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<br />1""- <br /> <br />QI <br />i0 <br />C" (,,( 3 ::, <br />i~~ <br />~,~~ <br />" ~\ . <br />'. \ j(; ~,:-,,~.. . <br />'0 ~ <br />0\,: ~ <br />~" r- <br />"\--~ <br />~, <br />~' <br />f) <br /> <br /> <br />(") <br />ii' <br />-- <br />"0 <br />.. <br />:D <br />~ <br />!: <br />;; <br />~ <br /> <br />Excerpls From Inlemal Revenue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />11 any pe"on liable to pay any Ia. neglects or Tal usee \0 <br />pay Ihe same atter demand, the amount (Including any Inter. <br />est. additional amounl. addition 10 ta.. or assessable penally. <br />together with any coals Ihat may accrue In addition thereto) <br />shall ba a lien In lavor 01 the United Stales IIpon all property <br />and rights 10 property. whelher real or personal. belonging <br />to such person <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Per~od Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless anothel dati' is spd;lIlcally fixed by law. the lien <br />Imposed by sllCtl~n 6321.ahallarlse atlhe time the aas6ssmtnl <br />15 made and shall conli.nuo unllllhe liability for Ihe amounl 50 <br />assessed (or a judgment against the taxpayer arising oul 01 <br />such liability I is satisfied or becomes unenforceable by rel50n <br />of lapse 01 lime <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br /> <br />Certain Persons. <br />(al'., Holders 01 Security In" <br />lere.t., Mechanic's Llenors, And Judgment <br />Lien Creditors. - Ihe lien Imposed by sectlo~ 8321 shall <br />nol be valid as agalnsl any purchaser, holder of a security <br />Into rest. mechaniC'S lienor, or ludgment lien credllor until notice <br />Ihereol whiCh meets Ihe reqUIrements of subsection (f) has <br />bAen IIled by the Sec,ela'y <br /> <br />If) Place For Filing Nollce; Form.- <br /> <br />(11 Place For F'lIng Thr, nollce ,elullcd 10 In sui', <br />secllon (a) shall be filed. <br />(AI Under Slale Laws <br />Ii) Real Property In Ih. case 01 r..1 prnp.rty In on. <br />oHlce within the Stale (or tho counly. or other governmenlal <br />subdiVISion). as designated by Ihe la\Vs ot such Stale, In <br />which the property sublecl to lhe hen IS Sltualeo, and <br />1111 Personal Property In Ihe case of personal <br />property. whether tangible or Intangible, In one olflce <br />within the Sme ior the county, or olher governmental <br />subdlVISlonl as designated by Ihe IJWS 01 such Stale <br />In which the property s.ublect to the lum IS situated, <br />or <br />(Bi 'fIllh Clod' Of Orslllcl Co un ' In Ihe oHlce 01 the clerk of <br />lhe lJrll1ed Slate~ Olstnc\ court for ItJO jddtC1al dlslnCI ,n whH:n <br />me properTY !iubleC:l to her .~j 511\Jated -Nh~fleHI the Slale ha!:a <br />not by la''''' desJtJrated one QlTltE> wtlic.M m~lJt;.lhe rt!Qulrt-rr !)f1j.;, :;1 <br />suboaraordoh fl' 'Jr <br />fC~ Wrlt1 f.l~CD(Ct'r 01 Ur.tti05 01 rne OISlrlCl OI':OIl;f1~O a In <br />It'j~ :f~lce 0' lhe P.~C0rjer '31 D~eds of the Dlstnct 0: COlum~)ja f <br />t!i~ ."op~(l-t ~..:-,1I"(' 't; 'r.~ 11'311 I !;'.,.I\Jali1;'~ ... ....' -',~I ,,4 <br />-:a:urr.tllcl. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />C), l <br />\D'~ <br />\~r <br /> <br />Entered. Document No. <br /> <br />88-1 U 2 5 1 5 <br />Grantor 1 <br />Grantfle_~ <br />Numerical__ <br />I' . " I' I ' <br />1 L .' ; , "._J hI J) S 'J <br />'; r H/.I..L <br /> <br />:!'I <br />[ <br />:T <br />Iii' <br /> <br />-" <br />CD <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />~ <br />t;" <br />CD <br />o <br />... <br />-+8 <br />r>> <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />.I <br />':.. ..~ <br /> <br />S;.\1 i: <br />C'II~;T <br /> <br />mIl! <br /> <br />!!l. <br /> <br />j:I <br /> <br />! <br />2. <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property SubJeCI To Lien . For purpoa" 01 <br />paragraphs (1) and (4), property ahall be dnmld 10 bI allulted. <br />(A) Rill Proplrty . In 'hi CUI 01 rill proPlrty. II III <br />phyalclllocallon; or <br />(B) Personal Property . In 1111 Clse at pereonl' proptl1y. <br />whllhtr langlbll or Inllnglblt. at the rnldlnel 01 till <br />taxpayer althe lImllht nollcl alliIn lallled. <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) (Bl.lhl realdlncl of a corporallon <br />or partnership shill be deemed to be the pllce II which !hi <br />principal execullvl office of the business Is loclled. Ind !hi <br />residence of a taxpayer whoae relldencels without the United <br />Sllles shall be deemed to blln ths Dlllrlct of Columbll. <br />(3) Form - The form' Ind conlent of .Int notice <br />relenld 10 in aubseellon (I) 5/1111 be prel\:rl'*l by. lhe <br />Secretary, Such' "ailel Ihill bI"valld nOlwlth"lndlrig'lriy <br />olher provision DIll. rlO~rdlng thl lorm or contenl ill.1 <br />notice of lien. <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is flied with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1 Seculilies <br />2 Motor vehicles <br />3 Personal property purchlsed at retail <br />~, Personal property purchased In casual aale <br />5 Personll property subjlcted to possessory lien <br />6. Rest property tal and special assessmenlliens <br />7 Residenllal property subject 10 a mechanic's <br />lien for cerlaln repairs and Improvements <br />B Attorney's liens <br />9 Ce'1aln insurdnce conlrlcts <br />10 P.ssbook ioans <br /> <br />IgI Reflllng Of Nollce. - For purposes 01 this <br />!.~crlon . <br /> <br />III Gen,ral Rule. - Unless notir.e of lien 15 reflled In <br />the manner preSCribed in paragraph (2) during the required <br />'ellllng pellod, such nollce DIllen 5"allbe treatM as lIIed on lhe <br />oalo on'whlch 1I15111ed (In accordance with subsection (f)) aller <br />Ihe e.plrallon of such reflllng period. <br /> <br />121 Place For Filing. - A notice of lien reflled <br />o""no the requited ,.IIllng period 'hall lie ellectlve onty - <br />IAlll. <br />III such notice of lien IS rellled In the othce '" which the <br />prior no lice Dillen was filed. and <br />1111 In the case of real properly, the fact of reflltng IS <br />,nler.d and recorded," an ,"de. 10 Ihe extent requited by <br />lubsecllon If) 141, and <br />'BI ,n Jny case ,n WhICh, ;0 days or more prlO' 10 Ihe dale <br />nl a rolrl1llg of nolrce 01 lien under subparagraph IA). the <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />z <br />9 <br /> <br />I 9 <br /> <br />Mi 10 <br /> <br />c <br />.. <br />14 <br /> <br />c: <br />:::I <br />i <br />t/) <br />lit <br />i <br /> <br />,/ '" I <br />.... : ,:,-,-:,(...-~,~ <br /> <br />nr.r:. OF OFFf)~. <br /> <br />SlCrlllry rletlvlll wrltt,n Information (In tilt mlMtr <br />prascrlbld In regullllons lulllll by tilt S1cratary) <br />concamlng I chlnga In !hi taxPlYlr'1 mldlnct.lI a notlce <br />of auch IIln la also flied In 1CC0rdlllCt with lubltcllon (I) In <br />!hi SlIlIln which IlICh midenc:t Is locallll. <br /> <br />(3) RIqUlrIHI R.fllng Ptriod. - In \III CUI <br />of any notice DIllen. !hItlrm "rsqulred rJflllng period" mlans- <br />(A) Ihe one-yur period Indlng :II dlYS aller till uplrltion <br />01 6 ytlrs Ihlr thl data of lhe _mInt of \III tax. 2n~ <br />(B) thl ona-Yllr period Indlng with thllxpirationof6Ylars <br />ahlr Ih' clan of thl pr~ng '*juirtd m1l1ng period for <br />such nollclIof11ln, ' <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. 'Release Of Uen Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(I) R...... 'or UIn. - s~b;tcf to such <br />regulations lithe Secretary may prllCl'ibl. tht Semllry sl1a.1I <br />!S'UII clrtiflcell 01 Tllllle of Iny Illn Imposed with ml)tC1 to <br />any Inlemal ravenullax notlaler thin :II dlys aller the day on <br />whlch- <br />(1) Liability Salisfled or Unlnforceabll . Thl Secretary <br />finds Ihallhlllabillty for the Imounllssessed.logather with all <br />Inlerest In respeel Ihereol. hll beln fully satisfied or has <br />bt<:omllegllly untnlorcublt; or <br />(2) Bond Accepted' Thera islurnlahed 10 the S.crallry Ind <br />acclpted by him a bond thaI Is condlllonlll upon Ihl plymlnl 01 <br />the amounl alSessed. logllhlr wllh all Inllml In raspect <br />thereol, within Ihe time prlscrllltCl by tl. (InCluding Iny <br />extension 01 suCh lime). and that Is in accordance with such <br />requirements rellllng 10 lerms. condlllons. and lorm 01 Ihe bond <br />and sureties Ihereon. as may be specified by such regulations. <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />lk) Disclosure of Ceria in Relums and <br />Return Information For Tu Admlnlstrallon <br />PurpoRI. - <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure of amount of outslandlng hen. - If a nollce 0' <br />lien has been !tIed pursuant 10 section 6323il). the amounl Of tM <br />oulstandlng obllgalton secured by such IIln may be discloseD to <br />any person who furnishes sallslaclory written evidence Ihat he <br />has a right In Ihe property subtect to such lien or Intends to <br />obtain a righlln sllch property <br /> <br />~ <br />