<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />102558
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25037
<br />
<br />KNOW All MEN BVTIlESEPRESENTS:That Frank E, Kolar, an unmarried person
<br />
<br />Mortgl&Or, whether one or more, in c:omidcration of the IWD of
<br />Fifty Thousand and nollOO ---------------------------------------------------------fiOLLARS
<br />
<br />Ioancd 10 said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 500 shares of studt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifu:ate No. I.. 25037 . do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the followins
<br />described real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebrash,
<br />
<br />Lot Twelve (12) R & B Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />IOZI=IOO with all Ihe lenements, hen:dilaments and appurtenances [herellnto belonging, induding atlached floor <:<ntTinp, all window ~
<br />window 5h2dc5, blinds. slorm windows. .wnmgs. healing. all conditIOning, and pl\IJDbing and waler equipmenl and aa:eSJDries tbereto. pumps,stowes,
<br />refrigeralors. and olher nxtur~ and "'IUlpmcRl now or hereafler atlad.ed to or used in connection wilh said rQ) estate.
<br />
<br />And whereas Ihe said mortgagor ha, agreed and does hereby agree Ihal Ihe morlgagor shall and will pay all laxes and UIl:SIIDCnl$ IeYied or
<br />ISSICS>Cd upon said prem""s and upon this mortgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shaIl become delinquenl; to fwnisb approved
<br />insuran"" upon Ihe buildings on said premise1 silualed in Ihe sum of S 50.000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and 10 deliver 10 said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insuran",,; and nol 10 commil or perm.1 any wasle un or aboul said prerndcs;
<br />
<br />In cue of default on lhe perf orman"" of any of Ihe terms and oondilion. of tms mortgage or the bond sccured hereby, !be IDDIlpBee shall.
<br />on demand. be enhlled 10 lIDmediale possession of Ihe mortgaged premise> and Ihe mortgagor hereby assigns. transfers and acts moer to the
<br />mortPFC all the renls, rnenues and income 10 be derivcd from Ihe mortgaged premises durin!: such lime as the mort~ indebtcdnns shall remaiD
<br />unpaid: and the mortg;l~ 511211 ha"., the power In appoinl any agenl or agenls it may desire for lhe purpox of re~ said premiIcs and rmWIB
<br />the same and collecting lhe renls, revenues and income, and .1 may pay oul of said income all eXpeD5e1 of repairing said prerniJes and ~
<br />commissions and expenses mcurred m lenllng and mamgmg lh~ same and of collecting renlals then:frum; the balana: remaining, if any. to be
<br />applied loward Ihe discharge of said morlgage jnd~btedness. Ihese nghls of Ihe mUrlgagee may be exerc:i!led at any lime durin! the el1isu:noc ohuch
<br />default. irrespective of any temporary waiver of Ihe ..me
<br />
<br />1be1C Presenls, howe".". are upon Ihe Condillon. ThaI ,f lhe saId Morlgagor shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of said shan:s by
<br />payment; pay monlhly 10 SlUd ASSOCIATION of Ihe sum specIfied IR the !lond ",curro heteby IS interest and principal on said loao. on or bcforc
<br />!he Twenlieth day of each and evel} month. un 111 >a.d loan IS fully pa.d; pa)' all !$Xes and assessments Jevied~st said premises and on thisMortpF
<br />
<br />and lhe Bond secured Ihereby. before dehnquency. fUllllw appro".,d IRsurancr upon the buildings thereon in the sum ofS 50 000.00 payable
<br />10 ..id ASSOCIATION; repay 10 sa.d ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by 'I paid for such lues. assessments and insUrance with interest at
<br />lhe maximum legal role Iherr"n frum dale of pa)'menL all of which Morlgagor hereby agrees [0 pay; permil no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br />
<br />with alllhe agreements and l"Ond.llOns of Ihe Bond for S 50,000.00 IhlS day gJvcn by Ihe "",d Morlgagor 10 said ASSOCIATION. and comply
<br />w'lh aIllhe requuemenls of Ih. Conslllullon and By.laws nf said ASSOCIATION; then Ihese presems shall become nuD and void,otbenriJe they
<br />shall remain in full force and may be fmedosed at Ih. optIOn of Ihe said ASSOCIATION afler faIlure for lhree months 10 make any of said
<br />payments '" be t hre<: monll.. m anca.. IR making ..id monthly paymenl.. 01 to keep and romply ...,lh the ~menls and CDOditions or said Bond;
<br />and Mortp!:\lI .pen 10 han: a ICeetvel appointed fotth",ilh in ""eh for""losure pr~ings.
<br />
<br />If there is any change m ownership of Ihe real estate morl~ herein. by saI. or otherwise, then !he entire remaining indcbtcdneoo be:rcby
<br />IICCUlCd shall, allhe oplion of The Equitable Building and I..oan Associalion of Grand Island. Nebraska. become immedialely due and payable wilboul
<br />further nOli"". and Ihe amounl relmining due under said bond, and any other bond for any addilional advances made thereunder. shall. from !he
<br />dale of el1ercise or said oplion. bear interest at the maximum \epI nil'. and this mottgage may then be forcdO>Cd 10 satisfy the amount due on said
<br />bond, and any olher bond for addilional advances,togelher wilh all Stuns plOd by said The Equitable Building and I..oan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Nebra5ka for insurance. I"".s and assessmenls, and abslracling extension chlllJles. witll imereSl thereon. from date of paymenl at the maximum
<br />legal rate.
<br />
<br />As provided in Ih~ Bond secured hereby. while Ihi. mortgage remams in elTeel Ihe mortgagee may hereal'ler adYln"" additional sums to the
<br />malte.. of said Bond. Iheir assign. or successors in mlelest. which sums shall be within the seeurily of lh.i. mortgage the same as the funds originaIl)'
<br />""cured thereby. Ihe lOul amounl nf principal debt nol to ex=<! at any luno tile nrigmaI amounl of Ims mortgage.
<br />
<br />[\ated Ihis 12 th day of May A. D., 19 88
<br />
<br />k.~~) E/f:-L-
<br />
<br />Frank E. Kolar
<br />
<br />COUNTY OF HALl.. ~
<br />
<br />On Ihi,
<br />
<br />12th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />19 88. before me,
<br />
<br />the undel~l~n.d. a Notar)' Public in and for mid County, personallycamc
<br />
<br />Frank E. Kolar, an unmarried Person
<br />
<br />who
<br />
<br />is
<br />
<br />personally known to
<br />and he .......rall)'
<br />
<br />nr If' be lht tdtnhal pennn whose name is a.ffixed 10 t.he abovt! lnltrume.ut~ortpgof
<br />odtJU",,'ledll"d Ihe "'ld inll rumen. I" be his rolunlllry ael and deed /
<br />WI1'NL'iS my lund and Nolarial s.,al the date arOles,ud "
<br />My fummu:IJHn elpircl ? ,r;:'
<br />
<br />/j
<br />
<br />l_nfM.rt
<br />
<br />
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<br />Notaf~. I,'ulsltc
<br />