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<br />r <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />E Emln.nt Dom.ln, lena., os all comp.nsat,on award. damag.. ""d o'h", pavme"<s '" ,.,u., "...,,~~:.-;:"",..,,! ,Q. ~"Pucir~'lt' <br />condemnatIOn or alner tRkulg of Ihe PlOper1y 01 parllhereot or fo, conveyance In lieu 01 condemnallon Londer shall be enlltlt'(j rill'S npluHllo I:Ol1lnllHlCI~ npprllllll nnd <br />prosecute In Its own namo any action or proceedingS. and shaH also be ontltled to make any compromise or soUlemunlln connecltol1 wllh 5UI:h tnklllg or dilnll1l1lf IlIlht' <br />event Bny portion of the Properly 15 so taken Or damaged. Lender shllll have the opllon In Its sole and absolute discretion 10 ~Pllly nil suet' P'oc(!od" nllm deducting <br />Inorelrom all C051S anO OllpenS05 Incurred by Illn connection wIlh such proceeds. upon any Indebtedness secured hereby nnd In such o,de' lIS Lumio' 11I11ydnlPlnllllO. o. to <br />apply all such Proceeds. aller such deductions. to the restorallon 01 Ihe Property upon such conditions as Lender mRy delerrunt! Any Rpphcnl.0I1 01 Procoeds 10 <br />mdebtedness shall not ex lend or poslpone lhe due date of any payments under ttle Note. or cure any delaullthereundOl or hl'fcum1m <br /> <br />7 P.rform.nceb)'L.nder.ln theovent 01 Borrowc(s1allure 10 perform any of the covenents herein or make any payments roquHefl horcllY or If nny nctlslakcn or <br />logal proceeding commenced whlcn materiallyatfects Lender's Inlerest In the Property. Lender may In Its own dIscretion, but wlI....nlll oblIgation 10 do 50, And wllhout nollce <br />to or demand upon Borrower and wIlhoUI releasing 80rrowerlrom any obligatIon. do any act which the Borrower has agreed but fall" II.. do and may nlsodo nny alher act II <br />deems necessary '0 protect the securety hereot. Borrower shall. Immediately upon demand therefor by Lender. pay to LonM'!r all costs and tuponsos Incurred and sums <br />ell:pended by lender in connection with the exercise by Lender of Ihe loregoing rights. together with Inlerest thereon 3tth& rate prOVided In lhe Note, which shall be added 10 <br />Itle IOdebtedne~s secured hereby Lender shall not incur any personal hablbly because 01 anything it may do or omit to do hereundor <br /> <br />8 eftnll of oer.ull. The following shall constitute an event 01 default under this Deed of Trust. <br /> <br />(0) Failure 10 pay any Installment of principal or Interest or any other sum secured hereby when due, or faIlure 10 pay when due any olher Indebtednes501 <br />Borrower to Lender; <br /> <br />(bl A breach of or default under any prOVISIon conlalned In Ihe Nole, thIS Deed of Trusl, nny document which secures the Nole. and any other <br />encumbrance upon the Property. <br /> <br />(C) A writ at a.aculion or aUachmant or. any Similar process shall be entered against Borrower which shall become a lten on the Property or any portion <br />thereot or Interest therein; <br /> <br />(dl Thore shall be Illed by or agalnsl Borrower an actIOn under any presenl or future federal. stale or ottmr statute. law or regulation relating to <br />bankruptcy. insolvency or other relief for debtors: or Ihere shall be apPOInted any Iruste~. receiver or liqUidator 01 Borrower or ot all or any part of the Property. or <br />the rents. Issues or profits thereof. or Borrower shall make any general assignment for the benefll of creditors <br /> <br />(0) The sale, Iransler. assignment. conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pan at or any mterest 10 Ihe Property. either voluntarily or <br />involuntarily. wlthoullhe e.pross wrllten consenl of Lender <br /> <br />(I) If Borrower IS nat an indiVIdual. Ihe ,ale lransfer. assignment. conveyance or encumbrance of more Ihan _ - ---.- percent 01 (If a corpota1ton) Its <br /> <br />Issued and outstandmg slack or (It a paftnershlp) _ percent 01 partnership Interests <br /> <br />9. Ramed~; Acm.r.Uon Upon o...un. In the event of any Even1 of Defaull Lender may declare all mdebledness secured hereby to be due and payable and 1he <br />same shall thereupon become due and payable wllhout Any presentment. demand. protesl or notice of any kind Thereal1er Lender may <br /> <br />(al Demand thal Trustee e_erClse the POWER OF SALE granled herem. and Trustee shalllhereattercause Borrower's Interest 10 the Property ro be sold <br />and the proceeds to be dlslflbuled allm the manner prOVided 10 lh~ Nebraska Trust Deeds Act. <br /> <br />lb) Either In person or by agent. with or Without bflngtng any action or proceeding. or by a receiver appolnled by a coun and without regard to the <br />adequacy 0' its5ecurily enter upon and take possession 01 the PI operly or any part thereof. In Its own name or In the name of the Truslee. and doanyactswhlCh <br />It deems necessary or deSirable to pre~erve the value marketabl1l1y or rentability 01 the Property or part thereat or ,"terestthere,". Increase the Income <br />therefrom or protect the security hereof and. Wllh or Wllhoulla!<.lng possession at lhe Properly sue lor (,r otherWise collec1the rents. Issues and prolit51hereof. <br />including those past due and unpaid. and apply the same less caslS an(j e..penses 01 opcrahon and collection ,"cludmg atlorneys' fees. upon any indebtedness <br />secured hereby. all rn such order as Lender may determine The (;'flterlO9 upon and laklO9 possessIon at ttle Property. the collection of suet! rents. Issues and <br />profllsand the appllcallon thereof as aforesard :r.hall nOT CUle or w81ye any defaul! or nOllce of detaull hereunder or mvalrdate any act done In response to SuCh <br />delault or pursuant to Such notice of delaull and nolwllhslandmg the conllnuance rn pO'iSeSS10n of the Propt>f1y Of Ihe collection. receipt and appllcatlOn of <br />renls. Issues or profits Trustee or Lender shall be I~nh!led to e..(HCISe cyery right pra....l(~ed for m any at 1he Loan Ins1ruments or by law upon occurence 01 any <br />evenl at default including the tight 10 eJlf~rClse Ihe powel ot sale and - <br /> <br />te) Commence an achon 10 loreclose thiS Deed of 1 ru!:.1 as iI mortgage appoint it recelvel Ot specifIcally enforce any 01 the co~enants hereof <br /> <br />No remedy herelOcon'erred upon or reserved 10 Tr\J~lee orlende' IS Inlended 10 bf! elcluSlye 01 any alher remedy he1em or by law prolllded or permitted. but each shall be <br />cumulative. shall be In addition to every otller remedy gillen hereundel or now or hereafler elrstlng a1law or In equity 01 by statute and may be eaerClsed concurrently. <br />IOdependenllv or succeSSively <br /> <br />10 Tru..... The Trustee may re$lgn al any time wlthO\Jl caus,," and U'nder mav al any11me and wlthoul cau~e apPolnl a successor 01 substllute Trustee Trustee <br />snail not be liable tor an.,. 105S or damage unless due 10 actionable negligence Ot wllllul mlsconducl and shalt nol tlt' reQullcd to takp. any achon 10 conneclJon With the <br />enlorcement of IhlS Deed 01 Trusl unless InOemn1flCO In wnllflg lor all costs compensaflon or f'apense!> whICh may he assOCia1e(] tnerewllh In adDition. Trustee may <br />become a purchaser at any sale of the Property /Juejlclal 01 under the powel of ,,"ale 91 ill1ll!d herellll postpone Ihe sale 01 all or an" porhon of the property as prov-ded bV law <br />or sell tho Property B!i a whole. or ro separate parcels or lots <br /> <br />11 Fulure Adwancn. Upon request 01 Borrower Lender may atlls option make addlhonal and futun' aljllanccs and 'uadvances 10 BOflower Such advances and <br />readvances.. With lnterest 't'lereon. shall bf!lsecured by This Deed 01 Trusl Al no lime shall1he prinCipal amount ollho Indebledness s.ecured bv thIS Deed 01 Trust. not In. <br /> <br />eluding sumsadvsnced to prOlecl the security Ollhl~ D(~ed 01 T lu~l I~..c.l.!ea Ihe 0I1gln.11 prlnC'Pi1J amount Slith.a hen'ln {lI S '35,000.00 whichever IS <br />greater <br /> <br />12 "~U11 Proyfaiona. <br /> <br />(a~ Bono..' Nol EJltenSlon of the l'tTH~ 101 ravment or modlfll.stlon (II ,,",orhlall!)n ollhe sum!> secul{'(] by thIS Deed ot Trustgranled bV <br />Lender to any successor In ,"Iere!t of Borrower shall not opel31t.' 1(1 rt>lease Irl any t'I'ltllHll't Itlp Ilitblhtv 01 "'t:" ollglo..1 BOflower and BOHower"s successors 10 <br />rotefes1 Lender shall not be reqUIred locommence proceedIngs agalnsl s.uCh SU<-II~!:OS(Jr or ".ILJM! to t'..h!nd llm(! 101 payment 01 utherWI5emoOlty amOr1IZBhon <br />0' the sums secured by this. Deed 01 Trust by Ie-ason 01 any dt>manO!. mftdf' by thf' original BO"(IWI~I .1nd BorrOVlrCf 5 SUCCl!ssors 10 Inl('rest <br /> <br />lbl L.ndltr'.Po..ra. Wlthou1 atlec.llOg ltlElllablllly of any olhl!r tH!r!:o(}!l Ilahll' fOf ItH' ~Ji'IV"lPnl of ;tnl, ObligAtIOn herein mentioned and wltnout allectlng <br />tnellen Of cnarge of 1"15 Deed at TruSl upon any portton of Ih(." Ptupe..'y noI1h,." 1>1 Iht,u'llJtol"" 1f,IMH"pd a,!. !.4':\-(.ufll... for Ihefullamounl ot all unpaid Obligations <br />Lender ma)', tram time to lJme and INllhoul notlCl" II' rftlell~~ any p~'SO" so IIf,bl,. '" I .'.Innd Iht. rTlit1u,,'v Of allf." any ollhe lerms of an.,. sucn obligations. (lU~ <br />grant othe' Indulgences. (Ivl relea~fl or reconvey 01 cause 10 be mlt"lIseCl (II fm;onvt'yl"C 'tllHly Imlf' OIl tlmdf~r !:oopllon!:o any parcel parllon or all of 1he Property. <br />(v) lake or release any olner or additional secufllylOlllnv OhltQilllon h"H'ln nwnl.(HII'I] 0' 1111' ",a'lf' (nl11f)o!o'hOf1!> 01 other alrangements wllh aebtofStn relal10n <br />there10 <br /> <br />lei Forbe.'.nce bW L.nder Not. W.t..r. Any lorbealftnLt! b.., l ,!ndt"1 In 1-'.I'I[I!'olnq llt1t "(JI11 01 It'm{~dy ht-IeundN Of otherwise allortled by apphcable <br />law. shall not be 8 walller 01 or preclude Ihe eaerClst" 01 anv !ouCh lIght or fE"t1'WO.., T Iw pIOCIHI"nlt"" 01 ,q!oulancp OIlht" paymenl ot laaes or 01nerhensor charge~ <br />bV Le:1der shall n01 be B waive' of Lender S flgh1 to accelelalt' the mitturlly ot Ihl' .nd("hlf'd'1t'~!. SI~(lll""cl tlV IhlS Deed 01 Trust <br /> <br />(dl SuecePOra and Alaigna Bound: Joln1 and S.wr.1 LJ.bUlty; C.pllona lhfl cO....fmilllls ilnd dgl["(~m~nts herein contained shall bmd and the nghts <br />hereunder :shall Inure to. the respective successors and assign,," 01 Lt."ndel anD BorlOl6'f'l !.ublllCI tlllhp prOVISions of paragrapn B (e) hereol All covenants and <br />agreements at Borrower shall be 10lnt and 5t1ll'eral The captions and tmuomg'!o [11 ,"(' (HlragrAPt\S oltt'llS Opt"d 01 Tfu!ol.ue lor con....enlence only and arenoltobe <br />used to Interpret or dellOe 1he prOVISions hereol <br /> <br />Ie) ".....tforNo'k:... The parties hereby reQuestlhal a COpy a' ~"v nOllCf"1l1 dl~'null hl'ff"UncJt"r "nd 0 copy of any notice of salehereunoerbemslle-dto <br />each partytolhiS Deed 01 Tru61 al the arjdres5 set lonh above," the ma.nnt!r plt:'!!oCIIlwd bv ltpphr:itbll.~ law tOl an" other notice reqUIred under applicable <br />law to be gillen 10 another manner. any notice prOVided tor In ltw:. DeE'O 0' T ruo;l shiill tit' 91\1(H1 b.., marhn\=! !t.uch oohcf> hy cerllhed mall addresseO to the olher <br />parties. 81 the addres: sel forth above <br /> <br />Any notice prOVided for In IhlS Deed of Trust shall be deemed to ha....e been gIllen 10 BOllowel 01 Ll.'nder wh(~n gl\l~n In Ihe manner deSignated herem <br /> <br />fl) In.peclktn. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enttles upon and In!lrmctlOll'50 olthe Ploperty prolllded tMat Lender shall gIve Borrower <br />notice pflOf to any such IOspectian specifYing reasonable cause theretor relaled 10 Lender, Inleresl '" ,hc Property <br /> <br />tg) Aeco"n,.ncl. Upon payment of all sums secured by 1hls Deed 01 Trust l,.ndf" 5hAlllf~QIlf'"t' tll"tr',' 10 1"f'"OnvRY 1hp PropertY' and shalls:Jrrender <br />Ihlll Deed 01 Trusl and allnole! eVldencmg rndebtednef.s secUled by thiS 06eO 01 Trusllo llu!o\t'I' 1'11'\011'(' ,,1\111111'( OilY"", Ihl~ Properl", wltnou1 wananly anCl <br />Wllhout charge to Ihe perl.On or petS-OrtS legally entllled Ihereto Such pe'!Ion or per!;.ons Shllll pl1o; nJlI oMs 111 Ill( U1I11111(lIl Ii nny <br /> <br />(hi PlnonaIProPII"Y,SKurt', ",,'. Asaddlllonat security for 1he paymunl ollh,.. Nol." "IIII_IIIIH!. '''Qlllpnlt'l1l nnd olhf~1 personal p1opef1y used <br />If1 connoctlon wrth the real estate or Improvemen,slocaled tnereon and flor otherwise dt>clalf>d 01 drm/'Tlt'cllo hr' n pflll alltu! ff-'ftl r.stl'lle hereby. shall be <br />lublOCl to a ,ecunl.,.lnlerest In favorofthe Lendel undpr the Nebraska Unltorm CommerClat COi11' Ttll!'o In!'olturn#fnl shnll hp consltlJf.>d as. a Security Agreemenl <br />und",r &aId COdD. and the Lender shall have all t:"le fights and remedies of a secutf"d pArty undm !tAld Codt. HI Jld!11110n 10 I hit' flghl!! and lemedles created under <br />and IIccorded th... Lerrder pursuant to this Dt!!ed 01 Trust <br /> <br />ll~ s...r.biitty. In lhe even1 thai any prOVISion ollnts Deed ot Tq'st confllC1 Wllh appllr.nblnlltw Dr nit' Ct'clarfld Inllalld 01 othurWISEI un~nfarceatJ'e. 5UCh <br />(;or'llllel or InYDhChty &,hlll not nflec1 'hutltner prOVI:SI0'13 ol1hlfl DM'd 01 TruSl or Ihe Nole Whl("t1 L.lln bl" gl....nn 1!lIacl wtlhnul nw conlllctlOg p,..::lIlIS10n and to 1hls <br />.nd ''''' P'OV'510"' 01 the Deed ot T'uslend the NOI. a', deClared '0 o. ..'.'.0" . k n <br /> <br />Borro.... h.' .'"",u'.O .n.. O..d a' Trust ,n. dot. .."".n .bO'.::~~=r uQ,~L~,_ ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />' r---' BarlOW'" <br /> <br />BOlfQWfJr <br />