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<br />I <br /> <br />10. Borrower Mol AeIeeMd: ForbNrance By Lender Not . Waly,K. ~~S=l the 1eQr2a19odlficatlon at amortization althe sums S8\..'"UrecI by this Security Instrument <br />gnw1Ied by Lender 10 any successor in interest or Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the anginal Borrower or Borrower's SUCCClSSOrs in interest. Lender shall not be required <br />10 carrwnence proceedings againsl any successor in inletest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason <br />01 an,- demand made bf'he origln,l Eforrower or Borrower's successors In Inlerest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of"'Or preclude the <br />exen:iee of any nght or temedy.: .'" \ J <br />11. SUcc:euora IIIId AuIgne Bound: JoInt and SewnlI liability: Ci>algnera. The covenants Bnd agreements of Ihis Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and <br />asugns at Ler.der and Borrower. SUbject to Ihe provIsions at paragraph 17 Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co.signs this Security Instrument <br />but does not execute lhe Note: (81 is co-signln'llhis Secunly Instrument only to mortgage. grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument; <br />1b) IS not personally obhgated to pay lhe sums secured by this Security Instrument: and (c) agrees thai Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exl8nd. modify, forbear or make any <br />accommodations With regard to Ihe terms of this Security Instrument or the Note Without thai Borrower's consent. <br />12. Lan ChargH. It lhe loan secured by j1is Security Instrumenl is subject to a law whiCh sets maximum loan charges. and Ihallow is finally inrerpreted 50 that the interest or other loan <br />"'- cotIecIed or 10 be collected in connection wilh the loan exceed Ihllpermitted limits. Ihen: la) any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge <br />10" permi\I8d limit; and Ib) any sums aInIady collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded 10 Borrower. Lender may choose 10 make this refund by reducing <br />.. prindplII owed _the NoCe or by making a direct payment 10 Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduClion will be trealed .. a parIlal prepaymenl wllhoul any prepayment charge <br />_tIle_. <br />13. ~ ..._ng....-.. RIgMa. II enactmenl or explretion of applicable law. h.. Ihe eneel of rendering any plOVis.on of the Note or this Securily Instrument unenforesetle <br />8talnIng 10 its 1elmII, Lender, at its opIlon. may require Immediale paymenlln Iuli 01 all sums secured by !hi. Security Instrumanl and may Invoke any _ perminad by paragraph 19. <br />. Lender exarcIoealhia opIlon. Lender shaJllalte the steps specified In !he sacond paragraph of paragraph 17, <br />14. --. Arty nolice 10 Borrower prD\/idad for in Ihl. Security In.trumenl shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by finl1 class mail unless appIlcabIe law requl..... usa of another <br />- The nolice lIhalI be directed 10 the Property Add.... or any other address Bonowet' de.ignales by nolice 10 Lend.... Atry ""lice to Lerid6r Shall be given by first cIaas mail 10 Lender's <br />- - - or any Olher _.. Lender designates by notice 10 Borrower. Any nolk:e provided for In !his Security Instn'manl shall be deemed to have been given 10 Borrower or <br />...- when given .. p<llIIided in !hIs paragraph, <br />15. ~ a.-: -....ltty. This Security Instrumenl shall be governed by federal law and Ihe law of the JurisO':-;' .'" .n ." !he Property Is IocaIad. In the evenllhal any plOVision <br />or _ of this Securily Instrument or the Nola conflicts wllh applicable '- such conftlct shall not affect othar plOVi.."..... :hro ~ecurily Inslrumenl or the Nota whlch can be given effect <br />_the c:onIIictlng provioion. To this end the provision. oIlh1. Secunty In.trumenl .nd Ihe Note are declared to be _dOle. <br />11. 1Iorrower'.~. Borrower shall be given one conlonned copy 01 the Nola and of Ihis Secunly Instrument. <br />17. '1t8nafw of die Property or. ~11m.r.t: In Borrower. If all or any pan 0' the Property or any interest In it is sold or transferred (or if a beneficial interesl: in 80rrQwer is sold <br />Of ~ and Borrower is nol a natural person) wilhout Lender's poor wrinen consent. Lender may. at its option. require immediate payment in full of aU sums secured by this Security <br />k1IIrumenl However. this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument <br />" l.endef exel'ClS8a thts opbon, Lender shall gMI Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall prt)Vtde a penod 01 not Jess than 30 days from Ihe date the notice is deIMtr8d or mailed <br />...., wntcn Borrow8r must pay all sums secured by this Security InstnJment It Borrower rails to pay these sums prior to the expiration or this period, Lender may invoke any remeal8S permitted <br />by this Securily instrumant without IutIher I10lica or demand on Borrower, <br />11. 1Iorrower'. Riglllto ~. If Iloml\Jer ~ certain condition.. Borrower shall hllWl!he nghtlo hllWl enlo"""",,"1 of thi. Security tnstrument diacontinueCl at any lima priOr 10 <br />the _ of: la) 5 days (or such _ period .. applicable law may specity tor reinstatamenl) before sate of the Property pursuant 10 any power of sale contained in this Secunty Instrument: <br />or Ib}-*y of a i~ enfordng this Secunty Instrument. Those condition. are !hat Borrower: lal pays Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument arod Il18 <br />- had no acceIeraIlon occumld: ib} cure. any default of any o!her COlIIlfUII1t. or agreement.: IC) pays all expenses mcumld In enfon:lng this Security Inslrumenl. irdulling. bul nollimrted <br />10. __ 1IlIorneyI' f_: .nd Ill) t_ such action .. Lender may reasonsbly 10 assure Ihalthe lien of !his Secunry Instrumem. Lender's rights in the PIcpeI1y and Borrower's <br />~ to pay the sums secured by this Security instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon relnslalament by Borrower. Ih.. Secunty In.trument and Il18 ~ 88WJed hereby shall <br />-1uIIy eIf_ as if no aa:aIaratJon had occumld. _, Ihls nghllo reinstala shall not apply In the case 01 aa:aIaral1on under paragraphs 13 or 17. <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenanl and agree .. follow.' <br />11. ~...._: AemecIIIL ~ -II'" _10 IIomIwIr prior 10 acc_ IoIlowIng Borrower'. _ 01 ony __ 01' ~ In _ SecwIIy InIIrurMnl <br />1IIuI- prior 10 ......rIIIon ...- ........... 13 oncI17 un.... oppIIc8bIo law _kin _"I. The _ _ apectIy: (.)lIle ~ (lIll1le -''''''-10 cure lIle <br />-: (ell -. ncI....o.n 30 days from lIle _lIle _ II gIwn 10 _. by whlc:l1l1le _n _ be ......: _ (eI) _ _10 cure lIle dIIsuIt an or _ <br />.. - "",-In lIle _ _ _In .".1'_ oIlIle oums __ by till. Security In.lnItIwIt oncI_ oIlIle~. The _ _ _ _ _ 01 <br />..rlghtto..--_ ..,.1. _._ ..rtgIIllo brtnglcaurt_ lO_lIle _I_oil _0I'___of_Io.1 ,. -,,___" <br />.......... II ncI...... an 01' _lIle _"",-In lIle _. ~ II lis option _ _I.. _......-tin lull 01........ __..,. this SecwIIy InoIlI...- <br />__fUrtlllrdlnllncl_ ruvllMlll.llIIllDlNfol.... oncI any _1WIMlIIH l*1li'_ by .1IPI1CaIIII1IW. L_ _1lA 6lIIllIiId 10 _II _Ino:un..tln..-*'ll <br />lIle......... pnrwIdod In this ~ 11. Inc:tudlng. bul_l~ to. ____1lIOmIyI' _ _ COllI of __ <br />-... po-. of _Is -. 'IIu8Ise _ -.I I _ oI_n In _ county In _ lIlY 1*1 oIlIle ~ I. _ _ _ _.,....... 01_ _In lIle <br />-...-.....,.~lawto__tollle____by oppI_....Alllrllle___..,.~.... ~_gIwpullllc_ <br />of_tollle_ _In lIle _ __ by ~ law. nu...., wl~'Nlut _ an _. _t _lIle Property II puIIIIc_Io........- _11_ <br />--...... _...-lIle __ -,-In lIle _ 01.... In _ or mora parcsi. _In.", _ _ _ _...., ___ _of II or.., psrQI <br />of lIle "-'Y by puIIIIo _Illlle _ _...... of.., prsvIouI/y"'-" _. ~ or lis -.... _,,-lIle ~...,__ <br />Upon I8WIpt of......-t '" lIle ptIm bid, _ I11III __to lIle purc_ nu...... _ eOflW'tlngllle~. The _In lIle ~'I _ _ be prkM .... <br />__of tIIIt lnItII of 1lII_ .....1IWWIn. nu_ _ -'Y lIle ~ of lIle _In lIle following onIIr. C.IIo... __ of_ -. bulncl_ <br />IDo --..--......-..,......-...___._..,.' -;(bllosll__bythlslscurlly--.r._(C}snr_IO__or_ <br />....., _10 II. <br />20. ~ In _ Upon 1CCIIar1_ under porlllrapl1 '9 or ~ 01 me Property, ~ I"' pe<SOn, by sgsnI or by judicisIy ___ ~ _ "'_to <br />- upon. - ...-. 01_ '"""-tile Property and 10_ the rsnta oIlha PIcpeI1y .rcIucling IhoN put _. Any..... c:oIIICIId by l.Indor or lha _ _... oppIiId hr$l <br />10___01...-.01........... of lha PIcpeI1y and _ 01 rsnts. onc:Iuding. bul 1101_10, _'. _. _ on _.. __ -snomsvs'''''. and <br />....... tile ..... IIlUId by thIa Secur1ly -. <br />21. _.~ Upon I*Y"*1I 0111 sumo SICUIWCl by thIS Secunty In.trument. ~ _ _I lrust.. to I"ICOl1Wy me Property and snaJl_!IUs Seamty InslJUI1'_ ana <br />II .- -.cIng _ IIlUId by IhII SecurtIy InstrumsnllO Trusl.. Tru.... ShaU I"ICOl1Wy the PIOOIfIY wtlhOut WIIT8nly end wrtI10ut chIrge 10 lha pe<SOn or parsons IIgIIIy _ to <br />d. Such pe<SOn or _ tI1aI PlY any ___ COIlS. <br />lI2. .-.. ~ Lender. SlIlS oplIOn, may from bm8 10 Ume rwmove Tru... and appoInl . .ucce.... trul1.. 10 any Tru.." 8IJIlCIInled _ by an onstrumInI_ on the <br />COUIIIy in wllicnlhla SIcurIly Instrument os rscorded. WIIhoul conveysncs oIlha PIOOIfIY, the IIUCCISIDr lrust.. snaU succeed 10 IU the _, _ end dunes ~ upon T_ ........ <br />_ by oppIicMM 1M, <br />:D. ......- lor --. Borrowotr raquesls that _ of the nollCa. of Oafaull and ..Ie be sanl '0 Borrowotr'. addlUS which IS me Property Address. Borrowotr Iurtner _ tIW <br />capiM oIlha I10lIcII of _ and ... be sent to sac:h pe<SOn who I. . party _0 .llhe ._ of such penon sa! forth _. <br />:M. -'10 _1IecutIIy -. If one or rnors nders are executed by Borrowotr .nd recorded logether WIlh !his Seamty InslIUmem. the ~ and __ of.1Ch """" <br />- - be inc:orpcntld .nlO and shall amend end supplemantlhe coven.nts and agreement. ollh.. Security Instrument u d the ndsr1., went a pan ollhls Ssc:unIy Instrument. (Ched< <br />....,..,.. boICI")) <br />o AdIu'- Rall_ <br /> <br />O GrsdualId Payment Rider <br /> <br />o Olhetl') (opecifyJ <br /> <br />o CondomllllUm Rider <br />~ Planned Unrt Developmenl Rider <br /> <br />o 2-4 FsmiIy Rider <br /> <br />BY SIGNIIoIG BELOW, Borrowotr accepIa end aglll8. to Ins term. and ctMlflanl. contained In Ih.. Secunty Instrumen. and on any ndert., execu'ed by Borrower ana recortle<l W1lI1.t <br /> <br />"r:1- ';, " _<-,->v .f <br />'y-;rL ,,,:;,," <br />L..../ L' <br /> <br />L.'t'~...:; ..>"2 - -t _ ..:' __~ <br /> <br />( <br />"'{ <br />. 7~V' <br />, " <br /> <br />'(,<:~ <br /> <br />l5<!aH <br />--..- <br /> <br /><('-'-"'Jt <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />i5<!all <br />-ao..o- <br /> <br />[Spece Below Thla U... For AcknowtldgllMNrt) <br /> <br />~of_ <br />Ilall <br />2 <br /> <br />.s <br /> <br />County of: <br />Onlh!to <br /> <br />~lay <br />dl\' of <br />Jerome L. Geil'Jer <br /> <br />~E <br /> <br />88 <br />. 1 9 _. beIorw me, a Notaty Public In lho Slat. of <br />and ~~~~~XJ. r,ei~er. Husband and wife <br />Dlanne <br />10 IIlI pe<SOnalIy known to be the person(., named In _ who executed the foregojn<;j instrument. .nd acllllowlldged lh.t <br />~acl_~. <br />II GlNIRAlNOTARY.S'alaa'N.b, <br />My Comm..-, ""- ~ JEANNE M SCHROER <br />Mv Ca~",. Exp,J.n. 29,1992 <br /> <br />-*'Y~ <br /> <br />executed Ihe same as <br /> <br />r": <br /> <br />.'It.. , ,,\' <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br /> <br />-~ <br /> <br />,,' <br /> <br />~ 01_..... <br /> <br />County aI: <br /> <br />Onlhi. <br /> <br />L -oIIy- <br /> <br />.s <br /> <br />day 01 <br /> <br />. 1 9 _. berore me, a Notary PubliC In the Stale 0' <br /> <br />to me penonaty knowfllo blt me perJOn(11 named In and Who eXIICu1ed lhe foregOIng Instrument, and acknowledged Ihal <br />0I0Iuntary act ..., _ <br />My eo.nm-.on Eo_ <br /> <br />Bxecuted the same I1S <br /> <br />NOTARY PUBLIC <br />