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<br />0007143969 88_~O'f~509 <br /> <br />FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF ___'________________'______________________ <br />_,__II:IJ:BILEIGI:ILII:ICUSetiILetiIU:llJL1~HL------,--------,--------------------- <br />do ll.a 1- S . 1'0 i t p aid . __Ut!lIUEBSeL._t:UJBIl.3e13E_CCBE:OBAIICI:LlJE_WISCOl::lSIIL___ <br />a Corporatlon duly organi~ed and existing under and by virtue of the <br />Laws of the State of Wisconsin. located at Mi lwaukee. Wisconsin <br />does he}-eby g}-ant bar9ain. sell. assi9n. h-ansfer, convey and set ove,- <br />unto ,_UNI~EBSeL._Se~IMl.3S_~eM~_E~_A~_______________________ a Corporation <br />duly or9anized and existin~ under and by virtue of the laws of the <br />State of ______!oIISc:lJMSI~______a ce,-ta i n i ndentul-e of Mort9age, executed <br />by _l:IeBOL.~_~~_ZESSIM_eti~_eBL.El::lE_~~_ZESSIM________________-------------- <br /> <br />________________I:IUSaeM~._AM~_WIEE_____________________________________of <br />_l.3BeMO_ISL.eti~____, County of I:IAI..I..________________, State of -----~~-- <br />and dated. the _______________2I:HL________ day of _lJc:lt.:ip~.~L_ _, A.D., <br />19a1 to ______SUE:EBICB_MOBI~AGE_IMc:______________________ ,-------------- <br />on certain tands in the County of __I:IAI..L.__________________________in the <br />State of___tiE____t0gethe'- with the MOI-t9a9ti> Note therein referred to <br />and all the right, title and interest conveyed by said Mortgage. in and <br />to said lClnds. which Mortgage was duly recorded in the Office of the <br />Register of Deeds in and for the County of _1:I~~I..______________________in <br />the State of _tiE_ on the ::iUL_______day of __!JcICaEB____. A.D., 1961, at <br />__________o-cLock __Mo. in Volume ____________of Mortgages. on <br />page_________________. Document No. ____B1=QQ::iQQL-------o <br /> <br />LOT EIGHT (8), IN BLOCI, TWO (2). IN EVAN'S ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND. HALL COUNTY. NEBRASKA <br /> <br />To h~ve and to hold th~ said Mortgage Note and Mortgage. and the <br />debt thereby secured, and all ri9ht, title and interest conveyed by <br />said Mortgage. in and to the lands therein described. to the said <br />U~I~EBSAL._Se~I~GS_aAti~_E~_e~____________________________---------------- <br />its successors and assi'3ns fon~vel-. fOl- its and their use and benefit. <br /> <br />And said Corporation hereby covenants that there is now owing and <br />unpaid on ihe said Mortgage Note and Mortgage. as principal. a sum not <br /> <br />less than ______________________________________________________________ <br />II:IIBIY_EI~I:II_II:IOUSeMD_etiD_~QL1QQ______________________________________Drn-LARS <br />and a 190 j ntel-est ___________________________________________ and that <br />it has good right to assi9~ the same. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sdid _U~I~EBSAI.._MCBIGAGE_c:CBE:OBeIlUM_OE__ <br />WlS~O~SIti_________has caused these presents to be signed by ____________ <br />eE~~YL.Y~~_ZCI!E'__ ASSISTANT ....ICE PRESIDENT. ANII Countersigned by <br />~lC~EL.E_L.~_~BEWlCZ________________. its _AssISle~I_SECBEleBX___________ <br />at Mi lwaukee, ~Jisconsin. ,lnd its COI-POI-ate seal to be hereunto af'fixedp <br />this ___lSI_____day of __eE:BIL._______~-. A.D" 19a~: <br /> <br />U~I~EBsa _MOB 1.3' <br />~: <br />~ / <br />PENNY N <br />ASSI T VICE PRESIDENT <br />Countersign~d: . <br />, ../.J ," " <br />4-in~"'':''- <br />ELE L. DREWICZ - .'- <br />STANT SECRETARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />SIAIE_QE_Wl~~O~SI~______~ SS, <br />Ml~WeUKEE_________County~ <br />PersonalLy came befor~ me. this __lSI___day of __eE:Bll.._____. A.D.. <br />19aa. ___eEM~XL.YMM_ZQEEL.___________ASSISTANT VP and ___~ICI:IE~E_~_DBEWICi <br />eSSlSletll_~Ec:BEIAB:i________cf the above named C<Il-pOI-at i on. to me known <br />to be the persons who execu~ed the fore90ing Instrume~t. and to me <br />~(nown to be such ASSISleMI_~~~L dnd eSSISIAMI_SEC~E!~------- of said <br />COrpOI-.,t i OTl, dnd .lckTlowL(~dged they execut~ tlie l"Qr.,e9o i ng <br />i Tls.1Tument d9 suc:h off leen:; dS the deed of sa id Co,-po'-at~i'on. by its <br />.' .. " <br />duthorlty. '~,- .' ' " <br />I~) /, ..,:-, /,/ <br />-t;1 'j' , " ," .y;..{.o', ,- <br />~_":.:X4.J. .f,...'W:,,___,:;u:.~ __",,__,_'__',5:_'__"::__..... '..- <br />PAUL I HE E. rWDERTS - <br />No tel1-)" Pub II C <br />_...lJZAUISEE___,___,_________,._Count y, ..Wl. <br />My Commission expires MAr_~&_~~e6__ <br />I hi',. I "".. 'W'f'" I ,oJ.,", d.- I~f tl"d b.,. UI:UVEBSAL._I:lOBIAGE_. COBE' _J:U:_W1LM1L.:l::IELI::._L'b:1a 1.1] \:; <br />