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<br />88- <br /> <br />102565 <br /> <br />more than fifleen (15) days in arrears to .'o,",'r lhc cxtra expense <br />involved in handling delinqucnt payments, <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Borrowrr and l.rndrr ro\'rnanl and agrrt' liS rollows: <br /> <br />I. That Borrower will pay the indebtedness, as hereinbefore <br />provided. Privilege i~ reserved to pay lhe debt in whole or in pari <br />on any installment due dale. <br /> <br />2, Thai, logether wilh, and in addition to. the monthly <br />payments of principal and interest payable under the term;. of the <br />note secured hereb~, the Borrower will pa~ Il1 the Lender. .'n lhe <br />first day of each monlh until tht' said note I' full~ paid. the <br />following sums: <br /> <br />tlIt~IIlffiIar~~~ <br />XQa~' ' <br />xkool ~~ <br />1Ot~:mmca~~~ <br />i&~~XXxai~ <br /> <br />~JIKmxkKXkDQaXll3i:ltD1ll:~IlOllIliC1bi.~dlaJoO',lH <br />XJIl:d:~~~~~ <br />:lOaaz\KM~XIlXDDlIIlXJQlKiacxlC1CJQlXllllX~ <br />:lbaK~kbalc~~)ttt~:l4mJtlillxJooaXlK <br />~ianlXaxxxD~K~~ <br />~~KllliKXKItIII~~ <br />~IIlIIJIIDIM1tJPDJClllllXXJl~~:K1lIaX <br />xmHSIiixlaUUtJlJlPdialldlt*lIlJb(jau:~ <br /> <br />)(ittXKDPtKX~:eXsKctmlDcXJi:x:xan<:ctKlIt~ <br />~JIJCCbdi:X~Jlk~~ <br />~Kal~~)flD~ <br />~1Otl1PllK~JaA~~~tut~IeX <br />~, <br />muc~~jgx~ <br />~ <br /> <br />(a) _,.\ <;\1m equill 10 [he ground rent-. 11 an\, m'\: Jue. plu' Ihe <br />premium, [hal \\111 next become due and pa\ilbk \'rl pl'lrcle' l,1 <br />I'm: and other hazard Imurance co\enng Ih,' prl'l'ef1\. plus la\e' <br />and assessment, next due on the plOperl\ tall ..l' ,'QIf71iitl'J bl lilt' <br />Lender) less all sums already paid Iher,.t0r dl\ IJed b\ [he numbet <br />of months to elap;.e before one (II month pmH W the dale when <br />such ground rents, premium,. taxes and a"e"m,'nl, "iii become <br />jelinquent, such sums 10 be held b~ Lender In trllst Il1 pa\ ,aid <br />ground rents. premIUm,. taxe;. and specIal a"essmem,; and <br /> <br />(b) II All paymem, merl\loned in the 1\\" precedlllg ,ubsectil~n' l,f <br />thl~ paragraph and all payment~ to be made urld~r th,' note <br />,e.ured heret.'1~ ,hall be added togelher, and Ih,' aggregale anwunl <br />thereof ~hall he paid b~ lhe Borrem~r each ill\lnlh In il 'Ingle P..l\- <br />menl \(\ be applied b~ Ihe Lender 10 Ihe Il,lIc"'\In~ lIem' 111 Ihe <br />order ,~I forth' <br /> <br />J<tbC~lIaQIlSxmllDClD.~ <br />J4:kll(.ji~XlIgtJl:xilalK~XIlC~ <br />~.ta.Xxx - xRlKJ3m]QQ: <br />~ <br /> <br />(1) Rl ground relllS. ta\es. a~"e"ment~. fire and l'ther hazard <br />IIlsurance premium,,; <br /> <br />(II) _ lIl[ele,1 on the n.'le ,ecured he'~b\, <br /> <br />(III) (1'1) amortization of the pnnclpalc'l '.lIJ Il<lt,', JnJ <br /> <br />(IV) lID lale charge..., <br /> <br />Any deficiency In the amoum of su,:h aggregate mLlnl hh pa\' <br />menl ~ha]1. unle" made good b~ the B(l[ro\\~1 prlO! [L' the Ju~ <br />date of the next ,uch paymem, coo>t1tute an e\ent 01 default <br />under this mortgage, The Lender ma~ colleu a "Iale .harge" not <br />\(\ e...ceed four cents (4(1:) for each dollar (S11 e,f ea-:h pa\'ment <br /> <br />3. Thai if Ihe total of the paymems made by lhe Borrower <br />under(a)of paragraph 2 preceding shall exceed the amount of <br />payments aclUally made by the Lender for ground rent..., taxes and <br />assessments or insurance premiums, as Ihe ca...e may be. ...uch ex- <br />cess, if the loan b current. al lhe option of Ihe Borrower. shall be <br />crediled by Ihe Lender on subsequent paymellls 10 be made by lhe <br />Borrower. or refunded to the Borrower. If, ho\\e\er, tlte monthl\' <br />payments made by the Borrower under (a)of paragraph ~ . <br />preceding shall not hI: ~u flldent to pay ground renb. laxe... and <br />as,essments or insurance premiums. a, Ihe .-a,c may pe. when the <br />same shall become due and payable, then lhe Borrower ,hall pay <br />[,I Ihc Lender any amount necessary to make up the deficiency, on <br />or before Ihe dale when payment of such ground nmlS, taxes. <br />a"e;.Sments. or Insurance premiums shall be due. If ,II ,my lime <br />the Borrower shall tender to the Lender. III acc:ordance wilh lhe <br />pro\lsiom of the nOle secured hereby, full payment 01 the entire <br />ll1debtedness represenled lhereb~. the Lender ,hall. in compullng <br />the amount of ...uch indebtedness. .:redit [0 the account of Ihe Bor- <br />rower JI~llX}lOIlXIDIU.jctllDdDntlC~XJb(~ <br /> <br />an\' balance re- <br />lll,lInllig in lhe fund, accumulat,'d under lhe pro\ I'll'n~ L,f{ a) of <br />paragraph: hereof. If [hen: ,hall b~ a default under ,Ill' ,,1 th,' <br />I'lL" I;.IOn' l,f th" in,trumel1l le'Ulllllg m ..l pu\"lli. ,a It" 01 Ihe <br />premises co\cled heret'\. "I 11 Ihe 1 ::nder il(qulTe' lht" prL'peT1~ <br />c'lher\\"e aflt"! default. the 1 endcI ,hall ;Ipph. at lht" tllne of [he <br />,c'mmencement ,'I ,uch plc',-.-edlllg'. or ,ll th... un1\' the property" <br />lither" ',e acqUired. Ihe h;llance th,.n lemallllllg In the lund~ ac- <br />cUlllul,Hed under (a),'1 paraf'laph : ['recedll1J;. <I' il ~'Tedlt agam,l <br />I he amounl ('I rTlllc'lpal I hell r"l1lalllll1g unpaid under "lid ill>1e._ <br />xoot~maKJ4~~ <br />~~ <br /> <br />.. That the BOfll'\\el "ill pa\ J;1"und telll'. 1axe'_ ..l"e"l11en1'. <br />\\ aler ratl',. and L'thel ~l" ernm,'l1l<l1 ,ll 111lHlIClpal ,'har;!e'_ fllle,. <br />or nllpll'llIons. tor \\ l11ch pI." l'lon ha, 1Jt11 \"Ieell madt" <br />h{'rembcfore. and m default thereol the lender ma\ 1';;\ the ,amI': <br />and Ihal the Borr,mer \\111 pn'lllpll\ Jeh\,'r Ihe .,fr',I,tI re,-elpt' <br />Iherelor to Ihe Lender. <br /> <br />~ The Borr,"\ er \\ III pa\ all laxe, \\ h,,'h 111;1\ \"I,' k\ led lipl'll <br />Ihe Lender', mlne,1 111 'aid real e,[ale and 1I1lpr.H,'ll1enh. and <br />\\ hl,'h ma~ \"Ie Ie\ led upon thl' nbtTUmen: III th,' Jd'l ,ecured <br />hcreb~ (bur onl\ [l' Iht. e\lenl thaI ,uch I' Ih'l [',,'hlt-ueJ t-\ l;!\\ <br />and onh W Ihe <"\Ienl thaI ,ud1 \\111 11\'1 Il'<lh' th" lc'an l1'Urll'lI'l. <br />bUI c\l:ludmg an~ Ullome lax. Stal,' c'r I eder..ll. Implhed ,Ill <br />Lendel, and \\iII file Ihe "Hldal lecel['t ,hLH\ll1g 'llt'h p;!\ment <br />\'l1h [he I endcr 1 ['em \1l11a[Il'1l l,1 thl' undenal-ll1g. ," 11 the <br />Borro\\el I' prohIbIted t"1\ ,111\ la\\ lllm c'll hereil!!el t'\l'!Ing f'.ll~' <br />paymg the" hole or any pL1Tll.m of the alore,ald la\e'. or upon <br />Ihe rendenng ot an~ ,-LlUT! decree prt1hlbllll1!! lhe payment tly the <br />Borro"er of an~ such 1a\e'. Lll If ,uch la\\ .'r dea,'C pro\ Ides Ihal <br />an\ amount '" pallj h\ Ih,' Borw\l,'r ,hall tie credited on the d.:\'II, <br />Ihe Lendet shall ha\.' Ihe II~hl I.' gJ\e IlInel\ da\'. \\nllell n,'t1ce <br />Ic' Ihe .mner of the ple1111,e,. r,'qulTlng Ih,' 1';1\mem "f Ihe deb: <br />II "Udl notice be gl\ ,'n. Ih,' 'alJ deht ,hall t't',-c~me due, pa\abk <br />and culleCllble ilt Ih,' nrll.IlI"1l "I ,;;Id Ilrn~ty d;1\"_ <br /> <br />h Thill ,hould tht" Horro\\er lall 10 pa~ an~ ,um c'll keep any <br />co\rnant pro\lded !,'r 111 thl" m,trument. Ihen the lender. at i:, <br />optIon. may pa\ 01 I'L'tl,'1rrn lhe same, and all e\pendltUle, 'I' <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br />HUO-921430T <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-1 <br />