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<br /> Ente-r~ D' Document No. ' IJ <br /> ." v' <br /> i o . <br /> 88 l'J 2 '"' " ') \0 <br /> :f J I ,.. <br /> ii' A <br /> z Grantor <br /> 0 Grnntii! t Z <br /> fc~ 'Nf1I11p.f~a9" t', ~ 1(t1~ c' ? <br /> .,. ,; F I J /, L I ) ,)-.) C <br /> J j 1" *- <br /> ::a <br /> 0 I <br /> .... - <br />... '81M en <br />- V , 0 AM 10 08 I <br /> >C~_ <br /> ~'-'.. ;/ 0 L <br /> . ~=-~. .=-<J.---=: ... ;.v <br />!!!. .,- <br /> ~ C' (~. n~- n~r:T~ <br /> e- <br /> -c <br />ill 2. <br /> <br /> <br />RJI' iil <br />1---..... .~ ~ <br />" ------.- <br />~ ' <br />:'-,1\ <br />~ ,~~. J <br />~~\ <br />'~ 6\~'i <br />~~"~ U <br />~"\! <br />r-.~ <br />~ <br />\:..",~ From Inlem.1 RlVenUl CoR <br /> <br />f <br /> <br />'0 <br />.. <br />:D <br />.3 <br />!! <br />... <br />... <br />.;:. <br /> <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br /> <br />If any person lIabll to pay any IIU neglectJ or relUlI1 to <br />.plY tile saml Iltll dlmlnd. Ihllmounl Imcludlng any Inler- <br />nt. Idditlonll amoun:, addition to IlX. or ususable penalty, <br />toglmer with Iny COlli t!\ll mlY a;;crue In addlllon thlrel:l) <br />Ihlll be I lien In lavor of lilt Unllld Slatls upon all propeny <br />Ind rlghtl to propany. wIlIther filiI Dr personal. btlonglna <br />to SUCh peflon. <br /> <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br /> <br />Unl"s Inotntr dill Is spectllcllly find by law, the liln <br />Imposed by section 6321 shall arise It Ihe tlml the Issessment <br />Is madl and shall continue ;mtll the liability lor the amount 50 <br />usessed lor a ludgment agamst the tupayer artSIOg out of <br />such liabllltYl IS sat.sfolll Dr becomes unentorceable by reason <br />01 lapse of lime <br /> <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against <br />Certain Persons. <br />la) Purchuer'I, Holders Of Security In. <br />''''''', Mechanic', Lienors, And Judgment <br />Utn Cfldltors. - The lien Imposed by section 6321 shall <br />nOI be valid as Igalnsl any purdlaser. hOlder of a securtty <br />Interesl. mlchanlc's lienor. Dr ludgment lien creditor unlil nOllce <br />thereof which meets the reQuirements of subsectIon If) has <br />been f,led by the Secretary <br /> <br />If! PtICt For Filing Notice; Form,- <br /> <br />11) Place For FlIlOO The noltre ,.Ierreo 10 In suO. <br />Section Ja) s!lilll be ltIlll . <br />(AI Under State Laws <br />Ii' Real Property. In Ine case ol.eal property In one <br />oHu;e within !he State 101 I'Ie county or Olner governmental <br />sulldlvlStonl. as aeslgnated by the laws 01 such SlIle. ,n <br />whrCh the property sublatl10 "'e lien IS s"ualed. and <br />(Ill Personal Property In lhe case 01 personal <br />property. wnetner tang'ble or ,""nglble ,n one office <br />w,lh,n lhe Slale jor the county or other governmental <br />s~bdlvrSIO!"l1 a'j, (.1es1ondted !:iy Ih~ law' of suet. Stale <br />In iVhlC'" !"fl ~fOOftr1~ 'i~I[)!t.\Cl \0 Itl!" Ilefl IS !J,t''"d <br />or <br />18) W'th Cler~ Of O'Slrt" Courl In the olltce ollhe cler. 01 <br />rhe UnIted States dlstrlC! court 'or 1hf ludlClal district rn lNt'lICtl <br />tf'\f! p'operl)1ljubl~C1 to Ilel'1 IS !11I1al~d wf'\ent!ver the SUl1t' "as <br />nol t1,.law Oes'Qoa1ed one offlc.e 'Nr", mee15 fhe fPQu1rcmon15 01 <br />\ur.Joaragrapn I A I [II <br />rC'1 -NItti Recoraer Ql D!eCl~ j' ~he D,!;lflct Of :~OIUrTlOIB In <br />'he nllite oflhe Recordor 01 OMd~ 01 the Dlslllt" 01 ~o/.,mtlla ,! <br />th, 1Jroperf', 'J,utllf'!r. 10 '!'f' ...,1" -1 r;t1uilTf'i'('l' I '),.. , .. <br />columOle <br /> <br />(2) ~llus 01 Propen~ Subject To Llln - For purpoln 01 <br />paregraphs (11 end (4). property 111111 be d"mecl 10 be sllullld- <br />(A) Rial Proll4lrty . In till CUI of rul propany. II Ita <br />phytlclllOCItIon; or <br />(8) "'rsonal Proll4lny . In lilt CUI Df patIOIIll pt'lIfIIItJ', <br />wnetllar tlnglbll or Inlllnalbla, It till mldlllCl Df lilt <br />lIIIpayar I' tlIa tlml1lll notice 0111111 la 1I11d. <br />For purposes of paragraph (2) lBl.llla mldlllCl Df I c:orpora1Jon <br />or pannl/lh!p Ihlll tit clllmecl 10 be the pilei II whlch lilt <br />principII eXlcutlvl offICI of lilt busll\lU Is locallld, and till <br />lesldlncl ola lUPlyel when InltlellCt I. wlllloU1 tilt \lnltld <br />Sleltl shall be dnmecl to III In the DlltTlct of COlumbia. <br />(3) Form . The form ani cantllnt of the nottce <br />mlrred 10 In lubHCtion (I) 111111 III prucrlbld by till <br />Secretlry. Such notice shan be valid notwi1!lltlndlna any <br />olhl/ provision 01 law rll\Jlrd1na the lorm or conlant of I <br />notice 01 hen <br /> <br />Note: See section 6323(b) for protection for <br />certain interests even though notice of lien <br />imposed by seclion 6321 is filed with respect <br />to: <br /> <br />t Securities <br />2 MOIOr vehicles <br />3 Pe~onll property purchued at fltail <br />4 Perlonal property purchlsed in cuuII SIIe <br />5 Perla nil propeny lubjected to POSSlSSOry liln <br />6 Rial property tax and speciallsseumlnt liens <br />7 Rurdentlal property subjecllo a mecllanlc's <br />lien for clrtaln repairs and Improvlments <br />8 Anorney's liens <br />9 Cenlln insurance contracls <br />10 Passbook loans <br /> <br />Ig) Reflllng Of Notice, - for pUfJIoses ot this <br />section. <br /> <br />11, Gen.ral Rule, - Unless nollce of lien IS reWed 10 <br />the manner prescribed In paragraph (2) dunng the reQUired <br />lef'hng plnod. SuCh nollce 01 het! shaMbetrtatllllltlled on lilt <br />oate on which It IS Wed (In accordance With suhsectron (f)) aller <br />tne elplration of such reflling penod. <br /> <br />12) Place For Filing, - A nOl,ce ot hen re!lled <br />jU/,no the reQulled retllmo oertod shall pe el1eCllveonly <br />IAI II. <br />(I) SUCh nollce of 1I1n IS reflled In thl olflce In which the <br />pnor notice ot lien WI! lIIeo, end <br />1111 10 lhe case 01 real property. tne lacl of ref,lIng 1& <br />enlelM and recordld In an Index to Ihe exlent reQurred by <br />!ubSeCl,on It) \41. ana <br />181 ,n any cue In wt.ICh. 90 tlays 01 more t!fIOl fO tha dill <br />of I rail ling at no lice of lien under subPlragraph tAl. lhe <br /> <br />Slmlary TlCllYIlI wrltlln Information (In IlIe 1l*ftI' <br />pmcrlblll In fIOulationl iIIUICI by the SIc:rIlIIJ:l <br />COllCll1ll1lll1 dIInga In tM 1IIJlIYII'IlIIIdIncI.ll111111i1l1 <br />of IucIlllIn III11D iliad k11CCOrdanC111ll11.-1aft (f) III <br />tilt S1ala In whIe/IllIdI.-1a IlaIId. <br /> <br />(3) RequIrId RIIIInI PIriod. - 111"_ <br />of Iny notltt of IlIn, the tarIII"'nQuIrId raflJlIlg..-r -- <br />(A) !hi 0M-yUT periDd IIllIIna3D .1ftIr..1QIIIIIIn <br />at 6 YAre Intr the dI.. of the ..-l1lf11l1ID. IlIIl <br />(8) tIII_ywlIII'IOllIldllD wi!I11111IQir1t1l1!lDfIJMl$ <br />altlf till dOlI of IlIe PrICI4iIlIl fICl~irtlllllilllll: IIIrIIIl fDr <br />SllCh nob of rltll <br /> <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or <br /> <br />Discharge Of Property. <br /> <br />(a) ~ Of UIn. - SlllIjICI 1D s;dl <br />"llulations u 1M SIcrIWy may pr1KriIIe. tIa s.aa.a:y.... <br />ISSlMl a CIItiflcllt 01 r..... 01 any liIn i.....-s 1IlIII Ul <br />any 'ntemal revIftlII tax nol a.tef tllIn 3D days aftIor l!w day Cl:l <br />.hicll- <br />(1) U1blhty Sallst1lCl or lnnlol'tlG!l . The SIcrIWy <br />linds tIllt lIlIlIabllity lor IlIe .mcnr.l...... !DgIlIIIlr.-i'l!l1ll <br />In"lftt In rupact 1lIerwo1. I'.u bien tully SllISfiacl 0: I'.as <br />blc:Ollllltgally U1WIforculllll:: or <br />(2) Bond . ThtrIIS tllm:s.!lIClIII IhISIcrm:y - <br />ICttpted by rum ~ lIolIll tIlII is ClIIIl!:tioMllI.QOll tile ~ ~ <br />!lll imount UJaSICI. togIlIIIr w\lll ~1I l:ItInSl ill r-= <br />t!llreot. WlllIin till tlnll PfWICIiIItI by In fmdlJC!ilI; rlJ' <br />extension of such tlmeJ. and tIlat is m ~ara .itl'I S;J::!l <br />rlllulfllmtn1S ralaung 10 ltllftS. ClIIIIlltions. lno:l tom! oUIlt llo.~ <br />and surttln tlltrton. IS may be s;leCifllCl ~ w:IIl'Ig1.lllt~ <br /> <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis- <br />closure of Returns and Return In- <br />formation. <br />t_l DiIcIoIurI of c.rtIIn RtIumI Md <br />Retum lnfonnltlon For Tu ~ <br />PurpoMl.- <br /> <br />(2) Disclosure 01 amount 0' O"lSl.n~,n~ hpn . II. "N'~~' <br />II!!" has been f!l@d oursuant lO stctlC.H'\ ~31!1 ~I'\p .t'!IO~:"lt c.' '~t <br />outslandmo O~"gillon securec 0) su.~ I,en llIil' ~ C:sttClJlClll <br />Iny person who tumls,," nllslactory ..ritt!~ !\~ till! !It <br />hll I rloht In the property subltct to suc~ 'i!n 0' 11'\ltll(!S Ie <br />oblaln a nght tn SUCh proll!rt~ <br />