<br />11. _ ~ _ u,on CIoI..."... ,....... Ill... _, 04 OIly
<br />__~_..Ill"',*",,-"""-'_,
<br />...-r__" --........, -...,__ ...,_...
<br />~ 10 ,_ .. ....... _..... .. CIoI....., Tho ,....... _ .... '"
<br />_.._..... ~ _II -....., _...~ '0"_11
<br />_......_'......._'...., ~_... ...--,---.
<br />-.. ""'*"',_ _od ....." _ _ dol_ 10 ,........ . .......
<br />_..CIoI____,o_'lo~ I... _. _... 'ruel....
<br />.....__.__Iea..,Ilo__.......__ "duly
<br />---...,....-
<br />
<br />... An.... _ .. ....h IN u ...r .. raq.lred ... law 'allowing '" .-
<br />_.. uk! _.. ...,...11, _ _Ice 04 ...,...11_ _lea" _.....ng
<br />_..............red ... lew, ,........ wll_, _... ,......., ....., ...
<br />... PIoopartJ an 1M _ _ .1 1Ilo._.... _ dNItM...... _ _lea.I
<br />-. at..- __ 10.... ........., _, ... ....._ pttce ...r- In
<br />_ _ aI...1lttl1od 810100 ..I..'.... aI_. Tho _ _ling
<br />... _ _._.... _Ilo -.. .........., ....1_ IIlo ule ,.... 1_
<br />..__" _ Ila __ _, III _..... __...... aI...........
<br />- _............-...._ _......... - at ...,IIM
<br />...... _ ~ lor.. _ ~ II 1" _Ie ...._,..
<br />__ _111_...,........... ~ 1ft... _ 01 _ _
<br />__.............__............_01_
<br />
<br />T_____...........-....~~11lo
<br />"'-_.... _ 0IIy"-" w.._, _.......-. ,..
<br />_.. 1M _...... __.. 'OCI. _.. _ ptao/ 01....
<br />--,""'--....~.__......
<br />-.
<br />
<br />.. _T......__......_-.I..'___...
<br />..-..... _10 _..... _ __.............
<br />
<br />=:.:..:."'.:::.:. ~... ~:..~=:.:..":
<br />.._..__tcl..lii____
<br />... __..__Ill-.......IOIH..._Ie",,__
<br />..__....__..___H...._.._
<br />....--..-..--...-....--
<br />...._at:
<br />.. ~..__..__.._---_..
<br />---
<br />. ...----
<br />lilt TIle.......... If..... .. _,.......... enlm.I-.&o..
<br />
<br />** in the al'J.~n?gilte $')0 or one-hat f of "nt' percl'nt
<br />of the pnt i re unpaid principal sum <"l'L'IJll'(I,
<br />..hichevl'r !<; I~r'sll('r
<br />
<br />and, .lIl)Oul d.mand, ahall ~ Imm'dl.'.IW' OUI .nd p..,aDI. b, TruSlor ,nd ,,...11
<br />bear 1m.,." II rn. ma.lmum aUowable 'Igal ,alll, pfolfld.CI. ho....'. 11'111 allh.
<br />opUon of Benlllcl.ry or l,ult.. tuCh tums may ~ 10CSld 10 Ihl prlnclPII 1l.llnCI
<br />of an)' Indebtlldn... IICU'~ ".rlb, and 11'1111 bI.r 11'1, IIml Inll'"1 .1 auch
<br />IndlblldnMl Ind ttl.1l bel plyabl. III_bly OY" lnl IltIN.lnlng Ilrm Ihlreof
<br />
<br />10. AN...... .. IIlMII. 8enlllcll'Y 11'1111 I'lllfe Ii'll 'Ighl, powlr ana lulhaln,
<br />during 1M conllnuanc. Jollhll T,ull Deed 10 colleellhto renl'. ISlul. Ind protlls 01
<br />lhIl Propart)' and 01 .n~ petldnll plOPl'rl)' loellM! Ihellon ..Ih 01 wllhoul 1....lng
<br />poI....lon 01 lhe Pfopetlr .rr.el" herlby. 11\4 Y'utlor hl"b, eblolulllV eno
<br />uncondllloNlllr ...Ignl In luch Ilnll. IlluII end pro'lll 10 E1Mllllelary.
<br />"".lIcllry. 1'10....., herlby con..nll 10 IhI T'ullol'l collecllon and 181enllon 0'
<br />lucn IMII, InuII and prollll I' IMY acctue and become pI,lble 10 long el
<br />Tru.lot II nOI, 'I luch llmal, In defaull wllh .I.peel 10 paymlnl 01 In)'
<br />InGt>bll'dl'l':'a' NCUled heleby 01 In IhI perfotmlncl 01 any aa'Hmlnl herlundar
<br />Upon eny auetl deflult, Beneflcllry mly II.n, lime. Ill,*, In paflon. b, lo.nl, o. by
<br />. ~l", 10 be Ippoinled by . court, wllhoul nolle. Ind without r.glrd 101M
<br />~u.cy or anr NC:urUy lor the Inc:lG:ltdftH. ....reby NCurld, II) Inl.r upon Ind
<br />1M' palMllion at the Property or Iny part Ihlr.of, and In Itl own nlme aUI ror Ot
<br />01,.,.111 C~I<<I IlUCh renll, Illu" Ind proflll. Inclucllng U10M PI" Clu. Ind
<br />unpeld. and appl., lhe lama, I... COlli Ind ..pana.. of oparlllon and coll.cUon,
<br />5noIudInQ raalOnable IlIomey '.', upon .ny lnoebled'n... HCurM! hl"by, Ind In
<br />euch 01'_ .. BenelkiAl)' m.y delermlne; IbJ PI"OIm luch Icll of IIPI't Ot
<br />proleCnan.. may bra ~.ury or ptopet' 10 conHIVI 1M ....Iu. of Ihl Properly; tcl
<br />..... thl.aIM or any paf1l~reo' for luctt ranltl, II'm, .and upon SUtn COndltlonl
<br />.. tll ~nl may ~c1.I.. Unl." Tru,lor Ind Ban.'lellry -urea olharwll' In
<br />wr1l1ng, any applleaUon of ,.nll, Ilauel or p,oml to Iny Indeblednl'l l\eCufad
<br />twaby ""II not plend Of poIlpone fhli due dill allhe InlllUmenl plymtnll II
<br />prawkkd In laid proml.1Ofy notl Of Chlngl I'" .mounl 01 auch Inlllllmlnll_ Tho.
<br />enlerlng upon Ind lakJng po'M"loo 01 1M PmPlrly, Ih. coll.cllon of luCh r.nll.
<br />__. and proUll, Ind 1M application Ihe.IO' al Il00llald. .h.1I nal .aiy. Of CUll
<br />any "'flull 01 nollce 01 delaull hereundl'. o'lnvalldlla .nv Icl don. purlulnl 10
<br />8UCh nollca. TruSlot .110 ...igna 10 Ben!'t1CI.I')I, II lurlhe' lleurUy For 1h.
<br />par10rmancl 01 IhI obllgaUonl secu.ed hlreDy. III preplld r.nll Ind III monl"
<br />WhICh me, hag.-an or may nerllnar be depoalllld wll" I-lld Trullor by Iny III....
<br />of me Propert)'. 10 MCur. .hI plymenl 01 In, ,,,nl. .nd upon deltun In .~
<br />perfonnancI of an, 01 Ihl provlllonl hellOl. Truslor .g,... 10 dllh,., luch ,anll
<br />end dePOIII' 101M Benlflclary_ OIl1vlr)l 01 w,lllen nolle. 01 Ihe 8"nellclll)"l
<br />nllelM 0' IhI rlghll grenl~ hl'aln. 10 Inv lenln1 occupying 1.ld p,.ml..~ Ihlll
<br />blaurfk:llnllo requIre uld Ilnlnl 10 plW' said ,enl 10 1ha Blnlllclalv unlllluflher
<br />notice.
<br />
<br />11. ~"...... Within 10 din .U., domand. TrultOf' lhall rumllh to TfUll..
<br />. 1GhIdu.. cowtll'-! to be true, ..lUng forth IU ...... at lpace In In. Truel
<br />P'rapeny uwn In .'IIGI. Including. In aac:h ~._, IhI name 01 IhI Ilnlnll and
<br />ooeuper.lt. I cSMertpUO" ot lhe IP&C8 OCcUpied by INCh lenanl Ind occupanl, lhe
<br />,.,.... pe~'" lor IUCfI, IPK8 and aucl't. oIMr In'ormaUon .nd documenll .11"
<br />...... 10 1UCtl..... and Iananc:IM.. the Trull.. may raquall
<br />
<br />WltbOul 1M prior written con..,1 of Tru.I.., Tr".lor lhall nol. dlrectl, Of
<br />tndk'ecttr, wttl't. faIPCIIrt 10 any __ o' IChKIln t.... dMCrIbad praml.... w""tn.
<br />eucft ..... I. now or ......... In ni.lance; Ca) Keepl 01 Plrmll MY prapll,mel'll,
<br />.....,., or ~.nce rani ..,all" IIWeunder. Cb) canc.lcw ,.mlnat. 1M 1ItnI, 01
<br />~I -r DMCII.IIOn, I.-rnenas.1on Of aunwMlet u_eor, Of permn .nll eftnl 10
<br />DO::UlI wNaI'l ,.ouIclWlllllllfte .....Ihlfaunder 10 Ilfmllllil.Ot cane"'" Mme, fCI
<br />...... Of .....ry IhI NIM III .. 10 r~ Ihllarm IhMlIOt, IhI I."tll PIVabte
<br />~, Of 10 ctaangI .", ,.,....1 ptO'll.lonl 1""'.ln con.Il,*,; Cd) .,IMln,
<br />dIf..... .....ndIr Of IM"Nch U",IOt: (I) glM any eonaenl, wllldl or appfOWII
<br />........ at ... Ntr otIW ac,fon In CDftn.ctktn Ihaf...II", ot' wnh I II....
<br />....,.,..,. "'1'1. would N'" I" .Uacl of IrTIQIlllng lhe wllue o. lIuor.1 Inl....;1
<br />............. Oft thai "',..ny aubflcll...lo, or oIl","-lrlng IN potlUon Of Int.....I
<br />of 1M True.. or ....lIclaty; Of' ffl ..U, Mllgn, pledge, mortgage or 01""1..
<br />dNpoHof, orencumoer, II. 'nl.....1 In an)' IlUCh .....Of.nr "tll..I......Ofprolll.
<br />-...OI1OIllg--,
<br />
<br />11. ('. ,. 11....11 m.. 10 any pest oIlhaProperty anall ba lakan In con<Uimnallon
<br />............. br t1gttt of eminent domain Of' Ilmll., ilClkJf'I, &I ehall De auld undII'
<br />ItWMl of candIlmnallon, -'I a.arda. daInagIe and ptOQldI III her.o, ...Igned
<br />.... _ Ila pald 10 _Ilclalr _ ...." _. ...... .._. ...__ .nd
<br />......10 eM.... 8IICUNId by lhe TRI.I DeId. .Ith lhe 'SeeM, II anr. petd 101M
<br />TNOtar. 'NOtar wlll _11,. .... wllh _ dlll_ ropalr, .""' .nd '",... I"
<br />.......... ... 01 tIW Truel '""*" 10 Ila la"..... condIUon eubltanl1a1tJ 10 lha
<br />_ _...._ "'rlla ,_ and 00 u 1......111Il1O. complaI. _.-
<br />-
<br />
<br />1& __ Upon raq_' .f ,......., _'lclalr, 01 _1CIoIy" aptlon,
<br />_10_01....",_ 10... 'NOla. ...._Iull..._..
<br />..,NOtar._.......__ wnhlll_ --,_Ila_",IIIl.
<br />TIuoI _ _ _ ... ...--, _ o1O'lng 1"1 _ ..... ...
<br />_~__I..l..IlOIIIM_,Ilo__\uI....
<br />-. "'" -... __ - .. - - -.rI1y, .._ IN
<br />_""(1Onlal _...... ,......,.._.. _....."
<br />14.__...___Ill_'____._
<br />_1O__"""ar___TNO._.._........
<br />......__.._..-..,U_....~ar-"
<br />
<br />88- 102591
<br />
<br />16 Du.... Ind OOIIgIlIonl DI TN.IH. .11 T"I dull.. .nd obllg.lren. of T'UIIM
<br />,hIli ba d,t,rmln'd 101.ly by Ih. a.p".. provlllonl 01.11\. TruI' Dead .nd Tru.,"
<br />Ihlll nol bllIabl. ..eIPI rOI IhI peflormlncl O' auch d",lI.. Ind obllgallonl I' .r.
<br />lpet;ItIC.Uy III '0"" ",rlln. and no Impl:,o COVlnl"" or ""glllonl ,hIli M
<br />Impal'" upon TruIIN: Itll NO prO"'lllo" 01 Ihll TIU" OttCI....1I rtCI"lr. 'rUI'M 10
<br />lagend or ,II" hi. o...n fundi, 01 olher.llI Inour In)! tln.nclll HlltlllOft In the
<br />pa,'otlnanc. ollnr 0' II, dull'l hlr,under, Ot In the '..ral.. O' 10)1 of III right or
<br />POW"'. It It Ihlill ha"" Qloundl lor believing Ihlllhl r'Plymenl 01 .uch fund. Of
<br />.cs.quIII IndamnllV agalnllluch ,II" DllIlblllly II nOI raaaonlbfy hlured 10 II: (el
<br />Tru.l.. m.y eonl",1I wllh counlll 01 hll own '~:"'''llnQ Ind IhI advlc. 01 lUeh
<br />CDunN' Ihall be tulllnd eomplele lulhorlrltlon Ind plDlilCllon In Ih. r..peel 01
<br />an, action taken 01 .ulfltltd by n hereund.r I" good ,.lIh Ind tlUlnce IhIfWOn: Cd>>
<br />Tru.l.. .h.1l nol be IIlblelor eny acllan lakln by him In good 'all" and
<br />bllIe..d by him 10 bI lulhorlled 0' wllhln thl dllCfllIon 01 rlgnll ot powMI
<br />conf'rred upon If by Ihl. TruI' Deed.
<br />11. ~I aecun.., InaINJMftII. Trullot, II II, llpenN, WIll'.KUI. and allw...
<br />10 IhI Tru'IH, promPlly upon d.mlnd, luch MCurlly lnalrumenl. II may be
<br />requited b~ T1'''l". In lorm .nd lubl'lncl I.UI'Rtory 10 Trull", COV*'tng any ot
<br />lha Propert)! conveyed by 'hll TrUll DIed, which ..,urU~ InIINIMfI'. Ihlll be
<br />addItlonllllCurU., lOt Trustor'l rlllhful pI"ormlnee olIn or Ihllllflftl:, cowenanl.
<br />and condition. at 'hi. TrUll DHd. I.... proml.aory nol.. MCUf'8d 1'tInby, Ind any
<br />other lMCurUy Inllrumanl. a.aculed In connecllon wllh 11't.1. IrlftNClkNL Such
<br />Intlrumenll IhIIII be recorded Or f1~, anet r.rlCOtdecl and ,.,Ited. II TruatoI'.
<br />l.penH.
<br />
<br />,1.,,-
<br />
<br />(I~ In IhO ....enl In)' one o. motl 01 lhe provlslonl conlllned In 11't.11I Trull DIad Of
<br />I" promlllOry not. or any other MCurlly In.lrumanl given In connecllan wllh
<br />Ih'l Irlnl.ctlon ,hIli 'Of Iny r..gon be held 10 be Invllld. 1111081 Of
<br />unenlorceable ~n any fllpeel, luch Imlnellly, 1I1e0111ty, or unenforCllblllty
<br />ahln, allhe option 01 BlnanelalY, nol Ittacl any oUIef provlllon of IbI. Truel
<br />0Md, Dul Ihll TrUll DIad Ihlll be conllrueG I' II !luch I"walkl, Illegal, or
<br />"'nlnlorcNbll provlllon nld Ilh'If r-an contllned herein Of 'herein.
<br />
<br />(bl Thl, T,ull DIed Ihlll be construed aCCOIdlng 10 lha Law. at lha 81111 of
<br />H.OIIII1I
<br />
<br />It) Tnl. Trull Deed .1'1111 InuII 10 Ind bind lhe hlllI, laglt..., dewl....
<br />Idmlnl.lraIOtl, ."aculora, luee...oraand a"lgn. of U" paru.. hereto.
<br />
<br />Idl T'Ullor 1".11 p" all I.... Ilvlad upon 11'111 TrUll Deed or lhe debl HCUr"
<br />hI"b~. logllhet wllh .ny olher ru.. Of ......menl. which may be Lftllld
<br />Igalnl' lhe TruIIII 01 81nllll::l.,., or lhe legll noIder ot ukl pramlUOry noIe
<br />on accounl of IhIIlndebtldnall "Ialncld lhereby.
<br />
<br />(It WlWlnlwlI uMd ....'.In. IhI I,ngular number lhall IncluCle lhe plural, II,.
<br />.Ingullr, IhI UN or In, genoar .hllI be appllcaDl"O ell~, and lhe lerm
<br />"8anatlelary" Ihlll Ineludl Iny p.y. ollhe Indobledneu hlrlbr aecufld or
<br />In, lranlllt lhet~'. whalhll by OpefaUon 01 '-. Of olI'lerwIH.
<br />
<br />18 ...... Trwa.... O.nlflcllry may Irom Uml 10 11m. IUDlmule . luce.aor or
<br />.uccnlOfllo Iny TrUI'" nlmed hlr.ln or RlIng hef.u~ 10 .sacul. Ihll Truel
<br />Deed Upon aueh appolntmenl Ind ...Ill'lout con...,.ne. 10 IhI auc:elleOl Trull...
<br />I,.. I.lla' .l\all be wlllad wll" III litle, pow.,l, Ind du'IH eonllllJ8d upon anr
<br />TrUll" herein nlmed Dr .ctlng hlr.und.r. Each .uch appolnlrnenl Ind
<br />.ublllluUon .h.1I be madl b, w,lIlln In.lrumenl by ItnaIlCJary, conlllnln8
<br />,.r.,.nc. 10 11'111 Tt"I' De.cJ Ind lie placa 01 IICOId, .hleft ."'" t'8COfdllclln IhI
<br />offlc. at IhI "-glllll of Deedl 011.... counl' or counU.. In wIMeft MIeI propert)l ..
<br />ellualad .hlll be conelullv. plool 01 prOf)ll .p~ntmanl ot thalaucceMGt TtuI....
<br />The lor-vo1ng power 01 luD.1I1uUon Ind I.... procedure I"""~ .,.... not lie
<br />l.clull.. 01 1M ~ Ind proclNlu'. P'owtded tOf' by &I. tOll IN IUbelllulloll of.
<br />Trull_Of Trul,...ln IhI plac. ot I" rrUII..
<br />
<br />10. ,....,.... .., ....,~ . Ifill'" H.. I ...... An, 'otIOIU'aftCei I>>r
<br />BaMIICllry ot TrUlt.. In ...felllng In, .Ighl or lamacty ""'aundef. or otl'tlnh..
<br />IUordld Dr IppllCabIe llW, 11\111 nol be . ..1... 01 Of' ~1ucIe tfte ..IIrGIM of ...,
<br />r~hl Of remed, hereunder. Llkewl.., 1M will... by "'fk:~ Of TfUll.. or an,
<br />detl,,1I of Trullor under Ihll Trult DHd ahall nol be deemed 10 be. ..... of.,.,
<br />olllet 01' IlmU.r de'aulll aubleQuenlly occulting.
<br />
<br />iU. TnII. ... ........ ExIIlflIkM1 01 u. lime 'Of parmanl or modlhoalkll'l or
<br />amortllaUon o' 1M tuN MCur~ b.. Ihll Trul' o.d gr.nlld br leneftcllly to MY
<br />IUCCMIOf In Inl"..I 01 Tru"Of .....11 not ..... 10 ...... In I", manner. the
<br />1I~1Itw' 0' lhe original Tru.lor Of Tru'Iar'. 8UCceIIOf In In...... BanaftcIowJ aMI'
<br />not be required 10 commancII ~ egeJIII-I IUCh IIUODeHOf or refuM 10
<br />..land II_I.. par--' .. ......100 IIlOdlfy _Inll... 011.. ...... _ ...
<br />_ 'lUot _... __ 01...._ _.............T...........T....l....
<br />IUDAeIIIfIIln tn....L
<br />
<br />II. _II...... oIlOll .. . dOl....' _ ."'. _ at ,..... .. __.... prior
<br />_ ,.. _Iclalr may........... dOI....~ _... _... _ tw.
<br />_ 0I11ar _10 .... .._ of .... ~ .. ....... ...... -. _
<br />In....1 II tM dlteull ra.. con'.lned In Ifta Not. ..cu,. ...... tram .,. 111M 01
<br />..._....._..otIaUbo_I....___..._,....
<br />~ _ may Ilacol""od _..... .,'''' IN."" .... _........_
<br />....."'*',. _.....1 bo_l. Ila _.... liar...,.
<br />
<br />21. o,IIM II ,....... Upon lhe DCCuranca 01 any default herwncIlN, Ienef~...-y
<br />....11 hII.. I'" option to loreclotllN. Tru.1 DMd In I'" menrw pnMdId""'" far
<br />t..lorac_ 01 ....._ an.... JItOIlOItr.
<br />
<br />24. ,....111'. "",*, AMInI DefIlUlL UnUl Iny dlfaull In IhI paymant 01
<br />IndIttlIdneu hereby MCurld Of unlll thl bfaach 01 any COYMIftI herem conlllMCI,
<br />IhI Truetor, III eucceHOfa Ind ...Ian.. lhall poe.... and anjoy 1M ploper1J'. and
<br />...... IhI fIIlt. and profltl ,......rom. Upon PoI""",I of .It IIUfRI ..cUlld b1 tNII
<br />Trvat Deed, ....Uclll')' snail reQUWl TI'UII.. 10 tICDft'I'Iy IhI property and .,....
<br />aut,.,...- 1"11 Tru.' DHct .nd .11 not.. IVIdenclng IndeOI...... lleured by th18
<br />Trull DIiId 10 TrUll... TrUll.. ,hill reeonvey I,.. property wtlhout warranty and
<br />wllnoul CharlJl 10 IhI pereonl legalll' .nmled tMfaID. The arlllllll In any
<br />r.oonverance mar be clHcrlblld .. "lhI paqon Of par.ana enUUId lhentl:a, ,. end
<br />Iha Neill" Ihlrliln or Iny maU.... 01' '1C1a Mall be concIualve proof 01 thai
<br />1n,,1hlull'llllltwlOl'. 8uel't.petaol1 Of' plttone......' par ah cot"of rICOI'dIng.lf any.
<br />
<br />25. ............ ... ...1..1 .. T.....,.. In lhe evenllhlllUI 10 NI4 1'111 H.... I.
<br />Ifanel....ld. 01 conltacled 10 bellln.lellad, From thl undlralgneCI for any reuon or
<br />br anr methOd .hllaort., lhe enn.. prlnc;:IPliI aum ancIacCfUld 1n1...1 Mall '1
<br />~ become due Ind pa,lIbIIel I""elecllon 01 '''''......IC'''J. falkn 10.........
<br />Ihll opIioft IlIac&uII 01 IranI'" or lUll II UaovI ...ted lit OM lnetlnGe thAll not
<br />COftetllule a..... 0' IhI ,lght to Pilei.. IhI u.maln 1M...... of en)' ..............
<br />-,
<br />
<br />. tNa dMd 0I1rUe11e juNOr 10 OM dalllC!
<br />
<br />-... bf TNt_ 10
<br />
<br />N I h
<br />
<br />'-
<br />
<br />eecwrInIl ~ note lor
<br />
<br />o.wa aM....... rKOtct _tift I,.. .....&1.. of o..aa and IliIWIU'1IlII .. ~
<br />