<br />1520030907
<br />~I ;;).','Soq
<br />
<br />88-102664
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />^SSlGNNEflT OF 1,(URTGhGE - Corporation
<br />
<br />KNUII ^1.1. HEN llY THESE PHESElnS, Thot Superior l'lortgage,
<br />Corporotion, the party of the first port, in cOllsideration of the sum
<br />ONE
<br />lawful money DC the UnHlHl Stotes of ^mQricfI, to it in hand paid by
<br />^ Corporotlon, the pnrty of the ~er:ond pnrt, at or heCore tl1C! eI1!H!OUnR and
<br />deli Yl!r y of tlll!~e 1"'C'sp.nts, rer.ci pt whereof is herl!by acknowledged, has
<br />gronted, bntl}oincd, 50lrl, n!"fllgnetl, trons(crred, ond set over, nnd, by these
<br />'pt."csents, tloe!> r,nlllt, hnrgoln, sell, ossign, tronsfer, transferred, nnd set
<br />dver, IInto the sold pnrty of the Recond pnrt, its successors and assigns, a
<br />certain JlmmnURE OF NORTG^GE, Dearing dote 30th of April 1987 ,
<br />Recorded as 87-102487 of the Hortgage Records of Hall County
<br />
<br />Nebraska and made by Timothy A. Toomey, A Single Person
<br />
<br />to Superior rlortp,np,e, Inc. and 011 its right, title ond interest to the
<br />premises therdn described, as follows, to-wit:
<br />
<br />Inc. 8
<br />of
<br />Dollars
<br />
<br />Lot Seven (7), in Block Eight (8), in West View, An Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />. .
<br />
<br />Together "ith the note then?! n descrt bcd, n,"1 the monei' due or to become dlle
<br />thereullllr.r. Includin!J int!'rest thereon, TO "^VE MIll TO 1I00,Il the some unto the
<br />said porty oC the second 1'11rt. ,I ts flllr:cennOlS nnd nssip.ns forever, subject
<br />only to the provisions of sa ill IIIUElITURE OF' t10RTG^GE therein contoined.
<br />
<br />^"d thl? pnr ty 0 r the r h st par t docs herC'hy mnk!?, COllst itute and "I'point the
<br />said I'nrty 0[' the sC'cond I'll I' t , 1tl1 true 01111 lnuful ottorney, lrreyocilble, in
<br />its nl1n1e, or othends!?, hilt nt th!'ir 0"" proper costn ond clUlrp.en, to have,
<br />US!!, nnd toke 011 In"flll wnyn nll<1 mcons Cor the recoveq' of the soidl money Dnd
<br />interest, ollll. In cnse of pnYIll""t, to dlschnr'ge the ,-;ome ns the part of the
<br />first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made.
<br />
<br />III WnllESS HIIEHEOF', Supcrior IIortr,:1p'e, Inc. 0 corporotiOIl oC the Stole of
<br />Ilehraskn hns r.nllscrl thl1l ^sslr,nmr.nt of t10rtgnge to be executed by its
<br />President ond attested by its Secretory and itn Corporote Seol to be hereunto
<br />affixed()t'~~:, 20th day of May in the year 1988 .
<br />
<br />,..-
<br />
<br />'. t. '> or.~~..> '~~'
<br />
<br />surER lOR NORTG^GE, INC.
<br />
<br />, '-
<br />
<br />Dy: d'-"l tfl/J--J
<br />
<br />
<br />. .-" ,"''') .~/,. ~ ~
<br />'Sta~eef Nebraska)
<br />;,::,,- ',-:'". ) 5S.
<br />C(JU,",~" o_fJIQl~ , )
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<br />
<br />~. l; ~
<br />
<br />'On thfs 20th Ilny of May , 1986 , herOTC me, n 1I0tnry l'uhllc,
<br />',duly cornlltl nslont'd nnd 1l'1l11I fil'll in nnd for !lOld COllnty ond Stnte, rersonolly
<br />C::lme till? nllov!? nnl1lr~d KENT IIOL.STErl, VICE PRF.SJDENT MID K^REN G. BEILKE, ^SST'. SECRETARY
<br />of Snl'C'rlor Ilortronr,e, Inc. wlro nre pl'n:ollnl1y kno\m to Ille to bl! the identicnl
<br />he,rsons "host' In::lIlles nr!! I1r[ixed'~o the nhove oss'r.rllllC'nt of rlorlp,n!Jt' ns the
<br />rn!sldenl: "1Il1 Sel'.tetnry or sllid Corpornt irm, onrl they ncknol<Jcdgt',1 the
<br />in'strumclIt. to he theL' voluntllry act ond deed, ond the voluntary nct and deed
<br />of the sold Corporation.
<br />
<br />
<br />~,
<br />
<br />WlTlmSS my hond and officlol sllol, in Grond Island, in sold County, the date
<br />efere
<br />
<br />~... IITMY-slIII If'"
<br />., CIlIa ~ ~ 1, 1991
<br />
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<br />-/..: j; LLeA - ,:If~ u/}'dJ~,iillIJU
<br />jrr.rtnry I IIhl r
<br />Rtmr::CCA K. I\NtJERSON
<br />
<br />ItETUP.lll TO:
<br />
<br />CEI~ , I<(\t, 1-10n' O,'UE CUI,f'.
<br />f" . t 1 , nux Inn i
<br />Ul~""'lI lE,l (\1111. rw 6111lO:J
<br />