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<br />r <br /> <br />000'7142730 0047798 <br /> <br />88- 10'1 r-">' 0 <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF ______,_______________________________..____~ iJ J. <br />___II:IIBI:LE:IGI:II_II::IQUafllt:l1'!._at:ll'.l_HQL1C1Si_________________.------------------ <br />do lla r 5, to i t pa I d . __WESIEBt:I_SE:CUB.tIIES..ClJl:lE:at:ly_.__,__________________ <br />a Corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the <br />laws of ih~ Stato of Wisconsin. lo~ated at Mi lwauke~. Wisconsin <br />does h~reby gl"ant bani/aln. sell. assign, transfel-. convey and set over <br />unto Ut:lI~EBaaL_l:llJBIGaGE:_ClJBE:CBaI.tCt:l_lJE_WISt:lJt:lS.tH_________ a Corporation <br />duly organized and existing under and by virtue of th~ laws of the <br />State of ______W.tat:lJt:lalt:I______a certain Indenture of Mortgage, executed <br />by _DaBWlt:I_B~_l:Ial::lt:l_at:lD_t::tt:lIl:lla_a~_l:Ial:lt:l___________________-------------- <br />____X____________________~~~~~~_~~~_~~~~____________________________of <br />_GBBt:lD_IaLBt:lD____. County of l:IaLL___.______________, St...te of _____t:lE:___ <br />and dat~d, the _______________~QII:I________ day OT _.~~~IL_____, A.D., <br />19a1 to <br />on certain lands in the County of __~eLL__________________________in ~he <br />State of___t:lE:____together with the Mortgage Note therein referred to <br />and alL the right, title and interest conveyed by said Mortgage, in and <br />to sa id lands. wh ich I-10rtgage was duly I.ecol-ded I n the Off ice of the <br />Register of Deeds in and for the County of _~aLL______________________in <br />the State of _t:lE:_ on the 3QII:I_______day of__&eB.tL______. A.D.. 19a1, a~ <br />__________o-clock __H.. in Volume ____________of Mortgages, on <br />page_________________. Document No. _61=002126__________. <br /> <br />LOT ONE (1). IN BLOCK TEN (10), IN JOHN VOITLE'S ADDITION <br />TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To have and to hold the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, and the <br />debt thereby secured. and alL right. title and interest conveyed by <br />said Hortgage, in and to the Lands therein described. to the said <br />U~l~EBaaL_MDBIGaGE:_CDBelJB&I.tCt:l_CE_W.taCD~Sl~___________------------------ <br />Its successors and assigns forever. for its and their use and benefit. <br /> <br />And said COl-poration hel-eby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on the said Mortgage Note and Mortgage, as principal, a sum not <br /> <br />less than ______________________________________________________________ <br />IHIBIX_EIGI::II_II::ICUSat:lD_a~D_t:lQL1QQ_____________________________________DOLLARS <br />and aLso interest ____________________________________________ and that <br />It has 900d rl9ht to as~ign the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said _WE:aIEB~_SECUBIIIE:S_t:~eH~_______ <br />__________________has caused these presents to be si9ned by ____________ <br />EE:~t:I:tLyt:lt:l_ZCaE:L_ ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT, AND Countersigned by <br />MICHELE_L~_DBEWICZ_______________. its _aSSlSIe~I_SE:CBEleB:t___________ <br />at Milwaukee. Wisconsin. and its corporat~ seal to be hereunto affixed. <br />this ___laI_____day of __eEBIL_________. A.D.. 19aa. <br /> <br /> <br />tJ " <br />. ~",,- <br />. . <br />--~- --~.~~~ <br />MI HELE L. DREWICZ ' .' <br />ASS STANT SECRETARY <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />aI9IE_CE_WISCDt:lSlt:l______> ss, <br />MILWBUlSEE_______,__Co u nt y > <br />P~rson.lly came before me, this __laI___day of __BeSIL_____. A.D.. <br />19aa, ___EE:~t:I:tLy~t:I_ZCaE:L___________ASSISTANT VP and ___l:lICI:IELE_L_~BEWIC~ <br />eaalSlat:lI_aE:t:BE:leBX_________of the above named COl"F'ol-at'lon. to me I<nown <br />to be the persons who elCecuted the fOl"ego I n9 i nstl-ument. and to me <br />known to be such i!laS.talet:lI_~...E:... and aSSlali!lliI_aE:!;Be:I6BX... __,___ of sa i d <br />Corporat Ion, and acknowledged that the.,. executed th~ .':'f,O'r~9'P i n9 <br />I natrument as such off i cers as the deed of sa id C.I~p'ol"at i'o'"", by Its <br />authority. /''''-)'' ~" ,I.,/"i-",-~ <br />( .J .~, :>:!1 'Z) /. ../ <br />'''-?d' if . / ,J, ,/, /. " . <br />',~".../'i'L'L '1.'" ,! (/;",,-: '".-v'l'j:(l i {r""~ <br />~__ L. ~u....~_,__,.;""''_.T_-...-...I'-.!:--------- <br />PAULINE E. RCIDE:RTS\" L. . <br />No',d'"y Pub l i c <br />__OZAU~EE_____~~________County._W~. <br />My Commission e~pire~ ~er_a&_1200__ <br />"hlu in!!ltrument WiH~ dl"afted by W~6IEBt'.4."SECUBIIIEI.LCO.LL.I1IL:;HEI_E_,l!BEWlC;L, <br />