<br />"".'IlT rlffUlfU' MlIl,n,. II"" UIIlII JU,uli,,,,,un of Broken Bow, BrateD Bow, Nebr.
<br />NO 30112,5 88- 102320 ,4,600.00
<br />Real Estate Mortgage
<br />
<br />Tlt;/llnJ.,.nu-., made thi.....~.!l.~h.. cia,. ot.......~P.F.~:t...................................................... A, D.. 19...{i,~....
<br />between .Thg!!~..H.~..9~!~X,.~H!l..:!!l.~.<<1'!.~.;.~~.~...~=..,9l!.;;~.r.:.,,~,~~.?~??.~~...~.?.~..~~;~,,?,"!!:.,.:~~~~..~?.~..~~.,~~?.~se
<br />
<br />.9.f...,.f.tr..\\..~t:.\\'-t........,.........:.............................,......................... of ....II.....~~!!....................................... CouD~.
<br />
<br />
<br />in the State of N.brulta. the liNt part. and Cuter Federal Suin!t:a and Loa~ Allllociation of Broken
<br />Baw. Brolten Bow. Nebraska. a corporation organized under the law. of the United Statel!l of America. of
<br />the .eeond part.
<br />
<br />W;tll~...,A: nat the .aid p.rt.:ll:>>..., oE th. Eirst part. in ,-...."iJerati(] a aE the .um of...f.~.?~.......
<br />
<br />.1:np.p.~ !m\t,,~ l.~..Hp.!lgf.~g" ~!1!!..!1!~ 1.* 92::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::- Dollars $.'!.I,y.9.9.:.9.9........
<br />
<br />the receipt of which ia Itereby aCknawleclted. do..,.........by these prel!lentl!l !trant. bargain. lIell and convey.
<br />unto said party of the Mcond part. itll SUCCCll!lllOrs and RlIsigns. all of the followin!t dellcribed ,'eal estate
<br />
<br />l!Iituated in the! County of.........,...tl~!1...................... and State of Nebr8lllca. to-wit:
<br />
<br />Lot Eighteen (18), in Block One (I), of Meves First Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />Ineludln. ~I.... au_tie dl.h wub..... built-In air eolldlUo..- built-In eooId... unlta. buUt-ln rorrlnratlon and built-In ___
<br />unit.. automatic wuberw. &1IIomatlc driers. ec.reen... atQnD window.. IIm"f!lI!on dOOl"a. combination .lonn doona. aWnlnp" Irtoken. bot wtltr
<br />hf'1l1i!'f"II. JmII burnenL _ andlor otl hNten, pne.ure l'IumlHl and tanks. Hl'bt f".lu,..... kttch~n ca.blnt-tll. plumbinlf flI1UrM and R1l otbm-
<br />mltC'hanlrll. .pplla~ which a.re now or m.y become attachtld to -.115 property and It III n,rr-eed lhnt Ill. sue,h Pl"Optorty IIbnJl be COD-
<br />.Iel.rod .... put Dr tha ..-l ..tate.
<br />
<br />TO fill. VI'l AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Topther wllh all and .llIlrUl8r, the tpn.monta, h.rrdllam.nlO and appurtonancNl th....-
<br />unto b.lo~D., or In IUIJ' wI_ .ppertalnl..., forever, and W1UT&nt the Uti. to the am...
<br />
<br />J'Il0VlDED ALWAYS, and Ih_ p""".n.. are upon tho opr_ eoftdlllon that If tM ....,d . .TI\Q!I!~!l_ .~,_ .C;:!I;r;!,!'y. a~~. _..._...
<br />
<br />. ~,~q~"gn~, .'-'!-.... ~'ilJ::~>: I.. ~!l~.~. .~~.. ~.~!l.. !I.~~.. ~.-:r.. !'~.. ~.~~.~~.. :r.~~.. :r.~. _~P.~~s~. _ ~~. ~~~~. _~~~~:r: ~.... _ __........ . .
<br />'" ~h~.~r................ haln, e.ecutorw. admtntlltnLtorl ar <<ranteD .hall 1\03" nr (".nU8e lo he ('Illld tc.., ("untt"r Ft"deraJ Sllvlnp ar.d
<br />t-"An A__lIon of I!n>un Bo... Droktlf\ 130... N.b...o..,,: 118 ,u'cMsora or ""ll(tIo. the Bum of . Xp.1,1r _ ~OUs~~':i. .~~. .':l~~~~.e~
<br />~~,4 . n9,~ ~.Q9:::-;::-,-::-:::-:::-.-:::-,-:':'.-:':',-::-.-::-:...:-::':'.....':'.....':':...':'.-:':'.-:':':-:....:-:-:::7:-:7::....::....::....:::-:::-:::-::::-:::-.-::-.-::-:::-.-:~::::~. Dolw..
<br />
<br />with in..,.t, thereon and IUCh m8rJrH .. mAY becom~ rillP tn ""id ""rly or thlt ~nd 11Rrt.. tRndn the trnn~ noel rmutitionq or 1h.. rnnlr.t.rl
<br />~"'i",' Mort..n Nate of the ..,ty or th(ll "...., fJ!lrt or flVf!'n dnte herowidt. nnd hlPrl.hy ~'"' for mflon,':V nth'uUrt'l! 11:'-' ~..,ill :\...........;11'.110. 'Vl.h,,'h
<br />~" 10 l.H!' JNlid in amortJ-.d lnillallmentll .. provullPd hy Mid note. unlil Ute totll' prmJUul of indrb1edna'~~ tn thr ^~..~~lntinn hn!ol t.,,,.rt I~lti in fult
<br />U1dudinl any adwnc. made by Mo~1"8 ~q the mort<<IIKOr, 01' .Ii. 'U1r('~r in tlt1lJ. (01' 8ft\-' Inttt~P.'it"'. nl nn,' linll' I",(on> d1n H'.PA~ nml nm
<br />l"Clltllioo of ihbll'llCJlrtpp. All condition. of Raid ron'nlt'1 J'~i".1 MOI'lI'a.e Note "rtl hy rrrcrt.nt~ I1IRdc n Jlurl ht"rl"nl.
<br />
<br />PARTY OF FIRST PARr he...~ "'rna. traMrl!'1'I and III'!b over to the Morllfllle>C'. to tlf1 nppli<<l tm...anl thr IVI~.nwnt of .hr nu"~ And
<br />.11 .... -...urwcI ~ in CAlM of II defAult in 'he per'onnnncp fJf ..ny of the 'enn.. ,md ro"ditlon" or IhiN MOMI!:tI!" or thl" M"I notf". nil
<br />mota. rewnUIII and incXIalII to be deriYtKI from Chit mortc..<<ed premilMls durink "u..h Urn" ... th" II1UTIJfIlJ;C' indebh..illl~" :'lltolJ IT"lUilUn unp;.ti.1
<br />and the M~ IbaII Uw power to aPP9int any ....nt or 1I1Il'f!"t. it m.~ dPldrr for Ule 'Iuq~ or r""pntrimr RJlill ,'"~mi!Woq at".1 ur ""ntin. 'h...
<br />-.me .nd coIlllCiinw the .-ta.. NWn\IIM and ineome nnd it mny PRY oul of fmift inromM nil (,"pf'n~ ~,f ,..'.'nirin.: snill rnt'l1li!i~ Antt ~('t"'rS."JU'
<br />f.'OIIIIII...... and ~ ineul'l'lKl in renU", and rtUlBaJ(ir1lll' the flllnu, and o' l'nllf'di",~ r~nt.ld~ UI(!rrrmm~ Ill.. hnllm."'t! u'mRininr.. If nn".. h'
<br />be .pp11ed !award Ibe dl8dI.,.. 01 ..hi mort..... indoblOO_. -
<br />
<br />PIIRTY OP 'lRB PJRIlT PART arr- that In Ih. event lh.t till. to lh. I'mperll' ....."ro by thi. !!lor'"""". i. .",Id. .mnor.mod N
<br />~ or II .~ ,ID be _d. Ira_erred Dr ...il'Ded by wh"levpr mMl"" to any o.hcr 1H'!l'm)n, the> ...otin' Uf\ltI11d hatanrp. or thr. nctr.
<br />inte,..., and ~.liIeUI'edjJy &hI. mort..... fll ih.. opUon 0' tho hold~r or 'hiA OInrtRn~t't ..nrt nil thp ifH'f.ht....ln'"s~ fl.PMIO"tI ih,.rt41'V shat!
<br />b.rom. due NId paJ"abIe at 0IICe. "Ibe el'Cfptance of (.ymf!ntR on thr. Indf!.htrllin('lfu, whkh .hi... mor~nr:r iR rrivl'n i\f' '"",,'uri1V ",1.nll not '-n"sti'ut~
<br />· walw.' 01 U. ~ ~ "'.boIde'1 0' the note, IntftrPfllJ indehtI'Clnl!'AA1 nnd mnrtKRRn nnd Ahnll upl nltUlfilllh: II WAIYl'I I.. n...."ll~'.."'h. IInV1urnt
<br />ot .... entire unpiaId ...... of tho 1I01e, In"ren and JnlJeht.edn....". un OM Uu." holder ftJ:f)rotiRly RrnnlN mwh \\ 111\ ,., U1 wTllm..: mill nn 'mrh tNm~
<br />_ the. holder. -r .........
<br />
<br />,. Now, II ... .... ~it. A'~. 01 th. lint p.rt Man CftU8e to tlO pnid to IJI"J".rlV of the Rf'C'O(1d rart lhr nt1\,?wlf ,1.", it under ~nid rontrnd
<br />~ 1Il:~ ..Ii thfJ t.wm. thereof, and comply with ..n I,h(' pro\'hdnm. nn RlCl'ft"mr.nll'l in Hnie noli' .'tmL'1l11t d. ttwo thl'~' 11~H"nl'J ~hi'tll
<br />1M .......; oIharwIaa .. full fon>a .nd elr&c:l, and m"y "" (ol?rl"".d ... In onid ""ntme! nol. pm"I"...!.
<br />
<br />
<br />,.. WITH'" WH...IOI'. the.Jd 118rt.:l.e.ll. of,tha flret part ha.'!'!'!.. h...unto lit ....~!1.~:L!:.............. h.nd.Ii... tho
<br />
<br />....... ,.. n.. .... .........
<br />
<br />.Recelpt is hereb~ acknowledged
<br />
<br />Rf..':.~RP~-.~f..t:h~A..\lJ.P.~J:'.V1'\I!I\t;... ... ......... .... ~..~
<br />
<br />WAT. 01' H....MICA
<br />0.-.. .. Hall
<br />
<br />}-
<br />
<br />
<br />.'..11._........_................................................
<br />
<br />\..
<br />
<br />ChI........~~.1;~_ .......t!P,Z;~,~...................., ,..~~ ..berote "'. Ih. u"d.roID".d, 0 N.hry Publlo dull' oommlnlo...d
<br />............,.,.... ......l1li,.. .W -ntr. _nally o.m. ... '!'!J:~~~~..~:. .~~.~~X. _~~~. _~~~~l!-~.~~.r!~. .~:.. .~?~~!.~..~.~~.~.
<br />J~.M!I..!l,~~..!'.~~.~'m.~~~~~..~~~. .~.~, ,~p.,?~~~.. ~~. .~~ch.. ?~~.~~.~............ _....... .........,....,.....,.... ........
<br />.. - ~.. lie............ ,...... .r..t1la4 fn and who ....out... th. foraDolnD Inolrum"nt .. aranlor. S... _ .nd ..know........
<br />tM _.. lie ,....~I\,;i.l'....... ...Iunta., at .nd d..d.
<br />..,.,........... .... Hetarlal .... the d.,. ond ye.r '.at .bev. ,":It~n.<f'_ ' /J'-"
<br />. hA "l ;anD ....~~c.;;"'hl~d...".....
<br />.., ._-,... L ...... ...;';.\0.'1''' /.. ,.<.1.1<.... v Not.ry Publl..
<br />
<br />g:-:<<r.:-r=1
<br />
<br />'.
<br />