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<br />.. i:L~~lJi <br />." <br />o <br />3 <br />~ <br />3, <br /> <br /> <br />o <br />! <br />'i <br />::D <br />.z <br />I <br />.. <br />~ <br /> <br />Excerpts From Inlernal Revenue Code <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />II Iny person IIlble to PlY .ny tu neglects or reluul .10 <br />. pay tlIl 11m. .fter demlnd, the .mount (Including Iny Intif- <br />HI. Idditlonlllmount. .Gdlllon 10 lax. or BlMSllbl. penllty,. <br />tOOltll.r with any coall tIIIt m.y "'rut In .ddltJon lhertfo) <br />Ih.1I be . lI.n in fnor of !Ill Uni1lcl Sta~s upon .11 property <br />Ind rlgllts to proDir1Y. wlltlIlIrrul or personll. belonging <br />to sUCII person. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of lien. <br /> <br />Un,"1 .notlllr dll. II IpeclllCllly Ilxed by 'IW. !Ill lI.n <br />llllllOlf(! by IICtlon 6321lhllllrill .llhe time the ......rnent <br />II mid. .ntl shill contlnut until !Ill Illblllty tor !Ill Imount so <br />umlld lor . luG; Igllnll till taxplyer arising oul 01 <br />IUC/llllblil1yIIS SllJ.lltcl or btcomu un.nlorcelble by "lion <br />0111llM 0111l1li. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />ill Purdllltr'., HokItrI Ot Stcwttw' In- <br />""'11, Mtchlnic'. UInorI, And Judgment <br />LItn CI'IdItofl. - The IlIn Impostel by lectlon 11321 sh.1I <br />nol be vllld II I;llnll any purChaser. holder 01 . lICurity <br />Imtrlll. llIICIlIllIC'IIi.nor. or juGgllllnllltn crlClllar until notlel <br />lIltrlOl WhiCh m"re fh. 'eQulr.menls 01 lubllCllon (I) has <br />bttn mtel by lilt Stc<ellry <br /> <br />(f) PIICt Fo, Filing Nollet; Form,- <br /> <br />111 Place For Filing. The notice referred 10 In sub. <br />*1I0n {I) IhlU be ,.Itel . <br />iA) Under Sllle LawI <br />III Alii Properly. In Ihe case at real property, In one <br />olliet wllhm lh'.Sllle (or lhe counly. or other govlfnm.1lIIl <br />sufldlvlllOnl. IldfSlgn.ted by Ihe laws of such Stlt.. in <br />which Ihl pro~rty lunjeelto lhe Illn il slluattel; Ind <br />(III Personal PrO~r1y . In the cale 01 personll <br />property. .helher langlbll or Int.nglble, m one olllce <br />wllhln Ihe Slale (or the eounr~. or othe, governmental <br />SUbdlv1s'onj, IS duigna'ed Oy Ihe laws at such Sllle. <br />In whIch 1111 Droperly lull/tel 10 !he /len Is sltulted; <br />llr <br />Ill) Wllh Cler~ 01 DlllrlCI Courl . In the otllee of Ihe cler~ 01 <br />Ine Unlled States dlstrlCl court fOI tM ludiclal dlstrlclln which <br />me properly SuDjecl to /,en " slruated. whenever the slafe hI! <br />.,01 by law deslgnared olte ol1lce which meels trle ,eQuitcmenls 01 <br />SuDPJtagllph (AI or <br />It I Wllh Rer.oldor or OO~di 01 Tne Dlslrlct or COlumb'. . In <br />1M ol1lco of Ins !lererde' o' Dndn of the D/srrlct ot CO"JfI1!11~ II <br />ftlt pfoperty ~:J~'lfl(1 '0 .t,~ hen ,,, ~ltuaJ~d It'l !>,.l :)I,!f,el .;1 <br />COIIIITl~I' <br /> <br />"fnt.ed ., Document No. <br /> <br />88-1 n 2 3 4 5 <br />Grantor' ..... ^ <br />Gfantae . ~ <br />Numerical _ A//l <br />STATE OF NE8i{ASKA); , <br />cor: <br />COUNT'( OF Hi.d.L ) w\,) <br /> <br />.' <br />88J1AY 10 An 10' iz <br /> <br />("'7 '//"! <br />t7'1.;'i.;I::..:.J"'<=::::':"~,^"" <br />pr.~: OF DFE'f'1<l <br /> <br />"" <br />( <br />5f <br />if <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />0, <br />.~. <br />-I <br />.. <br />)C <br />,... <br />-. <br />CD <br />::I <br /> <br />.... <br />to <br /> <br />~ <br />!!. <br /> <br />.f <br />i:I a <br /> <br />(2) Situs Of Property Subject To lien . For purptlllS of <br />plragraphl (lllnd (4). property shill be dHmtel to belltualld. <br />IA) Rell Property . In the CII4I of 111/ property, It Ita <br />ph)'lICllloel110n; or <br />(BI Ptraonl' Property . In tilt CII4I of ptratIIIIl property, <br />wlle!lllr IInglbl. or Intangible. It the I"ItIdtncl of till <br />tupayer It tilt lime tilt l1011ca olllln Is IIIId. <br />For purpo..s 01 Plrlgraph (2) (B),lht rnldlflCl of. corparatlan <br />or Plrtnerlhlp a/laIl be dltlMd to be tilt pla 11 wllldl IIla <br />prlllClpll Ixecutlv.'offlcnf till buJllltlllt 1oca1IlI, ItIlIIIla <br />rllldlnea 01 . tlxplyer wltoII rllld.nctll wltllout tilt Uni1lcl <br />SlItH lhall be dHmtd to be In till Olllrlct of Cohllllbla. <br />. (3) Form . T.hI: .10rm lIlet comtnt of.lIla. nollCl <br />IIltrlld to In lubllctlon (I) IhIIl be or-tbtd by till <br />5tcrt1lry. Such notlca .lIIn be vllld notwttltttlndlng anr <br />otlllr provision 01 llw rellardlng !Ill lorm or conlant of . <br />notice 01 lien. <br /> <br />Not.: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain Interests even though notice of lien <br />Imposed by sBction 6321 Is flied with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />1. Securltill <br />2. Motor vahlel.. <br />3 PerlOnll property purchtlldll "'III <br />4. Ptllonll property purellllld In CUIIIl nit <br />5 Plllonal property aubltmd 10 pollltlOry lien <br />S. Rill prolllrty tax .nd SPlCIII ......mtllt liens <br />7. Allld.nllll property sub/1Ct 10 I mlChlnlc:'s <br />lI.n lor cll1lln ropallllnd Improv.rnenl1 <br />a. Anorney'1 IIenl <br />9. ClrIIln insurlllCe contracts <br />to. P.uboak lOins <br /> <br />(g) Atflnng at Notlet. - For PU'POIII ot Ihll <br />secllon . <br /> <br />(11 G.n".1 Aul.. - Unt... nollcl 01 II.n IS rtllltd In <br />lhl manntr prllCrlbtd In Plragraph (2) during till rlQulrtcl <br />reflllng perlod,luch notlc. 01 II III 1111. bet"lttellllllld on till <br />dlle aITwhlch Ills f11ld (In accordancl wllh subsection (In Iltar <br />the IKplrltlon af luch r.lll1ng parlod. <br /> <br />121 Pile. For FIling. - A nouee 01 lien 'ellled <br />during lht requlftel r.lll1ng period tllall be ,"tet," OIlly . <br />IAIII. <br />(I) luch natlce 01 IIln II "flied In Ihe ollie. In which lh. <br />prior nollce 01 lien was Wtel, .nd <br />(II) In the CII. 01 rill propel1y, Iha IICI ot reltting il <br />entlred .nd recorded In an Indu 10 the Ulent I eQulrtel by <br />luDstclton !fl I~). and <br />18) In any CIse In whiCh, 90 G'YI 01 more prior 10 thl dllt <br />01 I raWlng 01 not lei alUen undef sutl~an"lph !AI. tile <br /> <br />Uou J <br />1!J'~ <br /> <br />.,. <br /> <br />z <br />p <br /> <br />C <br />::a <br />I. <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />SecrNry rac:tlYId wrllItn inIolNlIOtI r.. ... _ <br />or-tbtd in ...... iSMd fir .. s.a..J) <br />CIIlICIrtIinV . dIIngt ill.. .....,........... ...... <br />of IUCh IiIn ....lIItd 1lI_A.$l...........(IJ ill <br />IIla S1ItIIn 1IIlIdt __II...... <br /> <br />131 RtquIrId .... .......- 1m..... <br />of .ny notIcI 01_ ....."'rItIUInd 1IliIIIII.....-- <br />(AI ""-1111.......... 311................. <br />of e yurllftlr ..II1II11.. . I"" _... <br />(8) tIlI_,..,..........IIilIl.........oIl,.,s <br />aflIr till dole .. till ............ r-..... tar <br />tCICh notiCIll 111.;. . ' <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or <br />Discharge Of Property. <br />(I)..... or LIIIL - SIIIIljacI . ... <br />f1lIUlItItInIlI till Secray..,...,... ..s.a..,.... <br />It_. CIrtiflQ.... ........... ..........--. <br />any lntInIaI_ 111 ......................,. <br />WIlidI- <br />111 l.iabllitJ SatiItltlI . u...A,"" . _ ~ <br />finds lIIat IIla IIallIhty tor ............. ........111 <br />In.....1 In retIlId __, ... ... .., ...... . .. <br />bIc:omIltgIIlJ ~. <br />(2) 80CllI AccelMId . TlIn II.......... SaaIIIry_ <br />accepted ., h1'U IIoNIlIlIt.................-,-1Il <br />till alllOUM ......... .... .. ... ... III IIIlItdI <br />tIlII1Cll. Irittlin till .. ........ " .. t1IlCWiII ., <br />.Iltnaloll 01 SUCIllillll). IlIlI tlIIIi II iIllClCll-" .. 11th <br />rlQulltflltnlIl'IlItillD 10 ..... aIlIMiIIlL.. ... "..... <br />IncllUrIlIeIlhWtotI. at Ny 1lt IPICditclIlr ID .......... <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />{_I ~ 01 c.tIIft .......... <br />Allum InfornIdon For Tu AdIIIIMIIora <br />~rpoIII. .;.. . <br /> <br />I2l 01&e10lUI1 otlmount 01 oulslln<l,ng htn . tll !Il)t,,~~! <br />IlIn hll bltn ,,1111 pUllulntto Metlon 1323i11.l!lt .!lIO\Int alIM <br />oullllndlng ollligltlon IICllItlIIIr SUCIl hen l!IIIy"........ <br />Iny IlIfton .110 IIlrnil* SlUS'acl1lry Wlittttll'filNla IMl "" <br />has I right In the Prtllllltv IubifCt to I~'l:h Itfn O~ InltClft III <br />oblllA I righl in such property <br />