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<br />QQ _i ():)... r. Q <br /> <br />nn ........ Not ReJe.Md; Forbearence By Lender Not . W8twr. Extension 0' the lime lor payment or In'oY-l~f~iiJIY o't-tl,e sums secured by this Secunty Instrument <br />grant8d:by; Lender to any successor tn Interest 01 Borrower shall nol operate fa release the liability of the onglnal Borrower or Borrower's successors tn Interest. Lender shall not be required <br />10 commBlQ proceedings 8gams. any successor In Interest or refuse 10 exfend time lor payment or otherwise modify amortizatIon 01 the sums secured by thIS Security Instrument by reason. <br />o1'any.~ the anginal 80fr0wer or Borrower's successors In Interest. An." lort>earance by Lender In exorciSing any right or remedy shall nol be a waiver 01 or pr.xtude the <br />"""","""of any nght or remedy, <br />1m ........ and Aulgn. Bound: Joint and Several UabiUty: C~lgnera. The covenants and agreements 01 thiS Secumy Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and <br /><bWgna'OtLender and Borrower. subject 10 the provlSfOflS of paragraph 17 Borrower's covenants and agreements ehall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co.slgns1his Secunty Instrument <br />cul.dollS not execute the Note: la) IS CD-SJgnlng .'15 Secunty Instrument only 10 mortgage, granl and convey Ihal Borrower's Interest in Ihe Property under the terms 01 thiS Security Instrument: <br />(elJ IS nal' personally obllgaled 10 pay Ihe sums secured by thiS Secunty Inslrumenl; and IC) agrees Ihal Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exlend, modify, forbear or make any <br />accommodations wl1h regard 10 the lorms at thiS Security Instrument or Ihe Note Wllhoullhal Borrower's consent. <br />f2 Li..-n eta.rgeL U Ihe Joan secured by Ihis Secunly Instrument IS subject 10 a law which sels maximum loan charges, and thai law 15 finally Interpreted so thatlhe Interest or other toan <br />charges,coIIected or 10 be collected in connection with the loan exc&ed the permitted limits, Ihen. (al any such toan charge shall be reduced by Ihe amount necessary 10 reduce the charge <br />nlttl1u-~ limit: and (b) any sums already coHeded frcm Borrower whrch exceeded permitted limits Will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing <br />Ihe llfim:Jpal owed under the Nota or by making B dir8d paymel1tto Borrower. II a refund reduce. prinCipal. the reducllon will be treated a. a partial prepayment without any prepaymem charge <br />un_the_. <br />tm. ~ AHectJng Lendw'. RJghta. If enactment Dr expiration 01 applicabCe laws has the eN&Ct of rendering any provision of the Note or Ihis Security Instrument unenforceable' <br />aIJCOfdk1g.1D a terms. Lender, a! its option. may require immediate payment In full of all sums secured by thiS Security Instrument and may invoke any remedies permitted by paragraph 19. <br />"t~ __ thiS optIOn. Lender shall take the 'Iops .pecified In the second paragraph of paragraph 17 <br />1'1 -...0... Any nobce 10 Borrower plDVlded for in this Secunty Instrument shall be gMln by delivanng It or by mailing It by first class mall unless applicable law requires use of another <br />tI\8thgdl, The notice> shafl be directed to Ihe Property Address or any other address 8oJ'TOWllar designates by notice to Lender Any notice 10 Lender shall be gIven by firs1 clans mail to Lender"s <br />~,sEafad herein or any other address Lender designates by notica to Borrower. Any notice prov~ed for in this Security Ins:rumenl sholl be deemed to have been given '0 Borrower or <br />Lsr1dM! __ QMln as provided In thIS paragraph. <br />15 ...............: SewrabWty. This Secunty Instrument shall be governed by federellaw and the law of the Junsdidlon in which the Property IS located. In the event that any provIsion <br />orrcseu. 01 thi.!l Security Instrument or the Note conflicts WIth appIk:ab-le law. such conflict shall nol altect olher prOVISions of this Secunty Instrumenl or the Note which can be given effect <br />_nthe conllCllng pl'OVl'lOf1, To thiS end the IlfO\'lSlOfl. olthl. Secunty Instrument end the Note are declared to be .everable. <br />IE ---.... Copy. Borrower shall be given one conlOnned copy or the Note end 01 thiS Secllnty Instrumenl. <br />1m: ,....,. 01 the Property or . a.n.tIctal InteNat in Borrower. If all or any pa:1 01 the Property or any interestm it IS sold or transfefTEi.j (or If a beneficlallOterest in Borrower IS SOld <br />or IfBnslllmrd and Borrower IS not a natural person) wi1hout Lender's pnor wntten consent. lender may, at its option, require Immediate payment In lull of all sums secured by this Secunty <br />Instrument "However, thiS option shall not be exerased by lender II exerCIse IS prohibited by federal law as ollhe dale or thiS Secunty Instrument. <br />U'LBncter exeroses thiS option. Lender shall grve Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a penOd of not less than 30 days from the dale the notice IS delivered or matled <br />Wlthllw,nctlBorrower must pay aJl sums s.ecured by this Secunty Instrument. It Borrowflr fBlls to pay these sum~ pilar to Ihe expiration of ttllS penod. Lender may Invoke any remedies pefr.'lltted <br />~ thi3.SM:unty Instrument wilhout turthe, nobce or demand on Boll'OWElr. <br />,. -.r. RIght to Reln.tate. If BofTDWer meets certain COnditions. Borrower shall have the nght to have enforcemenl of thIS Secunty Instrument discontinuea at any time pnor 10 <br />th.'earfIM at (a~ 5 days lor such other period as applicable law may specify lor reinstatement) belore sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained In thiS Security Instrument: <br />Gr(bJ'enfty at a Judgment enforCIng this SeaJOty lns1Jumenl. Those conditions are that Borrower: (a) pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Secunty Instrumem anCl trle <br />_.' acceIe'I'ation occurrect; (b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreoments; lc) pays all expenses Incurred In enfoo:1Og this Secunty Instrument, indU(tlng, but oat limltecl <br />to: ~ attomeys' lees: and (dJ takes such action as Lender may reasonably require 10 assure Ihatlhe lien of lhls Secunty InS1rument, Lender's nghts In the Propeny anct Borrower's <br />0bIipD0rt '> pay the sums &eCW'8d by this Secunty Instrument shall continue unchanged, Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thIS Seamty Instrument and Ihe obfigaoons secured hereDy shall <br />r&n1au1lrtJ11y effecttve as If no acceCeraoon had occurred, However. thiS nght 10 ~lnslBte shall not apply In the case of accelerahon under paragraphs 13 0' 17 <br />~l!INIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lendef further covenanl end agree as fOilows <br />1lIi - -: "-- ~ -.1 glw _ 10 80........ prior 10 ..,.,._n lollowing 8orrowar. _h 01 eny cownenl or 811........,1 In IhIa Security Instrumenl <br />(lIuIl_"-lO -..11un - peragnIp/la 13 .nd17 un.... .ppllcable 1_ providH 0I11erw1..). Tha nolk:a _II apec:lIy: C.I _ daf.ult; (b) lho ae1lon ~ 10 curwthe <br />~ (a). -. not ... IlWI 3D day. """' lIIoo _lIIoo _ I. gl".., 10 Bono_. by which the default mU.1 be euracl: .nd Cdl _ 1.llurwlO CUN the _ on or beforw <br />--~ In the - nwy .....Illn eccaIet .Iloo. 01 the sum. ucuracl by Ihl. Security In.trumen! .nd .... of the Property. Tha _ Shafllurthor Intorm Borrower of <br />-,..IWInI__ ~ _the rigltllo brt"ll. court ocllon 10 _the non-ul._ 01. _It". any _ _.. 01 Borrower 10 .......alIool_ _ II <br />........ not - on or"""" 1M - apecI!Ied In "'" nallee. ~ .1110 apllon nwy requl... Im_ poy.-.t In full 01.11....... UCUracl by mi. Securlly Inatnnnenl <br />..1ftMe.. .... damancI_ nwy Invoka the _ ol_.nd eny _ _lea parmlllad by .ppllc:oble h... ~ _II be anlllled 10 collec1.lIe__lncurqd In pursuing <br />-..-- providad In tnl~ _roph 19. Including. but nalllmllad to. _80Mb.. .lIorney.' I.... .nd coalll olliUO ev-. <br />"'-- of _1.1/1WUd. ll'u.... slWl raconl . notlc:o 01 dol.ullln each county In which any part 01 the PrGperty I. IoceIacI and .hall moll copiea of aucIl nolk:a in the <br />-....-crtbed by ~ '-10 ~ .ndlO lho 0_ person. prucrtbed by eppllc_l_ Allar the lime raqulracl by......_ .... ll'u.tae -'1I1w public noliee <br />lIfl_." _ and In the - prwac:ribed by ~ 1_. Tru_. without demend on Borro_. _11..11 the Property ., public IIUCIion 10 the hIgMa1_ at the <br />--...... - _Iho torm. doalgnetacIln !he notlc:o 01.... In 0"," or _ parcel..nd In .ny ordot' llu.... dafarml..... ll'u.tae nwy ~ _ of all or any parcel <br />aft_~ by public __ lit the _ and pIoco of .ny prwvtauoly OC_1ecI ..Ie. Lendor or Ita cIeali.... nwy purchoM the Property lit MY _. <br />1JIIIaRI....... of __ of the price bid. llu._ _II dell_ to the purc_ Tru_'. deed conveying the Property. The _ltal.ln the 1lua1ae'. _ _ be prima lac:ltt <br />--at lite IruIII of the 1Ile_ ..- -..n. llu._ _11.ppty the~. oIlho ..Ie In lho loIlowing ordot': (.) 10 811__ of the .....1ncIudInII. but not llmil8d <br />1IIl.~.'" - ~ by ....-... _ _ olIorney.' 1_: Cbl 10 lMCuracl by m.. Securlly 1natruman1;.nd (el.ny excau 10 the par-. or per80M <br />......_ta II. <br />:a ~ In ~ Upon acceleratIOn Ilnder paragroph '9 or abandonment at the Property. Lender (in person. by agent or by JudlQally appoln!ad rece:_, shall lie enIllIed to <br />entIIr upa1. !eke posseSSIOn of and manege the Property and to COIIec1 tne renlS of me Property Including tho... pasl due. Any renlS COlIecIed by Lender", tne _ shall be appbed IlTSl <br />to ~ "'the COSio 01 men.gement 01 the Property and collection 01 ...m.. InCluding. but not limited to. _r'.r..... premlUITl$ on receiver'. bonds and reasonable atlOmeys' fees. and <br />man tolhe lIUmS MCU.-d by !his Security Instrument. <br />21'. -- ...,-- Upon peyrnenl 01 oil sumo oecured by this Secunty Instrument. Lender .hall reques: Trustee to reconwy "'e Property and snall surrender till. Sacunty Instrument ana <br />a6lnoftts evidencing deb! secured by this Secunty Instrument to Trustee Trustee shall reconvey Ihe Property WIthout warranty and wrthOU1 Charge to the person or persons legally entltJeo to <br />It Such person or persons shall pav any rttCOrdauon costs, <br />:II. ........1hIaIee. Lenc:Jer. allts optKln. may lrom time 10 (jme remove Truslee and appo,"1 a successor lrustee to any Trustee appointee nereunOer by an Instrument recon:Je(I m me <br />coun~ In whid1 this Secuntv Instrument IS tItCOld~. Wrthoul conveyance 01 me Property, Ihe successor trustee Shall succeed to all the trtle. power and QuIles conferred upon Trustee hereIn <br />an<I.lI)'~ 1_. <br />a ..... for NoUcee. Borrower rvauesl5 tnat coptos of the notices 01 clefault and sate be sent to Borrower's aClt1ress which IS the Property AaClress Borrower furtner feQueStS ~hat <br />aJpIlI3 allhe nobces 01 delaun and sale be sent to each person who IS a party heretu at the adO",35 ot suct1 person sot form n01l!1O <br />.. ......10 thfa Security 'natrurnent. If one or more nders are eXllK:ut8(t by BolTOWiJr and lltCOn:2ed togelher wlttl thiS Secunty Instrument. the covenants ancl agreements 01 ea~ suctl <br />"de'stIII be mcorporaled Into and snau amend ancI supplement the covenant~ ana agreements of (hiS Secunly Instrumenl as If the r1C1erIS~ wem a pan of thiS Secunty Instrument ICheCtoi <br />appllcallle boxlllS)) <br />~ AdJustable Rate Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Paymen1 Rider <br /> <br />o Otherl.) 1Sl>9Cl1y1 <br /> <br />-= CondomlOlum Rider <br />~ Planneo Unll Development Rider <br /> <br />= 2.4 Family RICler <br /> <br />Ei"I' SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agfl!t85 10 me lerms BnO covenants CQntOlnBf] In Ih15 Secunty Instrumorn.and 1'1 any ndElf!S) executed, by Borrower and recortted With It <br /> <br />.'('{('. :CJ.l "of. <br /> <br />i ' <br />" ( <br /> <br />,/ <br />I <br /> <br />/,r ~ <br /> <br />l/" . <br /> <br />l .( 1.." <br /> <br />iSeall <br />- Bonowo. <br /> <br />(/.,... ' <br /> <br />/, . <br />/./ ':::"z <br /> <br />ISeal, <br />-90ITOWf!!' <br /> <br />(Sp8Ce Below Thl_ Line For Acknowledgmenl) <br /> <br />~aI_ <br />Cawnyof: Ha 11 <br />12 ~ay 88 <br />On' IfRS, day of 19 _ belore me. a Notary Public In the Slate of <br />--"~ Lawrence A. Plur~hy and Donna 'lurnhy. Husband and l~i fe <br /> <br />s. <br /> <br />~ebra5ka <br /> <br />ttJ,'~~ known 10 be roo <br />.....".., oct and deed. <br /> <br />go, CommossJon Expues <br /> <br />x ted the foregOing Instrument and acknowledged thai <br />. GfNE"Al N01ARY,S'.'.ofN.b, <br />~ JEANNE M SCHROER <br />MvComm,h".Jan 29,1991 <br /> <br />executed the same as <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />~"''''''llr''''' I <br />I .. <br />ea....,~ --_____1 <br /> <br />On_ <br /> <br />day at ________~_.______~____ <br /> <br />'g <br /> <br />belof"P rno a Notary PubliC In the Slale 01 ___,___ __,_ <br /> <br />-""""""'" <br /> <br />ro,~ 1:11 'IOr"Idy .nawn 10 be !hft personl" nomed tn and .,..ho "ii{1r;\jtftt'l ,,,,. lo'uQO'rlQ ,r11trum8nl imd ac"'nawlol1qf:ld ThaI __ <br />-, oct and doed <br /> <br />"~E;lpo:ro-s <br /> <br />{>IIPcult--L1 !hl' ~om.. as <br /> <br />"'O"AR'I PURLI( <br />