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<br />and. ...1'hOUI ,hili bII trnmlldlllll", dUI .nd P'\I.bltt Il.. TrulSlOI lna ,nlll <br />bgt Inl.r..1 111ft, m..lmum 1.011 'II.. provlCJeCl howllv.r. Inl' Illh, <br />option ot Ben,Flcla,y or Trual" Iucn lum. may bl Idd.d 10 Ihe prinCIPII balanCI <br />0' In)' IncJebledn... "cured nerlb", Ind .haU bll' tn. um. 11'\1.r... a. luen <br />Inclebl~ne.. Ind Ihall be pIYlble rlllbly ov.r tn. r.m.lnlng 'Irm In".of <br /> <br />10. Au....... ctf ....,.... alnlflctary ,hili Ih. righi, pow.r Ind IUlnarlly <br />dUllng lhe conUnulnee lof Ihll Trust De.d 10 coll.cllhe renls. Issues and pro,ua 0' <br />IhII Ptoparly lno 0' .n.. perianal prop.n.. localed Ih."reon wllh or ..lInoul liking <br />poIHllton 0' IhI prop.rly .U.eled hereby. .ncl Trul10r h"ebl' Iblalu'.ly and <br />uncondlllonallr ..llanl III .uch r.nll. IUula .nd plofil. 10 Ben.UCllry. <br />Beneflcl.,." hOW."'f, h"lb.. eon..n'. 10 lhe Tru.lo,':i collecllon and ,.Ieollon 01 <br />euch renll, I..u.. Incl praru. 'I 'hey Iccru. and becoma p....b.. 10 long 'I <br />TrultOl I. no" II .uch 11m.., In del.ull with '8IpttCI 1Q pIl' 01 Iny <br />Indebllldnel. MCurlld herebr or In 'he performlncl of Iny .gr..mlnl nlrlundar <br />Upon .ny luch d11llull, eenellCllty may at any IIml. Illher In pIIrlon. by Iglnl. or by <br />. ~r 10 be appointed br I court, wllhoul notlc, .nd wllhoul regl'd 10 lhe <br />ldIqu~y 01 anv MCurUr fa, IhIIlndlb'ednel' Mflby lecured. el) .nll' upon Ind <br />1M. poI....,on 0' the Propeny or .ny part t".reo', Ind In Itl own nama 'UI '01 0' <br />01..,.1.. coUec:t luch rlnll, I..u.. Ind prollta. lncludlng Iholl Pili du. Ind <br />unpaid. and Ipplr lhe DAme. I,.. Call. Incl ,.plna" 01 op"llIon .nd collie lion, <br />fnc:IluCffng r'ltonabIe anerney IHI, upon Iny Indebtldn,.. secured h"lby, and In <br />audI ordef .1 lelllflcluy may dellrmlna; (b) pltform luch lets 01 IIPllr 0' <br />proIKllon al ma,. be' Of proper to coni."" lhe vllu, ot Ihe P.epe,I.,; fel <br />.....lhe &ami or any pan 'hIIrlof 'Of luch r.nt.', lerm, and upon lIuch condlllonl <br />.. It I Judgemanl mlY d'cll'l. Unl... Tru.'o. Ind 81n.rlellry .g," olherwl.. In <br />.lI1lnv, any application of IInll, lalulI or p,Ollls 10 Iny Indebtedneaa a.curad <br />her.-:tV &hall nol ,.llnd or PO"pontlhe due dall or the lnatlllmen' ply man.. I' <br />prOVklld In ..lei prominory nol. Of chlnOI Ih, amounl 01 such In.tIUm,nt. Thl <br />enlCllng upon and laking po...aslon 0' lhe Properly. Ihe colleclIon at luch rln's, <br />la_land profit" Ind ,hlapplltlUon ther~r II IIO'.Slid. .h.1I nol W,IVI or cur. <br />an" dllaull 01 nollc. ot delaull "-'.und.r. or Invalld.l. any aCI done pu'suant 10 <br />auch notlet' T,u.IOI .Iao .asjgnl 10 B.nerlcl....... .. furlhe, NCUfllV lor IhI <br />perform.ncl olin. ObUgation. alcu'ed hereby. all prepaid rellll Ind .11 monl.. <br />....k:h may hlVI bien or ma~ harel"ar be dlpolned with said Trullor b~ any I..... <br />of the Property, 10 lleur. lhe paymenl of an.. renl. Ind upon dll.ull In ,!'WI <br />parlomaancl nr an)' 01 lhl pro~I.lon. hlllot. r'uator .glees '0 deliver \luch tlntl <br />and depoaUI to the Benellcllry Dellv.ry of ...rlltln nallee 01 Ih. Ben.Ucl.ry'. <br />.....eln 01 ,he rlghl' granled her.ln. to In., ten an' occuPYing laid promla.. ,h.1I <br />be 10 r~ulrl .ald lanln' 10 PI., .ald renl 10 th. aeneflcl.ry until lurth.r <br />"aUe.. <br /> <br />n. .................. WlIhln 10 dlY' .U., demlnd, Tru.tOf lhalllurnllh 10 Tru'IM <br />. echedu" CIfIllted 10 be lIVe. MUI"g ronh .11 "'HI o. 'plca In IhI Tru.' <br />P'roperty then In .Ifacl, including, In NCh c.... thl 01 the I.nlnll and <br />oacupenl" . delcrtpUon 0' ,he apaCI OGC\lpled by IUCn tenant .nd occupant, IhI <br />,.,.... paJIIbIe tor IUCh epace and ,uch O1"'r InlormlUon and documenl. wllh <br />_'10 auch _ &lld 1.llaIlClae.. Ilia Tru.IH m.y req...... <br /> <br />W'thaul ,.. pr10r wnn..., COf1MnI 01 Tru.I_, TrUIIOf 1n.1I no" dlreclly or <br />_'Iy. ""ft _'10 .ny .... a' .pac. In fila daacr_ praml_, wllalnor <br />-..ct'\ ..... II now or ....ft... In ..IIIenclj C.) KCept Of' parmlt Iny prepermenl. <br />cIIKounl or""ance r8ft1 pa)'ab" thereunder; (bJ cine" Of I.mlnl" lhe, or <br />-' ...y ......n.llan. larmll>allan or ...rr_ lnor..,.. or perm" .nr _. 10 <br />00CUf wNch ~kt.,.tll" the...... thereunder.o Ilfmlnlll ar canc.l lhe; (C) <br />........ Of modify IhI ....... 10 .. 10 reduce lhe term 11*110'. lhe PlYlbl. <br />......"....,. Of 10 change an. r......1 PfOYI.lon. 'net.jn conlalAld, Cd) ...1.... In)l <br />.,adt ......."..., Of IlWeol; t" 01.. Iny wal.... Dr appIOVII <br />......... DI ... an~ olhiK aclion tn connecUon IheI_II", Of wllh I ...... <br />.........., .nk:I'l woukt "'.. .... .Uee. of ImQIIlllng IhII WIIUI ollellor'. lnl"..1 <br />.......... on IhI Propen)' IIUOteCt 1"'10, or 0' Impairing I.... poelllon 01 Inl...." <br />of ... T""H or _,Ie.ary, or '" HlI. u.llIn, pledga, mor1gaga or ol_IM <br />....... of, 01 JnCwmbral. IlIlnt..., In any .."ch _Ie Of Inl' r....I.. I.IUII Of proln. <br />IaauInO or ar1aInG UW...-. <br /> <br />12. ~_" 1111a.o.ny pan olllla"'_r .nolllla .....n In eo_mnall<m <br />~I br ""'I of eml,...I d9metn Of .6mn.r ec:I~, Or .h,1l be .old \M. <br />urw.. of ODnCIem..Uon, Atl .wwdl. dMlagM and prCN;elM;l. ". he,.o, ."'gned <br />and _ lie paid 10 ....rtclarr who _II _Iy auch ,w'''''. d.m_ .nd <br />"'-10 -..rad Dr Ilia Tru.llIMd. wlln.hO "CHa.I. PW. pald.o Ilia <br />T_. T...lor will promplly. and wlln _ dtllganca. '-"~. .lIar and ,"lore Ilia <br />--.g pari Q/ ilia Truel "-'r '0 I.. 'ormor condlllon _I....lellr 10 .1Ia <br />_ "'1... _ may .......lbM.nd eo u.o c:onoUlu... compIel. &lld uubla <br />-. <br /> <br />II. ~ --. Upon ,"_I of TrueIOf. _1I.I.ry. .1 _"'lary', DPlIon. <br />prIof 10 _..... Q/ Ilia Ptapar\y 10 ilia True.... mar .- .ul... odYatlCH 10 <br />..T_._ Ivl... __. wllh Irt_ -. _1"'__Dr 1111. <br />Tf\IM IIMd _ _ Dr ...--r _ '''11ntI 11,.1 _ _ ... <br />_ IlaNOy, __ IIlaI at Illl _ _, Ilia _ Pfl......... ""UfO <br />-. .... ....-... ....... _ 10 ...- ilia -.fir. __ ..... <br />......~~lof..or.......pIlIlllIpal__IlaIaIIy. <br /> <br />...-...._.._ __In _ T....IIIMd...........,OIICl <br />_1O__.or....__TrualllMdor.~Dr... or <br />8lIIlIlr. ...._..__-ur. ........-.Iy....-.....,. <br /> <br />11.. . __ -..a; _ UjlorI dalau" Dr True... Irt Ilia PO_I Q/ any <br />......1..._ _1laIaIIy or Irt 1IIa""",,- 01 any _, _. <br />-'-"__aII__lIarally I_lair __ PO~Dr <br />-,10 T_ of _ _IOn Q/ daI...lI. TIla Tru.... _Ilia.. Ilia <br />_ .. _ "'ilia P'roperty and 1I.....11c:1arr _"Ilia P'roperty 'alla _. II <br />_...... _ TNaI.. _ TruelllMd and.1I pramlnory 1lllI. &lld_. <br />........ .......1.... MCUred .....,. and ......1 del.... 10 TN..... . .Fltlln <br />_ of lIa'_ and _'Ion '0 ...... .1Ia P'roperty lalla _. and ilia T.....H In <br />.....__.__"'" In ilia '"""raquIradDr law. __11la 1Iu1W <br />_1or_DrT...._ <br /> <br />III AIlar.1Ia lap.. 01 ...h lima u mar Ila requlraclDr law .llllawlng Ilia ...or/). <br />..Ian '" _ _"'" of de'aun. IllIG 1lllI"'" Q/ lIa',ulI and IlllIIea at Mia having <br />...... ..... .. raquI,ed Dr law, T........ ",lthou. ........., on Tru.t... IllaJI HI' <br />... ~w ........... IllIG .1 "'1_ and ~ dMlgnalad 1ft ...., nolleo 01 <br />MIa. ., """Ie ,uc'lan 10 ilia IIIgI1aat _, ilia .....- prIca ...y_ In <br />-. _ ollila Unllad _ at '1Ia.1ma of HIe. TIla _ _'Ing <br />ilia _ may.'" _ __... _ ..padlanl. -'-ilia ... "am lima <br />101.""'" _.. __ and. 1ft ...., aucft ._. _lea at poalpona. <br />_ _I .. ..... Dr puIllle ....1Or.,1an lI...aolDr ...... _ .. .1Ia 'Ima <br />and plalla !sal 1IPIlClI"'ad lor .1Ia ..Ia; prawIdad. II Ilia M. Ie poatpallad I.. <br />...... _ III CIIoy IllIyMd Ilia day """Iad I" '1Ia _lea 01 HIa. _"'" <br />___.........Ift 1IIa__..lllaarlglnallllllloaol_. <br /> <br />T_ _1_.. and _ 10 "'" .....- IIla 0.- _1ntI.1Ia <br />"-1Y -,"'Iw_' any _ or w...anly. _............. TIIa <br />..._ 1ft ilia IIMd .. _ _... ... ,..,. _ .. _ prDOI of ilia <br />---. Nrr -.....-..~. _~.. "'" <br />..... <br /> <br />.. _ Trua....... _'10 Iha _ _. Ilia T....... ~ -"'" <br />___.. "'" -... _-..... -... _.. .-clatntI ilia <br />_ " _ and of "'" ..... IIllIIlIIIM ilia __ of .. T....... ..... <br />1IClliaIIJ--.......__ . ,.,"'.._......__,0 <br />,,_In ...........""Ift~aiiiiI___ <br /> <br />IilI _,.,....... _ __1ft............." ilia _. If T,_ or <br />.._....__....."'___IIIIIa_._' <br />...~--....-.._-..--......_- <br />....._01: <br /> <br />lit ~.....,_..UIIa_..._____aC <br />--- <br /> <br />lIll A1__..... Iw., <br /> <br />~ n.a_.II...,."'..._......._lIledt_ <br /> <br />88- iOJ5li"l <br /> <br />16 Oul.., Ind ObUt.llon. al Tru.IH. II. Th. dull.. Ind Obllg.llona 01 Tru.'" <br />Ih.lI bl d."rmln.d '0111", by 'h. '.pre.. provlllon. olin, Tru'l 0Md .nd TrUll" <br />.hlll nol bllllbl. lOJ Ihl PI,larmlnCI 01 luch dull.. lAd obllg.tlonl al If. <br />'PKlllalUy .., for,,, h.rlln. and no ImpUtes coy.nlnl. or obllgltlonl '''a'' " <br />lmpolld upon T,u.'..: (bJ NO prO'll'llon Of Ihl. TruI' OHCI '''IU ,"",Ir. T,uet.. 10 <br />,.plnd or .111\ hi. own lund.. Of OllllrwlH Inour In)' Un.nalll obll'ltlon In IhI <br />pa,, 01 .nr 0111. dUll" hOl,und.'. Olin Ilia ...reIN 01 .ny 0"" rlgh. 01 <br />pOIlt.... Ir II ahall ha~. ground. fo' Del'.. '~., Ihll IhI IIpaymenl 01 luch .und. or <br />.oequ.'. Indlmnlty agllnlllluch rl.k or lIablllly II nol ,...onlbly allured to It: (C) <br />TrUll.. m." con.ull wllh coun..1 Dr hll own cnoo.lng Ind the adYlce 01 aucl'l <br />counHI .h.1l be tull Ind complete authorlzatlon and prolacllon In lhe fa.pacl 0' <br />Iny .cUon 'akin 01 ,uUlrld br It heUlundar In good Illlh Ind III1.ncI U",rlOtl; (d) <br />T,u.'" .h.1I nol bllI'bl. lor .ny .cllon 'ah.n by him In good flUh and <br />bllI.~fil br him to be .ulhorl,ed or within 1M dllG,.llon Of ,Ighl. of pow.... <br />.on'irred upon It br Ihl. Tru.1 DIltld. <br /> <br />17. AddltloMllecurtty'MI"""...., Tru.tor, 1111' Iw:pan.e, wlll..acul. and dellv... <br />10 lhe T,u.I.., promplly upon dlmand, luen lNCurllW' In'Uumenll .1 ml" bI <br />required by TIll.IH, In 'orm .nd .ub.,.ne. 10 Tru'l". _Ing...y a' <br />Ilia P'operty conveyed by Ihl. Tru.1 DHd. which ...urlly InWumanl. aIlall ... <br />Idcflllonal MCurlt)' 'or Trullor', f.lthlul p.r'orm.nel 01 all Of lhe 'arm., covananl. <br />.nd c:ondlllan. allnl. Tru.', Ilia promlnory no.., _urad Ilafabr. and any <br />olher lICu,lIy In.irum.nll ...cuIMi In conneclion wllh Ihl. Iranuctlon. 8ucII <br />In"IUmantl .hlll be rKord<<l or tiled, "00 '.rICOf'ded Ind "n...,. at TIU.'or, <br />I.pen... <br /> <br />18.111__.. <br /> <br />fl) In any on. 0' mall ot Iha provision, contaIned In Ihll Trult Deed or <br />IhI proml..ory not. or Iny olhlr HCurlly In.llument given In c:onnecllon .JltI <br />Ihl. ttlne.cllon Ihall 'Dr any r..lon be Mid 10 be Invalid, 11"1 or <br />unenfOlc..ble In any '..pttel, luch Imal~dl'y. illegality, or unanfOfCMblllty <br />.hlll, a' ItIe option 01 Blnellclall, n01 aUee' any other prO'llllon or thle Truet <br />Dead, bul Inl. Tru.1 OHd IhlU be con,lruMt .. If aucl'l In".Ud, Illegal, 01 <br />unanforcI.ble provlllon hid navar bien conlalned........n or lI*eln. <br /> <br />(b) Thll T'uII DMd Ihlll be con,'r... .cco,dlng 10 lhe II.. of the State of <br />Nebralka. <br /> <br />leI Tnl. Tru,' DHd .h.1I Inu,. 10 .nd bind .1Ia h,'r.. Iag"_. daYl_. <br />admlnlllralora, lIacula,., .uce'IIOrs Ind .,.Ign. or tM paIIl.. hereto. <br /> <br />Cd) T'ultor ,hall PI" all I.... I.wled upon Ihll Tru'l Dead Of the debt MCUJ1ld <br />Mrebl'. logelhllr with any other I.... or &lHAmlnl. which may be ...... <br />.g.ln,I lhe nu.l.. or BanlUcllry Dr the legal noIdar of aak:I promltaol'W nale <br />on account of In. Indeblec:ln".lIVldancad lhereby. <br /> <br /><I) When.wet uMd hlratn. the .Ingul.r number Ih.1I tncludll lhe plural. IhI <br />.Ingular, thl u.. of Iny gand., .hall bI.ppllcabl. to all gendJrI. ~nd ItIII term <br />"8eMllclaty" .h.Ulnclud. any p..... 0' 'he Indebled,.,... hltellr HCufWd " <br />anW' "Inll., '....reot. whllh.r by operallon D' ta. or OIMrwl... <br /> <br />18. lIuooM.. TNII.... B.n.'lclary ma.. trom lime 10 lime .ub,lIIute a IUcceaaor or <br />'UCcallOr. 10 any T'u'.1I named M,.ln Of ICUng hIr~ndellO I.ecu'. thll Truat <br />Dead_ Upon luch IPPOlnlmen( .nd .lthoul conveyln.:. to the 8UCCeeeor Tru..... <br />lhe 11...r aNiIl be 1t..11d with .11 Ill... pow.', and Clull.. conterrecl upon .,., <br />Tru.'.. her.ln nlm" or acUng n.reunder. Eacl'l luch appolntmenl and <br />lublllluUon Ihall be mad, IJr wrl'len ItllllfVmatll by 8efteftctarw. con&alnl"l <br />'.'".nce 10 Ihl. T'uII DMd .nd Itl pllCI 01 'ICOId. which .hen fICOf'dad Iftlhe <br />ottlc. 01 lhe Regl.tar of 0Md. 01 lhe counlr or counU.. 'n wb&ch aakt ~ .. <br />InUllad Ih.1I bI conefullv' proo' 01 proper appoln'''''''1 01 the IIUCC8MOf T,.,..., <br />The 'Ofl9Olng po..' 01 'ubl1l1ullon .net lhe ptOC8dura u...fDf8 ...... not _ <br />..clull... DI lhe powar and p,ocedure prOWl"'" lor by IIW ror lhe IUbllltullon 01 . <br />lrul1.. or Tru'I"lln U.. place of lhe Trult... <br /> <br />20 ' IIy ......k:I." _ TN'" Net a ...... Any forwbearanCe Ibr <br />&anellc:l.ry Of Tn,..,.. In anr rlghl or 'emedJ hereunder. Of 01....... <br />afforded by IppllClb.. I.., Ihlll nol be I w.I.... 0' or pJ'KludII IhI..IlfCI.. of My <br />."'h' Of rlmld.. "'.und.r, Uk.wl.., Uti wIIQt IJy BenefICiary or Truel.. 01 eny <br />del.ult 0' TIU"or under 'hll Tru.' DIed .hall not be daemad to 1>>...... of cnr <br />011* o!llmUar delaull'lUbUQuenll)l occurring. <br /> <br />2.. T...... _ _ Ealen.1On 0' Ilia .Ima 'or payl1lOtl. or modI....llan or <br />.mOl1II.uan Ollila .um, Heured br Ihl. Tru.lllead gr.nled III' .....,k:lary 10.... <br />.......aar I" Inl.,..lal T....IOf .haIl nol _... 10 .-. III 0lI\l _. Ilia <br />lIaDllllr ollila original Tru.'Of or Tru.lor'. aucc_ln Inl...... ......lellly-.I <br />nollla ,equlred 10 C_ ..-mo. agalno. aucII __ 01..... 10 <br /> lima 'or payl1lOtll Qf 01"""_ madlly _lion of ... ...... ......... Dr <br />lllla Tru.. o.-Dr _of _ _ -Dr ilia........... TrualOf and T_lor'. <br />IUOOeIIOfIln Int..... <br /> <br />Z2. _ IlIIlano alIall"" dalaull _,1lIa 0Mll 01 Truat Of __ any prIof <br />~.... _Ielary may.........,. clalaul.. and ilia _ -Dr. <br />and 01.... _,. ..... .._ 01 Ilia _rtclarr Irt ourtng ....,. cIaI-. _ <br />In"'HI .1 Ilia daI.ull r... c:onl.lnoeI In Ilia HOI. __ IlaIaIIy "- ilia lima Q/ <br />""'.....l1CMor paw.....". "".11.._10 11Ia~__ -....Dr _T.... <br />0.-..... may'" collac:lad _.. .nr 1_.Ilar.... t_ of....,._ <br />or pafll*l" and IllaJI .. _lalla -.....Ilarabr. <br /> <br />23. 0,-. ..,_ upon Ilia ac:cu,..... ol...y daI.ull__. _lelarr <br />ahall 1Ia..11Ia DIllion 10 loracl_ fhl. Tru'l o.-In '" __ __Dr"'''' <br />Ilia loracloalllO 01 mor1_ an '''1 property. <br /> <br />24 T........ ........ _. Dalault. Un'lI .nw del.ull In Ilia IlIfl1*1l at <br />1ncs.tJltdl'llal hereby Heyr" or unllllhl WIIC" 0' any CO\f'If\In' flareln CU'llalnecl, <br />IhI TNIIOf, II. 'UCClllOI'I Ind a"lgn., .nall PGHM::I and entor 'M property,lJ'Id <br />receI.,. U... '1Inll .nd prolll. lherefrom. Upon pa~, or all aacured try tNa <br />Truel Deed, ..neUel.... .hall reqUAI Tru.,.. 10 raeon.., lhe propII't)' and ....... <br />au"ancler IN. Tru.. 0Md .nd .11 nol" I'ridInctng IndelltldnHa ucured by "* <br />TtuI. OMeIIO T,uI.". T,uII.. IhlU tKOflYIIy the Dft)plII'ty wllftoul WanaM)I .... <br />.lIhou' eh.rgo 'a I" pa,.an. Iag.lly anllllad llIarala. n.a G,..... 1ft 0lI\l <br />_..... may I>a -':rlllad .. "Ilia par..... Of ......... anl"lad 11laraIa," and <br />"'" raell.l. IIIar00n a' .ny m.n... .. 'ecl. ....11 ... prDOI at Ilia <br />lruthlulnae. Il'IIIeol. Such Plfaon Of per.ona ahall pay III coel. oII'KOtdIng. If anr. <br /> <br />2!1. ............ tile 1.....1 01 T"",'.. In In. ..,.nl lhellH. 10 .aJd ,..1 ..1.le II <br />Itanll...rld, or contracled 10 be IranltorrMi, Irom lhe under1llQn1d '01 arty fMIOn Of <br />br an" methott wtteta,oever, thl..l.... pllnclpal .u"' and eccNed 1n1.,..1 Men al <br />....._d..._ ...w- ..,IIa_'1on o. Ilia _Iclary. '.......10..- <br />tNI opllon __u.. of Ir....t... aIm.. II lIbtwe Itlled '" one NIaMe ..... not <br />con.lI.ute..~ of lhe dOh. '0 ...-eIM 1M UIM In'''' ........ an" ~I <br />......,.,. <br /> <br />. llIIa _ Q/ Iru.1I. lun'" 10 ....lIaled <br /> <br />__ If T....1or 10 <br /> <br />T....... <br /> <br />-"'8. ""ne:.,.. _'or _ <br /> <br />o.u.. MIl,.... fraf IWCOtd .,tt.lN "'01.1" 01 DMde end kIIn'.,......OIkIwI; <br />