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<br />~ i'C~"",C'l. <br /> <br />." <br />" <br />3 <br />, ~ ~ <br />~~-\I <br />~~~j <br />~~ <br />'~t <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />\~ <br /> <br />Excerptl From Intemal Reytnue Code <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />! <br />'i <br />:a <br />.3 <br />!i <br />ill <br />~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />It Iny perlon IIlbl' to PlY Iny In neglects or r,fulU to <br />.IlIY tll, slm' IlIlr dlmll1ll. lhl Imount (includlno Iny Inler. <br />nl. Iddltlonll Imount. leldltlon 10 tl., or Iueulbl' ptnllly, <br />logttlltr .Ith Illy COlts lIIIl may I(;Crul In addition thtrlM <br />IhllI be I lilll 'n llYOf ollllt Unllld 511111 upon III property <br />lIId rights to prolltrtY, wllItl1tr rill or personll. o.looolno <br />to lucIl peraon. <br /> <br />Sec, 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless Inother dll. Is specJliCllly lixed by Ilw. lhI lien <br />Imposed by seclion 6321 IhlllIrlllI! Ihe IIml thllulumllll <br />Is mid. Ind shill ClInllnue unllllhl IIlblllty for lhelmount 10 <br />.._sed (or I judoment 101lnst IhI Iuplyer Irlsino oul 01 <br />lucIlllabUlly) II sallsfied or DtCllmes unenlorClllble by reuon <br />of Ilpse at Iiml. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />(II PUrchIHr'I, HoIdtf'I Of Securtty In- <br />t....II, Mechanic', LItnorI, And Judgmtnt <br />Utn Crldltors, - The lien Imposed by secllon 6321 shill <br />nOl be valid IS IgllnSt any hOlder or I securlly <br />Interesl, mechlnlc'sllenor, 0' judgmcnlllen credilo, untIl nOllce <br />lhIreol .hicn meelS the requirements 01 subsection (I) hIS <br />been f11ld by Ihe Secrelary <br /> <br />(f) PIIct For Filing Nollee; FOim,- <br /> <br />(I) Place For F,ling rhe nohCP relerrpd '0 In sub. <br />secllon 41) shill ~e Med ' <br />(A) Under Slale Llws <br />(I) Real Proper,y . In lhe case 01 real ~Ioperty, In one <br />ollice wllhln lhe Slate 101 Ihe county 01 other oovernmental <br />SuidIYlSlonl.: 18 ~slgnlled by the law, 01 such Slale, In <br />which lhe proper'y sub/ec' to me lien I' sl1ualed. and <br />III) Personal Properly . In Ihe Clse 01 personal <br />properly .,..helher langlble or Inlangible In one 011 Ice <br />..'Ih,n Ihe Slale lor lhe cOvnly JI other governmenlal <br />luDdIVlllOn!. as deSlgnaled by lhe I~w, of SUCh Sllle, <br />In which lhe prop~rtt subject 10 lhe lien Is Iltulled, <br />or <br />(9) Wit" Clrr~ or Ol~l"cl Courl in Ihe office oltlle clerk 01 <br />the UnltoD S'ale~ d,SlflCl cOurl for lhe JUDIcial distrICt In which <br />tlIe p'oper'y sub/oct 10 11M '5 slllJal~d wl'enp.vcr Ihe 5lale lias <br />r,OI tly law deSI~nite~ nM OIlICD "'''cn ,"Mis Hie rOQurrrmenl$ 01 <br />lubPlragraph 11<1 I" <br />lCI 'Nllh ll"orDcr 01 Oep.~s 01 I fie UISltlt't 01 COlumOla . In <br />Ihe office 0' tho Recorder of Deeds or lhe O"Hlel of Columbia. II <br />111., ?fOPf;lf,V 'tUrllHt I() Itl!, "1'" 'I \IIU,11..(') .f\ 11~~ 01'ilr:cl fJf <br />ColumbIa <br /> <br />i <br />1= <br /> <br />u.....ed I' Docum.;;"t NO'. <br />II <br /> <br />/" ) <br />- - v, <br />07 <br />b <br /> <br /> <br />8Qramor1 f~ 2 34 7 <br /> <br />Grantge S <br />Numerical /V"rJ <br /> <br />TInE OF NEDi'1ASKA) .' <br />OU,H'( OF HALL ) SS <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />..... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.... <br />....' <br />. <br />)C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CD <br />::::I <br /> <br />.... <br />.. <br /> <br />8HAV I 0 <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />AtI'ID <br /> <br />it <br />12 <br /> <br />C <br />::a <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />--~ <br />( / ..<, '" J <br />p '. <:--+, ~ ~ - ~ <br />..0;...: .,_."~/ --"'"~."""-",....~~"""-'" <br />~'; .' ~ <br />or:-~. OF !lF~nc; <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />i!I <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br />(2) SItUI Of Property Sub/eel To lIln - For plIfl1D1" at <br />parlgrlphl (t) Ind (4). proptrty ahall be _Il'td 10 lit 1ituI1Id. <br />(A) Illal Property . In 11\1 ClM at rill proplrty, II III <br />p/1yaiclllocatlon; or <br />(8) Plraonl' Proptl\)' . In "" CUI 01 perImII propeny. <br />whlthlr llnolbll or Inlllllllblt. II l1li rwlclenca at "" <br />wpayer 1\11\1 111111l1li nolla olllln .a fllId. <br />For purpoan ollllrl8r1j1/! (2) (1).1III..1dencI at a corpotl1lon <br />. or partnerll1lp ahall be dltlllld 10 be l1li place II wIIIcII till <br />principII executive office 01 llIt bulll\lll " 1acatId. MIl till <br />rtlldence 01 a tlxpaylr whoM realdanct " .1lItovt l1li UnIIId <br />Stlln Ihall be d"mtd 10 be In "" Diltrlct 01 ColUlllllla. <br />(3) Form ' T1lII larm, IIIlI content ...tIII IlDIiIlI <br />llrerrld 10 In ,ublecllon (I) l11li1 III DmCrIIlad by l1li <br />Secre~ry, Such notice shiH be Vllld notwllltl1andlng lIlY <br />olher prOYlllon 01 la. rtglrdlng llIt lonn or conttnI 01 I <br />no!lel of Uen. <br /> <br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />cerlaln interests eVlln though notice of lien <br />Imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1 Sacurltlts <br />2. Motor vehlclts <br />3. PerlOnal proptrty purchaHd 1\ rtlllI <br />4 PerlOnal property purtltaltd In CUUI' nit <br />5. PerlOnl' property lubjectlCllo \IOIlUlOry lien <br />6, Real prolNlrty ta. 1M epeelal UMumenlllenl <br />7 ResldenUal property lubjlCtlO a mtchlnlt's <br />lien for certlln rep.lrs Ind Improvements <br />8. _"Iorney's liens <br />9. Certlin Insurlnce conuaCtS <br />to Passbook loans <br /> <br />(g) Reflllng or Notlet, - For purpose' 01 Ihls <br />seeUon . <br /> <br />(11 Gener.1 Rul., - Unllll noUce 01 lien i~ reWed In <br />Ihe manner prescribed In parlorlph (21 dUflno lhe required <br />reliling peflod. such noUce of lien II!lIII bllruted IS filed on till <br />dl1e on WhiCh illS Wed (In Iccordlnce with subsecllon (Ill Iltlr <br />Ihe expiration 01 such rallllng Dlrlod <br /> <br />121 Pile. For F!IIng. - A nOllte 01 lien rellled <br />during thl rllQulred ,.1I1I1Ig periOd tIt.1I b;t efflcUvt only. <br />(AI ii, , <br />II) such noUce 01 lien IS rallied in the olllCl In WhiCh lhe <br />pllor nolrce 01 lien WIS IIled, and <br />IIII In 'h. cose of 'eal properly, Ih. lael 01 rtllllng IS <br />enlered end recorded In an indu 10 lhe u,en' reQuited by <br />'ub$ecllon III 141. and <br />101 ,n any cue In WhiCh. 90 dlYs or more pliO I to \h' dlle <br />ot a retlllng 01 nollce of lien undlll..lulllllrlll* ,~), lhe <br /> <br />" ., <br /> <br />. ..: <br /> <br />$ec:QIary fICIivId 1IriIIIn..... .. (1ft III _ <br />s-crtlIIII lit JIIIUIIIIIIII ..... .., III ~ <br />CIIIlCIntkIIldlangll ill........................ <br />of 1UCll..lIl11otlld II... J L ID <br />...... III wlIidIMIl .......11...... <br /> <br />" ....... ..... PIdoIL - e III ~ <br />or lIlY lIlIIIce"IM. .............. ,......... -- <br />(A) tIII-.,.~ ...............~ <br />oIl yMrI aftIr till.... aI.. ,,- 11...._ <br />(8) IIlIlII\I-YIIl'**'.......... ........II!.... <br />IftIr till doll.... ~ IIlIilIIt'Id ............ <br />IUCIt ftlIIiCIIaI __ <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Retease Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(I)..... 01 u.. - SIIijId II .a <br />qguIalloIlI a"SIaIIIIy ..,....,.., "1Ia*J liliiii <br />1I11III1 CIIr1IficIIa If,..... If.... _ .............-r!1II <br />lIlY InIImII mIlIIIItu.... ~3IlI..,._ ...... <br />wtIlclt . <br />(1) UIbiIItr Satisfild Cf UUlI\ttlCIMII . till ~ <br />rinds 1lla1..liIlIllilrlot............-G. ........alI <br />'n\tralt ill IIII\ICI tMrIII. lIaI lIaIrI tJ'Ilr IIIial'iIII loT m <br />__ \I8IIIY _1ort::IMlI; Dr <br />(2) Iolld ACCI\lIICI- 'Illn cs ~... SIcmI1lraNl <br />ICCIOItd IIy 111m IlIoncI Il'.at iI~w....,.......rI! <br />11\1 llIlOIIIlt 1UIUICl. tlgllI\If .. In ~ irl ....-0 <br />tIIIrIoI. w1t1tln 11\1 tllM IlI1Itd*l IIr 1ft ....... .., <br />.lltMlon at sud! I1tlltl. IIlIl tl\aItl in ~ will SlICh <br />rlQulltl1\lftts rmtlllQ 10 \InItI, COlIdiboIlt,..1I(I tonII ..,..1ltl!lG <br />InIl &urtlieI t!lInml as lliIy \Ie IIl*ililC br SlIdl ~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In. <br />formation. <br />{~) 0IId0Iure of CtftIift RtMnI Md <br />R.tum InfonutIon For Ta AcIMIftiItI'ltion <br />Purpclll.- <br /> <br />~2) Du:clos.ure o1lmo~t r'1' "..\Utl~~\"',; ~I':"l ~!.. !\t,tltt ~,' <br />"10 hlll\IIn Itled P11l1lllnl to lect.on lI32),!\. tllII1lIOlI1l1 ~l 't1II! <br />OUlSllndlna obligation HCIIfed by SI.'tII 11M OlIIW lie C<s..~ lei <br />Iny person ...hO lurnllhll ..IIslactor\, ..."lItn " 04t~ Ihl' lilt <br />hIS I rlghl In the orL'llt1tv subir,l to 'L>th ',rn ~l InlPne\ '0 <br />obllln I ngh' In such Ploptl,Y <br />