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<br />88_10~413 <br /> <br />ASSIGNHEN'f OF NORTGAGE - Corporation <br /> <br />KNOH ALL HEN BY TI/ESE PRESENTS, Thot Superior Hortgage, Inc. a <br />Corporation, the party of the first part, in considerotion of the sum of <br />ONE Dollars <br />lawful money of the United Stotes of Americo, to it in hand pBid by <br />COLONIAL CENTRAL SAVINGS BANK, FSB <br />A Corporotion, the porty of the second port, ot or before the ensenling ,,'.1 <br />delivery of these pr('sents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, '.'" <br />granted, bargoincd, sold, ossigned, transferred, and set over, and, by these <br />presents, does grant, hnrgoin, sell, assign. tronsfer, transferred, and set <br />d~er, unto the soid porty of the second pnrt, its successors and assigns, a <br />certain INDENTURE OF HORTGAGE, Bearing dote 6TH of AUGUST 1986 <br />Recorded as 86-104421 of the t10rtgage Records of HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA and mode by JOHN N. WI'T'l'WER AND SHIRLEY A, WIT'lWER, HUSBAND AND <br />WIFE, <br />to Superior lIortp,nge, Inc. and 011 its right, title and interest to the <br />premises therein described, as follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />THE NORTHERLY 'rnENT'i FEET (20') OF LOT FOURTEEN (14) AND ALL OF LOT FIFTEEN <br />(l5), IN BUHRMAN SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br />COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />Togelher ,lith the note t h~le In de!'lcr i bed. nnd the money due or to become due <br />thereunder, inc1udinr. intI'H?!'lt thereon, TU IIAVE Aim TO 1I0l.U the some unto the <br />said porty of the second pnrt, its SUcceS!'lors and ossigns forever, subject <br />only to the provisions of said INDEllTURE OF 1I0RTGAGE therein contained. <br /> <br />And the porty of the first port does herehy make, constitute and orpoint the <br />said porty of the second pnrt, its true Dnd louful ottorney, irrevocable, in <br />its nnme, or otherwl!1r>, hut nt their own proper costs nnd charges, to have. <br />use, nnd tnke all lnwful woyn nnd menns for the recovery of the sold money ond <br />interest, ollll, in cose 0 f I'oym"nt, to d ischnrge the same as the part of the <br />first part might, or could do, if these presents were not made. <br /> <br />IN WlTNESS 11IIEREOF, Superior I'lortr,nr,e, Inc. n corporotton of the Stnte of <br />Nebraskn hns cnused this Assignment of t1ortr,nr,e to be executed by its <br />President and attested by its Secretary and its Corporole Seal to be hereunto <br />affixed the 5TH doy of MAY in the year 1988 , <br /> <br />SUPERIOR NORTGAGE, lllC. <br /> <br />State:o! Nebraska) <br />) <br />) <br /> <br />~ ". :. 1, ~ l ,- ", - <br />Cou'llt1 of 1IaLl' <br />.: ~ . '; 4: 'f ~ : '. <br /> <br />ss. <br /> <br />By: ~~ ckJMJ <br /> <br />KENT HOLSTEN VICE PRESIDENT <br />J <br /> <br /> <br /><-k <br /> <br />..-"t <br /> <br />Att <br /> <br />AREN G. BEILKE, 1\SST. SECRETARY <br /> <br />On.'.,tht!l 5TH dny of MAY I 1988 , b(!fore me, n 1I0tary Public, <br />duly commlr.slon(!d nnd qualified in and for said County and State, Personally <br />came the nhove nnllmd KENT HOLSTEN, VICE PRESIDENT AND KAREN G. BEILKE, 1\SST~ SECRETARY <br />of SUI'erlor Nortp,ap,e, Inc. who ore personally known to lIIe to be the identical <br />persollr. whor1c nOllles nre offixed to thl? nhove Bssip,nment of tlortp,nge rill the <br />President nnd Secr(!tnry of said Corporntion, nnd they ncknowledged the <br />instrument to hI? their voluntary Bct and del"', and thl? voluntary Bct Bnd deed <br />of the said Corporation. <br /> <br />WIlI/ESS my hand ood of ficlal seal, <br />aforesaid. <br />J:..-IITMY.- II.... <br />MB[CCIo K. ANDERSON <br />My t..HtIIl bp. ""rl 7, 1991 <br /> <br />in Graud Island, in said County, the dote <br /> <br />RETllRtf 'ro: CEN 'I~AI, I'll II< T O,'ofl[ ('(In!'..'. <br />r',n. f'n~ I11U7 <br />n[a\llI' I'll f'l1lI1. III' ".fltllY..' <br /> <br />,-'- ) / <br />~ ( k)LCC(Lj~/ ( (II ill r.: )('T! \ <br />. Notnry "uhl ie <br />REOECCA ~. ANbERSrnl <br />