<br />.I, _1...... .,_.,..._ __ .___,___, ___..._,____.__ _
<br />lr-....-.--- -..---- .-~------ -----...-""...---.- .__.______n._ - ..----.~_._.
<br />, 203~-!U:LEASE OF MORTGAGE-Corporation
<br />_.~t j---.,-,-,---...-.--..-.--.--,-,.-,.- -..-.- - -- --- .-- ._------
<br />
<br />,I I
<br />I
<br />
<br />~"~,,,"~~~.2:ll~ .
<br />
<br />4..ffman and Felton & Wall, Walton, Ne. 68461 l
<br />
<br />:1
<br />!I
<br />i!
<br />ii
<br />!I
<br />!/
<br />
<br />'i
<br />
<br />;1
<br />'I
<br />II
<br />':1,1' of Section , in TOW1lship , Range of the P. M.,
<br />Cou'!ty, State of which is rewrded in Boo~' of Real Estate Mortgages, page
<br />II I of the records of said COlmty. Hall County Register of Deeds As Document #82-004728
<br />III' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Northwest National Bank 1uu caused Ii
<br />'I these presents to be executed by its presidctlt a~ui its Cv,.porate Seal to be affixed hereto this 16th 'I
<br />M . 88 i 1f
<br />day of ay j 6' , 19 I n
<br />II I Witness:. <1'NAr~ ",,".u~Qr.~b~:hQ~..l?!m~~______..______..._________... : :'
<br />
<br />il i .......--.-....... .~~~~~~~~.----.. By... , i: ..~~... m~ .. ,_........~_.., Preside,"
<br />I ! ~ .' '-.. t.:" ~,.' "._ .. .-' noma "'L7 /\ ~ ;;
<br />j. &t~~~.r&R.AT~\~ '\--'"" ,"qAlIrst /.... ~~ette 00 s:.e:~., Cashier, Secretary it
<br />II STAT ~.:::J~~4\t~1.,~.. .................'......} 0 thi IS da fill 19C',}
<br />II ~~,,:l:~l~,l.... .......Counly os, b:roro ';,;~:u;h~u;;;;de~i~~d:. ~~J;;;;hp.;bik-;;; an;t;;;;
<br />
<br />i 'said Co ~~t 'b"? ....lhc hlU~ 3 ~ .tllY \d~...................................___.....__.............., President of the
<br />
<br />,i I ~~~';';~:',;n; k::~ .;;'i.:~~ p~,~~~~u~nd id~nti~"j ;,;.;:,~~ ~h;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;m;~d'~ih;;;b~~ =::
<br />
<br />i! I acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and
<br />li/', ! deed of said Corporation, and that its cnrpornte seal was thereto affixed by its authority.
<br />I '1 '_
<br />il J Witness my hand and Notarial J ''U.'', "L"'.l.l..".:..J....................... in said County the day and vear
<br />' I . ,.
<br />il I' last above wntten, liOEUllllMY.......... ",~ A' --r\, .' j
<br />I' IeIVIN A. Bfl:"'OM . c' "'*"" '~' '.
<br />1 M .,. E..1 .. - '-V'L..",' ]\,,-,-';'; J\.J(~\ N +...... Publi ' :
<br />:O"c''"1+~~,,_~~~~~I.~~I~~ expires., ':, ..c.... ~ .~. ,- ,..c~~':'.:'.:'. :~:o~: .:.:;.~:.;~~:.~:c_c::;;:~~.:::~.;.:..;..:::=';,,:.:-~.~ -=.=,;. ". '-_::;~. __
<br />:1 I
<br />. ~ I
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the pa')'ment of the debt named therei", the
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Forthwest National Bank, Grand Island Nebra~~
<br />
<br />,
<br />I on 'he following describrd real estate, to-'lvit:
<br />i The center one-third (1/3) of Lot Two (2) Block Sixty Five
<br />town, now Ci~y pf Grand Island Nebraska
<br />
<br />Northwest National Bank,
<br />hereby releases the mortgage JKtJd, 10
<br />
<br />(65), in the original
<br />
<br />
<br />Richard E. Stephens, & Barbara G.
<br />Stephens
<br />
<br />i
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />I
<br />, I
<br />
<br />"
<br />II
<br />
<br />"
<br />:;
<br />
<br />,
<br />:.
<br />