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<br />Qllarl<'l' {';': \I'd of <;",:t hm Hurl }'.1w (321. l0>n15hlp neVl'1l pi J S'lI'l h, "anllt' ,\lint' (9)~"St of ~ho!' bt,h 'i',M" lUll County,
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<br />I."t I." [:i hi.mJ ',",5111k'd hcaring S ~lllll 0(1' II{I" Ii) .. db&tolllCI.' Of'IWQ lIundr'c.l SCI'';'llty'h"o'andSiitty-T''';'-'llun(\redths
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<br />1""!lt}-""H'1l lliu'.!"nl!h', ,--,':-' (,...1; l"t~I"e S 7~" \17' 01"1, 1I Jist"nn' of righly-Tk\' ;U\d One Tclllht82:AO) feet:
<br />thellO' \ ~I;' :,1' I.... I, ,I ,j, ,I.tll\<' ,.f (In,' lklllJrt.J 'It'll 1Il1<1 l,jftr-Si> 1I11Ikln'dth" (110,511) 'fe,.-t; thence N 51 !W' 17" E.
<br />.. JisLlIIn pi ""H'nlt \ lilt' ;m,( IlftY-\lIlL' lhlllllr,'llthl> (79,;\!l) f.,..t; II1,-n,'c son" 1111' DO" 1:. II distanc,erlf'''Wl,HllIldrL'd
<br />Sht".'tl ,,00 l.ftc"1l Ihll.lr"l:h~ i~lh,l;,i fe\'t to " pnint nn the ,,,,nh line of sa!'1 ~lcaJo'dal'\.. Estattl5,'S'l'Cl'ind,SUbdi'vision;
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<br />',hm.!!;',,!. lhlTy"Sh tn..,,,) f,'n '" tIll' tiurth..c,t ..."rnpr ';1' "aid ~kauow"ar~ ESlatc.' Second Subdivisiun; theil1c'~
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