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<br />6 Emln.nt Damlln. Lande, IS 88~lgneAIIQo~!?~?awa'ds damages and olher payments or ,eliellhe'OInalter "Proceeds'l In connecllon with <br />condemnallon or olher taking ollhe Property or part thereof, or for conveyance In lieu 01 condemnatIon Lender shall be entilled at its oplion to commence, appear In and <br />prosecuto In Jls own name any aellon or proceedings, and shall also be entitled 10 make any compromIse or scHlemsnl1n conneclio,1 with such lakIng Of damage. In the <br />~\lenl any portion 01 the Property IS 50 taken or damaged. Lender shall have Ihe optIOn. tn 115 sole ;r,d absolute discretion. to apply all such Proceeds, after deducting <br />therefrom all costs and expenses incurred by It In connection with such proceeds. upon any Indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine. or to <br />apply all such Proceeds. after 5uch deductions. 10 Ihe restoration 01 the ~roperty upon such condItions as Lender may determine Any application 01 Proceeds to <br />tndeblodnoss shnfl not extend or postpone the due dale of any payments under Ihe Nole. or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. <br /> <br />7_ Performance br Lend.r.ln the e\lont of Borrower's faIlure to perform any ollhe cO\lencnts herem or make any payments required hereby. or If any act is taken or <br />legal proceeding commenced which materially alterts Londer's Interes1 in the Property, Lender may In lis own dIscretion. but without obligation to do so. and without notice <br />to or demand upon Borrower and wilhoul releasing Borrow,,", from any obligallon. do any act which the Borrower has agreed hut fans to do and may also do any other act il <br />deems necessary to protect the security hereol_ Borrower shall. ImmedIately upon demnnd therefor by Lender. pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred and sums <br />expended by Lenderin connecllon With the OIt.OrCISD by Lander or Ihe foregOing nghts. logother with Intmesl thereon al the rate provided In the Note, which shall be added to <br />Ihe Indebtedness 6ecured hereby. Lender shall not Incur any personal liability because of anything II may do or omit to do hereunder <br /> <br />8. Event' of D.r.ult. The follOWing shall con Slit ute an avenl 01 default under thIS Deed ot Trusl <br /> <br />Is) Failure to pay any InslaUment 01 principal or inleresl or any olher sum secured hereby when due, or lailure to pay when due any other Indebtedness of <br />Borrower to Lender; <br /> <br />Ib) A breach of or default under any prOVision contamed m rhe Nole. thiS Deed 01 TrusI. any documen1 whtch secures the Note. and any other <br />encurnbran-::B upon the Property; <br /> <br />(c) A writ of execullon or attachment or any similar process shall be enlered agalnsl Borrower which shall become a lien on the Property or any portion <br />thereof or inlerest therein; <br /> <br />(d) There shall be filed by or against Borrower 'an action undor any present or future federal, state or olher slatute. law or regulation relating 10 <br />benkruplcy.lnsol\loncy or other relief for debtors: or there shall be appolnled any trustee. receiver or liquidator of Borrower or at all or any part oflhe Property. or <br />Ihe renls. issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shall make any general assignmenl for the benefit of creditors. <br /> <br />(0) The sale. transfer, assignment. conveyance or furlher encumbrance of all or any parl of or any mlerest in the Property. either voluntarily or <br />Involuntarily. wllhout the express wntten consent of Lender <br /> <br />ff) If Borrower is not Ci, indiVidual. the snle. transfer. assIgnment. conveyance or encumbrance of more Ihan _ percent of (ir a corporation) i!s <br /> <br />issued and outstanding stock or III a partnership) H__._ percent of partnelshlp Inlerests <br /> <br />9 Rem"dle.; Ace.l.ratlon Upon D.fault, In Ihe B\lent 01 any Event of Oe18ull Lender may declare all mdebtedness secured hereby to be dua and payable and the <br />same shall thereupon become due and payable Without any presentment. demand. protesl or notIce of any kind Thereafter Lender may <br /> <br />(a) Demand that Trustee exorCIse the POWER OF SALE granted herem. and Trustee shallthereaftercaust;; Barrl/wer's interest In the Property to be sold <br />and 1he proceeds to be dlslributed, aU In the manner prOVided In the Nebraska Trusl Deeds Act <br /> <br />(b) Either in f-ierson or by agent, with or without bringtng any actton or proceeding, or by a recel\ler apPolnled by a court and Without regard to the <br />adequacy of i1s sec~JfIty, ellter upon and lake pOflsnsslon of the Properly. or any part tl1ereol. In Its own name or in Il1ename of the Truslee. and dOl1ny acts which <br />f1 deems necessary or deSirable 10 preserve the val14c, marketabIlity or rentability of the Property. or part thereol or IOterest therein. Increase the Income <br />thereFrom or protecI the security hereof and. wl1h or Without takIng possessIOn 01 the Property. sue for or otherWise collecllhe renls. Issues and proll1slhereof. <br />including those past due and unpatd, and apply Ihe same. less custs anO expenses of operation and collecllon including attorneys' lees. upon any mdebtedness <br />secured hereby, all In such order as Lender may determine The enteflng upon and taking possession of the Property. Ihe collection of Such rents. Issues and <br />profits and the application thereof as aforesaid. shall not cure or wal\le any delault or notice 01 delault hereunder or invalidate any act done In response 10 such <br />default or pur5uant to such oolrce of defaul1 and. nOlwlthstandtllg the continuance to possesSion of the Property or the collachon. receipt and applicatIOn of <br />ran1s.lssues or profits. Trustee or Lender shall be entitled 10 exercIse e...ery fight pro\llded for In any 01 the Loan Inslrumenls or by law upon accureoce of any <br />event of default. including tha right to exercise the power of sale. and <br /> <br />ee) Commence an acrlon to foreclose thIS Deed of Trust as a mortgage apPOInl i1 rece, or speCifically enforce any ot the covenanls hereof. <br /> <br />No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trusteeor Lender 15 Intended 10 be OJlclusl...e 01 any other remedy herem or by law prOVided or permltled. but each shall be <br />cumulative. s.hall be in addition to 8\1ery other remedy gl\len hereunder or now or herCI1Uef eXIsting at law or In equllY or bV :.italute, and may be e_erClsed concurrenlly. <br />Independently or succeSSively <br /> <br />10 TrultH. The Trustee may resign at any time Without cause and lunder mily at any time and INtlholll cause apPOlnl a successor or substllute Trustee Trustee <br />shall not be liable for any 1055 or damage unless due to acllOnable negligence or wIlllul nllsconducl and shall not be H!QtJlted to lake any achon In connectton wllh the <br />en'orcomant 01 this Deed of Trust unless Indemnlfled. In wfltrng. 'or all CDsls, compt>nsalton or eJl;penses whtctl mOly be i1ssoclated Iflerpwlttl In ,1dQltlon T1U~lec may <br />become a purchaser al Bny sale of the Properly (ludiclsl or under Ihe power 01 sale granted herein), postpone Ihe sale 01 all or any portion 01 the properly. as prOVided by taw. <br />or sell the Property as a whole, or In separate parcels or lol! <br /> <br />11. Futur. Advanc.., Upon request of Borrower, Lender may. allls optlon_ make addillonal and luture advances and read"'dnccs to Borrower SUCh advances and <br />roodvances. with Inleres.t Ihereon. shall be secured by this Deed 01 Trust AI no limo shalllho prtnClpal amount 01 the Indebtedness secured by thiS Deed of Trust. not ,"_ <br /> <br />cludlng sums advanced to protect Ihe secunly of !hlS Deed or Trust. eKceeCJ the onglnol prinCipal amounl staled hereln_ or S__ ,_3-.5-.11_0_0"O...JlO____ _ __._ _ . whlcheverlS <br />greater <br /> <br />12 Mlacell.n.ou. Pro"lllon,. <br /> <br />(a) Borrowlf Nal A.I....d. E...hlOslon 01 the lime lor payment Of mudlflcatlon of amor11zallon of the sums secured hy fhls Deed ot Trust grantecllly <br />Londer to any 5UCCtJ:\SOf In mterosl 01 Borrower 5h.111 not operate 10 release In any manner, the liability of 1he onglOal Borrower and Borrower's successors In <br />!Olerest Lender ,hall not bfJ reQulfe(J 10 commence proceedlng5 agOln5lSlJCh successor or rcluse to ex lend tIme for paymenl or olherwlse modlly amortizatIOn <br />of the sums secured by thl5 Deed of Trust by reason of Any demands made by ItlQ anginal Borrower and Borrowers s'.Jccessors In mterest <br /> <br />lbl Lende,', Pawer.. Wllhoul affocllng the liability 01 any olher person liable for the prtymenl of any obhgallon herem menlloned and wltnaut atlecling <br />the lien or charge 0' thlli Deod of Trulil upon any por110n of UW Property nQllhen or lhorololoro relo.!lsed as SHcurl1y fOl Ihe lull amounl 01 all unpaid obligations <br />Lender may. tram limo to Hmo ana Without nol1C(1 {q release any person 50 hable, (II) ell.l~nd!he matunty or alter any of the lerms 0' any such obI/gallons, (IIlJ <br />grant other Indulgences.llvl rolease or reconvey or cause to be relnased or reconveyed at any time fit lender's opllons any parcel. portion or all 01 the Propert.,. <br />(v) take or releflseany other or Oddlllonalsecuflty f01 any obllgatlon heleln mentIOned, or l...l) make composltlonsorottler arrangements With deblors," rel.lhon <br />Iherelo <br /> <br />Ie) Forbear.nce b~ Lende, Not. Waiver, Any 'orboarunce by lender In a_ere/sing any nght or remedy hereunder, or otherwlsc allorded bV applicable <br />law, shall not bea waiver of or preclude the exercise of any SUCrl r/ghl or remedy The procurement OflnSlJrance or lhe paymenl or taxes or olher llf!nsor chargC!. <br />by Lender shall nol be a waiver of Lender's rtght 10 accelerate Iho matunly 01 the mdeblednees secured by thIS Deed of Trust <br /> <br />Id) Suc':'lIo...and A"'gn, Boundj Jolnl.nd S'".r.1 L1.bllll)'; C.pUon.. The covenanls and agreements herein contained shalt bind, and the nghts <br />hereunder sholl mure to. the respecllve- SIJCCf!5SarS and assigns of Lendl'r and Borrower. sublec1to the prOVISion!' of paragraph 8 leI hereol All covenants and <br />agreemantsof Borrower sholl be JOint and se\leral Tho capllons and headings of Ihe paragraphs of thiS Deed 01 Truslore for conveOlenceonly and are not to be <br />used to Interpret or define the proviSions hereol <br /> <br />(e) AeqllelllorNollce.. The parties hereby request thai a COpy of Ilny nolice 01 defaull hereundef and a copy of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to <br />each party to thiS Deed of Trus1 ollhe address set forth above In !he manner prescrIbed by applicable law E~cept for any other notice reqUIred under appllc.lhle <br />law to be given In another manner. any notice prOVIded fOf In Ihls Deed of Trusl shall be given by maIling such notice by certlflol1 moll addresscl110 ttle other <br />partieS, at Ihe address set forlh above <br /> <br />Any notice prOVided lor In thiS Deed or Trust sholl be deemed 10 have been gl\lon 10 Borrower or Lender when given In rhe manner deSignated herOin <br /> <br />(f) In.p.cUon. Lender may make or cause to be made rOOSonabllJ entries UPOIl and Inspecl/ons ollhe Properly provided thai Lender shall glvo Borrower <br />nolice prlor to any such inspection speclfving reasonable cause thorelor related to Lender's '"'oresllO the Property <br /> <br />Ig) A.con..~.nce, Upon payment 01 all sums secured by thIS Deed of Trust. Lendor shall requesl Trustee 10 reconvey the Properl" and shall surrendor <br />thiS Deed of Trust and all notes eVidenCing mdebledness secured by thiS Deed of Trust to Truslee Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property Without warranty and <br />without Charge to tho person or per50ns Irgally enlillod thereto Such paraon or persons shall pay nil casts of JoCOrdatlOn. ,f any <br /> <br />Ih) P.raonaIProptrfy. Security Asaddittonal socurlty fOl the payment of the Nole all fixtures eQulpmenl, and other porsonal p/0peny used <br />In conneclion With tho roal estale or Imprc:;vemenls located thoreon_ and not otherWise declared or deemed to be a part of the teal estate secured hereby. shall be <br />subject to 8securlly Intereat In favor of 1he Lende, undrr the Nobraska Uniform Commercial Code ThiS lflslrum'!nt 511811 be construed as 8. Sccunly Agreomnnl <br />under sold Code. and lhe Londer shall havo all the fights and temedlOS of a secured party under saId Code In addlllon to the rights nnd remedies crealed under <br />and accorded the Lender pursuant to thiS Deed 01 T,uSI <br /> <br />(l) 5eYanbiIitr. In the Byent Ihat any provI~lon of thl'! Doed of TrusI conflict with applicable Inw or are declared Involld 01 olherwlse unenlorcellble such <br />conflict or In\:i'slidity shalt not aHect the 01her proviSIons of Ihls Doed or Trust or the Nolo which CAn be gi\len effecl wllhout the conll1ctlnQ prOVISion and to Ihls <br />ond Ihe provisions of tho Cef!d of T rusl and th(ll Nota are declnred to be severable <br /> <br />Borrower hIlS E'xocutf.d Ihls Doed or i'rust Ihe dato wrlUerl above <br /> <br />n ...._G~. <br /> <br />~BUrney) "OWL" <br /> <br />