<br />88_102ir,1
<br />
<br />
<br />25030
<br />
<br />
<br />~ORTGAGE
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BYllIESEPRESENTS: ThaI Gary Gene Kluck. an unmarried person. and Ivana Maureen
<br />Warren. an unmarried person.
<br />
<br />MortJ!ll8Or, whelher one or IDlIre, in colllideration of '.be sum of
<br />Thirtv Thousand and no/IOO --------------------------------------------------------DoLLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to said mortJ!ll8Or by The Equitahle Building and Loan As:socialion of Gnmd Island, Nebraska, MortBl'gee, upon 300 sJwes of IIOd:: of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifi""te No, L 25030 , do hereby grant, convey and mortl:lF unto Ihe said ASSOCIATION the followiDc
<br />described real estate, situated in HaJJ County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot One (I), Block Four (4). Brentwood Subdivision. in the City of Grand l&:dnd. Hall
<br />County. Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Il'!'!thel with all the lenements. heredilamenls and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including alW:htd lloor cxn<:rinp. aD window scnx:m.
<br />window shades. hlinds, storm windows. awnings, healing, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipmenl..... acce...ries therelo,pumpa,sunes,
<br />refriF'raton. and other fix.tures and equipment now or hereafter atlached to or used in connection with said real eslate.
<br />
<br />And whereas lhe said mortp&Or h85 agreed and docs hereby agree Ihat the uiorlgagor shaII and will pay aD lUes ..... asaeIIIlJeIIts Ieried or
<br />_d upon said premises and upon lhismorlgiige and Ihe bond ..cured thereby before Ihe same shall become delinquent; to fumiJb approwed
<br />inIurance upon the buildinZS on said ptermscs siluated in lhe sum of S 30.000.00 payable to ..id ASSOCIATION and 10 deu- 10 said
<br />ASSOCIATION !be policies for said insurance; and nollo commit or permit any waste on or aboul IBid premiJes;
<br />
<br />In CUI: of default in the performance of any of lhe lerms and conditions 0\ this mortglg!' or !be bond ICaIJ'Cd hereby, the IIIOI1pFc DIl,
<br />00 demaad, be entitled 10 inunediJle possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby aDieus, lramCen and aeb 0Rr to the
<br />mortPFC aD tbe renls, men.... and income 10 be derived from lhe mortgzged premises durin!: sueb lime u the mor1PF iDdeblednes sbaJI ~
<br />unpaid; and the mortPllCC dtaD ha", lhe power 10 appoint any &/:Cnl Dr agenlS it may desire for the purpooe of repairiDs said premioes aad reDIiIIc
<br />the ..., and coIIectins the rents, re1lenues and income, and il may pay oul of said income aD e"pelUCl of repairiDs said premiaes and .-y
<br />alIIIIlIiaioos and experues incuned in renling ..... managing Ihe same and of colleetiDll rentals therefrom; the balance remaiDin&. if any, to be
<br />aJIIIIiod towardlbe cfisdwEe of said mortgiige ondebledne..; lhe.. ritlhls of Ihe mortgilgee may be e"erciled II any lime d~ !be elIistaKlc of IUCb
<br />dCCaull, irrespecti.-e of any lemporary wai...r of Ibe same,
<br />
<br />1'heae Pre.."IS, however, are upon Ihe Cnndilion, ThaI if Ih. said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on or before lhe maturity of said sbara by
<br />paymenl; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION "f lhe .om specified in Ibe Bond ..cured hereby as inleresl and principal on said Ioan,on or bcfon:
<br />lhe Twenlielh day of each and ....ry month, lonail ",id I".n is fully paid; pay aUta".. and .....ssmeots le>iedapinst said premiaes and 011 this MortpF
<br />
<br />..... lbe Bond secured thereby, before delinquency; furmsh .pp.....,d insurance upon Ihe buildinZS .hereon in !be sum ofS 30.000.00 payable
<br />10 said ASSOCIATION; repay 10 $;lid ASSOCJA TION upon demand all IRODeY by il paid for such laxes, uoessmenls and inIurmce wilh interest at
<br />the maximum IepI rale thereon from date "f payment all of which Morl_r bereby agrees to pay; permit no wuteoo said premiaes;i<eep and comply
<br />
<br />wilh a1llbe .greemenls and Clmdilions of lbe Bond for S 30.000.00 Ihis day given by lbe said Mortpgor to said ASSOCIATION, and r::ompJy
<br />wilb all the requiremenls of the Conslilulion and By-l.aws of saId ASSOCIATION; lhen Ihe.. presenlS shall become oull and wid, otJtaw;ae thqr
<br />shall remain in full force and may he foreclosed al Ihe opllOn of Ihe said ASSOCIATION afler failure for IIuec months 10 mab: any of said
<br />payments or he Ihree months in arrears in making said monlhly pay men Is. or 10 keep and comply with lbe agreemenls and conditions of said Bood;
<br />and Ililortpgor apees 10 have a reeei..,r appointed forthwith on such forecloswe proceedings,
<br />
<br />If there is any change in owne.ship of the real estale mortPled herein, hy saJe or otherwise, then the entire remainiac indebf<ecl_ hereby
<br />aecured shaD, at the oplion of The Equitahle Building and Loan Aaocialion of Grand Island. Nebraska,become immediately due udpayable withotd
<br />flirtber notice,..... lhe amount remaining due unde. said bond, and any other bond for any additional achoaDca made tberamder,lbaD,fiDm tho
<br />date of exe.cise of said option, bear inlerest a' Ihe maximum IepI rale, and Ibis mortgilge may then be fORdoaed 10 -IDlY the __ due 011 &aid
<br />bond,..... any olher bond for addilionaladvances,l~lher wilh all sums paid by Bid The Equitable Building and Loan AsmciaIion of Grand hIand,
<br />Nebnska for insurance, tax.,. and uoemncnls, and Ibstracting e"leosion charges, wilh interest Ihereon. from date of paymenl at the maximum
<br />Iepl rale,
<br />
<br />As provided in lhe Bond secured hereby, while Ihis morlgilge rermins in efTect lbe mongagee may hereafter advance additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Bond, their assigns or succe..,,,, in inleresl, which .ums shall be within Ihe security of Ibis mortgage !be same u!be funds onpnaJly
<br />_d thereby, the lotal amounl of principal debl noll<l ..ceed II any time Ihe original amounl of Ibis mongage,
<br />
<br />
<br />~1hd4thd'YOf May.
<br />~:l ~;;))h libi. ) /<)a1/x7C;
<br />
<br />Ivona Maureen Warren
<br />
<br />COUNlY OF HALL l
<br />
<br />A,D"I9
<br />
<br />88.
<br />
<br />Oolhis
<br />
<br />5th
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />19 88 ,before me.
<br />
<br />Gary Gene Kluck. an unmarried person
<br />
<br />Ibe 'undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County. permnalJy came
<br />
<br />who is
<br />
<br />penonally known 10
<br />
<br />me'lo be IbfI identical penon whowe name is affiled 10 the .hove in5.1rwnenl as mortgagor
<br />
<br />acknow!edled U.. aid instrumenllo be his ",1Iuntory acl and deed,
<br />WITNESS my hand and NnlaJw Seallhc dale af",e",id,
<br />
<br />My Commission e"pile. /1'. , '7 , ,{';
<br />(." ~ -
<br />---..........,....
<br />lire.- ,--, 2S. li1l!
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />he
<br />
<br />.....,raIJy
<br />
<br />..a.. A.
<br />
<br />,//
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<br />
<br />)
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<br />'_1 _ 1,_!,(7L...c.6 '
<br />., . Notary r~
<br />
<br />(Over)
<br />