<br />88- 102310
<br />
<br />If Lender required morlpge. insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Securil)' Instrument.
<br />Borrower shall pay Ihe prelT\ilimVeqiiired to maintain the insurance in effecl unlil s!.ch lime as the requirement for the
<br />insurance lerminates in accordance:witp Borrower's and Lender's written agrc:c:ment or applicable law.
<br />8. Inspection." ..L!:n~erofitogenl may, make reasonable entries upon and inspeclions of the Propeny. Lender
<br />shall give Borrower nOlice attlie iiiiieof or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause fur Iheinspection.
<br />9, Condemnation. The proceeds or any award or claim for damages. direcl lor consequ~!\tial. in conneclion with
<br />any condemnation or olher taking of any pari of the Properl)'. or for com'"j :.nee ia lieu of condemnation. are hereby
<br />assigned and shall be paid 10 Lender.
<br />In Ihe event' of a total laking of the ProperlY, the proceeds shall be applied 10 the sums secured by this Securit).
<br />Inslrumenl. whether or nOlthen due, with an)' excess paid to Borrower. [n Ihe event ofa panial taking of the Peopen)'.
<br />unless Borrower and Lender olherwise agrc:c: in writing, the sums secured by this Security Instrument shall be reduced by
<br />the amount of the proceeds multiplied by Ihe following fraclion: (a) the tOlal amount of the sums secured immedialely
<br />before the taking, divided by (b) the fair markel value of the Propeny immedialely before the taking. An)' balancf- shaU be
<br />paid 10 Borrower.
<br />If the Propeny is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after nOlice b)' Lender 10 Borrower Ihaltbe condemnor oII'crs 10
<br />make an award or senle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender .'ithin 30 da)'s afler the date the DOtice is
<br />gi\len, Lender is authorized 10 collect and apply the proceeds. at its option. eilher to restoralion or repair oflhe Propen)' or
<br />10 the sums secured by Ihis SecUn1~' Instrumenl, whelher or nOI then due.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrc:c: in writing. any applicalion of proceeds to principal sbaIl DOl exlmd or
<br />postpone the due date of the mont hly payments referred to in paragraphs) and 1 or change Ihe 3IIIounl or web pa)"JDCIllS..
<br />10. Borrower ~ot Reltutd; Forbearance By Leader Not. Waiwu. Extension of the time for pa)-ment or
<br />modificalion of amoMlzalion of Ihe sums secured by Ihis Securil)' Inslrumenl granted b~' Lender 10 lUI~ wccessor in
<br />Inleresl of Borro....er shall nOI operate 10 release the liability of the original Borrower or Borro....cr.s Slll:CCSSOn in inl~.
<br />Lender 5hall no. be required 10 commence proceedings against any successor In mteresl or refllliC to Cl.tend lime for
<br />paymenl or olherwise modif)'lmonization of Ihe sums secured by Ihis Securit). Instrumenl b)' r~ of;m~' ~ ~
<br />by the original Borrower or Borrower-~ successors In interest. Any fortleAl'3nec b)' Lender in exercising an)' n!hl or remcd)'
<br />shall nOI be a ....ai\ler of or pl'Cl:lude the: exercise of any righl or remedy.
<br />11. s.ec_. and AlaiplIIolIIld; Joinl and Sntnd Liability; ~ The: L"O\'e:lWlts and :apecmml" (I{
<br />this Security Inslrumenl shall bind and benefill he successors and assigns of LendC' and &orm.'cr. subject 10 lbe prtJ\6IOII"
<br />of paragraph 17. Borro....er... co'.enants and agreements shall be joinl and se\'cral. An!>, Borro.'C' .'00 ClHiptlo Ibis Secum)
<br />[nstrumenl but does nor ellecule: the NOle: (al is co-signing Ihis Security [nstrumenl onl~. 10 monPJC. ~I and oon\C)
<br />that Borrower"s Inlerest in the Pro~ny under the lerms of Ihls Secunly Instrumenl; (b) IS nOI pen.otWly obIipted 10 Ja}
<br />the sums secured by this Sc:curit)' Inslrument; and (c) ..rees Ihal Lender and any other Borm.tt ma) ~ 10 alend.
<br />modify, forbear or make any accommodations ....jth reprd 10 Ihe Ie:nns of Ihis Securil) In..trumcnl or lhe Sou .1thoul
<br />that BorrOll"er', consent.
<br />1%. Loa <:.1Iar&n. If Ihe loan .ecured by this SecunlY [nslrument is subject 10 a III. ..hlch ~lo nuumum loan
<br />chal'Jcs. and that law is finally inlerpreled so that the inlerest or olher loan chaft,~ collecled or III he ooIlected In
<br />connection .ith the loan ellceed Ihe permitted limits, lhen: (a) an). ,uch loan chafle ,hall be reducm b)' the :amounl
<br />necC\Slry 10 n:duce Ihe char,e 10 the permitted limit: and (b) any sum.. already collecled front Rorro.-er v.hich C1CCICdc:d
<br />pmnitted limits will be refunded 10 Borrower Lender mlY choose 10 make Ihl.. rd'und b~' redueln~ lhe rnna!'AI o.c:d
<br />under the NOle or by making a dil'Cl:l pa)'ment to Borro....er. )fa refund reduces principal. Ihe reduction .,11 be nDled a.. a
<br />panI.1 prqleyment wilhoul an)' prepay'menl charge under Ihe Note.
<br />U. I.etlhIattorl Atrecdlll l..tndet"l RI..... If enaclmenl or e~rlration of arrlicaNe la.", !g.. lhe dl'e.ct l'f
<br />renderin,any provision of Ihe Note or Ihi.. Security Instrument unenforceable according 10 liS lerm~ Lender.alll.. ~I(Ift.
<br />ma~' require immediale paymenl In full of all sums secured by lhi, Secunt). [n..trument and may In\ole iUI)' ftmedteS
<br />permitted by para,raph 19. If Lender uercises this l'ption. Lender shall lake the SICJl!> "1'CCilled in lhe second parapaplt (I{
<br />parasraph 17.
<br />14. ~otkeI. Any' nOllce: to Borro....c:r pro\'ided for tn IhlS Secunt). Instrumenl ..h:lll he Fl\en hy de:h\'e:nn~ II OT tl}
<br />mallin, n by fiDI clui mail unles.. applicable law requires UiC of another method. The: nOllce 1I.hall be dlC<<ted ({II lhe
<br />Propen)' AddreH or an)' other address Borrower desipates by' nOllce to Lender An~ notIce 10 Lender shall be p\'en h}.
<br />linl cia. mail 10 Lender's address slaled herem or any other address Lender dCSI,nalC'lo by nOllce to BorrolII.tt ....ny. nOllce
<br />provided for In Ihili Sc:curit)' Initrumenl shall be deemed 10 ha\'e been ,h'en 10 Borm....er or Lendl'r .'hen tn\'CI'I a~ rnn1ded
<br />In thili parasraph.
<br />15. Gowemi.. Law; Senr.blllt)'. TIlls Sc<:unl)' Inslrumelll ~hllll !)c iltl\e:",ed b~ fntl'r.tlla. and Ihl' III"" ,-(Ihl'
<br />Jurlsdiclion in .'hieh the Property ii located. In the l'\'ent that any pro\'I~lon or dau~ "f lhll Sc.:unly lalln:menl or lhe:
<br />NOle conllietli ....jlh applicable la",', such conftict ihall nOI affecl other rro\l\lOOl of Ihil Sc:cunl~ In~Irumenlllr Ihe: S\lle:
<br />which CIU be gi\len dec! wilhout the confticlin, pro\liilOD. To thll end Ihe pn1\'lslon~ of Ihl~ Sc.:unl) In~lrumenl and lhe
<br />NOIe: are: dec:1ared to be ie\lerable.
<br />16. Borrower', Copy. Borrowe:r shall be gi\'en onc ,'unformed cop~ "f I he S"It' ,mol of Ihl' Sc.:unt~ In\tntRlt'nl
<br />17. TraaII" of die Property or I lleaeRclallnlefelt In Borrower. If all or all~ pan of Ihe: I'rorc:n)' or an)
<br />Inlernt in it is sold or tramferred (or if a benc:/icial inlerest in Borfil....cr I~ ..old or Irall,ferred IIl1d 8orro..er ., nOl II natural
<br />per!lOn) wilhout Lender's prior wrinen consent, Lender ma)'. II ils oplion. requlTl~ nnmedulle p.II~'menl In full (If all ,um~
<br />secun:d by Ihit Sc<:urily Inslrume:nt. However. this oplion shall nOI be e~e"'I!ol-d h~ Lende:r If C~e:rcl\C I' pmhihiled b~.
<br />federal law as of the date: of!his Security IUlitrument.
<br />If Lender Cllerciscs thi.s option. r .ender shall sive Borrower IIollce of acce:lerauon The: 1ll111.l' ,hall I'm\ Ide II pem>d
<br />of not lesuhan JOday, flom Ihedalc the notice isdeli\lered or maIled "'.nhll1....hlch Bt'ff(l\\,el mU\1 ra~ all \Unl....c:.:ured h~
<br />lhi, Securil)' Initrumenl, JrBoril)'NCr faili to pay these suml pnor III tht' e~p1TlIlUln of lhl~ I'l'flod. tender ma~ nl\.,ke an~
<br />remedlel permined by this Sc<:urity .nstrilmenl Wilhoul furthernollce: or de:mand 1111 BI,rro\\cr
<br />II. Borrower"RIPI to Rei....... If Borrower mc:c:ls certam "nndnmll', Horro...,'r ,halllut\e II", n~ht 10 ha\e
<br />enfolc:ancnl of this Security Instrument disconlinued al any wne rnor "'lhe carher of lul ~ <.Iay\ hlr ,udlolher I'l'n.><.I...
<br />aPJllicable law may spec:ify for reinlilalc:me:nl) before \lIle of Ihe PrOl'l'rl~ PUT\lllllll ltllln~Jl<'\\er of ,all- ""llIumed IIIlh"
<br />,Sc:curil)' In~trumenl; or (b) cnlf)' of II judgment enforcinlllhl~ Se~Unl) In'lrulI1"1I1 Th",1:' ,'\111<.111'''11\ IIrt .h;.1 n"rn,..'er
<br />(III PI)'I under all sums ....hich Ihen would be due under thl~ Sc:,'urll~ III"rul11enl nlld the ~"'e had 1111 '........Jerall""
<br />occurred; (bl curn any de:fauh Qf any othl'r covc:nanl~ or IIgreemellh. (I:) I'II~" 1II1e~pcll'e' Ill,'urr,'d III cl1t.'r"I1l~ Ih"
<br />Sc:curil)' 'n\lrUmenl, including, bUIllCt1 limited 10. re:llhonable HIlOIII")'" feeh. an<.l 4<.11 la~,'" \lll"h aellnn '" I,'nder nlil~
<br />rU!KIIlably requlle 10 lur.ure Ihallhe hen of Ihl' Se.urll~ IIIhlrurne:II1. trllll,'r', f1llhl' III the I'r"pl'n) 1l11l1 Bnn"...,,',
<br />obh,alion 10 JIll) the hUm\ ,ccured 1,'';1 Ihlh Sc:.urn) In~trulI\l'nl ~hllll C"IIIII1U" UII, hlll1~e<.l ll'IlI1 rei 11"a','llIel1 1 ,,,
<br />8orrn.l'r. thl\ Sc:CUfll) Inltrurncrlllln(J Ihe uhlig.llo", 'l'curt'd herd') ,hull","".." flllh dl"','ll\" 'I' If 11" an'd,'r:u"'11 IliId
<br />lIccurrrd lio"'t'.cr, rhl' fight ((1 rem".tc .hall tHlI uPI'I) Illlhe nIL" lIf II< ,rlrrnll"" ul1der p"rn~1 aI"" l' '" I"
<br />