<br />i i
<br />
<br />88-
<br />
<br />102422
<br />
<br />(With Power of Sale)
<br />
<br />Total of Payments $
<br />Number of Monthly lnstalments
<br />
<br />Amount of First Instalment $ 133.00
<br />7980.00
<br />60
<br />
<br />Amount of Other Instalments $ 133 00
<br />First Instalment Due Date 6/17
<br />Final Instalment Due Date 5/1 7
<br />
<br />,19..88
<br />, 19.n.
<br />
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this ~ da~' of May , IS--8R..,
<br />between Ricky L Orent and Vickie J, Orent Husband and wife
<br />whose mailing address is 4219 Norseman GrandIsland,Ne. 68803
<br />as Trustors, John Cunn i ngham attorney
<br />whose mailing address is 222NCedarGrandIsland,Ne . 68801
<br />as Trustee... and Norwest I~inancial Nebraska, Inc" whose mailing address is PO Box 1373
<br />~337 North Webb Rd. Grand Island, Ne, 68802 ,as Beneficial)',
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH, Trustors hereby irrevocably, grant, bargain, sell. and convey to Trustee in trust, with power of sale, the following de-
<br />scribed property in Ha II County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Thirty (30), Le Heights Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Tog~ther with tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the rents. issues and
<br />prolits thereof
<br />
<br />This conveyance IS intended for the purpose of securing the payment to Beneficiary of Trustors' promissory note of even date in the
<br />amount stated above as "Total of Payments", Said "Total of Payments" is repayable in the number of monthl~' inc:taIments stated above.
<br />The amount of the instalment payments due on said loan is stated above. The first and final instalment due dates on said loan an.> s"..a1ed
<br />above Paymenl may he made in advance in any amount at any time, Default in making any payment shall, at the Bt>neficial')"'s option
<br />and without notice or demand, render the entire unpaid balance of said loan at once due and payable. less any required rebate of charges,
<br />
<br />To protect the security of thIS Deed of Trust, Trustor covenants and agrees:
<br />
<br />I To kel!p the property in good condition and repair; to pennit no waste thereof; to complete any building. structure or impro\'ement
<br />bmn!! bUIll or about to be built thereon; to restore promptly any building, ntructure or improvement thereon 'o\'hich ma~' be da~ 0:-
<br />destroyed; lInd to comply with alllaw5. ordinances. regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property"
<br />
<br />:! To pay before delmquent all lawful taxes and 1IIlSeS!lments upon the property; 10 keep the propert~. fn>e and clear of all other charges,
<br />lll'ns or encumbrances impairmg thl' security of thiS Deed of Trust
<br />
<br />3 To keep all buildings now or hCre[lfter erec!t!d on I,hl;.' property described herein contmuously msured against loss b~' fire or other
<br />hawrds In an amount not less than the tolal debt secured by thIS Deed of Trust. All poliCIes shall be held b~' the BeneliCl8r:!o'. and ~
<br />1/1 such companies as the B('neficiary may approve and have loss payable fir5t to the Beneliciaf)' as its interest may appear and then
<br />to the Trustor, The amount collected under any insurance policy may be applied upon any indebtedness hereb~' secured in such order as
<br />the Beneficiary shall detennme, Such appllcat.ion b}' the Beneficiary shall not cause discontinuance of any proceedinJ:!' to foreclQse this
<br />Deed of Trust or cure or waIve uny default e,r notice of default or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice In the event of foreclorol'e,
<br />all rtghts of the Trustor 1/1 msurance policies then m force shall pass to t.he purchaser at thl:! foreclosure sale
<br />
<br />4 To obtam th(' written con!lent of Beneficiary before selling, conveymg or otherwise t.ransferrmg t.he property or any part thl'l'WIf Ilnd
<br />any such sale. I'onveyance or transfer Without the Beneficiary's written consent shall constitutl.' a default under the terms hereof
<br />
<br />5 To defend any action or procl'eding purporting tollITeet the security hereof or thl' right.s or POWI'Tl' of Beneliclaf)' or Trustee.
<br />
<br />6 Should Trustor fall to p6~' when due any tBlws, uS!lessments, In!lumnCt' premiums, liens, (.ncumbranCl'" or othl'r ChllTgl'S again;;: the
<br />proP<'rty herem above dl!SCrlbed. Henl'ficiar)' may PIlY the SOm(" and the amount so Pllld, with Jnu'n!sl at thl' rIIt{' SN forth 1/1 thl' notl'
<br />'ll'cured hereby, sholl he added to and become a purt of thl' debt seL'un'CI III this Dl.'ed of Trust as l)l'rmll.led by law
<br />
<br />
<br />I In the event any portIon of the property is taken or damaged III all ('mlllenl oomflln pTOCl'I'omg. the l.'ntire amounl of tIll' award
<br />ror Huch IlortlOll t}ll'rl.(,f as may b(, neCI'HSar)' to fully sotJsr~, the llbllgatlOn fleL'uTl.d heTl'b~', shall be paid to BeneficIary to hI' Ilppht"li to
<br />'!Ild rohhglltlCln
<br />
<br />~ By /l('r:l.ptlll~ puymellt of IIny Hum BeCUrl'CI herehy aFter Its due dat~', BeneficlIITy does nol wal\'l' Its tight to reqUlrl' prompl pnyml'nt
<br />wl.I'I' dUl' of all othl't SUITIS so SI.CUI'I'd or to dedar(. defaull f(>r Failurl' to 'Ill puy
<br />
<br />:1 'I'll" 'I'ru!ltl'l' shall recmwey nil or any part of tt\l' properly covl'r(,d b~' thiS Dl'l'd of Trust to Ihl' ~wrSlln t'nulll'CI thN'(.to, on "'nltt'n
<br />n'qu..1l1 or th(. Trustor and the BI!lll.liclllry, or upon Hallsra('lIon of th(' nhhgallOn Hl'cur(,d 1I1Id wnlll'll I'PQUl'SI for l"1'('onVl'ynnrt' mild!' lw
<br />tt". 1l1'/If.flClllTV or !.Ill' person l'Iltllh'd thl'Tl'tO
<br />
<br />g9' GB4 (NFl
<br />