<br />lS2X)279J3
<br />\:s It:5 '13
<br />
<br />88- 102668
<br />
<br />ASSIGNtlENT OF l'IURTGAGE - Corporation
<br />
<br />KNO\~ M.J. NEN IlY TI1ESE PRESElHS, Tlmt Superior l'lortgage,
<br />Corporation, the party of the first port, in consideration of the sum
<br />ONE
<br />lawful money oE th~ Unitp.d States of America, to it in hand poid by
<br />A Corporntlon, the porty of the !lecond pnrt, at or before the enseoling and
<br />dcli vcr y of these pn'sent~, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has
<br />gronted, 'mt'fp illcd, sold, n!'mlgnell, transferred, onl\ set over, nnd, by these
<br />'p~(!sents, t!f'CS !\I'ont, hnrgotn, selt, o!lsign, tronsfer, transferred, and set
<br />dver, unto the !';nid porty of tllC! Accont! l!nrt, its successors and assigns, B
<br />certain JNI>EtnURE OF NORTGAGE, Benring dote 31st of. July 1985 ,
<br />Recorded as 85-00)574 of the Uortgage Records of B:lll O:Ulty,
<br />NetI:aska and made by JSIlB3 A. Sni.th aD O'e:yl L. Sni.th, B.Ei:Ea'i aD Wife
<br />
<br />Inc. B
<br />of
<br />Dollars
<br />
<br />to Superior llortr.op,e, Inc. and 011 its right, title and interest to the
<br />premises therein described, as follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />']he w:st. Half (~) of Id:.s R:ur (4), arC Five (5), aD ti'E w:st. Half (~)
<br />of ti'E S::ul:h 'l\Elve (12) Feet of I.Dt'lhree (3), all in Bl.cxK "H", in
<br />Mnl:lll em Ief1cn;J I S se:x:n:3 JldJi.tia1 to ti'E 'Ii:Hl of W::x:d Rive:-, B:lll
<br />0:Ulty, NetI:aska.
<br />
<br />Togelher with the note thp'I'eln descrl belt, 0,"1 tllP. malic}' Ilue or to become due
<br />thereulHlp.r, j nclllllinr. j,Il\:erest thereoll, TO I1hVI~ hilI> TO 1I0l"n the Sllme unto the
<br />said [I,lI'ty of the second pnrt, its !'luccensors llnd nm;!p,ns forever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of sold lIIUEllTURE OF' NORTGAGE therein contained.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />hnd lhp. porty of the fJrst port does herehy mnllll, constitute ond npl'oint the
<br />sold pnrty of'the sccond port, jLt'I true lllld Inl~ful nttorney, irrevocable, in
<br />its nOllie, or othen,iAll. hut at thlll.r OWIl proper costs ami charge!'!, to hove,
<br />use. nllel toll!! 011 lnw[ul ways nlld meons [or the recover)' of the said money and
<br />in teres\: , 011'" in cnse of pnym"llt, to dlschorge the sn.ne ns the part of the
<br />first port might, or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />
<br />111 WllrmSS IVIlEREOr, Superior l'lortr,nr,e, Inc. 0 corporotion of the Strite of
<br />tlehraslcn hnn cnllsed this Asslgnmllnt of Nortgnge to be executed by its
<br />President and attested by its Secretory and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto
<br />Bffixe~;;th~ 19th day of M:rj in the year 1988 .
<br />" .' "'Vlt?.
<br />
<br />':'~. -:. .,~ -,. '#~.
<br />'",
<br />
<br />
<br />By:
<br />
<br />
<br />State of Nebraska )
<br />) ss.
<br />Count}' ofli~l1 )
<br />. _,' _:'l'-'
<br />
<br />Atte
<br />
<br />" /...
<br />.::~:..
<br />
<br />
<br />On lhls .loy of . 19 ,hefore 1111:', n IIotory "uhlic,
<br />: d,lll y CIlIl11l11 !'l!lloneel nnd rllln 1 H teel in ond [or !lll lei Connty ond St.ot!!, Per sono11 y
<br />i, came thr. nhov.' MIlI!,,1 KENT 1l0LS'rEN, VICE PRr:SlDEN'r lIND KlIREN G. mnLlm, l\SST~ SECRETARY
<br />'01 SUl'l:'rlor Ilor\:p,np,c, Inc. who ore pr.rsonnlly known to llIe to bc the ident.icnl
<br />'persolln WhO!1I~.'Hlll1e!l nre IIr[ixcd'~o the nhove oss1p,nll1ellt of tltll'llJOlJc ns tlm
<br />;1'rl!!l illmlt ond Scr.retor y 0 [ snid Cor porn II 011, nnd lhey ndmowl edlJed the
<br />'instrument to hI? thelr voluntDry ect Dnd deed, Dnd the voluntory act ond deed
<br />of the soid Corporation.
<br />
<br />WITNESS tn)' hDnd and officiDl eeal, in Graod Islond, in sald County, the dote
<br />,,(oresDid.
<br />
<br />r'::~~"
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<br />j'""I'fotDf'Y Puhlic
<br />
<br />RE'lURtf 'fa:
<br />
<br />CEIl' \':(,L ~1111, 1 GllBE Cl:mr-.
<br />f' . 11. f.tlJl(1 nn;
<br />until III 1m (\fill, UE 6000:'
<br />