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<br />r <br /> <br />_ IIIInvItlJr Not ......Md: Forburance By L.endM Not. waiver. extension 01 the time for payment or JlBc':iii:m 102a5,Q.0 sums secured by this Security Inetrument <br />~ bV Lender to any successor In Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability 01 the original Bo"O\\'er or ~rrower's successors In Inteltlst. Lender shall not be required <br />ltI'~ ~1ryg!I ~nst any successor in interest or refuse to extend Ume for paymenl or otherwise modify amortization of the Bums secured by this Security Instrument by reason <br />o.fI..,.dMNind'rnacIe' by the' Original Bon'cwer or Borrower's successors In interest. Any forbearance by Lender In Bkerclslng any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude the <br />__ at OIly I1gIIt or remedy, <br />n. .net AaMgn. Bound: Joint ... Snenll UIIb1Uty'i Co-.lgne.... The covenants and agreements 01 this Security Instrument shall bind and benRfillhe successors and <br />iIIIIgN of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provi$ons of paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be Joint and several. Any Borrower who co.signs this Security Instrumenl <br /> nol executa the Note: (a) Is co.signlng this SectJrity Inslrument only to mortgage, granl and convey (hat Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms or this SecurHy Instrument; <br />(01 '. nol parsonally ollllgaled 10 pay Iha su"", sea.'!8d by thl. security Instrument; and (c) agrae. that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e<lend, modify, forbear or maka any <br />accommodations with regard to lhe temlS of lhls Security Instrument or the Not8 without thai Borrower's consent. <br />12. &.oM C--. II tria loan MCUred by this Security Instrument Is subject to a law which sel. maximum loan charges, and that law " IInally Interpreled so Ihat the Interest or other loan <br />~ coltecled or to be col_ in connecIlon with lria loan exceed the pennllled limits, then: (a) any RUch loan charge .hall be reduced by the amount neceosary to reduce the charge <br />tltlNpannitled limit: and (b) any IIUl11S lIInIady coltecled from eono- which exceeded pennilled limits will be refunded to Borro_:1.eni:ler may choose to make this refund by reducing <br />tl'lwj)ll!ndp8l owed unclIlr tM Note or by making a diract payment to Borrower. 11 a refund reduce. principal, the reduction will be traated as a partial prapayment wlth""t any prapeymer.t charge <br />..-_-, <br />Q, ..-. AlfllCIIng ~. RIghta. 11 onactmenl or .xplratlon of applicable law. has tria e"eet of rendering any provision of tho Not. or this Security InstNmont unenforcoable <br />~ 10 its 1em1lI, Lender, at Ita ~ may raquinl immedlale payment In full of all sum. .ecured by lhl. Security In.trument and mcy Invoko 'lIlY ramedies pennitled by paragraph 19. <br />Ir _ .x_ this option, Lender shaIllak. the .tops specified In the .econd paragraph of paragraph 17, <br />M. _ Any notic8lO eono- pmvldecl ror In thl. Security In.trumem .hall be given by delivering It or by moiling it by first class ','all unless a''"'Jcable law requires use of another <br />_ The noClce shOll be directed 10 the Property Adclnl.. or any other eddress eono- deslgnetes by notice 10 Lend.r, Ar.v ".' c: ,,' Lend.r .hall be given by first closs mail to Lend.r'. <br />__stated herein or any other addt8sI Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for In this Security In.".:r lr;v.....ii :;''''3.11 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or <br />_ wilen given as provided In thl. paragraph, <br />15. GowmIng Law; _U1y. This Security Instrumenl .hall be governed by fed.rallaw and the law of tho jurisdiction In which the Property Is localed, In the evenl thot any provision <br />or _ at lhls security Instrument or the Nol. conflicts with applicabl. law, such confilct shall not ""oct atriar provisions cllt1is Security Instrum.nt or the Not. which can be given effect <br />_ _ conftictfng provision, To Ihis end the provIsIona at this Security Instrument and tho Notg llI1l daclarad 10 be severable. <br />a. _. Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrum.nt <br />17. ..... 0I1he "'-4' or . _III I_In _. II all or any part of the Property or any Interest In It I. sold or transferred (or if a beneficial imerest In BomJwer is ao'd <br />CI' tIaftIIem!Jd and Borrower is nol a natural person) without lender's prior written consent. Lender may, al its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums seaJred by lhis &-curity <br />In'uarument. However. this option &haJI not be exorcised by Lender If exercise IS prohibited by federal law aa at lhe date of this Security Instrument. <br />"Under exercises lhls option, lender shall give Borrower notice 01 acceleration. The notice shall provide a period or not less Il1an 30 days from lhe date the notice is delivered or ~Ied <br />dinwl'ich BorTtlWltf' must Pilf aU sums secured by this Security Instrument. " Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the 8xpjraUon of (his period, Lender may invoke any rel'Tlttdies perrmnea <br />~ It;. 5ealrity tnstrumont without furthar notice or demand on Borro_, <br />.. _. Right to Rein.... If Borr'tJvNr meets certain conditions, Borrower :shail have the right to have enforcement of this Secunty In5trumen1 discontinued al any time prior to <br />.._ at: (a) 5 days (or such other period as applicable law may 5peCi1y for roinstelementl befolll saI. 01 tho Property pursuant to any power of sale contained in this Security Insttum.m: <br />or lilt -*Y 01 a judgmonl enforcing this 5ecurity Instrument Those conditions llI1l thai BorTOwor. (a) pays Lender all su"'" which than would be due under lhl. 5acurlty Instrument and tha <br />_ _ no 1ICC1l_ occunod: (b) cu.... any default of any other CO\IOnants or agroomonts; (c) pays ai' .xpenaes Incurred in .morcing this Security Instrument including. but not tim~ed <br />... __ atlOmIyO' f_: and (d) _ such action as Lender mlly rellllOOabty require 10 assura that the lion of this Security Instrument. Lender'. rights in the Property and Bonower's <br />........ to pay the sums S8ClUId by thiI Security Instrument .hall continue unchanged, Upon 1Illnstalemant by Borrower. this S9ClJrity InsbUmen1 and the obligations socurod hereby shBlI <br />-1uIIr etfeclMo as 'I no accelenltion had occurred, ~r, thi. right 10 roinslBte shBII not apply In Ih. case of acceleration under paragraphs 13 or 17 <br />_UNIFORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender further CO\IOI1anl and agree as follows: <br />.. _\Ian; _ ~ _ gift _10 --. prior to lICCIIeratlon lollowing _. _ 01 any _or ~ In _ Secur1ty1natrvment <br />..._prlorlo_ _.......13_17 un_ .ppl__ provldn 0__). 'IM_ _ apec/Iy: (.) _ _It; (b)--reqund10 QJN- <br />~ Ie). _. not _lMn 30 dip '""" _ _ _ notice II 11_ 10 Bono_,. by which 1he _It _be CUNCI; -lei) _ fall.... 10 c.- _ _ on or before <br />"___In _ _!My _I" _ 01 _ aulnl _ured by Ihl. Security Inllrumonl_ _ of_ "'-4'. '1M _ _ ~ _1lomIwer 01 <br />........... _ _ __ _Il1o rlghtto bring. court ICIIon 10'_ _ .........1_01. _It or_ __ of Borroww 10 ....1.'_ MIl..... If <br />.._ III not CUNCI on or _ IN _ ~ In _ _. Lender 11111 oplIon !MY raqul..I...-_ ~ In IuD of 5I11UIIlI8CUred by _ Secur1ty Inatrvment <br />____ 1IIII'1n__......of_ _any __In pennlllld by .ppllc__. Lender_I be..,_ 10_511._ _In ponuing <br />.._ __In 1h1l_rep/ll..lncJudIng, but nolllm_lo. .....,...b1. .nomeya' _ _ ooaII 01__ <br />1"_ of _I........... ~ _I _ . _ 01 delaullln eKh county In "hlcll any pan nf 1he "'-4' I. _ _ _ meII copIaI of ouch _In Ihe <br />_pIWKribed byeppllcellle _10 ~ _10 1hlI_ __'1_ by __I... An.1he_ raqulred by appI_.... ~_glwpullllc_ <br />01_"'__ _ In1he "*'_ ~ by appllc.bIe law. nu... wllhoul_nd on _. _I MfI1he "'-4' et public HCtIon 10 _ ~_ et1he <br />__..... _ under _ _ .....-In _ _ 01.... In ..... or mo.. pan:al. _In .ny ~ ~deIIrm"'" ~ II1II' ~ _ 01 all orany I*CII <br />01.. JINparty by puIIIIc _Ill _ U.... _ ~ 01 any ICflecluled ..... Lender or Ita ~ II1II''''''''- _ ~ et any__ <br /> of ~ of _ pnc. bid, ~ _ dell_IO Ihe purclla_ nu.I.... _ conveying _ Properly. '1M _In _ ~'. _ _ be pm. ,_ <br />_of_ IrvII1 of_.- mecIe_. nu_ _, ~ _...-, 0I1he _In _ 1oIJoMng"'-' (.) 10511.._ 01_ _including, ___ <br />... "-'. _........- by appllcHIa law _ __ eIlOmeyll' _; (b) to 511......._ by Ihl. SKurlty InItInlmen1; _ (c) any...,... 10 _ peraon or_ <br />.,..,.....10 It. <br />_ WIdIr In PwMuIan. Upon _.tion under paragraph ,g or IIIlandonment 01 tria Proparty, Lender (In perIOI1, by agent or by judicially eppoinlld lIlCeiverI_ be en1i\ted III <br />_ _ lIk. poIMlIion of and manage the proparty and to collecl the rants of the Proparty including thoIIl put_. Any lOn1S _ by Lanller or the __ sI1aII be appIiod first <br />ID ~ 01 the costs of ~ at the Property and coIlec1Jon of ranta. including. bul not limited 10. _'s f_. premiums on _'a bonds and re....- ot1DfTWyS".... and <br />... IDIIIlIIUIIII MCUlIld by thIa Securily IllIIrunw1l, <br />21. ~ Upon peyrl*11 oIaIIlCJlnS MCUred by th'" Secunty Instrumant. Lender shlllt requlllt TN_ to raconwy the Property and shall__ Socunty inalnlmIm and <br />II _ evidencing debt MCUrad by thl. Security InalNmen\ to Trust... TNst.. aMII raconvo~ the Property WIthout warranty and without charge to the person or persons legally entitted III <br />.. = _ or persono .hall pay any raoordatlon costs, <br />zz. SuIIMtIutI'1l'uMII. L..onder. It it. option, may from time to tune remove Truslee and appoint a successor trustee 10 any Trustee appointed hereunder by an Instrurnen1 rec;:orded m the <br />c:our'Itf in which thi. Security Instrument ta rwcorded. Wrthout conveyance of the Property, tho successor trustee shall succeed to aU lhe title. power anc:1 duties confenecl u;xm Trustee I'leTein <br />and bJ oppIIcaIlIo law. <br />ZI. ....... for ~. Borrower requests that copies of the notal of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address which is the Property Address. Borrower .unner requests d'U!1 <br />~ of the notices of defaun and sale be sent to each penson who IS a party hereto at the address of such person set forth herein. <br />:No _... _ SKurlty _"*II. If one or rnont riders are executed by Borrower and racorded tagetriar WIth this Security In.bUmem. the covenants and agroemonts at ead1 .ucn <br />__ be IncorporeIId Into and shall amend and supplem.nt tho coven.nt. and agreements 01 thl. Security In.tNmen' as lithe nd.~.) __ a part of this Security Instrument (Chad< <br />~ box(es)] <br />o Adju_ R5I. Rider <br /> <br />o Graduated Poymont Rider <br /> <br />o CllhIrI.) [specily) <br /> <br />o Condominrum Rider <br />o Planned Unit Development Rider <br /> <br />o 2-4 FamIly R'ller <br /> <br />BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agrees to Ihe le""5 and covenants contained In thiS Secunty InslJUment and In any rider{S) 8K8CUted by Borrower and recorded wrth tt. <br /> <br />Xj;"--d,--..JI IDC~~ <br />," I <br /> <br />(Sean <br />--.- <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />.. r <br /> <br />(Seal) <br />--, <br /> <br />(Space Below Thla Line Fo, Acknowledgmenl) <br /> <br />_ 01 Nebraska <br />CounIy 01: Hall 55: <br /> <br />On _ 9 clay of '1i1,l1 . 19..1l.S-, befora m., a Notary PUbhc ,n the Stat. of ''It <br />~_1lIld Edward D O'Brien and Donna t1. O'Brien. Husband and l,~ife <br /> <br />10 me _ally known 10 be tria person(a) named 'n and who .x.cuted the loregoing inSbUmen1, and acl<nowlodged that executed th. sam. as <br />lIDUIII<y let and _. . , <br /> <br />~ Commisskm expires: ) - :! ,~; ,01 Z <br /> <br />.&;ENERAl NOT ARY.S,.,. 01 N.b., <br />RICHARD VAN ZYL <br />MV Comm, E.p.J.n, 28, 1992 <br /> <br /> <br />!~;;~~ .A J <br />NOTARV"P LiC <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ at NobrUka <br /> <br /> <br />CounIy of: <br /> <br />OnIl1la dlyo! <br /> <br />ponlln.lly oppolllld <br /> <br />II) me persoridv known to be 1h8 person(s) named In Bnd who executed the foregOIng Inslrument. and acknowledged thai <br />\IDUMry lCIand_. <br /> <br />..: <br /> <br />, 19 _. before me, a Notary Public In lho Slnle of <br /> <br />e.llcculod the same as__ <br /> <br />My Commlasion Exp"". <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />