnd decd <br />of the sald Corporotion. <br /> <br />WITNESS illY hond Dnd oIIiciol scnl. in Grllnd 1:;loml, In sold Count}', the dnte <br />aforesaid. <br /> <br />,C GEHHIAt jftJTMlY-Stm !If .... <br />I ~ <lLh REBECCA K, ANDERSON <br />1 ,~~ Mr CDmm. up- April 7, 1991 <br />b--._ <br /> <br />- -" ,- <br />-- ,r{ I .f.1t:6/J-rL-t2. /1, J"'f1' ,.'h:_P 17 <br />- Nolnry I'uhllc: <br />R80r::CC^ K. ^NUEr~SON <br /> <br />~TO: <br /> <br />CE:tH rU)L ~lur~n31~mE Ct:Jr,:F'. <br />F' . n. nux 1 f:l(T; <br />t-mf\tlI1 H;U"~D. UE 6IJ002 <br />