<br />0007142607 0047798
<br />
<br />88-- iO ,~H::: . 3
<br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF _.______________________________________~ ~ill
<br />__._I~IBIY_EIGHI_I~DUSeMD_AHD_MgL1QQ___________________---------------
<br />dollars, to it paid,__UMI~EBSeL_~CBIGAGE_~DBeDBeIIDM_CE_WIS~CMSIM____
<br />a Corporation duty organized and existing under and by virtue of the
<br />laws of the State of Wisconsin, located at Milwaukee, Wisconsin
<br />does hereby 91-ant bargain, sell, assi9n, tI-ansfel-, convey and set ovel-
<br />unto _UMI~EBSBL_Se~IMGS_BeM~_E~_e~_______________________ a Corporation
<br />duly organized and existing undel- and by virtue of i:he laws of the
<br />State of ______WIS~CMSI~______a certain indenture of Mortgage, executed
<br />by _BCMMIE_D~_~IELSEM_~D_~IBGIMle_~~_MIELSEM___.___________------------
<br />
<br />____:!l:____JitlS alll !\ID ...Al:lll_\iUl:i._________________________ _________________of
<br />_GBA~D_lSLa~D____, County of ~eLL______________.._; state of _____HE_
<br />and dated, the _______________;3Qlt::I________ day,,'" _03eBIL___, A.D.,
<br />19S1 to ______SUeEBICB_MCBIGaGE~_lM~~_.________________________--------
<br />on c~rtain lands in the County of __~eLL_______________________----in the
<br />State of___ME____together with the Mortgage Note therein referred to
<br />and all the ,"Ight, '~itle and interest conveyed by said MOI-tgag,e, in and
<br />to said lands, which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the
<br />Re9ister of Deeds in and for the County of _t::IeL.I.._________________in
<br />the State of _ME_ on the ;3QI~_______day of__aeBlL______. A.D., 19a1, at
<br />__________o-c lode __M.. In Vo lume ____________of Mortgages, on
<br />page_________________, Document No. _Sl=QQ2212__________.
<br />
<br />Lot three (3), in Block Seven (7). in Claussen Country View Addition. to the City of
<br />Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the
<br />debt thereby secured, and all right, title and interest conveyed by
<br />said Mortgage, In and to the lands therein described, to the said
<br />UMl~EBS&L_Sa~IMGS_BaHK_E~_a~___________________________________-------
<br />its succeSSOl-S and assi9ns fOI-ever, for its and their use and benefit.
<br />
<br />And said Corporat~on hel-eby covenants that there is now OWing and
<br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, as principal. D sum not
<br />
<br />lesa than _________________________________________________
<br />I~lBIY_EIGt::II_I~CUSaMD_eHD_MQLlgQ___=~----- _DOLLARS
<br />and a lso Intel-est ________________________________________ and thai:
<br />it h~s good right to assign the same.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sdld _UMI!.lEBSeL_t1IJE:IGeGE_COs.eaBeI:IOM_OE.-
<br />W15~Q~SI~_________has caused these presents to be signed by ------------
<br />~lCt::IELE_L~_DBEWlCZ_______________' its _eS51SIeHI_SE~BEIeBY---
<br />at Hll'-laukee, Wisconsin, and its cOI-porate '!:leal to be hen:!unto affixed,
<br />this ___1SI_____day of __&eBIL_________, A.D.. 1gea.
<br />
<br />
<br />PE
<br />Cou.nters igned;
<br />
<br />____~) i.C.~~~~-- -, -----
<br />
<br />SIBIE-DE_Wl5CC~alH------) S5.
<br />~lLWe~EE_________County)
<br />Personally came before me. this __lSI___day of __aeBIL_____, A.D.,
<br />19a5, ___eEM~XLX~H_ZCBEL___________ASSISTANT VF' and ___Ml~~ELE_L_DBEWI~Z
<br />aaslsIeuI_SE~BEleBX________of the above named Corporation, to me I<nown
<br />to be the person. who executed the forego i ng i nst,-ument. and to me
<br />~lnown to be such aSSlaI6MI_~~e~ and e5S1SIeMI_SE~BEISBY~~~---- of said
<br />Corporat Ion. and adl1:owledged that they executed .ti;e';fo'r~:6'lng
<br />Instrument as such officera am the deed of said Cdrporatio~r'bY its
<br />autho~-lt.". cd) / ~-,,,~..,.I'~-.....,~);~ /
<br />It ~'. / ~ - - F~ ,',' .,.....
<br />'-"',-L ,(Cj2t(_,_~<::2~.J~il~'-f.ii!:<2__- ---
<br />Notal'Y,' Public
<br />,__CZBUISEEL__,____________County. _WI,
<br />My Commission expires ~AX_E&_12eO__
<br />" h . to I TIt! h llm~ n t ....'11'11 d I'ld' \ f~d by UI:U!.lEBEluL_l:lOc:laI3E._ CIJ5:e _IJE _ W ILtl.I C.liEL.E__DE:IiI,Jl C Z
<br />