<br />STATE OF hEBItASKA, Colmty of ..'.....................................,..............',
<br />Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index
<br />
<br />on ...........,....................................,........... at..............., o'clock ................ M.,
<br />and recorded in Deed Record ............................, Page ............................
<br />
<br />
<br />88_102382
<br />
<br />
<br />.................,.......................................... By.....................................,......................
<br />County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br />Register of Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br />
<br />HERBERT F. MAYER, JR. and KATHARINE S. MAYER. each in his and her own right and
<br />as spouse of each other
<br />
<br />. herein called the grantor whether ODe or more,
<br />
<br />in consideration of ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER VALUABLE Cor~SIDERATION _______________________
<br />
<br />received from grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br />
<br />.....................,.,........,...... .........~~,~~........., COUnty, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lots 28. 29. 3D, 31, 32. 33. 34. 35. 36, 37. 38, Brentwood Third Subdivision
<br />in the City of Grand Island. Nebraska
<br />
<br />consideration for transfer of this deed is the restriction and reservation that
<br />the above mentioned Lots shall be used as single family dwelling residential
<br />lots only and shall be subject to the protective covenants. restrictions, and
<br />conditions of paragraphs I, 2. 10 and 13 and all other paragraphs of the
<br />restricti ve covenants. res tri cti ons and condi tions for "B rentwood Thi rd
<br />Subdivision" Grand Island. Nebraska, recorded as document No. 80-003856 in
<br />records of Register of Deeds of Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />To ha \'e and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br />and appurtenanees thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee 'e heirs and assigns forever.
<br />
<br />Daled
<br />
<br />Mil f c: I
<br />
<br />1999
<br />
<br />.........~.E~~
<br />..'1iM~L~___
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, Count~' of ..,......~,!!,U.."..,..............,.._,..............:
<br />
<br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personall~' came
<br />Heruert F. I.layer. Jr. and Katharine S. ~layer. Husband and
<br />Wife. each in his and her own right and as spouse of each
<br />other
<br />
<br />;::0.. Uili,:Ui~ H!,;TAR~. Slate or Nebraska
<br />1:\1 L. G. THROOP
<br />i ~~ My Camm. (xp. Dee. 14119l!
<br />
<br />N~~ARY
<br />MAY 111988
<br />~/hA~
<br />
<br />
<br />:l.,.~CI-IED
<br />51 ,Il.'T\:.MENi ~
<br />
<br />known to lIIe to be Ih~ identical llereon or persons who signed the
<br />foregoing illstnulIcnt llI1d ncknowledged the execution thereof 10 he his,
<br />her or their volunl.nry act and deed.
<br />
<br />WiUWRN lilY hnr,,] and nOl!lrial~ on-'........,&/-....'~..h,I...?..'?..,~............,
<br />
<br />...'~~,~,~),::~~;:;).,......"........,.,.. Notnr~' l)uhlie
<br />
<br />My IlOlwnisRion expires . .. ,.1::&:,<;., ../..',.:, , 19, :f~....
<br />
<br />I~orm 1,2 Approved by Nebrn,ltn HInt.. Hur AR"'1l'intioll
<br />
<br />F.l".... & Wolf (h tJ"~>>In. thbr.
<br />