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<br />88- 102750
<br />
<br />ASSIGNI-IEIIT Of HURTGAGE - Corllora tion
<br />
<br />KNUH M..I. NEN L1Y TIIESE f'RESmITS, Thnt SUJlerior f'lortgage, Inc. a
<br />Corporntion, the party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of
<br />ONP. Dollars
<br />lawful money or the United States of Americo, to it in hand paid by
<br />A CorporatIon, the porty of the Elecond port, ot or beCore the ensenling and
<br />delivery oF. !:Iwse JlI'C'sents, rccr:dpt whcrC!'of is hereby acknowledged, h:ls
<br />granted, bnrgaincd, solei, mud.glled, trolls(erred, oml set ove.r, ond, by these
<br />'Jlt:.l!sents, docs grant, hnr!Jo tn, sell, ossign, trons[er, transferred, ;md set
<br />dver, unto the snid (unty of the second pnrt, its successors nnd cssigns, B
<br />certai_n It/DENTURE OF t10RTGAGE, L1eorinp, dn te 16th of Jl.ne 19 Ef7
<br />Recorded as f!7-1fJ"ElO of the tlortgage Records of B3ll 0:ulI:y
<br />~ and mode by .
<br />Beverly J. Schrage, A S1ngle Person
<br />
<br />to Superior Ilortr.nge, Inc. and nIl its right, title Dnd interest to the
<br />prell'iees therein described, os follows. to-wit:
<br />
<br />The Easterly Two (2), feet of Lot 10 and all of Lot 11, In Block 7, Morris Fifth
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />.'
<br />
<br />Together Hith the note the!'e!.n del1crlbed, I1n'! thl? money due or to become due
<br />there\lmler, .lncllJ(l!nB intf'rest thereon, TO ,,^VE MIIJ TO IIOI.,1l the some unto the
<br />soid pnrty of the second pnrt, its !HICCeSSOl S ond n!;!1ir.ns forever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of soid lIWErlTURE OF NOIHG^GE ther-ein contained.
<br />
<br />^nd the porty of the f j rst pnrt !loes herehy make, constitute oml appoint the
<br />sold pnrty of' the !1('cond pnrt, :1.1:9 true Ollfl lmdul ottorney, irrevocnble, in
<br />its "l1me, or othend_ne. h\lt Elt theIr own proper cost!) olld charr.es, to have,
<br />use, nnd tnke Elll In\~(\ll woys nnd meons for till? recovery of the soid money Dnd
<br />interest, nl1rl, in cnse of I'nyrn~lIt, to dlschnrge the (-;rIme ns the part of the
<br />first part mi[lht, or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />
<br />III Wl'IlmSS loJIIEHEOF, Superior Ilortgnge, IlIc. 11 corpornUolI of the Stote of
<br />llehreslw hns cnll!:ell thls ^ss lp'lImcllt of t10ltgnge to be executed by its
<br />President Elnd attested by its Secretory ond il:9 Corporale Seal to be hereunto
<br />affixed the 20th doy of May in the year 1988
<br />
<br />~_:. ~j ?; ~'.n ,. 1.
<br />",., .,........, .
<br />'. :~,~~\ ~.. v n~ t:-..; q;~
<br />
<br />SUPERIOR t10RTGAGE. llle.
<br />
<br />~_ '~l"'~; .r", ..-:
<br />. . ~_ . ~I'..~ .'..' r (J: I ~
<br />Sta~e of Ne~roska )
<br />~r;}~...,,.\~..,('l. "\~ ) sa.
<br />Co.unty'-of"'JlllH )
<br />('"' '
<br />
<br />Dy: ~#/&/~
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />^tt
<br />
<br />
<br />On thIn 20th rloy of May , 1988 , hdore 111(', n tlotary Puhlic,
<br />duly cOll11nlnnlonccl nlltl IJl1oHHet! in ond for sold CO\lnty nllt! Stnte, Personnlly
<br />crime thl? nhovf! nnumc! KENT 1I0f"STEtJ, VICE PRF.SIDEllT AND KAREN G. BEH"KE, hSST'. SECRETARY
<br />of SUl'erjor IIortr.nr.e, Inc. who ore pt?rsonnlly knolm to me to be the idcllt1t:nl
<br />(11!rSOnll whone ,nomes nrCl o([ixe.l"to the nhove llsslr.f1I1le'lIt of rlurtr,l1ue ns the
<br />Pn?s~dent 01111 Ser.retory or !loll! Corporntloll, nnll the'j' ndtllowledged the
<br />instrumP.l't t.o hf! their voluntary act and deed, Dnd the voluntary BCt Dnd deed
<br />of the said Co~porot1on.
<br />
<br />WITNESS my hOlHi Blld of Ucio 1 seol, in Grand hlond, In said County, the dote
<br />Bforesa <L~~
<br />
<br />;
<br />
<br />~ GfM!lt41 WIARy.St!tt 111 le'msb
<br />~~... M)' Comm. E'll- Aprl 7. 1991
<br />
<br />"0', ("'h it:. ' ,
<br />7:'J/.f:Lt!L-a.:..<.1'. / '~. ,;7/t::iY7,,-
<br />-r--Notnry ('"hI Ie
<br />RBlJECC^ K. I\NllBRSON
<br />
<br />ltE'IURN TO:
<br />
<br />CFU 1 '~()L ~lor~ IO,.,t:lE Cur~F'.
<br />F' . II . [1(1)(100 ;
<br />U 1<1'\ 1 II 1 InU'\In,'. tlE 60002
<br />