<br />88-
<br />
<br />102580
<br />
<br />000713656-7
<br />
<br />0092654
<br />
<br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATiON OF __________________________._______________
<br />-_._I~IBIX_I~QUSaUD_aE~E~_~U~DBED_~D~_NQtlQn___________________ ______
<br />d () II a rs, -to I t pa i d , __WEQIEBtf_5Et:UBII.tEa_t:QtlE:~tf:t__________..___._______
<br />Cl COl-porat;on duLy organized and existing undel- and by virtue of the
<br />lC',,'s of the State of WI!5consln, Located at Mi lwaukee, Wi!5consln
<br />does hereby grant bar9ain, selL, assign, transfer, convey and set over
<br />unto U~1~EBSeL_t1QBlaeGE_CCBE:QBBI.tC~_DE_Wlat:QMSItf_________ a Corporation
<br />duLy organized and existing under and by virtue of the Laws of the
<br />State of ______WlaCCtfSI~______a certain indenture of Mortgage, executed
<br />b y _It-JDMeILE..._BCCts;_l:ltfD_Ml:lBLt:.&._BDt:IS______.________________.______________
<br />
<br />-_______________~USal:ltfD_l:ltfD_WIEE_____________________________________of
<br />_GBl:ltfD_lSLe~D____, County of ~eLL________________, State of ___.__~E___
<br />and dated, the _______________~lSI________ day of _~UL:t______, A.D.,
<br />:;. 91ilQ t 0 ______U_MCBIGal.2E_t:CtlE:e~:t..._.1~I;.i._________________.__________________
<br />on cel- ta in tands in the County of __~l:lLL___._________________...:_____ in the
<br />State of ___ME____Together wi th {'he Mortgage Note therei n referred to
<br />clnd aLL the right, title and Inten:.'st conveyed by said Mortgo!lget in and
<br />to said l~ndst which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the
<br />Registel- of Deeds in and for the County of _~al..\..______________________in
<br />the State uf _~E:_ on the lSI______.__day of __eUGUSI_____. A.D.. 196Q. at
<br />__________~-clock __M., in VoLume _____________of Mortgages, on
<br />page_________________. Document No. .____aQ=QQ~!l:z:;L______.
<br />
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the
<br />debt thereby secured. and all I-Ight. title and interest conveyed by
<br />~ajd Mortgage, In and to the Lands therein described, to the said
<br />U~.1~EBSAI.._~CBIGaGE_~QBeCBeIID~_CE_W.1aCQ~SI~_____________________________
<br />its successors and aBsigns forever, for its and their use and benefit.
<br />
<br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and
<br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, as principaL, a sum not
<br />
<br />Less than ______________________________________________________________
<br />I~.1BIY_I~CUSe~~_SE~E~_~U~~BED_a~tf_tfD~lQQ______________________________DOLLARS
<br />and ell lso i ntel-est _____________________________________________ and that
<br />it has good right to assign the same.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOFt the said _WESIEBM_SECUBII.tES_CC~~e~r_________
<br />__________________has caused these presents to be signed by ____________
<br />E:E~~XL:t~~_ZCiE!EI.._ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENTt AND Countersigned by
<br />~lC~EI..E_I...t._J:!BEWIC:z________________ , its _~Sa.1SIe~LSECBEIABX___________
<br />.at Hi lwaukee, WIscon5in, and Its COI-pol-ate seal to be hereunto affixed,
<br />this ___lSI_____day of __~E:BIL_________t A.D , 19aa.
<br />
<br />SIeIE_QE_W!S~DtfSltf______> $9.
<br />t11LWAUts;EE_________County!
<br />Personally came befor~ me, this __lSI___day of __AEBII.._____, A.D.,
<br />191313, ___EEM~YL:t~~_ZQE!EI..___________ASSISTANT VF' and ___~.1C~ELE_L_DBEW.1Cl
<br />tlSSISIA~I_SEt:BElaB:t________~f the above named Corporation, to me known
<br />to be the persons who executed the foregoing instrument, and to me
<br />~(now n to be such eSSlSIA~I_!.!...E:... a nd aSSlaI~~I_SEt:BEI6BX_______. of $& j d
<br />Corporation, and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing
<br />instrument as such officel-g as the deed of said Co,-pol-atlon, 'by its
<br />duthority.
<br />
<br />
<br />Thin instr~ment was drafted by
<br />
<br />:r . ',,~'.r~ ~~
<br />-'Iz. t." [, ,-1::,<,_.' 'j-
<br />_~_~~~~~_~1~~__J__~_~~~~~~~~~--
<br />PAULINE E. ROBERTS " -, _ :_,~
<br />Nota,-y Public.,
<br />__CZaUISEE_______________Co up.t)' ,_-WI.
<br />My Commission explr~5 ~~_a~_l2aa__
<br />WES IEBIL 5ECUB.lIlES_.ClJ.Litl I Cl:lEJ:,(;:_.DBEWl t::Z_ .
<br />,I',
<br />I
<br />