<br />
<br />88- 102438
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 25.036
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN DVTIIESEPRESENTS:That Michael E. Kirkpatrick and Karen D. Kirkpatrick, each in
<br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other,
<br />
<br />Mortgagor. whether one or more. in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirtv Thousand and no/100 -------------------------------------------------------JDOLLARS
<br />Iomed to said mortpgor by 1be Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Isl:md. NebraJb, Mortgagee. upon 300 sbaesof'stodt of'
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CertiflClte No. L 25 ,036 , do hereby grant. conw:y and mortgage unlO the said ASSOCIATION the foUowill&
<br />described real estate, situated in 1Ia11 County. Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8), in Bernard Voss First Subdivision, being a part of Lot One (I), Voss Sub-
<br />division, being alL that part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E~SWi) and the
<br />West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W~sEi) of Section Eleven (II), Township Eleven (I J),
<br />North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />t"B"ther with all Ihe lenemenls, hereditlIllems and appurtenaners Ihe,cunlo helonting. including Iluchcd floor 00l'CI'inp. lIll 'IIiDdowl1laClCDS.
<br />window wdes, blinds. slOlm windows, awn in!:'. healmg. au conditioning, and plumbing and waler equipment and accessorics tbetuo. pwIIJII.stmes,
<br />refri8erators.and olher fixtUles and equipment now or hereafter auached to or used in connection with said real estale.
<br />
<br />And Wheleas lhe ..id IlIOItS"gor has agreed and docs hereby agree that Ihe IlIortgagor shall and will p3y aD taxa and _h kvicd or
<br />.--d upon said premiles and upon lhis mortr,age and Ihe bond secured thereby before the sune sha1I become deliDqueDt; to fumilb approKd
<br />insuranoe upon the buildin~ on said premises siluated in the sum of S 30,000.00 payable 10 said ASSOCIATION ud to ddna to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for ..id inSUf1lner; and nullo commil m pelmil any wasle on or "boul said prem.i3es;
<br />
<br />In cue of deflull in lhe performaner of any of the lerms and condilions of Ihis mort~ or Ihe bond caued heRby. the IIMJItpFe IIIaII.
<br />on demand, be enlitled 10 immediale posxssion of the mortglACd premise> and Ihe mortgagor hereby .usipIs. transfers aDd ~ ,CJW:( to the
<br />mortPflee IU the rents. rewnues and income to be deriwd from lhe mortg:aged prem..... during 'SUCh time as the IDDI'tPflC ~ IbaD ~
<br />unpaid; and lhe morlgagl'C' shall haw the powello appoinl any agenl 01 agenls il may desire fOI the purpose of repairin8 said praaiII=s aad n:IIliIIc
<br />lhe same and coUcdinlllhe renls.rewnues and income. and it may ....y "ul of said mcome all expenses of repairins said pn:miIes aad ~
<br />commissions and expenses IOcurred ill renling and managing Ihe same and uf colleding renuls therefrom; the balance reI!IIiniII&. if atI)'.to be
<br />applied towald Ih. disch..ge uf said m<lllS"ge indebledness; these righls uf the morl~l\Ct' nuy ~ cxercilCd al any time durq the exiIIaIct of sw:b
<br />deflull. irrespectiw of any temporary wliver of the same.
<br />
<br />1bese Plesenls. hllweve., are upon Ihe Condition. ThaI If Ihe sa,d MorlgJIll''' "',all r,I"'Y "",d loan on 01 before the malUrity of said stwesby
<br />p3ymenl; pey monthly 10 sa,d ~'iOCI^T10N uf the sum specilied in Ihe lIolld seL'ured h...by as IUternt and principal on said Ioua.oa orbcfon:
<br />lhe Twentieth day of each and .very 11I0nth, unlil sa,d loan IS fully paid; pay IUIUes and .sscwnc:nls levied ag:ainst said premiacs udOll dIis NOI1I:iIIF
<br />
<br />and the Ilond secured rhereby , ~fOle delinquency: f urnisli approved In,uraner upon Ihe buildinplhereon in the mID ors 30.000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASS{J(:IAll0N llpon demand.1I money by II paid for suclr InCl. aSSCSSltlCllts and imuJaDCC with in1eresI &I
<br />lhe maximum legal rale the",,,n from date of payment .11 of wluclr Mortj?ilgur he,eby aglees 10 pay; permil no wasle on said premiacs;tecpaDd comply
<br />
<br />with all the IBlccmenls and condilions of the Ilond for S 30,000.00 Ihis day &,..,n by the ..id MOltpgol 10 said ASSOCIATION. and compJy
<br />wilh aU the requirements of the Constitution and lly,Laws of said ASSOCIATION; Ihen these preso:nls shall heoome null and wid. otbenrile dIey
<br />shall remain in full forer and nuy ~ foreclosed al Ihe opllon of Ihe said ASSOCIATION after failwe for three months ~o make any of said
<br />payments 01 be Ihlee monlhs in arrea.. in making saId monthly payments, or 10 keep and comply with Ihe agreemenls and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and MOItg:aglll agrees 10 have a ,eccivcr appoinled forthwith in such fmeclomre proccedmgs,
<br />
<br />If there is In)' change in ownership of the relll eSlate morlS"ged herein, by saIc 01 otherwise, then the enlire remainin!: indebtedDcD heRby
<br />secured shall. al Ihe option of The Equilable Building and Loan Associ2tion of Grand lsbnd. NebraJb. become immediately due and payable without
<br />furthel notice. Ind the amount remaining due unde. said bond. and any olher bond for any additional advances made themmdcr.1baIl, from the
<br />date of exerelse of said option. heir inlerest al the rtWLimum legal rate, and litis mortgage may then be foreclmed to satisfy the amDWIt dill: oa said
<br />bond.and Iny other bond fOl additional advances. logelher with all surm paid by said The Equitable Buildin(: and Loan "-ociatioll ofGraDillsland.
<br />NcbraJb for insurance, tlltes Ind uaessments, and abstracting eXlension charges. with inlerest thereon, from dale of peyment al the moimum
<br />JepJ rate.
<br />
<br />As provided in lhe Bond secured herehy. while Ihis mortgage lemains in efleet the mort!:lgcc I11IY hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Bond. their assigns III successors m intere~t, which sums shall be within the sccurily of litis mortgage Ihe sune as the flUld.onpnalJy
<br />lCCUled thereby, the lotal amount of principal debt nnt to exceed al any lime the original amount of this morlllll!e.
<br />
<br />Dakd t~ i 3th day llf May ,<\, D., 19 88
<br />
<br />
<br />~E~--
<br />
<br />Karen D. Kirkpatrick
<br />IS.
<br />CO\JNTY Of If ALL
<br />
<br />On Ihis
<br />
<br />13th day of
<br />
<br />}lay
<br />
<br />IQB8 ,before me.
<br />
<br />Ihe undersig",,,I. a Nolary "ublie in ar
<br />
<br />Michael E. Kirkpatrick and Karen D. Kirkpatrick. each in his and .'
<br />
<br />her ownrisht. and as spouse of each other.
<br />me 10 be lhe id~ntlCll penon B whlJ2 ttamt s are atrued In Ihe abuV(' imtrument as mOltr.agol
<br />
<br />Icknllwled~d lhe uid in511urncnl III be the i r volunury act and deed
<br />WITNESS my hanllo",1 NOla,ial Seal thc .Ialc .f",e..id
<br />
<br />My CUfTlmir..tkm expire. q - I ".~ (1
<br />
<br />for said Counly, perwonallya.me
<br />
<br />are peBOnaJIy Imown to
<br />
<br />Ind they
<br />
<br />5eYerally
<br />
<br />,.n.OI .,
<br />
<br />
<br />_1IWI't'" II .....
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