<br />
<br />Attost( /K./ teN 4()~
<br />
<br />7\REN G. lm rr.KE, l\SS'f. SECRETARY
<br />
<br />'Dnthl!l nh ,1ny of M:Iy , 19 88 , 11l~fnre lilt', n IIotl1ry "lIhllc,
<br />ll}!ly r.n'lIIl1ln!1l.on(!11 nllll '11101 If lml III 01111 (or !lll_to! COllnl:y !lnd Stnt!'!, Persollnlly
<br />c_nme lhl? rthovr~ nrtlllr~!\ K8tl'!, 1I0LS'l'[~II, VICE PRP,SIDEJI'r NID KNmN G. BfUr.lm, 1\SS'J'". Sr::CR~l'J\RY
<br />o-~ -SlIl't'rior lIurl f\nl\(!, 1,IC. IJltn rHO pl'll'nonnlly knOI'll "0 1110 lo Ill' llt~ ldcnticnl
<br />'Hlr!lOnn IJhO!1r~ ,nnll\C!:l IIn' nrrlxe,l'to '-he nhove as!1If',1I1111,'lll o( Ilorlgnp,t' n!1 lhe
<br />Presi"!'!lIt 01111 Ser,rrlnry or n:del CorplJrnLlon, nil" lit!')' nr\(lIowlct1nt',1 the
<br />.instrllment to hI! tlmit' voluntary nct !lnd deed, !llId the vulllntary oct and deed
<br />of the sold Corporntioll.
<br />
<br />1520031533
<br />::t:,u 31 tot
<br />
<br />'8S"';' 102748
<br />
<br />
<br />ASSIGllI'lEflT OF r'IURTG^G1~ - CorllorElt:.1,on
<br />
<br />KNO\~ ALl. ',11m uy Tlllml~ )'ltESENTS, Thill Suporlor "Iortgnr,e, Inc. II
<br />Corporntioll, the pElrtyof the first port, In consldernt:1on of the sum of
<br />ONP, Dollars
<br />lawflll money of the Unit!'!t1 Stoles of Am.e ri co , to it in Imlld ,pald by
<br />COLONIl\L CENTRI\r~ S1\VINGS B1\N1<, FSB ·
<br />A COI'(1orlltIon, 'the pnrl:y of the !l(1r.ond l'r1rt, Ilt or h(~rOnl the ell1;eoUng {lnd
<br />delivery of tlw!1o Ill't'sent!>, rlJl:eil't t~lll'!rp.or is hCl"r.hy otltnolJl.etlnl'!lI, hns
<br />grontcll, bnrlJtdncel, solrl, IIm1Jr,lIell, trom;f.errlJd, on<\ set over, ollll, by the!1e
<br />'presellt", docs !ll'(lnt, hnrgnlll, !Jell, nS!:liun, tl'nnsfer, trnn~ferrcd, lInd set
<br />dyer, \l\ltu the m1Jd pntl}' or tho !1f)concl (lnrt, its sucr.ossors ond assigns, n
<br />certain JlWElITURE OF t\URTG^GE, lIenrinp, dnte 19th of Junt;! 19 87 ,
<br />Recorded as 87-103683 of the llortnoge Recortls of Hall County
<br />Nebraska nnd mElde by Sa:tt H. M:Ir:Rtan arrl 'D:c:r:y A. M3d\h:m, B..B::En:1 cn:'.l Wife
<br />
<br />to Sllperior Hurtp,np,e, Inc. nlld nll its right, title ond interest to the
<br />premises therein described, os follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />Id:: 'l\a1ty'Nim (~), in Geer:' S:tdi.visim in t:tE City of ~ Islcrrl, R:lll CJ::u1ty
<br />N3:raska, ~ fer a tm::t de!akl to t:tE City of c;:kan:l !s1.cn:J in QJit Claim ra:D
<br />t:t:U.Ltlil in B:ck 1:9, J?a3e 154, crrl a tm::t &ed:rl to tna City of Q:aD :rslaD in
<br />W:In'anty D:led re::a:d:Ll in B:x:k 161, J?a3e 573.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />Tor,ether Illth the note then! I.n dCllcl'lbed, on.1 thl'l 1II0ne!)' rlue Qr to become due
<br />therclIlIllr.r, j IIcltllllnB J.lltl'!rest thercolI, TO "^VI; hllIl TO 1I01.Il the r,nme unto the
<br />snlel pnt'ty of thl'! !1econd pilI' I: , Its r.U'CC01HlOl!1 IInd nnn1r,lIs forever, subject
<br />only to the provIsions of sold lllUlmTUlm OF IIUHTGAGE thcJ'ein contained.
<br />
<br />^nd the (lnrty of the r1n~1: pllrt does Iml'l.'hy ,,,,,lw, cOII"t.ltute ond nl'I'01nt the
<br />sold I'nrty of'the !1t'collll I'nrt, it!! trlle onl( lnHful nttorll!'!y, irrevocoblc, in
<br />J.ts IWllle, or othIHHlr.f), but 01: theIr 01-111 pI-opel' CO!1t!1 nnd charp,!'!!1, to hove,
<br />use, ollel tol10 011. InHrul woyn nlld meDII!! [or tlte reCOVlJl y of the soid money ond
<br />Intr.rcnt, on.I, in cnse of I'nYIII"lIt, to eHnr.hnr Ce the r.nlll(! os the port of the
<br />first (lort mlr.ht, or coulll do, if the!le (Iresents w~re not mnde.
<br />
<br />111 WlHIESS HIIEHEOF, SlIflr!l'ior' lIort:r,nr,e, Inc. 0 cOl'pomL.lolI of the Stnte of
<br />t1ehraslcn hn!l r.nllnl'!!\ thJs Ass Lglllllent of ~Ior tnnce to be !'!xecllted by its
<br />)'resident nnd attested by its Secretory ond it,,! Corflornl.e Seol to be hereunto
<br />offixed .the :a:lth doy of M:ly in the yenr 1988
<br />. ',,^.;.; -.
<br />'. 1..:
<br />'~l': :".~, G' i~ t&.....
<br />
<br />
<br />.~;/ if".."-: :!".;,:::r:.~:'
<br />
<br />Dy:
<br />
<br />~LJ( ~A~
<br />
<br />.1
<br />"
<br />
<br />( -.., , 1 ~.
<br />:r) ~~>>':. .~.~ .~. >. i;~" ll'"'- ,;~..
<br />Stot:e. of lIeli~E1sKa )
<br />-~ '. '-(":r: (I rr<'" "1>;,: )
<br />coijJlt)':'~f;~:J1~n )
<br />"'--':-:.~; ';. :~~. ,.-'
<br />..'...........
<br />
<br />ss.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />WITNESS Iny hond and oCficlol Elcnl,
<br />aforesnid.
<br />
<br />J:EIIEftAl. IIOTMY.sIIIt If MraIb
<br />_- M~ eo",", Elp. April 7, 1991
<br />
<br />. -) ,- ,.-,
<br />~~-G.../7j.,_A' l~ll 1'}/<;/,,)/'/)
<br />! lIotory J'lIhl fc
<br />REOr::CC^ K. NIlJERSON
<br />
<br />in Gr-ond 1.8101111, in sold County, the dnte
<br />
<br />~tB'n.IM TO:
<br />
<br />CEIH H"L mm 1 G,'oI3E CUnF'.
<br />F' . n . [In}f: HIlH
<br />G1,(Alln HlLN-IlI, UE (,0002
<br />
<br />