<br />
<br />88- 102491
<br />
<br />10001I0WEllllllAD THIS IUDIIE SIGNING:
<br />
<br />Borrowers (Trustors) understanrt thll thedocument thlt the Borrowers.re about to execute Isa Deed of Trust and not a mortgage and thai the power of sale provided
<br />lor In Ina Deed olTrull provldallubllantlally dlllarenl rlghls and obligations 10 Iha Borrowars Ihan a mortgage In Ine evenl 01 adelaull or braach 01 obligation undee the
<br />Deed 01 Trull, Including, bul nOlllmlted la, Iha Lendar's rlghllo hava Iha Real Properly sold by Iha Truslee wlthoulany judicial proceeding or loraclosure, Borrowers
<br />rap.....nl and warranllhallhls acknowledgemanl was axeculed by Iham balore Ihe axecullon : Ihl Deed of Tru~
<br />
<br />
<br />COM....ETE 11\11 porIIOlI ONLY IllI\a .... P<-'Y _"bad c__ ""NDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGIlICULTUIIAL LAMD.
<br />" applIcalIIe, camplala ONL" ONE _ A. ., 0' C: .
<br />
<br />
<br />The Borrower(l) acknowledge thlt they are.bout to eltecule the following Deed of Trust upon the rei' estate described therein. The Borrower(s}.ana each of lbemjf
<br />more thin one. do here:Jy disclaim their right 10 designate a homestead pursuant thereto. No part of the homestead of <<tither ot the 8orrower{S) is presently or wm jnttae
<br />ruture beallulled upon said rei. estate, The Borrower(!} understand that if either establishes III homestead on any pan of saitl real estate during thetjmethe Deect 01 Trust
<br />remlins unsatisfied and . lien upon Slid re:.! estate. theresh=1I be no right to make B design. lion or homestead in the event ofaforedo5ureortrustee'l5salew.ith f2Spect to
<br />said Deed 01 Trull
<br />
<br />
<br />TheBorrawer(l) acknowladge that they are about toelll.ecute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estatedesCflbed then!ln TheBorrower(s).andea-cho1themif
<br />more then one, do hereby wlive 1heir right to designate B homestead pursuant thereto The Borrower(s! understand that the.,. na~ the ngtll 'to maIl.e a designation of
<br />homest...dandthat bVe..et':uting this waiver. the.,. Bre waiving rights otherWise avaIlable for Ihe purpose of atfordlng them t:heopponunlty'ta ret&lOtnenil"lomesteat1lintne
<br />ovvnt 01 a defautl upon the Deed ot Tm....
<br />
<br />
<br />Pursuant 10 the farm Homestead Protection Act (SectIOn 76.t901 et seQ, ReVIsed Statutes of the SI&1e or Nebraskill), lhe Bor,rower(s), dDhereb)' Ciesrgnlsfl the Il'8&I
<br />property described tn the "DesiqnaUon 0' Homestest!" auached herelo and Incorporated herein bV ttus reference
<br />
<br />Borroaoer
<br />
<br />Borrower
<br />
<br />THIS OeeD OF TRUST. IS modo a. ollno .1.3. Uar 01 M~y '9~8_., by .nU among'"'' T"USlOl. MiLt,on P. Hensley
<br />.J!!lc:LM.?.!"y Jane Henl!.~L HUl!.b~.!}~ ~_~i~___o. ._ whO,em""'"gaddres... _".
<br />(nOlotO "Borrower"! ,no l,u.'oo William ..G.. ..Blac.kbllrn._<).omembeJ:__()f..-t.l1_e_t!LSta'!':~_J?.@r Assp.
<br />whose milling addr... " _.J.9.......I!().K__~.2_{l_Q 'o.G.ranc1.J;~t<md._ ~;:. ~E3.89? . :. .?_~O _ _... _.__.... ~h"re," "1!'.,uSlee".),
<br />andlhaBenalicl.ry, -.1'..ive_~2.~!~__~a.!'.~. _. -__hUH _ .____________
<br />whose madlng address I. __R.9 ....I!C?_x.. J~9I _. 9.s ~11c;) .1!!.!9.nd, NE. 688Q2_-:. ~~1.. . _ __..0 _.____ '(Mm," '\lender",1
<br />
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIOERA llON,lncludlng the tOdobledness 'Oenllfl(H1 hor{'lln and 1'us.1 herem c'<'ltfld ~h(" 'f"C'elpt 01 ,..'tHen .~~ereb~lflctmO""'leoged, BorroW/or
<br />heleby 'rrevOClbly granlS, transfen. convOVB anlJ 4"lgnl 10 Trus.eC', fN T~UST WITH POWER Of SAtE fo' lhe b~ne1lt and '5-f'Cl.:Ih1ro01 il.~n!:lct" und~ .and1iU'b,ecno1he
<br />terms and conditIon. heoremaUor so. fOflh,thtl mal property dC5CIlbod tIS lonows
<br />
<br />Lots Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), Block Eight (8) Boggs and Hill Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, County of Hall, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Togoth.r wilhlll building., improvementl, llkluros, 'Heels. alloYI, pnnnaoway& ntlscmcnts. flgl115. puvlloQos and apPuf!cnanoes ~oca!ed .n~on Or 1n .anywlse
<br />pertaining ther.,o. and Ihe ren'l, IlIluo.and prOrl1!1, revorllons I1nd '(lm8IndCf, the,eot Including, but not limited 10, hCllllng .and coolIng equlpmefl! and such iPen,onlll
<br />prOperly th., it.lI.ch~ to IhelmprOVlmentslo 8110 to conslllule 0 tl.turo; and togethor With the homOII~lId or marltal,ntares'Il, I' any. WhICh IntereSISatlt tlll!'l"fIbYftt1eased
<br />IndWllved: lit 01 which, inCluding repllcement" and additions Ihereto. II hereby declared 10 bo a pan or 11'10 real nstate securedby1hehenot thlslOel?ldcf trust andall:01 ,he
<br />'olegoing being referred 10 herein.' the "property"
<br />
<br />This Deed or Tfust ahallleCurO (ft) Ihe payment ot Iho prinCipal surn nnd mtorolll cVldl'nct'd by BOHowcr's noto anelOf credit agreement 'lJated _
<br />
<br />5/13/88 ,having. malurrlV dala or -1.l/.9.Lae.. . 'n tho O'IglO81 prrnc'pal amounl olS 8. 500.00 .n~a"..aM an
<br />modlflcatlons. eaten.lon.andl ,enew.11 thereot or theretQ and any and oil fUlure advanco, nnd readvances henwncUn pursuant 10 ono or more promissory notes or,~d,l
<br />ag..omonll (haraln clllad "Nnla"l; (b) lha PlY man' opoln., nums8d..ncod by Lendor 10 prolocllhe .ecurilv 01 lhe NOlo, iCllh. pe,10,mancelll co....nan'. Ind ogreemenr
<br />Q~ Borrower'I' forth herein; and Cd) all indebtedn... and obligatIOns or Borrower 10 lender whelher ditect,lndlrec., absOlu1c or contingent and Wne'hef ariSing by nOle,
<br />gUI'ln.)', overdra'l or olherwlse.
<br />
<br />BO'fow.r, 10 prolectlhe eecurn)' of Ihls Oeod ot Trust. covenants and ogrOOI with londer as tallow,.
<br />
<br />" PI,""'of 'rfncl'" at'td In"""" Borrower .hltl promplly pa.,. when due the prinCipal of and in'orest on,end any roes or chargos pr-ovldea In, th(ll NOlenr ~n U'I$
<br />Dted 01 T ,ual.
<br />
<br />2. T"". Dorrower'llneownor of 1he Property. ~II me right and authorlly 'oconvey Ihe Ptopor.y. and wo"anlu thallhe hen created hetebv is R f,",tnnd poor honon
<br />lne Prope,ty. ..e,pI'" m.y olherWII" b. 80t forth horeln. and tho oJlftcution Bnd doliverv o' thi. ODed at Trult doo~ n01 Violate any contract Of olher obllgallon tOW"lch
<br />Dorrow.r tl lubj.cl,
<br />
<br />3 T'IH, "..........,11, To PIV when duo Bit II.el, speclelalSlolSmont. and all othor ChArges 8golrlBl the Proporlv ",nd, upon written demand by Lenor.r. 10 p,,,\,' to
<br />lend., ',!Jch amount ao mav b. .uffltient 10 InlblD Ih. lend.r to ply such tllll.el. aaaoaamon1, or other chnroos ttllhcy become duo
<br />
<br />... lnevranc.. To "",p IhD Properly Inlured 8011".t damloeby fire. hlurdslncludod Withlr"llhe fo,m "odended coverage", Rnd SuCh olher flRza'dl 0!I!l Lr.ndN ma"
<br />rfJClulre. In smountt.nd with c::omplniol flccaplablo 10 lender. and wJ1h lOll paYl1blo to tho londo' In coso ot Ion uhdor such pol/ems. Iho Lf'"UP.II! nU''''''ll~ 10 .adlust
<br />~oUect.nd compromi.., .~I c'.lm" IhofDund"r and ahall havCII the opUc.m Q' applying all or p!.lrt 01 tho m,unmco Ilrocoect' til10 tIliW IncebtC'dno!!ia s(locUlod he'l'b~'Dind "' SuCh
<br />oldo, a.lend., mal' det.mllne, (11110 'he Oorrow!!, 10 be tilled tor tho ,epftlr or rOllorllllon 01 the ProllN1y or (lit) to' nnv Olht'T PUfpO'!IO or obll\CI1Ul:listllcto'v 10 lIHH1(>1
<br />w/!houl.UeCllng Itln fie" 01 'hll O~ of Trusl for thit 'ulll!lmount $neurod hnroby bo'ore lIuch pnvment QlltH look pInel- An" application of PII1Cf'NJ!lto lIldt~h1fltlnO!l" V'lI'l1l
<br />hul e.fond Or po'tpone the due datu of .ny pavmentl unde, tho NOlO', or Curu ony dof.ulllhl:Uoundqr Or fulteund,'H
<br />
<br />5 ""nten... ""'.'1 ilN'MI CompU.nce with ....... UOflowor Dhall knop Iho Ptoporlv In good condItion (In(1 Utl>II" !\hl'lll l"nnlt'lt~ tPpl\1I or '''C'li'l~t. i,n"
<br />Irnpfu....menl which rn.y bet damlg(lld or rf'IUroyod, shall nol commit or IH!ffnU In~ waite or dl'1I""Oflllhorl ollho rr,OpNI., flhAII '1t''lIII~nJt''I' .1,'mOII\h tit !ll1t)\l.,nltJ\II," .lnt'!
<br />.n~ o1thl(llf'n'pfO"fllirTlI';Jn1l on 111. Pfoperly;, thalt uot r.()mmll, ftuttlll' or p,tnllf an)' Dl::t 10 tl. dontf IrI 0' Ut100 lh(! PrOptHIv In Yil''llnhon 01 nn~' 1.'..... \1r~ll""IH I' III f"O\ll."I(m lltlhl
<br />tn,I'UlY tlllld "rlJnipUy dluhergo .t (Jo!row",'fI.[:O&l an!Jttxlmnso mllllfllfill, nncurntmmcOR dnd d'tltlU"IIIl'Jvi\"d IITlPOIlI'd 0' "~'l.'!'l~"'ll "y,''''~1 "'" P'I'I'rl't~ t)' 1\f1\, I"'" lht"""!
<br />