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<br />\ ~ ;)00,;)3 "Dl3.;l. <br />1(00393 <br /> <br />88-102665 <br /> <br />ASSIGNNENT OF NORTGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNO\~ ^LI. Him BY TIIESE PRESENTS, That Superior Nor tgage, Inc. B <br />Corporation, the pBrty of the first part, in consideration of the sum of <br />ONE Dollars <br />lawful money of the United States of America, to it in hand pBid by <br />OOLONIAL CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, FSB <br />^ Corporntion, the pnrty of the second part, at or beCore the ensenUng Bnd <br />delivery of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has <br />granted, bargained, sold, assigned, transferred, and set over, and, by these <br />. Ptesents, does grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, transferred, and set <br />"ver, unto the !'laid pnrty of the second pnrt, its successors and sseJgns..l a <br />certain JNUEtHURE OF NORTGAGE, Bearing dnte 2200 of APRIL 198t) , <br />Recorded as DOC. 86-101970 of the ~Iortgage Records of HALL COUN'l'Y, <br />NEBRASKA and made by RICHARD B. OOLFE AND CARLA A. OOLFE, HUSBAND AND WIFE, <br /> <br />to Superior r'lortr,oge, Inc. nod nIl its right, title and interest to the <br />premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: <br />LOT THIRTY ONE (31), IN BLOCK ONE ( 1 ), IN MORRIS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />. " <br /> <br />Together with the note thcn~tn dl:!scrJbed, oml the mOlley due or to bccoml:! dlle <br />thereunder. I ncludlnR interest thereon, TO II^VE him TO "OJ.1l the some unto the <br />said party of the second "nrt, its auccessors nnd osstgns forever, subject <br />onl, to the provisions of said IIIDElHURE OF t1URl'GAGE therein contained. <br /> <br />And the party of the [hst port does hereby mnlm, constitute ond oppoint the <br />sold porty of the second port, Its true on!! lowful ottorney, irrevocable, in <br />its nmlle, or otherwt!1l~. IJllt at theIr own proper costs alld, to have, <br />lise, alld toke all 10llful ways ond meons {or the recovery of the said money ond <br />illterest, and, in cose of poymrmt. to discharge the same os the parI: of the <br />first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made. <br /> <br />IN WITNJ~SS 14I1EUEOF, SUIH?rior tlor tp,np,e, Inc. n corporation of the Stote of <br />Nebra,skn", ,CAlmed ,this Assip,nment of t1ortgoge to be mlecllted by its <br />Pres:l~erit 'ond~'attested by its Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto <br />a(f1x~d, 1 t"~ ,~-i~~'l'H day of MAY in thl! year 19 88 . <br />~::\ " <br /> <br />1 ..:~; <br /> <br />SUPERIOR t10RTGAGE, INC. <br /> <br />. '- ,. r"(,' 0 <br />,\ :" <br />. +"::';.:1P:~\ r;~' <br /> <br />By: ~ 4. cY.J-M) <br /> <br />KBNT HOLSTEN, VICE PRESIDENT <br /> <br /> <br />State of.~ti~,btDska ) <br />) ss. <br />Count, of 11011 ) <br /> <br />AU <br /> <br />EN G. BEILKE, ASST. SECRETARY <br /> <br />On this 18TH llay of MAY , 1988 , bcCore me, n !Iotory Public, <br />dul, commissioned nnd qualified in nnd for said County and State, Personally <br />Callie the above nomcd KENT HOLSTEN, VICE PRBSIDENT AND KAREN G. BEILKE, ASST~ SECRETARY <br />; o,r':SullCrio.r r'lortr,nr,e, Inc. who ore personolly known to me to be the identiCAl <br />pl!r,sons whose names nre affixed to the nbove ass:lr,llml:!llt of t1ortgoge os the <br />Pre:sident and Secretory of said CorJ1orntton, nnd they Acknowledged the <br />Instrument to be thel~ voluntary Bct and deed, ond the voluntory act Bnd deed <br />of the said Corporation. <br /> <br />;?~. <br /> <br /> <br />seal, in Grand Island, in said County, the dote <br /> <br />RE'ltlRH '10: <br /> <br />CENTRflL HORll:l.'13E CUHP. <br />P.O. BOX lOIn <br />BRANn ISLt"IIIlI, Nt":: 6f.1802 <br /> <br />=1/ .bLt't1iJ j( (JJY1U:.{4/.r)c) <br />Notnry I'ublic <br />REBECCA K. TlNDEHSON <br />