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<br />~ <br />o <br />3 <br /> <br />~~,. ! <br />~~-~ <br />}::~. \ <br /><, ~ <br />~~~G <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />\;\ <br /> <br /> <br />EI..l;1I From 1_ _n.. Code <br /> <br /> <br />n <br />! <br /> <br />0' <br />... <br />:II <br />cZ <br />iii' <br />ii <br />~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />II Iny person 1111111 10 PlY Iny IU neglecls or reius.. 10 <br />PlY lilt ,~mt Illtr demanG, lilt Imoun! (Including Iny Inler. <br />"1. Iddlllonallmounl, addition 10 tn, or I,sesslble peIIIlty. <br />IDllelhlr wllh any COIlS lIII1 may accrut In addltlon ll1trtto) <br />Ihlll 1lI I hln In favor of ll1t UnltId Sill.. upon all prooerty <br />InG rl~hlS 10 property. wIltl!llr ,..1' or personll, belonging <br />10 ,uCh pel1on. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unltsl Inolllar date I' speclflCllly fixed by law. lhe IIsn <br />Imposell by secllon 6321 Shill 1115' 11 the time the I_ment <br />II mlde Ind shall conllnlll ootll the IIlbility for the amounllo <br />UHlHd (Of I ludgm'n! IgllDSI Ihe Iuplyer Irlsinv oul of <br />suCll habJllly) IS IIhllled or llIcomes unentorceable by rllson <br />ot lJpse ot hm. <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />III PurchlHr'., Of Stc:urIty In- <br />ttrlltl, 1ItchIn1c'. LItnora, And Judgment <br />LItn CfICIllOI'I. - Tht hen Imposed Dy slellon 6321 shill <br />nol be vahd II IgllnSl Iny purC"lser. holder of I IlCurlly <br />.mar"!. mttItanlc'lllIno. or ludgmlnl hen credilor until notice <br />ll1trtof wh,Ch m~l~ the rtQullemenlS 01 subuetlon (f) hu <br />l;etn flltll by lIle Sloera.y <br /> <br />If) PIKe For Filing Notice; Fonn.- <br /> <br />III Place For r,!,nQ Th. OOl,ce ''''erreo to In sub. <br />seclJon IIi ~alJ 0. 1,Ieo . <br />(A) UMe' SUle L.l!.1 <br />!II RUI l'ToperTy . In the caS! cl .eal property. 10 one <br />OU,ce w"hln Ihe Sl,te (or me couM) Of Olher governmemll <br />S~!lety'5'01l). IS d"'gniled by me laws 0' such Stall. '" <br />*t"c/llhe prO~"f subleel 10 'he lien 15 IlluallO Ind <br />i1ll Persor.a! P'opel1y Ir Ihe cue ot personal <br />propeny. ~IFler Ilngdlll or !nlangIO!e ,n One oMICI <br />'Nllhln thfl Stat!' 10' t"'t row"ty D' Ofhtl QCl'ernmental <br />iut;d'''lSIIj~, I!:! :::t~pQ."',.altC ~,~' 1'~' :a...s (j~ ~,JCri State <br />,q WhiCh tne plopelly S.Ojtel to (ne lien II SIIUltIO. <br />or <br />{Bl Wit", Cler.. Crl CII!!.t1IC! C:l.l;J"" 11"1 H~f! o~f,cl' of ml' (It,i 01 <br />!!\e untted StiltS OI$lrlr! (l)wr1 -f(il l!".4! 1\..101:'111 CI~1f1(1ln ..tll(.h <br />t!'\e prtJDeny S.U':)J~ct 10 l:pr' 'i. S.'hJ.H1~C lft!!':!'-nt'IIt" tt',! Stl/llP f'las <br />not::.., ta. Op&lcnatt-e 'J!'\~ offiCI' Illr't",(tl mfflts t~p rf':)uI11 ml}r,!s n' <br />S:J>>arIQflp!', ,I. :.r <br />l{;l W,t~ ~ert,'Of:f D~ nr:ec~ J "t lll!!!',[l ('I ~Ojll'~'<, J IF'! <br />~.f ",!'iCil! 1)11h! 'P:e(:c,.~t't ~,' Of:M~ ~I 'hr rL""H'rl c' CCl'v'''' A . <br />1l"lt Df':)p"~lV ~u~l;~Ct ,~, '''f 'I,r ~, ~'lv~lf':'l ~ ~ e,~. , . <br />':!Jt:..lm~IJ <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Entered ~:; Document No. <br /> <br />8- 1~02344 <br />Grantor --'l.--. _ <br />Grantee /,YJ <br />Numerical A/;,;) <br />TAlE OF tIEJrU:';;(A) <br />OlIllTY )F Hf\LL ) SS <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />[ <br />5f <br />;;. <br /> <br />..... <br />.. <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />~ <br />-. <br />n <br />CI <br />0, <br />.. <br />-t <br />II <br />>C <br />r- <br />-. <br />CI <br />~ <br /> <br />11M 10 <br /> <br />a <br /> <br />ill <br /> <br />i' <br />'C <br />2. <br /> <br />(T. Situs 01 Property Subjecl To Utn For PUrpoRl of <br />plrlgrlphl (111nG (41. property Ihall III deemed 10 1lI111uIltd . <br />(Al R.I' Property . In 1111 call 01 rill property. II III <br />pllyslClllocatton: or <br />(BI Ptllonll Property - In l!lI CIII 01 ptt'IOfII/ \IlOPII1J, <br />whllh.r tlnglbl. or Inlllllllllll. II ll1t rWIOInCI 01 I!II <br />WIIIYlr allllltlrna l!lI notIcI OIlllflll flIId. <br />For purpo... of paragraph (2) (8). l!lI I1IIdtnct 011 cMporatIon <br />or partn"lhlp shill be deemed 10 III ll1t plaCl II wIIlclll!ll <br />principal uleuflva office 01 l!lI bullllHl II localld. and till <br />mld.nct of I tupay.r wII011 r"ld'lICIls wltl1oulll1l UnIled <br />Slit" Ihlll be deemed 10 11'1111 ll1I Dillricl of Columbia. <br />I3l Form . TIll form IIId conlant 1If ll1I IlOIlOI <br />"',"ed 10 In subllction (II l1li11 III pmcrIlled by till <br />Secrttlry. SuCI1 notJct lhall III valid I10twillllllnlllllll lIlY <br />other provilion 01 Ilw rlCllrdlllll the lorm or continI 01 I <br />notlcl Of liln. <br /> <br />Nott: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain lnterllsts even though notice of lien <br />imposed by section 6321 is tiled with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />,. Securltin <br />2. Motor vehicles <br />J Personll property purCllUed II rellll <br />4. PtlSOnll property purCl1aH<lln ClSUII ule <br />5. Psrsonal property lubjlCled to poIIIIlOry hen <br />e. RIal property tu Indlpeelll ......""" <br />7 Rtsldll1tlal prOperty lUIlItCl to I rnachanlc's <br />lien for certJln repatrs and\5 <br />8. Anornty'sllen, <br />9 Cartlin Insurance contracts <br />10 Plssbook loans <br /> <br />(gl Rtflllng 01 Hollet, - For pu'oom 01 Ihll <br />seellon . <br /> <br />(1) Gtntnal Rule. - UnllSS notict 01 IlIn IS reflitll In <br />th. mlnner prescribed In paragraph (2) dUllno the reQulltll <br />reflllng pellOO. such notice of lie. shaalle UlIltIIUlll.d on IhI <br />dlle OITWhlCh illS flltll (on accoldlnce w,lh Subllcllon 1')lll1tr <br />Ill! ~plrlllon 01 suCll rsfiilng penod <br /> <br />i2I PIle. For Filing. - A 'oll,e ot "en 'ehled <br />Ourlng lilt IIqulltd re'lhng perloclllllll be aIlKU" only. <br />IAI'" <br />1'1 such n~IICt 0' lien is ..hied In Ihe otllce ,n ",hleh the <br />pTlo, notICe 01 lien .as hied. Ind <br />1111 10 the caSt 01 real property. the Ilct 01 'e"Iong IS <br />enlered ana recorded In an ,hllt. to the utent rpQUlrtll by <br />'uoseChon ," 1-'. ana <br />BI ,n Iny C.ftll In whICh 90 dlr' or mOIlI1l'~' III the aall <br />nl I rpI,l,no 01 oolrel oillen un'ile, $UbDIi/I~rBOO IA. lhe <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />-, <br /> <br />u,l <br />QY <br />b <br /> <br />z <br />!' <br /> <br />AM 10 0' <br /> <br />C <br />:::I <br />i <br />en <br />Iir <br />i <br /> <br />;.) r. (\. <br />'. <br /> <br />nF nr:~nc; <br /> <br />SecrIlIry fIQiYId IIfiIIIn informalion [m !III I'IIIIIIIr <br />pmcrIlled in 118u1111ons iIIuId IIy I!II SIaIlIry) <br />concemltIg I dtllllllII" """"'.lIIidIIa.lf allllic:ll <br />0' IUCllIiIn II aIIo 1IIIcI1n 1CClIrdIIIcI...1UIlIIctiIII (I) In <br />!III SIalIIlI wt*ft 1UCtI......... ....... <br /> <br />(3) ...... RIIIDg PIrIod. - lA.. CUI <br />01 any notlcI a11i11t. 1M... '"rIlaIQll1lfilillD ~....- <br />(A) t!It 0III-)'tII' pIficId IIIlIing 311 days *'..tIIIirIbaC <br />0111 yN1I alllr till 11m 1If .111 '1 of .. _ IlIll <br />(SI ll1I 0IIt-ytI1 PIriOd IIdngWitlt till apiraliaItofl.-s <br />IftIr I!II doll 01 !III pl'ICIlIinC rwl/llllICllllllilll ""1Clr <br />svch I1OIiC1 01 rllft. <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />Ill....... 01 lIIIL - SlIIiiId . IIIdl <br />l18ulltiOnl..I!IISIcrIIIry..,~ "~IIIIII <br />11_ a artiflCl1l 01""-..., _......' <br />IlIJ Inltmll r-.- tu lllII'*...3ID lIIys""1!le"" Cl:l <br />aoIIlctI. <br />(I, UaIlility SaIisfied or lJI_Dl~ - n. SIo:rr.aly <br />IInds lllal t!It rllllilitytDl'IhI_....... 1IIl'!lIrr.1:>'!!II <br />Inlt,"t in :apect t!lIrN1. IIu IIIIn r-..1lly IIllSfJ1C or !:as <br />bIcomt IegI/Iy -'1Il'tIIIIlI; or <br />(2) Bond ACCIIIMd - nw.1I UIliSllIlI ~ l!lt SlcsM&t)T ~ <br />1tCIOlIlI1Iy 1Ii1ll IlIlIlIll!llll IS ClIIIIitiCnIC ~'POlI!III JIY'lIlIM ef <br />t!It amount ....... ~ dIl iii lltWWIl 1m -..c <br />lIlnOl. wilNn !III tilM .-.. ~ 1ft r~1l!S a!'!f <br />lXllnslon at IlICIl Mill. IIlCll!llllSln 1CCO!Q!a .~T.l ~ <br />I1QUIIllIIII1lS rtlItIlIlllo _!IllS. condIioIls. W 100m olt!ll ~ <br />and sumils t!Itrton. IS llIlIy lit IDIdtIIcl ~ sadl ~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />Ikl DiIcIoIurt or Ctl'tIIft RItumIIftd <br />Altum Informltlon For Tu Adfnfnlltndion <br />Purpoltl. - <br /> <br />f21 Olsct(lsure of .amou:'11 ct ('li.itsu.~:'-:.; f;',:- 1-" ."".:z~,~ cr <br />'ltn hu tlHl'I 'd~ Cl;,.lflu,a"t tiJ 5~ct.;:!,! 6:k1:~' t!'\, :':'l"O..;.,t~. t~ <br />OUtst.lnGlng OllllQatlon MCInO by Illdllltn Il'.ay bf. Cl:stI~ 1Il <br />any pellon who tumisllu UlisllClOry ""Ittt~ !\'ldl~ tl\a. tie <br />hu I TlQhl In Ih! ~roperty ~ull!fCI 1~ 5U~~ "e~ ~, ,n~e~1 t~ <br />obll1O I nghl ,n suc~ pIO~~ <br /> <br />~ <br />