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<br />~ 'I <br />3 <br />~ <br />~~-., ," ~ ' <br />~" <br />><:.:---- '. (' "ii <br />~ .-.J' 'CX1 <br />~ ~"; ~> <br />r ,.J c:'~ <br />~ ~ ~ \ ~. <br />\.~ (p, <br />~~G <br />C'<J <br />~, <br />('\ <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />i <br />~ <br />::D <br />~ <br />~ <br />... <br />. <br />... <br />-:- I <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />Excerpt. From Int.m.1 R...nue Code <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes <br /> <br />If any person l'lble 10 pay any lax negllcts or relusn to <br />PlY Ihl same Iller demand. tilt Imount Ilncludlng any Inllr. <br />HI. additIonal amount arlliltlon to lax. or UHSSlble penllly. <br />together with Iny coslIllIIl mlY Iccrue In Iddllion tlltrlta) <br />shill be I lien In flvor 01 tilt United Stites upon III property <br />Incl nght! 10 prOlllrty, wllttIMr real or pellonal belonglno <br />to suCh ptrson <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unless Inother dlte 15 SptClficilly IIXecl by Ilw, tilt lien <br />Imposed by section 532' shill arlu It tilt lime lilt IIItSsment <br />15 mlde and shill continue until tilt hablllty lor tilt Imount so <br />ISHSKd lor a ludgmen! Igalnsl lilt taxpayer arising au' 01 <br />such IlIbIIltyl IS satIsfied or bllcome! unenlorceable by reiSon <br />Of lapse 01 lime <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />Iii PurchlHr'., Holden Of Securtty In- <br />1ertItI, IItchanlc'l LIenorI, And Judgment <br />Lien CfIdtIorI. - The hen Imposed by seelion &32, Shall <br />nOI tlt vllld as igllnSt any purcnlSlr. holder 01 I ncurlty <br />InllrHI. meclumlc's lienor 0' ludgm'nllten creditor ynUI nOli!:! <br />mlTlOI wnlC11 meelS me 'egulrements Of SUbseC1lon In hn <br />bien filed by me SeCrelir} <br /> <br />", PSIct For Filing Notice; Form,- <br /> <br />II) Place For Flhng The notice relerred 10 III sutf- <br />seellon (al SIIiIJ be hied. <br />IAI Under Slale Laws <br />III Roal Proptrly In me case 01 'eal properly. In one <br />olflce wmlln me Slate lor lhe county 01 olher govlrnmentll <br />SU~lvlllon) 81 deSIgnated bv me 11.01 01 such Stile, in <br />"hl~h lhe property subleclto loe lien IS sltualed, Ind <br />"" P~rRo081 Propell'l ,,, me case of ptrsonal <br />p'operty Whi!t~ tangible or .ntenglble ro one O"IC! <br />INlthln 'he Stale t(p ,tit cour.l" 0' n1hcf governmen1al <br />ltut)(1 I'll I !')lor. , a!. jp~~"Jfl;'1If'!1l [ly 11lf' ,AWe, of 'iouctl State <br />10 .r",r, ITI~ CrOIH!'l'f ~uOIt:C: It tilt: IllHl IS SlIu.lted <br />or <br />lB. INITr ell"t' Q' D1ShCI r,Ol1r! In 'ht OffICE' 01 UUI clerk of <br />Ill.. LJOlfll!t, ~,tall1!" !1";\rlr" (f1u'~ 'f)' ,~~ judiCial rllstrlr.11n wrm:tl <br />tnr. DrrJr)f..'!"'~ ...IDIl!(l II, II'" ", j,rLlijll'r. .u'iH1f!'1'1H trw S1(t~P has <br />1101 r/Y i~w O~~I'J"it'erJ l)r'!" nft'rf' W',,,~_,, rlrMIIJ rnfl rOQLJlllmlflnts Of <br />!H1rJ03'ilQf~P" :/. ~" <br />1[, W,lt, Rp!C()fO",r (J! Det!o'- :~I . h~ l)1~ll'IC' Of :olumt,l_1 In <br />ff',. Of1ICf. nf fhl'l ner.nn1t!' n. O~A1~. '1' fhl'l nt!ll'lrl nf Cotllmhu~ I' <br /> <br />UI" ~ITJpPf"{ '.uIJ"', <br />~olumbla, <br /> <br />"\I ..., -,IL"..lIf'!;'" "., . 1.1' (t 'II <br /> <br />Entered ai Docoment ~ 1 <br />88- ,,1 0 2 3 4 3 <br />Grantor.,-- - <br />Grantie~- <br />Numerical /IJ If <br />5T ATE C F N El1i\ASKA) <br />SS <br />GCPfiT'r ,~F lEU. .) <br /> <br />.-......~, ., <br />( II .;r" I <br />..' . "~_. , <br />......l..,.11......-".~.::.::-::~~..........- <br />~l1"-.' - <br />pr~: (IF [1J:'p'lc; <br /> <br />"" <br />r <br />:;: <br />;r <br /> <br />... <br />... <br /> <br />z <br />o <br />... <br />-. <br />n <br />CD <br />o <br />.... <br />.... <br />.. <br />)C <br />,.. <br />-. <br />CD <br />::s <br /> <br />8B HAY I 0 <br /> <br />a. <br /> <br />;I <br /> <br />! <br />a <br /> <br />(2) Sllu. Of P'Olllrty SubJIC1 Tp lien . For ~ of <br />plrlgrlphl (1) Ind (4), property IhllI be dHmld to be 1ltUIlIll. <br />(AI RelI Property . In tilt CUI DI' rut ~. It Ita <br />phYlIClllllClllon; or <br />(8) "'lIonal Property - In tilt cue DI' pmoIIIl prDJIIIty. <br />whlthtr Ilnglbll or IntalllllbIG. 11 tilt ItIII11nl:1 01 tilt <br />wPlylr It 1111 lime the natlca ofllln is 1111d. <br />For pUrJlllHl 01 PlfIlIrlp/l (2) (8). tilt rIIidIra all corporation <br />or p.rlnerthip IhllI be deemed to be tilt pilei It wI1lch lIII <br />principII IKlcutlvl offICI GllIle bullllIII illocatId. Il1II tllt <br />resldlncl 01 IlIXplyer wlIllU resldInCIls wltllout tllt UnItM <br />Stiles shill be lIeemtd to be In 1111 Dittrlct of Columbia. <br />13J Form . ThI farm In.! COn1ll11 If l1li noliCI <br />ralerrlC! to In lubeeclion (I) lIhIlI be prwcrIbIll by tilt <br />Secretary. Such nollct Ihlll be vllid notwItIlIlIndlllll any <br />otlltr provlllon 01 IIW rllllrlllng the form Dr contini of I <br />oOtlce of IIln. <br /> <br />Note: SeB section 6323(b) for protBction for <br />certain intBrests eVBn though notice of lien <br />imposBd by sBction 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />I Securlltes <br />2 Motor VlhlClu <br />3 l'llIOnll property purchllld II fIlllI <br />4 PerlOnll property purchlHd In Cllull Ale <br />5 PellOnll PfDllIrty SUbllCled 10 JIllIHlSOry IIln <br />6 Rell property IU: InIl SplClIl UllUmenl "ens <br />Raldeo"ll property subjtct 10 I mtehlmn <br />Itln lor ClrIIln raplltS InIl Imarovlmenu <br />8 Anomey's "Ins <br />9 CertllO 10lurlnce contraclS <br />10 Passbook loaos <br /> <br />101 Reflllng Of Notice. - For ourposes 01 th'l <br />secllOo - <br /> <br />(1, G.nerlll Rule, - Unless no lice of lien IS rellled 10 <br />lhe manner prescribed 10 paragrlph (21 durlOg the reQuired <br />rellllOg ptrlod. Ruch noUce olllln sl1IlIllI trilled as mid on lhe <br />dlle orrwhlch 1115 IIIed 110 accordlnce with subsecllOn IIIl altlr <br />the Ixpl'llIon or IUch rlfllloo period <br /> <br />(21 Place For Filing. - A nollce 01 Ileo ,,',Ied <br />dUrlog the reQuired re11110g lHlrlnll shall be IIfac:llve on II <br />(AI II. <br />III SuCh nollce c' lien IS rellled 10 Ihe olflce 10 whIch lilt <br />orlor OOllce ollleo waR lIIed and <br />1111 10 Ihe case 01 ,eal p,optrty the tacl 0' reUhng I~ <br />entered and reeorden In on Inds. to Ihe .xlenl reQuired by <br />subsecllon 111 141. BOC <br />/81 10 Rny !:as. 10 whiCh 90 nays or mal' prlO' 10 lhe nsle <br />01 8 ,.f11100 01 nollce 01 lien unde' eublllrlglsph fAllhf <br /> <br />.., <br />." / <br />J <br />'oyl <br />b <br /> <br />z <br />~ <br /> <br />An lO _9 <br /> <br />c: <br />:::a <br />[ <br />fit <br />If <br />i <br /> <br />SIcIItary fICIi_ wrftIaft lnIonIlIllan [Ill .. _ <br />pmcrIbed in rIgUlaIianI iIIuIll .1Iy _ ..." <br />conctmlng . dllngllII......,.... ........11' ..... <br />If IlIdIIiIn 1I...1IIIlI iIIaco.._.....e --ro III <br />tllt Statlln M1il:II.a. rIIiIlIIa ...... <br /> <br />CJI R..... ...... ....... - 111"_ <br />of lilY noIIce of .... .. ... "IIQUiIId IWfiJiIIG JIrW' _- <br />IA) tilt Ollt-yllr..... MIing 3D llIys..._......... <br />of ti yI&JS IfIIr tllt dill tllllll -..-lI cl tht IlL .-c <br />(8) tIltone-yur1llfiDcllllllm;.-iIlI t!IIltQIllIItiDlIlf.E,., <br />alltr tilt c1_ of 1111 ~lC fIC'.'i!ICI ~.JeriIC!" <br />SutIl nolillt -' IiIft <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of PrOperty. <br /> <br />(II....... 01 UIIL - SiOIIlIJCID sa <br />rwgulltillllS U till SIct.wy lUJ ~ tht ~ I11III <br />Issue I ClftifICltl of rMBIlf an, ItIlI ~ W'Illl ~ ID <br />any il\lll1ll1 _ W _ ,.. 8W:lJD dIyI dI! l!lE""" <br />whidl . <br />m LlIINllly Sabsfllll Dr ~..... - 1lR ~. <br />IlllCls lfII11!II11IIII1ft)f1Qr tllt UIilU:t__1IIIII*"'" at! <br />tnltfllt In fWIIIICl lMfIIIf. ... IlIlI'ir IIIldIe cr .. <br />becoll1t lIgIlly UlIIlllarc&llllla. D' <br />!2J lIoncl ACCIIlIIC. tlwnls ~ =_~_ <br />aCl:lpllcl by hUlllllonl!1IIII II ~I!~ llNIII___-' <br />tilt Imourll _. ~ Irl!:! aID =--at ill ~ <br />thereof. orilltin the ~ t'J .. ~ q <br />eKltnSlon 01 sllcllllmtl. In: ttII1l1 ~, ~WCIt.1IIll ~ <br />qQul,.menb INIUI\ltDIetr.':I. amd~.n!tDml~tMlte/IlIl <br />ancl sursllft tMrIon. as ~,.~ ~'1:I:l'> ~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentialit)- ami Dis. <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />Ikt ~ 01 C<<tIIn AlUMIIId <br />Rllum InIonltItioftFor Tu u\lfIIi~"'1 <br />,...... - <br /> <br />t'2! nISCIDSU~~ a' amoLlnt ('I. O..lts.:a"::I1'\; r~..~ !' iI. "'~I!.::'t' C' <br />IItm hiS bper t\lee :1'..l~!;.uarl ~l' S'~IOr. e..:;:'J. r.'\t I~~;.;~l (',t ~ <br />oubllncllng obhgltlOn MCIJfIC: by su~ 1..., lllIy \If ~~ 11:\ <br />Iny ptrson \!lhD tumlSh!$ Saltslldol\' wrritltfl "lIlf:a tIIIl lit <br />hiS a "Ohl In Ihe P'Optrl~ subl!Cl Ir su~. "f" C' 1",~"eS t~ <br />ontain a rlont on SUCh prope." <br />