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<br />DllW A/.L '*,N flY 11fESE PRESI'_\iTS Tl1.:It ..e ""\USE Nf.\.I.lt: LU1llER SU.'iNENK,\MI' llIl<.l her
<br />hu,band, I.UllY C. NW/NENu..-, I!:I.EN J. ~\Il{l(JX. single and IfJLEN J. M\llllOX and ,JERRY
<br />E. ..wOOl, Ttu$tees and 0,\\:10 BR\IlU:Y ROOm, single, being the owners of tb.- lall,d
<br />described '-'rroon, have cauSCld salle to he surveyed. subdivided, platted an'" de;ignatcd
<br />as !lEIIIAT 01' I.OT 1....IoEAOOWL,\RI( I'SUTES SU801\'ISION", 1-1;111 (j)unty, Nebraska, as
<br />st.llorll on the acc-O..,an)'ing plat thereof, and do hen"hv <ledicate the ease.ents, if any.
<br />as sll;nm t~roon for the location, L'On,.tnu:t ion and IImintenan<.:f' of public servh,cs
<br />utilitles forever, together ..ith the right of ingres~ and egress thereto and hereby
<br />prOhibiting the planting of trcc~, hu~hes. and :;hrub~ ur placing other obstructions
<br />uJX!n. over, along or ~derncath thL' surfnn' of such "asclllCnts; and the foregoing
<br />,.uhdlvision ill' J1J)re p:lrticularly <lescrihcd In thL' d(.,,;rqltion herron as appears on
<br />thi:; pint is lIutde -.ith the frL'c ccns.'nt and in nccorJance with the de,iircs of the
<br />undersigned m.-oel'S and proprietors. ·
<br />
<br />IN WIT~F.SS WHEREOF. We have "ffixi'd 0111' slgnatU!'L's hcret~' t ~' "._~', ,~",~"'~'
<br />,this 4.1. _ day' of ;,IJ..6/~_ and at ~. _ ~~U~
<br />this ~ ~,I .~. ....
<br />"~-- {/ .
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<br />!il' ~Mcp:".v'lt"~tIll.t~ ~
<br />ax e. 'c Ill' h er Nunn nlamp
<br />
<br />j~:J. ~UcJ~
<br />
<br />rrel en J. MlId~
<br />
<br />~~_~/~t'cI,Q -R
<br />1\t'1 en .J. Mildd, stee ' ,
<br />
<br />'l~ru
<br />
<br />~- -...? ~
<br />
<br />
<br />_.. .1- fi~. '
<br />~~)c, ,,\ttotnc}" In Fact, !\ct1l1g pUI'suant to
<br />I'lIWl'f (If tto-l;'ile~' .lilted I\pin 18, 1!l811.'
<br />
<br />llavid Ilri"ll,'}' Booth h~':
<br />
<br />\rKM)I~I,lJJl;L~IESTS
<br />~)fN'" "
<br />
<br />Coullt). of~HA.ll~-::~::=_ " .
<br />~ ',' 0 J )1. _ c.:. ~
<br />On the __~ . lIay "I' _l!ttilAl-______, IId'on' me ,~"'"! '1l~~;:4.~~
<br />a ;.;otar' 1'1I!>1 ic within amI for ~afd COllllt}', p('r;.<)lIally )PCllrc...! 1EX1lij;' "dlle Luthcr
<br />\lmllCnkal11p alld hel' hll~hal1<l. I.l'Iluy L, ;..ullll('nkal1ll'. 'lIId IId,'1I ,I. ~Iaddox, ,wgIL', ,.wd !lclcn .
<br />.I. !>I<,,!J,'X. I'I'u~te('. tll mc pl'r,ol1'III~' kllll"11 to hI' the Ident kal IWI':;ons"'ho~c ~Ign<ltllres 1
<br />an' affl~ed hen't", an.! cadi did ad.no"lL'd!(I' tIll' ('H'I'lItl"t\ tl1l'n'"f to hc hiS and hel' ,_",~J
<br />vol 1111 t,l 1')' act and .lC('.1.
<br />1\ ~WI'I'!\ESS ,~ItI'j{~/~~~,I' h,<,rel,lIltll SUbSl'ri ',led my nam.' and affixl.d m}' official
<br />s.'al at~ -.,,-.'", on thl' date last ahove "Titren.
<br />~l)' l'llll\ll ~~--'cxp ,res _.~~j!.=.If.---'
<br />
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